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Report back to Eddie with information on the NCR's planned attack. Kinda RNG based though apparently. You are now done with your optional tasks, and can then get down to the more pressing issue at hand. He won't just give it away to you, however. I've already completed the quest Ghost Town Gunfight on the side of Goodsprings rather than the Powder Gangers. Killing Eddie prior to that point will create a mission failure.
Can I wipeout Boomers and powder gangers from Mojave by nuke?I did Yes This author has not provided any additional notes regarding file permissions. I took that one because the strength will help with weapon handing. But there is something weird here. Overview Gameplay wise they do very little. Copyright 2023 Black Tree Gaming Ltd. All rights reserved. The ending slide will act like you never interacted with the Prison at all. I am wondering if this is a bug or if its something normal. It can be done, but it is finnicky, needs a lot of reloading, and very precise movement. I had this problem but didn't do the quest. I Fought the Law is a side quest in Fallout: New Vegas. 102. alfiepople007 1 day ago. Technical Unfortunately, getting her involved in this fray is going to require a bit of convincing, just as Sunny promised it would. Valve Corporation. Lee may mention reporting back to Lt. Hayes after the quest has finished, but if My Kind of Town has already been completed, he will be gone from the NCR camp at Primm. The Powder Gangers (also referred to as Powder Gangsters by Johnson Nash) are a gang of escaped prisoners operating in the Mojave Wasteland in 2281 . Once outside, Sunny and Ringo will make a break for the Prospector Saloon. Just to give some context, this is a spoiler so mute for the next 4 seconds if you care. Once the player has killed all the fire geckos, go back to Samuel Cooke to receive some Powder Ganger fame and caps. The favored and most common weapons among the Powder Gangers are explosives, primarily the powder charges and dynamite which they acquired during their time in prison and escape. Then again I was very new to fallout when first played so my mistake. Patched initial quest to prevent accidental lockout, and fixed its check only working if the player had exactly one leather armor. Destroy ONLY the sulfur deposits below Vault 19 and convince. Having a sprint mod usually helps. If Lee dies during the assault, no NCR reputation will be gained. All rights reserved. That or they were so unmemborable I forgot them. Requirements. #2 Silverio Dec 29, 2014 @ 5:10am Thanks for the quick response. When logged in, you can choose up to 12 games that will be displayed as favourites in this menu. Report back to Eddie and get your assignment. This goes for all factions.
Powder Gangers | Villains Wiki | Fandom They've been nothing but trouble for us - why would we want one of them anywhere in an official capacity? FEATURES. Killing him or his crew after convincing him to move on also does not cause any reputation loss with the Powder Gangers. They are hated by both the NCR, whom they were former prisoners of, and Caesar's Legion, due to their harassment of Legion raiding parties. Ramirez and Timbo have had their volume boosted. Organizations I Fought the Law is a side quest in Fallout: New Vegas. All the stages have multiple possible solution methods, depending on how you prefer to handle stuff, and in the final stage of the quest, you can betray the powder gangers to the NCR and help the NCR attack the place. Site news (important news will be issued), Comments on your files, images and videos, New images and videos added to your files. This is a game where your decisions are meant to stick. After the majority of the Vault 19 Powder Gangers joined the Great Khans, the weaker members scattered throughout the Mojave Wasteland. Interior is now smaller without anything of worth being lost. Game Search ; All Games ; Game Guides & Help ; Latest Updates ; Forums & More Content ; Your Account + Add Your Cheats and Codes / Ask a question + Help a gamer - Answer questions + Pokemon Ultra Moon Guide + Pokemon Ultra Sun Guide + Sims FreePlay . H.., Fallout: New Vegas PlayStation 3
Ghost Town Gunfight - Fallout: New Vegas Wiki Guide - IGN Not the most immersive, but you get used to it. What happened is: Guards can recognize you even if you're wearing faction armor, so that's why Dawes goes hostile. Upon speaking with him, you can get down to business, pressing him on acquiring some of his dynamite. If the player character reports back to Eddie, he will reward them with 1 Buffout, 1 Psycho, 1 Mentats, 100 caps, and 200 XP. Note ownerships fixed (credit to TwilightKhan and MagnuMspec), Added behavior packages to Krieger in North Vegas, Polished NPC patrol packages and spawn scripts, Edited Finale NPC factions to reduce instances of friendly fire, Boulder Beach popups should only trigger once now upon completion of the relevant skill checks. Geez, I thought there was something wrong with my installation, or a mod conflict somewhere. Unfortunately, in our playthrough, we didn't have a 25 in either category, but you may be different. Happens every time. Fallout: New Vegas Run Goodspring Run - Fallout: New Vegas Guide with maps and videos.
V19 guys just wanted me to clear out some geckos in the lower level. The Powder Gangers were essentially the Season 1 bad guys of a TV show before the real, big baddies show up. One can also try to sneak behind the computer on his desk and back away. The only way to save Goodsprings and still be able to walk into the NCRCF is to never take part in the fight, let the townsfolk kill all gang members. When logged in, you can choose up to 12 games that will be displayed as favourites in this menu. Also, one can sneak behind the computer on his desk after the talk, back away to the wall, then stand up and walk away. The Karma system is , best to just ignore it because the way it works Robin Hood would be the ultimate badguy and some psycho who murders everyone would have good karma. The quest log and marker should now update on acquiring the Viper Mine stash. Reduced Powder Ganger NPC count in North Vegas and Westside. Fallout: New Vegas Talking to him without being able to pass the speech skill will result in combat. Theres the kill literally every single thing that exists route. One named Powder Ganger may remain in one of the cell blocks, (a sneak kill if one wants to keep their rep intact). Killing powder gangers and feral ghouls spikes your karma so much in the other direction that you'd have to actively avoid killing any to have "stealing" to add up enough to actively count against you. Thats basically it. So, if this was gonna take a long time, I might as well install a few mods to make it more interesting. : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vEYakRU58_cCan You Beat Honest Hearts Without Taking Any Damage? Note: This is ONLY to be used to report spam, advertising, and problematic (harassment, fighting, or rude) posts. We'll leave the gas station posthaste to do so now, but first, be sure to grab the Boxing Times Magazine from the shelf in the gas station en route. You can just take over the prison yourself by shooting them all. It is possible that Hayes and some of the troops under his command were sent to Hope, and that is why some troops at Forlorn Hope say that they got reinforced by troops from Primm. Locations Here's a quick tip for anyone playing in 2020 who finds themselves vilified with Powder Gangers before they can take a quest from Eddie (as I did and spent an hour looking for a solution). Just speaking with him and letting him know what you're about to be up against will net you several Stimpaks. Probably has something to do with the game being shipped after less than 2 years in production lol. [2][3] The inmates were tasked with maintaining a railroad alongside the Long 15 under military supervision, keeping the vital link between the Boneyard and New Vegas alive. Just kill everyone, the Powder Gangers aren't really important.
Once combat is finished and your are [HIDDEN], re equip the PG armor and go back to loot Dawes' corpse for the key. This mod is not opted-in to receive Donation Points. [12] The Vault 19 group plan to join the Great Khans, at the behest of their leader, Samuel Cooke, indicating some level of respect is held for the Khans.[13][14][15]. The reward for Down in the Basement has been scaled down from 1500 caps to a more reasonable 500. (Optional) Betray Eddie by offering Lieutenant Hayes assistance in retaking the Prison. These are the consequences for doing so. I payed of the first guy at the gate and he tells me to carry on in, 1 second later e aggro's on me. It's fun Fallout Shelter don't have any votes lulz. One may run into him later at Camp Forlorn Hope. I don't have a high Sneak so stealth killing them one by one has never worked for me. (1) Talk to Sunny Smiles about fighting the Powder Gangers. You will need to seek permission from, You can upload this file to other sites but you must credit me as the creator of the file, You are allowed to modify my files and release bug fixes or improve on the features so long as you credit me as the original creator, You are not allowed to convert this file to work on other games under any circumstances, You are allowed to use the assets in this file without permission as long as you credit me, Asset use permission in mods/files that are being sold, You are not allowed to use assets from this file in any mods/files that are being sold, for money, on Steam Workshop or other platforms, Asset use permission in mods/files that earn donation points, You are allowed to earn Donation Points for your mods if they use my assets, Working on the Chain Gang - A Powder Ganger Quest Mod (CHS). So, suit yourself. Citizens of the NCR were favorite targets, and they always suffered the worst fates. While he'll initially pull a gun on you, he'll calm down, and you can eventually offer to help him deal with his problem. It appears that Ringo and Joe are going to come to blows soon, and obviously, you're going to be able to get involved. https://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/36219/ Me, i just would start over and not proceed the quest in goodsprings til . Vilified by Powder Gangers, is this bad? I was a little salty that when I finished the legion Oliver showed up and I had to fight him and the rangers. Guns, Lockpick, Medicine for skills, Ill come back to this in a second, I chose Bruiser and Fear The Reaper as my traits, and was let loose into the world.
Updated several NPC Packages and Scripts to improve performance. At this point, Sunny will show up. The new texture was provided by usernamegottaken.Vanilla NPC's voiced using a combination of NVVASynth and spliced lines retrieved using Lazy Voice Finder.The community, for its modding tutorials.My wonderfully supportive partner, who is the most dedicated alpha tester I'll ever know. Faction armour cannot fool everybody. Log in to view your list of favourite games. As a result, Powder Ganger raids on caravans became an unfortunate fact of life in the. Working On The Chain Gang - Expanded Powder Gangers | New Vegas Mods Al ChestBreach 470K subscribers Subscribe 1.1K 27K views 1 year ago A brand new expansion for the Powder Ganger. You won't exactly have the NCR retake it, but if you dont want to use console commands you can just pretend the NCR took it back. Well in that case you have to read yourself into the world of console commands. Second game, I killed them all and had no affect on the games outcome at all. They are introduced in Fallout: New Vegas as a large group of escaped convicts running amok on the I-15 highway area, harassing the small towns of Nipton, Goodsprings, and Primm. use a stealth boy and pick pocket the keys from the guard then talk to the sherif then hi tail your ass outta there. Credits NCR fame, 300 XPORPowder Gangers fame, 200 XP, 100 caps, 1 Mentats, 1 Psycho, 1 Buffout Obviously, VATS will be a huge help here, but if you're out of action points, you'll need to resort to some old-fashioned first-person action to get the job done. Between Ringo, Sunny and yourself, you should be just fine getting through this fiasco. : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8TzSmz3BokECan You Beat Fallout 4 With Only A Commie Whacker? You'll need a Speech or Sneak skill of 25 in order to convince her, or you she simply won't get involved in this battle. It's not particularly long (three stages or so). This is only good to get Meyers though.
Vilified by Powder Gangers, is this bad? - Fallout: New Vegas - GameFAQs New quests and weapons that are accessible even if the vanilla Powder Gangers already hate your guts! However some members who have moved further away from the prison, such as those found at Whittaker farmstead, are significantly better armed, sometimes equipped with laser or plasma rifles. Given by Sergeant Lee and the NCR Correctional Facility Marked several NPC corpses as Quest Items, preventing them from despawning on cell reset. Included hotfix to prevent crashes in Camp McCarran Concourse under specific circumstances. Adds a new fully-voiced quest chain where the player takes on work for a new Powder Ganger group that wants to reorganize the faction as a legitimate enterprise in the Mojave. The author of this thread has indicated that this post answers the original topic. Note: This is ONLY to be used to report spam, advertising, and problematic (harassment, fighting, or rude) posts. I've replayed NV multiple times and never knew the Powder Gangers had quests. All trademarks are property of their respective owners in the US and other countries. He is the man sitting behind the desk on the second floor, surrounded by guards. The Courier was also being given the option to free Chavez from the prison. All trademarks are property of their respective owners in the US and other countries. There is stashed ammo and equipment in a number of hollowed-out rocks all over the Mojave Wasteland. Finally, go back and visit with your old friend Doc Mitchell. The slightly longer answer would be that you obviously can't do any quests given by the Powder Gangers now. Hello. Talk to Eddie and ask if he has any work. Technically you still can do the vault powder gangers quest. If you're viliied you can't. 20.
(2) Return to Ringo and let him know that Sunny Smiles has agreed to help you fight the Powder Gangers. All trademarks are property of their respective owners in the US and other countries.
Powder Ganger Overhaul at Fallout New Vegas - mods and community Mojave Wasteland:Hunter's farmInterstate 15NCR Correctional FacilityPowder Ganger camp eastPowder Ganger camp northPowder Ganger camp southPowder Ganger camp westPrimmVault 19Whittaker farmstead Does being friends with the powder gangers got anything to do with any thing special or can i just kill em all n wipe them off the face of Vegas as i donot want 2 stuff up my 2nd play-through thanks If everyones gonna die, theres no reason to talk to anyone. : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k0GamZYQwvACan You Beat Skyrim With Only A Fork? Assignment is the defense of New Vegas. As soon as the powder ganger in the bar makes his threat to the woman, it's the strangest thing, but his head explodes.
Need Help With Powder Gangers at NCRCF :: Fallout: New Vegas General Casting Call Voice ActorsCDO947214: Ellis Dufresne, Mole Rat Richard, The Mad MinotaurCellBlockPsycho: Ramirez, Greavessamlikesva: TNT TimboTenwise: Whitmeyer, Ian, Krieger, LyleJudah K: Chuy, Floyd, Field Commander 1 & 2, Med Officer Kristoffiamriverrose: Eyeteeth, Rosettarosewaterwinter: Officer Nguyen, Doc RosalindOther CreditsExploding spear mesh used with permission from Ranaark's Thundersticks.Big Earner switchblade uses a modified texture from AgeofEvolutionHQ.The code used to free crucified Powder Gangers was based off of void_gazer's Decrucifixion.The Steakmaker shotgun's concept and original texture used with permission from furrden2. Install hundreds of mods with the click of a button. All rights reserved. [11] The Brotherhood of Steel dislike them due to interfering with patrols near and in Hidden Valley.
Why Can't We Be Friends? | Fallout Wiki | Fandom - fallout.fandom.com The only thing I could possibly think is maybe that completing Ghost Town Gunfight is coded to always have them hate you, even at Idolized Rep, but I don't think that's a thing. A number of cut and partially completed dialogue options exist which point towards the final portion of the quest having had additional options for helping out. Didnt do that, I fixed it with another mod so I got a perk every time I leveled up. Head back over to the Prospector Saloon. Fixed an issue where Hannigan and Carter could cause game lag. If one wants to be certain to complete the quest, (and not intervene), one will have to visit each cell block, otherwise the NCR will just kill the Powder Gangers in the yard, then the Admin building. This means the mod will no longer conflict with other mods that edit I Fought The Law. Philip LemJoe CobbChavez There are no special requirements to recruit him. So, head back to Poseidon Energy (the gas station), where you'll find Ringo once more. Could just install the Spy Perk mod by VampireMonkey as that lets you pose as a legitimate member of any Faction with 30 Sneak, Level 4 and Faction Armor. The powder gangers don't have much reach. There are factions of Powder Gangers spread far along the southwestern part of the Mojave Wasteland, all the way down towards Nipton.[10]. Securitron J7-82463 here, under the direct authority of New Vegas' sole proprietor, Robert Edwin House. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. There will be approximately eight of them to fight. Then, every time one wants to talk to Eddie, run in and talk to him before he has a chance to get up. https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/File:FNV_Eddie_YoureTheOneCobbMentioned.ogg. You may or may not have had already visited Chet, but if you already have, then you know that this man drives an exceptionally hard bargain. Updated the mod file to an ESM. Though I kill everyone of them save for Boxcars(felt bad for him). Have you ever wanted to be a stylish convicted felon in a post apocalyptic wasteland? However, these are entirely optional side quests, so it's not that big a deal. there is a mod on nexus that might help you. Society I was kind of surprised they weren't mad since I was at the lowest level of hate with the faction. Added a missing audio line for Hannigan. (Hopefully) Made it so Carter and Hannigan despawn from NCRCF appropriately if recruited into Dufresne's gang. Well, you're probably stuck, unless you use console commands to reset their reputation (and even that might not work; conversation flags might be handled separately). : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pBVBrUXGpWkCan You Beat Fallout 3 as a Baby? IMO, It does not affect the outcome of the main quest. [1], However, as the war with the Legion escalated, more and more prison guards were redeployed to the Colorado River against the warden's objections. Not a bug. This is a textbook example of why modding FO3 & mentions of it on these forums is relevant to this day. Working on the Chain Gang - A Powder Ganger Quest Mod. Remember that you can use specified magazines for those two statistics to temporarily raise those stats, if necessary. If yes then you need help buddy. There is an effect, though not a huge one on the overall plot. Why do I lose Karma by stealing from Powder Gangers? The second task is to "deal with" a suspicious traveling merchant residing at Jean Sky Diving. Contents 1 Background 2 Organization 3 Relations with the outside 4 Technology 5 Interactions with the player character 5.1 Quests 5.2 Effects of player's actions 6 Members 7 Notable quotes 8 Endings If one instead chooses to betray Eddie to the NCR, one can choose the dialogue path with Lt. Hayes to offer assistance in the assault.
Why do I lose Karma by stealing from Powder Gangers? :: Fallout: New there is a mod on nexus that might help you.
Powder Ganger - The Vault Fallout Wiki - Fandom The second person on your list should be Chet at the general store directly next to the Prospector Saloon. Lyle's first greeting fires properly now. However, they also have a large arsenal of guns; some stolen, others looted from dead NCRCF guards. Just had the same issue having _Idolized_ reputation with Powder Gangers. The elegant, powerful, and open-source mod manager, Download and manage all your collections within Vortex, Upgrade your account to unlock all media content, To enjoy the benefits of Nexus Mods, please log in or register a new account. If he becomes hostile when approached after his guards are dead, try running quickly at him and repeatedly trying to talk. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright . I got some Ganger armour, killed the guy at the door and then left. for the weapon itself. That's just the nature of Fallout: New Vegas (even more-so than Fallout 3's system). If the Powder Gangers defeat the attackers one can speak with Eddie who will thank the player character.
Several lines that were meant to fire once but didn't have been patched.
Hollow Rock Locations cheats for Fallout: New Vegas https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/File:FNV_PowderGanger_YouEyeballingMe.ogg, https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/File:FNV_Trudy_ProblemIs.ogg, https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/File:FNV_PowderGanger_GotAPresentForYou.ogg, https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/File:FNV_PowderGanger_YoullPayFor.ogg, https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/File:FNV_PowderGanger_NeverGetsOld.ogg, https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/File:FNV_PowderGanger_AnyLawman.ogg, https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/File:FNV_PowderGanger_RunningLowOnSmokes.ogg, https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/File:FNVending_PG-NCRCF_23_1.ogg, https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/File:FNVending_PG-NCRCF_23_2.ogg, https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/File:FNVending_PG-NCRCF_23_3.ogg, https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/File:FNVending_PG-NCRCF_23_4.ogg, https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/File:FNVending_PG-Vault19_24_1.ogg, https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/File:FNVending_PG-Vault19_24_2.ogg, https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/File:FNVending_PG-Vault19_24_3.ogg, https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/File:FNVending_PG-Vault19_24_4.ogg, Fallout: New Vegas Official Game Guide faction profiles, NCR Correctional Facility terminal entries; Warden's terminal, [Guard transfers to the east. Vault 19 Powder GangNCRCF Powder GangJoe Cobb's GangChavez's GangPrimm escaped convicts It won't. (6) Defeat the Powder Gangers. [citation needed], The group engaged in commerce with establishments in Nipton. But hey, i'm not here to judge. It's also not consistent -- sometimes killing guys will unmark their property as owned, sometimes not. : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6HLHqINNuM8Can You Beat Skyrim By Only Using Shouts? This means that stealing items owned by the Powder Gangers faction will incur negative Karma. Adds a new fully-voiced quest chain where the player takes on work for a new Powder Ganger group that wants to reorganize the faction as a legitimate enterprise in the Mojave. But more importantly, none of them matter. Meyers won't be able to be the Sheriff of Primm, and you wontbe abke to do the mission to clear out the Prison for the NCR.
Powder Gangers reputation (SOLVED) :: Fallout: New Vegas General Fallout Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. Seriously recommended. (1) Talk to Sunny Smiles about fighting the Powder Gangers. still I couldn . Only much later did I realize you can actually just talk to them. Copyright 2023 Black Tree Gaming Ltd. All rights reserved. Killing powder gangers and feral ghouls spikes your karma so much in the other direction that you'd have to actively avoid killing any to have "stealing" to add up enough to actively count against you. Reworked scripting for Mojave Prison Blues so that it no longer directly edits I Fought The Law. Fallout: New Vegas 2010 Browse game Gaming Browse all gaming Shop the Mitten Squad store The Real Game Begins Die Cut Sticker $4.99 No matter where you are, no matter what you're doing, you. Otherwise, you'll be left to use your own Caps to purchase whatever you need. And Bruiser adds 2 points to Strength while reducing melee attack speed by 20%. (2) Return to Ringo and let him know that Sunny Smiles has agreed to help you fight the Powder FALLOUT NEW VEGAS My tips It may not be the best 1.Make sure you listen to what everybody has to say 2.Only take stuff from bodies that you need!