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A letter to Commander Cullen with information on the Mortalitasi: The Mortalitasi is said to be friendly with both the dwarf and the Fereldan, and a Circle member in good standing, according to all accounts. You need to listen to Tallis and send in your Agents to Val Royeaux. - targetting an enemy warrior, Magister Alexius meets with the Herald of Andraste at Redcliffe Castle, ostensibly to negotiate for the aid of the newly indentured southern mages to assist in closing the breach. I'd say not the dwarf is probably a safe assumption though. How to Unlock: Available to warrior Inquisitors with the Champion specialization at Inquisition Rank of 8 or higher Preferred Specialist and Rewards: Connections and Masterwork Archon Staff. Identify Venatori Agent It is working thus far, and if we are cautious, we can use this to nudge Venatori forces in a direction of our choosing. Speak to Sutherland and his crew at Skyhold Rewards and Preferred Specialist: N/A, Reports of Darkspawn Activity Rewards and Preferred Specialist: forces, Endure How to Unlock: Recruited Solas (+1 Agent, +100 Influence, +1 Power) "He's breaking the truce?" How to Unlock: Blackwall Personal Plot How to Unlock: complete A Trouble of Red Jennies using Josephine How to Unlock: available after From the Ashes How to Unlock: Unlocked Dagna, Part of Samsons nemesis plot Rewards and Preferred Specialist: Influence, Wedding Alliances Operation Chain Rewards and Preferred Specialist: N/A, Find the Warden Rewards and Preferred Specialist: influence and forces, Find a Sponsor for the Du Paraquettes "Qunari are known across Thedas as the brutal horned giants who descended from the north to nearly conquer the Preferred Specialist and Rewards: Secrets and Amulet of Power. Rewards and Preferred Specialist: wave blade and connections, The Red Hart Ask Cullent to deal with him and complete this mission. Preferred Specialist and Rewards: Secrets, Masterwork Inscribed One-Handed Haft, and Influence. Save Val Colline from the Venatori Send Leliana to send a message and complete this simple operation. Rewards and Preferred Specialist: You will acquire influence and it is better to use Secrets specialist. Totally agree. Known or suspected backgrounds range from respected Mortalitasi or dragon hunter to bard, smuggler, or even apostate. Rewards and Preferred Specialist: Connections, Search for the Lost in Serault Completed Wicked Eyes and Wicked Hearts and Here Lies the Abyss Appearances Rewards and Preferred Specialist: 6 Obsidian, 1 Fereldan Throne Accessory I (75.0%), 1 Fereldan Throne Accessory II (25.0%), and connections, Crossing the Sulphur Pits How to Unlock: Speak with the Tranquil researcher in Skyhold Rewards and Preferred Specialist: You will receive Blood Lotus and Influence and it is better to complete this operation with Forces specialist, Your Dalish clan will contact the Inquisitor while thinking of you as a prisoner. Defeat Marquise Bouffon How to Unlock: Available after speaking to Hawke in Skyhold, during From the Ashes Next Rewards and Preferred Specialist: secrets, Red Templars on the Storm Coast You come to know that Marquise is giving out busts of Divine Justinia V filled with Red Lyrium. How to Unlock: Alliances: Observing the Deadlock Available in Skyhold. WebIdentify Venatori Agent. Freeing the Valo-Kas Mercenaries As with every romance in Dragon Age: Inquisition, the player should start by winning Cassandra's approval. Location Dragon Age: Inquisition. Rewards and Preferred Specialist: Pyrophite, Andrastian Throne Accessory I, Andrastian Throne Accessory II, Orlesian Throne Accessory I, Orlesian Throne Accessory II, Embrium, and connections, Emprise du Lion Resources An Offer of Help, on Their Terms (240 min) Dwarven slaves in the hands of Venatori, Inquisition Rank 6. How to Unlock: Available after speaking to Hawkes Warden ally How to Unlock: Available at Skyhold, open to warrior Inquisitors Aiming to claim the Dales for themselves, these deserters begin attacking troops loyal to either side in the war, as well as Inquisition troops and refugees throughout the region. Rewards and Preferred Specialist: forces, Build Watchtowers Hard in Hightown: A Worthy Dwarf Rewards and Preferred Specialist: You will gain influence from this operation and it is better to use Secrets specialist, You will receive a letter from Lady Guinevere in which she will warn you against using soldiers and will ask you to let the Dalish Elves overthrow Duke Antoine. We have made a valuable ally here.Ambassador Montilyet, We have begun passing information to Wulff, so that he might share it with his Venatori allies. Sup2069 (talk) 07:47, February 16, 2015 (UTC). Locate Heretic Sister Search Mines in Gamordan Peaks How to Unlock: Choose Successor in Lydes How to Unlock: Preorder Bonus How to Unlock: Available to warrior Inquisitors with the Reaver specialization at Inquisition Rank of 8 or higher Rewards and Preferred Specialist: lifeward amulet and secrets, The Hunter Shade Dracolisk How to Unlock: Completed Seeker Fortress How to Unlock: Import a world state in which The Warden is female and survived Rewards and Preferred Specialist: hunter shade dracolisk and connections, The Name of Our Enemy Preferred Specialist and Rewards: N/A. Rewards and Preferred Specialist: N/A, Obtain Amulet for Cole How to Unlock: Complete Deal with Relatives of the Trevelyans using Cullen, In Your Heart Shall Burn, and have Inquisition Rank 4 WebGordian, a senior Venatori operative, infiltrates the Imperial Army and begins to encourage desertions among the troops of both the claimants to the Orlesian throne. Elfsnake Vitaar | Dragon Age Wiki | Fandom Skyhold How to Unlock: Completed the Redcliffe Castle mages plot Rewards and Preferred Specialist: influence and connections, Improving Morale If Vale is asked to recruit refugees, this will give you +1 Power, while asking him to make the refugees work for the Inquisition will get you gold. He has begun passing them false information on our behalf, and has donated generously to the Inquisition from his own coffers. Secrets. The Venatori set up a red lyrium smuggling operation along the Storm Coast, planning on transporting red lyrium to Minrathous to convert the Imperium's slaves into an unstoppable army to turn the tide in the ongoing Tevinter-Qunari war for Seheron. Cullen is the best person for this job. In this operation, you can either dig deeper into Kirkwall Guards investigation or let Lelianas spies read the book and decode the message within. How to Unlock: Complete Business with the Carta and Wicked Eyes and Wicked Hearts How to Unlock: complete Aid those impacted by the Civil War using Cullen You can also send Cullens forces to increase your strength. How to Unlock: complete Investigate Hunter Fell How to Unlock: Make sure Empress Celene survives in Halamshiral and remains ruler of Orlais Rewards and Preferred Specialist: influence and use secrets. Codex entry: Blood-Spotted Venatori Diary, Codex entry: Draft of Letter to Venatori Magisters, Codex entry: Note From the Silent Quarter, Venatori Orders (to Members of the Venatori), Note: Venatori Orders (to Members of the Venatori),, Many of the non-mage Venatori enemies appear to be, Sometimes, when the Herald of Andraste is battling "Tevinter Zealots" in the. How to Unlock: Discovered the Slave Pits [1], The Venatori revere Corypheus: the ancient Tevinter Magister turned into a darkspawn emissary whom they believe will make the Venatori into god-kings who will rule over Thedas in his stead when the Elder One conquers the Black City and becomes a god. Unlocks after completing the operation Investigate Hunter Fell. Follow Cullens advice and use Qunari to deal with the fire ship. WebThroughout their journey, the Inquisitor has the opportunity to recruit several agents to work for the Inquisition. How to Unlock: Complete Contact Clan Lavellan Rewards and Preferred Specialist: influence and secrets. Together with the Red Templars, the Venatori attempt to manipulate the War of the Lions in Orlais to their advantage. Information on the "Five Belles of Hunter Fell" is limited, but they are known to include humans from both Orlais and Ferelden, an elf, a dwarf, and even a Tal-Vashoth. How to Unlock: Available after investing many perk points into the Secrets category Send any of the Advisors to deal with the situation. gold hearts -> looking for new blood Rewards and Preferred Specialist: influence and forces, A Favor Returned Stop Venatori Fire Ship You can do quite a lot of things with Blackwalls treaty: get information, funds, or increase the Inquisitions forces. Rewards and Preferred Specialist: master corrupting rune and connections, Crestwood Resources Find Spies in Skyhold Preferred Specialist and Rewards: Forces and Influence. They also attempt to unearth an ancient Dwarven artifact in the Hissing Wastes made in honor of a Paragon by his two sons after his death, who ruled a surface thaig predating the Blights in order to escape the civil war raging over the creation of Golems. Preferred Specialist and Rewards: Secrets and Reinforced Bow. How to Unlock: Seeker fortress complete, setback complete Those who have seen her fight say that seldom does one see anyone so tall as she move so quickly, for she stands head and shoulders above both the elven member of the Belles and the smuggler, yet moves with a grace neither can match. Rewards and Preferred Specialist: N/A, Investigate the Shards Unlocks after completing the operation Investigate Hunter Fell. You need to interrogate the courier who is a Kirkwall Magistrate. You can use any specialist to complete this operation, but using Josephine is highly recommended. You need to ask Cullen to rally with him and fend off demons emerging out of the veil. Dragon Age Inquisition: TRESPASSER Punching Solas Leads Humans Rewards and Preferred Specialist: gold bracelet and forces, Fallow Mire Resources How to Unlock: Available to rogue Inquisitors with the Artificer specialization at Inquisition Rank of 8 or higher How to Unlock: ? Rewards and Preferred Specialist: influence and connections, Flames of the Inquisition Charger Rewards and Preferred Specialist: N/A, Say Farewell to Lady Ducette How to Unlock: Dagna Unlocked Rewards and Preferred Specialist: influence and connections, Gather Cloth How to Unlock: recruit Iron Bull Rewards and Preferred Specialist: Anderfels and connections, A Memorial for Haven Rewards and Preferred Specialist: Secrets, Glass Fox, and Influence, Word from Zevran Arainai Preferred Specialist and Rewards: Connections. How to Unlock: speak to Cole about Rhys and Evangeline at Skyhold Operation How to Unlock: Complete Break Venatori Hold on Wycome using Leliana Rewards and Preferred Specialist: influence, Hissing Wastes Resources Dragon Age Inquisition: How To Romance Cassandra Claim Grey Warden Cache Kill the warrior!" Races Rewards and Preferred Specialist: influence and use connections. Rewards and Preferred Specialist: inquisition barded charger, Free Marches Ranger Evil West Review A Promising, Vampire-Killing, Carnage-Fueled Adventure, Marvels Midnight Suns Review Superhero Demon Hunting, Need for Speed Unbound Review Its Got Wings, Steelrising review more like gold rising for Spiders, Octopath Traveler 2 Cait Farming Guide: How To Find And Capture Them, How To Craft A Club In Sons Of The Forest, How To Get Serpent Flotation Cutis In Wild Hearts, How To Get Giant Kemono Gems In Wild Hearts, Josephine a diplomat who has many different connections, Cullen an ex-templar who relies on force to bring down the enemy forces, Leliana she is the spymaster of the Inquisition and utilizes her birds to divulge important information. Venatori agents infiltrate the court of King Markus Pentaghast of Nevarra, the Mortalitasi and the court of the Duke of Hunter Fell. Identify Venatori Agent is an Inner Circle Mission in Dragon Age 3: Inquisition. Receive Ancestral Shield of Lydes if made Duchess. The Carta Gets Its Cut Rewards and Preferred Specialist: influence and connections, Hinterland Resources Previous Preferred Specialist and Rewards: Forces and Noble Dueling Sword, Red Jennies In/On the Hunt Sister Pauline will show interest in aiding the Inquisition for saving her from the Avvar. How to Unlock: Unlock Emprise du Lion However, their operation is destroyed thanks to the involvement of both the Inquisition and the Antivan Crows. Inquisition Rank is 4 or greater You can use any of your Advisors to complete it, but Josephine and Cullen will come out with better results. How to Unlock: Complete New to the Crew: A Young Hopeful with Cullen. Your strength is extremely important and will decide the outcome of the operation. They also attempt to retrieve ancient records detailing the Exalted March against the Dales in the Emerald Graves, but are once again foiled by the Inquisition. Shortest Ending Ever. How to Unlock: Closed 1/4th of all fade rifts How to Unlock: Complete to scout the Hinterlands Rewards and Preferred Specialist: Connections, Assigning Michel de Chevin I have a mission {not sure how missions affect game-play} which takes 8 hours to do (so not going to save the game, do it, not like However, if Vale is asked to grow the Inquisition's reputation, Vales Irregulars will be gained as an agent for Cullen. How to Unlock: Complete Alliances: Getting Things Moving with Cullen How to Unlock: Claimed the Emprise du Lion and at least 3 perks selected with the connections specialist This mission is the second part of a How to Unlock: Skyhold Complete Preferred Specialist and Rewards: Secrets and Influence. Rewards and Preferred Specialist: enhanced chain lightning ring and forces, The Teyrn of Highever The Grey Warden mages of Adamant Fortress are corrupted while the other Wardens are used as sacrifices. War table Locate Rhys and Evangeline Rewards and Preferred Specialist: Secrets, Split Pommel, Influence, Evading the Crows Rewards and Preferred Specialist: superior enchanter staff blade, influence, and secrets. Preferred Specialist and Rewards: Connections, Red Jenny and the Bad Goods How to Unlock: Claim Griffon Wing fortress in the Western Approach How to Unlock: Complete operation to gain access to new mount Rewards and Preferred Specialist: Forces and Influence, Alliances: Falling into Place Investigate Man Accused of Abomination How to Unlock: after Haven is destroyed and Blackwall is recruited Power & Time Cost: 0 Power, 15 Min. To this end, Clarel and the Wardens reluctantly agree to use blood magic to raise a demon army to invade the Deep Roads and kill the Old Gods before they wake. Find Source of Darkspawn Attacks Specifically, he speaks of an agent among the Fereldan nobility who prepared the mages at Redcliffe for the Venatori. Your trainer needs to send her research notes to Mages Collective. Rewards and Preferred Specialist: Forces and Influence, An Ally from Starkhaven I would not recommend moving in any agents. what disadvantages do primaries and caucuses offer to voters? Preferred Specialist and Rewards: Connections and Iron. Preferred Specialist and Rewards: Secrets, Magister Fire Staff, and Influence. There is no failing these operations. Rewards and Preferred Specialist: You will receive Qunari Slasher Grip and it is better to use Forces specialist. War Table Bug, Advisor Missing - Answer HQ - Electronic Arts Preferred Specialist and Rewards: Connections and Influence. 2. Rewards and Preferred Specialist: forces, Emerald Graves Resources Inner Circle MIssions are operations available depending on your companions and advisors. Rewards and Preferred Specialist: You will gain influence with this operation. The information provided on the war table is woeful. How to Unlock: Setback Complete Track Spies in Vyrantium Your War Table is located in the Skyhold where your War Council gathers round a large table displaying the whole map of Southern Thedas. How to Unlock: Haven destroyed, Lelianas spies sent to make contact in Investigate Serault Business with the Carta Address a Noblemans Concerns War table Scouting Operations essentially revolve around exploring new areas and unlocking new locales which require Power. How to Unlock: complete Find Spies in Skyhold This is the price of doing business with the Venatori. You can task your three Advisors to conduct operations in Orlais and Ferelden to grow the Inquisition, gain rewards, and unlock more operations. An Orlesian woman in Hunter Fell might have a fondness for items from home. Rewards and Preferred Specialist: N/A, An Invitation from the Emperor Rewarded upon completing Identify Venatori Agent war table operation with Leliana. You have identified the author of the book. How to Unlock: Josephine Personal Plot How to Unlock: Speak with Leliana about the Shrine The Venatori's efforts are a resounding success and soon a large group of deserters from both sides form 'The Freemen of the Dales.' I should be able to find out about this hunter. Rewards and Preferred Specialist: influence and forces, An Offer from the Blades of Hessarian Preferred Specialist and Rewards: Forces, Ancestral Blade of Lydes, and Influence. How to Unlock: complete Information from the Grand Enchanter and Here Lies the Abyss Rewards and Preferred Specialist: Influence, A Test of Mettle and the Crew Hunt Therinfal Redoubt Demon General discussions not pertaining to the improvement of the Investigate the locale and complete this mission. Always make sure to see the completion time required by a particular War Table Operation before sending one of your Advisors. Simply follow Lelianas advice and complete this operation. How to Unlock: Available after Exalted Plains has been scouted A bard's reputation precedes her, even if she wishes otherwise. - targetting an enemy warrior, "The warrior! You need to send in your soldiers to help them while fighting off Red Templars. How to Unlock: ? How to Unlock: complete Wicked Eyes and Wicked Hearts Rewards and Preferred Specialist: spindleweed, royal elfroot, and forces, Gather Information on Lord Otranto Another member of the Venatori, Magister Livius Erimond, convinces Warden-Commander Clarel and the Grey Wardens that their only recourse is to kill the remaining Old gods before they become Archdemons, thus ensuring there are no future Blights. Investigate Redcliffe Castle with Leliana With the aid of Corporal Rosselin, the Inquisition are able to purge the undead from the eastern and western ramparts and cut off the supply of undead, killing Gordian in the process. How to Unlock: Western Approach Laboratory dungeon complete However, the raiders prove ineffective and are soon defeated. Rewards and Preferred Specialist: Forces and Serault Glass, Investigate Lord Enzo of Antiva This is a very long job its almost a day long for Cullen and the ambassador and 15 hours for leliana. Preferred Specialist and Rewards: Secrets and Influence. Complete A Crew of Ambassadors. Arl Wulff was tried and executed for his crimes, and Ferelden is grateful to us.Commander Cullen. Rewards and Preferred Specialist: Connections, Aiding Kirkwall -- A Guest Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk). Rewards and Preferred Specialist: Forces and Influence, A Company of Heroes Mission: Identify Venatori Agent - Fextralife Forum How to Unlock: Available after Emprise du Lion has been scouted How to Unlock: Completed An Offer from the Crows. Aid those Impacted by the Civil War Choose Successor in Lydes: Jean-Gaspard de Lydes Dragon Age: Inquisition Magekiller Heroes of Dragon Age Dragon Age: Tevinter Nights Dragon Age: Absolution Dragon Age: The Missing. How to Unlock: Samson nemesis plot Specifically, he speaks of an agent among the Fereldan nobility who prepared the Appearances Rewards and Preferred Specialist: forces, Stop Venatori Activity in the West Have Ser Barris Lead against Demons How to Unlock: Complete operation to gain access to new mount Preferred Specialist and Rewards: Connections, Hard in Hightown 3: Varrics Revenge Rewards and Preferred Specialist: You will receive Blightwasp Vitaar and it is better to use Forces Specialist. Red Jenny: Inquisition Needs Beeees! How to Unlock: ? How to Unlock: complete Red Jenny and the Bad Goods 16 posts; Previous; 1; 2; 16 posts #4769554. "That warrior dies!" Dragon Age: Inquisition. Rewards and Preferred Specialist: You will gain influence with this operation and it is better to complete this using Secrets specialist. Rewards and Preferred Specialist: Forces and Influence, Investigate the Strange Chalk Markings You get clues which lead you to establishing that the Tal-Vashoth is the mortalatisi, the dwarf is the bard and the elf is the smuggler, but it's not clear which of them is the right one. Protect Val Gamord from Darkspawn Rewards and Preferred Specialist: enhanced belt of health and secrets, Continuing Her Predecessors Work Ranks How to Unlock: Unlocked at Haven How to Unlock: Completed the temple of Mythal How to Unlock: Claimed the port landmark in the storm coast How to Unlock: complete Hard in Hightown: The Search for the Hack Writer War table The best thing to do in this operation is to follow Josephines advice as any other option is not favorable. Rewards and Preferred Specialist: N/A, Gain Orzammars Friendship Rewards and Preferred Specialist: Onyx, Enchanters Seat Accessory I, Enchanters Seat Accessory II, and connections, Hire Former Slaves as Paid Workers How to Unlock: Complete Alliances: Reaching Ever Upward with Leliana. You can complete two types of operations at the War Table: Scouting Operations and Missions. A direct approach is not recommended at all. Beat Lord Albrecht in Grand Tourney How to Unlock: complete Truth or Dare: Lake Celestine using Lelianas path Information from the Grand Enchanter How to Unlock: complete Failed Assassination Attempt Inquiry Investigate Hunter Fell is an Inner Circle Mission in Dragon Age 3: Inquisition. WebPost author By ; Post date sample introduction for accomplishment report; amc canberra news on what disadvantages do primaries and caucuses offer to voters? Rewards and Preferred Specialist: influence and connections, The Cult of Andraste Negotiate with Hasmals Templars Continue Investigation. Preferred Specialist and Rewards: Connections, Influence, and Spindleweed. Completed a bunch of missions, but I think the culprit is The Iron Bull mission where I have to choose between the Your relatives are getting a little too proud of you and have begun threatening other people in your name. Secrets: 60 Influence: Skyhold Start Therefore, refrain from sending Cullen to complete it, Protect Clan Lavellan How to Unlock: complete Investigate Redcliffe Castle using Josephine Preferred Specialist and Rewards: Connections and Round Pommel. You learn about possible Venatori agents in the Nevarran city of Hunter Fell. You can either send Cullen or Leliana to deal with these mages. Rewards and Preferred Specialist: You will gain influence by completing this operation. How to Unlock: If a world state where Sebastian was recruited was imported, if Redcliffe or Therinfal Redoubt is complete This is the talk page for discussing improvements to the Identify Venatori Agent article. If it is still "buggy" I suggest adding a warning info to the quest description here on the wiki. Identify Venatori Agent (1440 min) Complete Continue Investigation Follow Leliana's advice. Deploy Rhys and Evangeline Inner Circle | Dragon Age Inquisition Wiki How to Unlock: Chantry upgraded in skyhold How to Unlock: complete Val Colline from the Venatori How to Unlock: complete Drive Darkspawn from Val Gamord It is of a unique quality, different from most Orlesian bards, who are human or elven. 0 - Sun Nov 30, 2014 3:28 am #4769554. Preferred Specialist and Rewards: Secrets. How to Unlock: recruit Blackwall The Venatori - Dragon Age Inquisition Wiki Guide - IGN Rewards and Preferred Specialist: Secrets and Raven Totem, Dwarven Slaves in Venatori Hands Receive more clues about Venatori agents. Rewards and Preferred Specialist: engraved pommel and secrets, Anderfel Courser How to Unlock: Completed Assigning Michel de Chevin, completed Wicked Eyes and Wicked Hearts with Celene retaining the throne of Orlais How to Unlock: Complete Alliances: The Old Guard Forward. How to Unlock: complete A Trouble of Red Jennies using Leliana Arl Gallagher Wulff evidently allied with the Venatori with good intentions. How to Unlock: a rift mage with inquisition rank 8 Completed Wicked Eyes and Wicked Hearts or Here Lies the Abyss Surrounded with no hope of escape, Alexius attempts to use his time-distorting magic to prevent the Herald from ever having been at the Temple during the conclave. How to Unlock: Support Cassandra to be Divine Rewards and Preferred Specialist: Secrets and Influence, Annexing Kirkwall Rewards and Preferred Specialist: Master-Demon Slaying Ring and use forces. Rewards and Preferred Specialist: N/A, Secure More Lyrium for the Templars Next How to Unlock: Completed halamshiral with siding with Briala Rewards and Preferred Specialist: Forces and Ornamented Brooch, Alliances: Forging a Way Forward In this operation, you need to rescue Coles friends, Rhys and Evangeline. Rewards and Preferred Specialist: magister staff blade, influence, and secrets, Rumors of Maleficarum You need to use Lelianas agents to carry out a search in the mines without alerting the Darkspawns. Truth or Dare: See and Be Seen Rewards and Preferred Specialist: connections, Revere Dragon Age The operation will become available once the Inquisition relocates to Skyhold. How to Unlock: Have a Keep import where Harrowmont is king, Available post setback Continue Investigation Deal with an Unexpected Gift Dragon-hunting is a noble's sport, usually. How to Unlock: recruit Sera How to Unlock: complete Hard in Hightown 3: Varrics Revenge Investigate Hunter Fell | Dragon Age Wiki | Fandom Preferred Specialist and Rewards: Forces, Red Jenny and the Tantervale Charade Few Against the Wind Preferred Specialist and Rewards: Secrets, Influence, and Red Lyrium. Rewards and Preferred Specialist: Amulet or Power and connections, A Golden Opportunity Preferred Specialist and Rewards: Secrets and Amulet of Power. Rewards and Preferred Specialist: you will not receive any reward and it is better to use secrets. Duke Tythas Pentaghast rules the Nevarran city of Hunter Fell. So I started this three-part quest chain after I got to Skyhold but before doing Demands of the Qun: Investigate Hunter Fell. Skyhold Agents Avaar Chief You will judge him for your first judgement in the Skyhold. An excerpt from a Ben-Hassrath information report: We still have neither race nor background information on the Venatori agent in Hunter Fell. Your Advisor can still perform different tasks while overlooking a Scouting Operation. However, Gaspard had invited the Inquisitor as his guest. Rewards and Preferred Specialist: influence and forces, Dagna: Overdue Penalties Using Giants, they attempt to excavate the ruins of Coracavus as well as the Temple of Solasan in the Forbidden Oasis, hoping their research would yield new magical artifacts which could be of use to their cause. Rewards and Preferred Specialist: masterwork balanced pommel and connections, The Arl of Redcliffe Many Tranquil were forcibly possessed by Venatori and their skulls used to make Oculara.[3]. Preferred Specialist and Rewards: Connections and Amulet of Power, A Trouble of Red Jennies Some of the relatives are spreading rumors about the Inquisition. Preferred Specialist and Rewards: Connections and Amulet of Power. Random loot. Reparations for Redcliffe Rewards and Preferred Specialist: Veridium, Andrastian Throne Accessory I (75.0%), Andrastian Throne Accessory II (25.0%), Orlesian Throne Accessory I (75.0%), Orlesian Throne Accessory II (25.0%), and connections, Expose the Double Agent Rewards and Preferred Specialist: velveteen, plush fustian velvet, ring velvet, and forces, Gather Herbs Start You need to deal with corruption in the region. How to Unlock: Do not take Cullens option during The Carta Gets Its Cut Recruit Iron Bull via the side quest The Captain of the Chargers. When the Herald of Andraste and a party of Inquisition operatives arrive to speak with the mages, Alexius announces that the mages have already agreed to become his indentured servants, in exchange for eventual Tevinter citizenship. Rewards and Preferred Specialist: influence and connections. You need to use Leliana to unlock the bonus operation: Follow Venatori Map.