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Sarah was born on 25 Oct 1714 and died on 28 Apr 1737 in Yarmonth. [PCR 5:275, 8:175, 198]. It appears he was accompanied by the pregnant widow of his master and probably took with him the missing press of Brewster, as well as the telltale type and initials from Brewster; Raban also apparently took with him the Sol press and type. (c1602 - c1679/80)Mayflower passenger 1620. Children of George and Mary (Bucket) Soule: Mayflower Families In Progress, George Soule, part 1, by Louise W. Throop. 1620-1633 Vols I-III. Henry Howland, brother of John Howland, Mary Louise "Meryl" Streep (born June 22, 1949) is an American actress. John Tilley, Joan (Hurst) Rogers, Elizabeth Tilley, John Howland, Thomas Rogers, Joseph Rogers, Richard Warren, William Brewster and his wife, Mary, Edward Doty, James Chilton, Susanna Furner, Mary Chilton, William White, Susanna Jackson, and Resolved White, Jordana Brewster (born April 26, 1980) is an American actress and model. George Soule Famous memorial Birth 1590 Death Jan 1679 (aged 88-89) . James married Mary Jane Armstrong on 14 Dec 1885. Privacy Policy | ContactMe 2010-2023 George married Fanney E. Badley on 2 Feb 1887. John Tilley, Joan (Hurst) Rogers, Elizabeth Tilley, John Howland, Richard Warren, Stephen Hopkins, Giles Hopkins, William Brewster and his wife, Mary, and Henry Samson, Sarah Louise Palin (ne Heath; born February 11, 1964) is an American politician, commentator, and author who served as the ninth Governor of Alaska from 2006 until her resignation in 2009. Committee to draw an order concerning the disorderly drinking of tobacco [! He became an assistant in a cabinet shop when he was twelve years of age serving an apprenticeship of two years, after which he worked as a carpenter and bridge-builder. In 1857 he came to Sanilac County and entered a claim of eighty acres of land. All Rights Reserved. He was born in Bristol Maine, the fifth son of Joshua and Mary (Cushman) Soule. and Milton E. Terry, PhD--Revised by, Robert S. Wakefield, FASG-Published by, General Society of Mayflower Descendants-1992-George Soule and his Descendants for Five GenerationsJohn E. Soule, Col, USA, Ret, M.C.E. It is supposed that George Soule was in London when he joined Winslow on the voyage. Donec gravida mi a condimentum rutrum. Clarissa was born in 1783 and died on 16 Jul 1858 in Eustis Maine. Allrightsreserved. To put his youngest daughter to inherit his estate ahead of his eldest son would have been a major humiliation for John Soule. Francis Cooke, Isaac Allerton, Mary Norris, Mary Allerton, and Degory Priest, Peter Seeger (May 3, 1919 January 27, 2014) was an American folk singer and social activist. The small, 100-foot ship had 102 passengers and a crew of about 3040 in extremely cramped conditions. He was an excellant administrator and was recognized as an authority on polity. 3 [1981]) was the descendants of George Soule, and was the work of John E. Soule and Milton E. Terry. John Billington. BIRTH: By about 1602 based on date of marriage. John Tilley, Joan (Hurst) Rogers, Elizabeth Tilley, John Howland, Isaac Allerton, Mary Norris, Degory Priest, Richard Warren, John Cooke, and Francis Cooke, Franklin Delano Roosevelt (January 30, 1882 April 12, 1945) was an American statesman and political leader who served as the 32nd President of the United States. Susan married Cyrus Ludington, son of Joseph Ludington and Sarah Jane Dibble, on 18 Apr 1890. What's New! COMMENTS: Bradford, in his list of passengers of the Mayflower, included George Soule as one of "two men-servants" of Mr. Edward Winslow [Bradford 441]. Read more, Alicia Christian "Jodie" Foster (born November 19, 1962) is an American actress, director, and producer. This authoritative work by Robert Charles Anderson identifies and describes all Europeans who settled in New England prior to the end of 1633. All Rights Reserved. Edward Winslow, Susanna Jackson, and Richard Warren, John Felix Anthony Cena (born April 23, 1977) is an American professional wrestler and actor. In 1651, Gov.
Soule On 3 January 1636/7 George Soule and Nathaniel Thomas sued and countersued each other over two heifers [PCR 7:4]. [1][4][26], First in 1642 and last in 1662, he was assigned to at least five grand and petty juries. He was married in 1857 to Susan Blake who was born September 1, 1839 and is the daughter of William and Elizabeth(Darch)Blake, natives of England where Susan was born. General Notes:Sources;George Soule and his Descendants for Four Generations-Originally compiled by, John E. Soule, Col. USA, Ret, M.C.E. Alex was born about 1867. Read more, is descended from His origins are unknown, although research conducted by Caleb Johnson in 2009 suggests the possibility of George, son of William and Joan Soule, who was baptized at Tingrith, Bedford, England, 9 February 1594/95. His plan provided for a deleggated and representive General Conference, which was subject to six restrictive rules, to have legislative authority for the denomination. 1 and 2 George Soule found in U.S., New England Marriages Prior to 1700 George Soule found in American Genealogical-Biographical Index (AGBI) 28 October 1645, 3 March 1645/6, 7 July 1646, 1650, 5 June 1651, 7 June 1653, 7 March 1653/4, 6 June 1654.
PDF Home of the descendants of mayflower passenger George Soule A presumed son born about 1525, and by naming patterns was probably named Georg, would have married about 1555 perhaps in Brussels, and thus would have been the father of Jan Sol of the 1586 marriage record in London. William married Margaret Smith. He received one acre in the 1623 land division as did Marie Bucket. The name of Mary Bucket, his wife, who came in the Anne, should be looked for in the parish of St. Botolph, Aldersgate, London. This tells us he was at least 21 years old, thus born in 1599 or earlier. The land at the "watering place" in south Plymouth was sold the next year, possibly as he was living in Duxbury at that time and did not need his property in south Plymouth. In 1637 his name is on the list of those who volunteered as soldiers if the need came up. Edmund was born about 1654. Plymouth, Massachusetts, before 1626 prob. John Soule (1632-1707) DEATH: Between 20 September 1677 (codicil to will) and 22 January 1679[/80] (date of inventory), and probably closer to the latter date. Dedicated on August 1, 1889, it is thought to be the world's largest solid granite monument. John was born on 14 Apr 1869 in Bingham Twp-Huron County, Michigan and died on 31 May 1961 in Bad Axe, Huron County, Michigan.
Selina was born on 4 Oct 1874 in Victoria County Ontario, Canada and died on 4 May 1959 in Sanilac County, Michigan. William Bradford, James Chilton, Susanna Furner, Mary Chilton, and Francis Cooke, Jane Seymour Fonda (born December 21, 1937) is an American actress, writer, political activist, former fashion model and fitness guru. At the age of 26, Soule wrote the constitution of the Methodist Episcopal church. Soule, Georgeservant to Edward Winslow, 21-25; Standish, Mylesnon-Separatist, 23. The information from Alexander Soules manuscript as sent by Veda Timko for the 1992 edition of the Soule notebook states that Alexander Soule moved Samuel's and Mary's headstones from London,Ontario in 1858. Author Caleb Johnson estimates she married George Soule about 1625 or 1626. By reviewing the Mayflower passenger list, descendants can often get their first clue. Read more, is descended from SUSANNA SOULE, b. say 1642; m. by 1662 Francis West (eldest known child b. by 1662[MFIP Soule 5]). Zachariah was born by May 1627 and died in Duxbury before 11 December 1663. In 1877, when she was 72, two burglers entered her room. General Notes:William was a quiet man, a farmer and a Christian. 10th great-granddaughter Mary Winthrop Gooding Prolific Mayflower Descendant 6th great-granddaughter Vanessa Hudgens TV, Movie and Stage Actress 11th great-granddaughter Julie Bowen TV and Movie Actress 10th great-granddaughter Levi Parsons Morton 22nd U.S. Three years later, on 5 June 1671, he was fined for "telling several lies which tended greatly to the hurt of the Colony in reference to some particulars about the Indians." Bertha married Meriness Turpening on 25 Dec 1895. He has been tentatively identified as son of John Soule of Eckington, Co. Worcester, and problably kinsman to Robert Soule, a wealthy London salter, who died in 1590 a native of Eckington. References George Soule (c1593-1678)/List of Famous Descendants MainTour Plymouth Colony George Soule - George Soule Mayflower Passenger - Wikipedia Asenath married William Lowe on 27 May 1793. Bishop of the Methodist Episcopal Church. Droitwich, the family home of the Winslows at that time, was a salt mining place connected in a business way with the Salters' Company of London in trade, and thus the Winslow-Soule association was extablished. Known for her fierce independence and spirited personality, Hepburn was a leading lady in Hollywood for more than 60 years. Read more, is descended from [26], Marie/Mary Buckett, wife of George Soule. It is always preferable to locate primary records where possible. Each individual or family entry includes (when known) the port or country of origin; when and on what ship they arrived in New England; the earliest known record of the individual or family; their first and subsequent residences; return trips to their country of origin; marriages, births, and deaths; and other important family relationships. BIBLIOGRAPHIC NOTE: In 1980 the General Society of Mayflower Descendants published a genealogy of five generations of descent from George Soule as the third volume in its series of silver volumes [John E. Soule and Milton E. Terry, Mayflower Families Through Five Generations, Volume Three: George Soule (Plymouth 1980), ed. [18], The Mayflower departed Plymouth, England on 6/16 September 1620. Samuel married Mae Rebecca Thomas, daughter of William H. Thomas and Margaret Smith. William Brewster. Plymouth grand jury, 7 March 1642/3, 6 June 1643 [PCR 2:53, 56]. Buy the print edition of The Pilgrim Migration: Immigrants to Plymouth Colony 1620-1633. Elizabeth was born about 1644 and died after 1667. Copyright 1994-2020, 1422.
Who Are the Mayflower Descendants? - New England Today When finally published with all names of signers, only Soule was still alive from the print work crew. Assessed 9s. However, recent DNA testing has now shown this Bedfordshire Soule family was not the direct ancestor of George Soule. One of your relatives is their grandson George Young (1689-1771), son of their daughter Sarah White (1663-1755) and Thomas Young (1663-1732). On 1 July 1633 he was granted "mow for a cow near his dwelling house" [PCR 1:15]. He died on 15 May 1706 in Middleboro. The family tree for George Soule should not be considered exhaustive or authoritative. Read more, is descended from George married at Plymouth, circa 1626, Mary/Marie Bucket who arrived on the Anne in 1623. A book, Shipbuilding On North River,Plymounth Co. Mass. Some of the most recently added connections of famous kin for George Soule Gene Roddenberry Creator of Star Trek 8th great-grandson Paget Brewster TV Actress 10th great-granddaughter Kristen Wiig TV and Movie Actress 10th great-granddaughter Mary Winthrop Gooding Prolific Mayflower Descendant 6th great-granddaughter Vanessa Hudgens Privacy Policy | ContactMe 2010-2023 General Notes:From "Portraits and Biographys of Famous Americans Joshua soule was born 8/1/1781 and died 3/6/1867. [26], The 1638 land records note that "one acre of land is granted to George Soule at the watering placeand also a parcel of Stony Marsh at Powder Point, containing two acres." Please note: The ancestor reports on this website have been compiled from thousands of different sources, many over 100 years old. 29 May 1670 Plymouth Colony lists of freemen. He belonged to K.O.T..M.M., Bates Tent No. NATHANIEL SOULE, b. between say 1634 and 1646 (adult by 1667/8 [PCR 3:178]); before 4 March 1673/4 fathered a child with an unnamed Indian woman and ordered to pay ten bushels of corn to her for the keeping of the child [PCR 5:163]; m. by 1681 Rose __ (eldest child b. Dartmouth 12 January 1681 [/2]). He returned in 1550 to Brussels but may have spent his last years, until about 1556, in the territory of Preussisch-Holland. Marshfield, Massachusetts, died on 13 Mar 1827 in Turner, Maine and was buried in Howes Corner, Turner, Maine. At this same conference Soule had been elected Bishop, but when the vote on the sub-episcopate was announced he refused to be consecrated. John married Clemena L. Whitney on 3 Mar 1858. Rosa was born about 1869 and died on 22 Sep 1941. Signed his will. Richard Warren, Edward Fuller and Samuel Fuller, Amelia Mary Earhart (born July 24, 1897; disappeared July 2, 1937) was an American aviation pioneer and author. [MD 2:83]. Orpan was born about 1707 and died on 15 Feb 1791 in Marshfield, Massachusetts.