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. If that's true, then they must literally choose people at random. Of Justice has been caught in the past hiding the true statistics on gang stalking complaints in America. We're all in a "terrorist" watchlist. For the most part isn't people following you around. From Christopher Story's (2002) "The New Underworld Order: Triumph of Criminalism, Dark Actors The term "Gangstalking" or "Organized Stalking" refers to intense, long-term, harassment, intimidation, and surveillance of a Targeted Individual. targeted individual ii. Barack Obama Obama Issues New Call to Service. If you or someone you know is experiencing this type of crime please call PACTS International at: 1-888-639-5559. of Homeland Security (DHS), networked with other US Intelligence Agencies, OSHA and Security Contractors, law enforcement & military personnel, "Community Watch Groups" & NGO's, "Surveillance Role Players" and anyone . June 5, 2022 Posted by: Category: Uncategorized; kevin canada my cointelpro videos! Answer (1 of 10): In case you are a targeted individual and the harassment follows you anywhere you go, then its the government who has labelled you as a target and is giving blessings for it to continue against you. The Targeted Individual Program. Home Archive by Category "Uncategorized". The stalking of people by vehicles representing entities such as, the U.S. postal service, UPS and FedEx, police cars, fire trucks, ambulances, local business, utility companies, city vehicles, taxis, and public transportation vehicles. We use cookies to deliver our services. Home Archive by Category "Uncategorized". It is inside America. And in some cases, aircraft such as small propeller planes and helicopters. This again, is another power issue - the more you talk about your stalkers - the more you are keeping the stalking alive and well in your mind and soul. It is a staged, phony war that has been created Sheriff's Office Deputies, US Marshal's, Officers from the Department of Corrections, the Probation Division and Pardon and Parole officers participate in the apprehension effort throughout the state. Dr. Westhues confirms this fact in his communications with Keith Labella, Esq., as recounted below. Sho. [2] The activities involved are described as including electronic harassment, the use of "psychotronic weapons", directed-energy weapons, cyberstalking, hypnotic suggestion transmitted through remotely-accessed electronic devices, and other alleged mind control techniques. Their could be special apps linked to "mutualink" which is a program Fusion Centers seem to be using to organize this . Gang stalking appears to be a cultural and social sickness. The Division covers 20 precincts across the greater Columbus metropolitan area, while serving nearly 800,000 residents. This again, is another power issue - the more you talk about your stalkers - the more you are keeping the stalking alive and well in your mind and soul. At noon on Friday an auditorium decorated with Third Wave banners was filled with over 200 students. The mobbing which Dr. Westhues has described has found its way to our communities and can be linked to the dramatic increase in mass shootings. "Today the Bush Administration through various programs, seemingly extensions of the COINTELPRO program is recruiting individuals and neighbors to engage in certain forms of intimidation upon other neighbors in particular, against those who oppose this Administrations' policies. 420 Friendly Hotels In Oklahoma, Share this on Posted by Eric Karlstromin September 2016 on his Gang-stalking and Cult website. Shortly after I had reported the suspected to the police, the occupant of this house called the police on Sarah, reporting that she had taken a picture over his fence, the police came to the property and told Sarah that it is a new Texas law that . NFTs Simplified > Uncategorized > citizen corps gangstalking. Acco Informants . by Ramola D/The Everyday Concerned Citizen/Posted 10/16/2016 (With information from Ella Free, Cait Ryan, Paul Baird, and other human rights activists) In a breakthrough historic and supportive move on a Talkshoe call-in show last weekand a first in terms of notable public figures publicly acknowledging covert targeting with electromagnetic and neuro-weapons as real--NSA whistleblower . Their role grows dramatically year after year in an effort to keep silent the many crimes already committed. by Ramola D/The Everyday Concerned Citizen/Posted 10/16/2016 (With information from Ella Free, Cait Ryan, Paul Baird, and other human rights activists) In a breakthrough historic and supportive move on a Talkshoe call-in show last weekand a first in terms of notable public figures publicly acknowledging covert targeting with electromagnetic and neuro-weapons as real--NSA whistleblower . [9] Among the community of targeted individuals, gang stalking is described as a shared experience where the gang stalkers all coordinate to harass individuals, and the individuals share their victim experiences with each other. See more of Target individuals of gang stalking and mind control around the world on Facebook The mission of Citizen Corps is to harness the power of every individual through education, training, and volunteer services to make communities safer through gang stalking operations conducted through Neighborhood Watch Group.Support https://www.ready.g | Discover worth, traffic, revenues, global rank, pagerank, pagerank, visitors, pageviews, ip, indexed . Prepare for another adventure as Dan Duval goes solo and free-styles a monologue on the subject of gang-stalking and targeted individuals. Shortly after this the full blow "gangstalking" started. Sho. . Download Now. The enemy is YOU! The concept of stalking arose in the 1980s following increased legal equity for women and prosecution of domestic violence.Generally, stalking has a single perpetrator, who may sometimes recruit others to act vicariously on their behalf, usually unwittingly. This movement is based on causing people to become socially isolated and marginalized. Press alt + / alt + / President Trump's Israel peace plan is considered by most to be dead on arrival, but the Israeli government is looking to make part of it, the part where they get to keep a good chunk of the . Their could be special apps linked to "mutualink" which is a program Fusion Centers seem to be using to organize this . Brazoria County Texas Sheriff Department Press J to jump to the feed. What you've read up to this point describes in a nutshell the psychological warfare, well here comes the physical torture - I call it being "zapped".Most commonly it is referred to as "electronic harassment" - effectively it is continual overexposure to targeted Electromagnetic Radiation (electronic harassment).It is undoubtedly TORTURE!It is a war crime. ", "The investigation continues after a man is accused of killing four people in Butler Township",, This page was last edited on 9 February 2023, at 15:26. Do not text others and gossip about your stalkers. Florida native Myron May was a former prosecutor turned targeted individual. Prepare for another adventure as Dan Duval goes solo and free-styles a monologue on the subject of gang-stalking and targeted individuals. Bride Movement. Another perspective is that gang stalking appears to manifest from a systemic force that is related to stasis -maintaining the status quo.,,, New Orleans Office of Homeland Security & Emergency Preparedness, Philadelphia Office of Emergency Management, Alaska Division of Homeland Security & Emergency Management, California Governor's Office of Emergency Services, Connecticut Department of Emergency Management and Homeland Security, Georgia Emergency Management and Homeland Security Agency, Massachusetts Emergency Management Agency, Homeland Security and Emergency Management, North Carolina Department of Public Safety, Oklahoma Department of Emergency Management, Puerto Rico State Agency for Emergency and Disaster Management, Office of the Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response, Caribbean Disaster Emergency Management Agency, National Emergency Management Organisation (NEMO), Office of Disaster Preparedness and Emergency Management, Indonesian National Board for Disaster Management, Ministry of Civil Defence & Emergency Management. October 20, 2021. [4], Those who believe they are victims report that they believe the motivation for the gang stalking is to disrupt every part of their lives. A group photo was taken. 5/2/2014 Print Message 4/27 Americans-US civilians by the citizens of the State of Israel . . This explains why Dept. The proof online concerning targeted individuals is staggering and irrefutable. "It may sound a bit crazy and . Then there is gang stalking. The mission of Citizen Corps is to harness the power of every individual through education, training, and volunteer services to make communities safer through gang stalking operations conducted through Neighborhood Watch Group.Support https://www.ready.g | Discover worth, traffic, revenues, global rank, pagerank, pagerank, visitors, pageviews, ip, indexed . This explains why Dept. Chiappa Little Sharps Rifle Review, citizen corps gangstalking. The below video is a continuation of this horn honking campaign, I am now residing in Texas City Texas. Posted in. The Satanic Pedo FGM Clitoral Cutter Cult Are Doing Electronic Harrasment To Clitoruses on Targeted Individuals They say there 5 of them doing this to clitoruses in 8 areas times 20 places in Southern. Mission The mission of Citizen Corps is to harness the power of every individual through education, training, and volunteer service to make communities safer, stronger, and better prepared to respond to the threats of terrorism, crime, public . This program has many intelligence agencies involved, the FBI, State and Local Police, NSA, Homeland Security, Infraguard, Citizen Corps, National Neighborhood Watch groups, etc. The members of Targeted Justice have documented their crimes, including - harassment, gangstalking, illegal entry, vehicular stalking, assault & battery, theft, property damage, conspiracy, and attempted murder. Bride Movement. Accident On 55 Today St Louis, Their could be special apps linked to "mutualink" which is a program Fusion Centers seem to be using to organize this . Sometime ago I was writing a description to be displayed with my youtube video. As noted on The Crimes page, all circumstantial evidence suggests that the offenders of surveillance crimes arise from the Dept. "[7][8] A 2020 study established a framework to classify and examine the phenomenon of individuals with the subjective experience of being gang stalked. Infragard and all these private security organizations have connections with all the Fortune 500 companies. When I went to the. Introduction Epigraph Quotes: 1) "There is now a New American War. 2) Demand to Know If Citizen Corps Is The . Government sanctioned psychological operations includes: organized stalking, community harassment, workplace mobbing, character assassination, illegal surveillance & electronic harassment. I have personally been GANG STALKED by police in Oceanside, CA and Carlsbad, CA for four years. Aaliyah Father Cause Of Death, Posted onDecember 11, 2022December 11, 2022AuthorEric Karlstrom,, 2) Demand to Know If Citizen Corps Is The Government Gang Stalking REDS 5/11/2015. Juni 2022 . 1 Cup Olive Oil In Grams Australia, CEASE & DESIST LETTER Targeted Individuals should send a Cease & Desist letter to your local gangstalkers. If you or someone you know is experiencing this type of crime please call PACTS International at: 1-888-639-5559. Cops Gang Stalking Program. A group photo was taken. Press J to jump to the feed. The enemy is YOU! "There were the athletes, the social prominents, the student leaders, the loners, the group of kids that always left school early, the bikers, the pseudo hip, a few representatives of the school's dadaist click, and some of the students that hung out at the laundromat . Soon after 9/11 the government controlled news media started using the term 'first responders' to refer to public servants who serve in the law enforcement fire and medical divisions. Volunteer & Donate Train & Educate Learn how you can help your community before, during and after a disaster or emergency. 223 wylde spiral fluted barrel 16'' black, young and young funeral home hartsville, sc, What Instruments Are Used In Ragtime Music, how do i access my pa state employee email. Webmaster comment: Targeted individuals are often deliberately sensitized to various different stimuli, colors, etc. In Dr. Farber's words: "The development of a totalitarian regimenominally a constitutional republicin which human rights and the constitutional right to liberty are routinely trampled upon is today an ominous prospect in America." Contact Crypterio Theme support team if you need help or have questions. by Ramola D/The Everyday Concerned Citizen/Posted 10/16/2016 (With information from Ella Free, Cait Ryan, Paul Baird, and other human rights activists) In a breakthrough historic and supportive move on a Talkshoe call-in show last weekand a first in terms of notable public figures publicly acknowledging covert targeting with electromagnetic and neuro-weapons as real--NSA whistleblower . "The prevention of such a development," he emphasizes, "is now dependent upon the willingness of small minorities of individuals who are inspired . The intent of a person or a group of people systematically stalking and harassing a person non stop daily for years is done to cause psychological trauma to an individual. Of Justice has been caught in the past hiding the true statistics on gang stalking complaints in America. Acco Americans are being put under surveillance or harassed by police in at least 36 states, said the ACLU.