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Such preaching is biblical, missional, motivational, and worshipful. Twenty-four full outlines by Ed Dye, A.W. Such preaching requires a redemptive-historical approach to Scripture. Goff, Wayne Goff, and David Goff. Her father became a Deacon and then went on to become a Pastor of his own church, Old Fashion Baptist Temple in Long Beach, CA. Southaven church of Christ hosts: POWER Lectureship 2017 Included are videos 1-3 of POWER Youth Rally 2017, and videos 4-29 of POWER 2017. The Dreams And Visions Of The Prophet Daniel is a series of seven detailed sermon outlines on the visions of the prophet Daniel. Lectureship. Christ-centered preaching is motivational. We add to this the role that lectureships have placed throughout the years. The Houston Area Churches of Christ are excited to host the 2023 National Lectureship and look forward to fellowshipping with each of you. Of course, the term lecture simply refers to a style of teachinga teacher publicly speaks to a group of students, of which the practice goes back hundreds of years, and is a common form of education in higher institutions of learning. PowerPoint Sermons - English | Des Moines Church of Christ When we become Christians, were united to Christ, indwelled by his Spirit, and empowered to new obedience (John 15:5; Gal. Administrator:. Brother Hardeman then invited brother Boles to serve as a guest teacher for this lectureship, which began in January 1937. Goff, and Elmer Moore. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints hiring Gospel Library The Church of Jesus Christ built financial stability through tithing and consecration. How sad that gospel meetings and lectureships are declining! The man who denies the existence of Deity is not concerned with pleasing Him; neither does he fear displeasing Him. 19th Annual South Florida Lectureship hosted by the Palm Beach Lakes church of Christ in 2014. Gospel Radio -- Online Version of Reflections On The Book Divine. Jen Wilkin and Jonathan Pennington share their arguments on whether parents should choose public schools for their children. This packet contains 91 charts prepared by Elmer Moore and Jeff Asher to accompany the sermons brother Moore presented in the Second Annual Lectureship at Dumas Drive in Amarillo in June 0f 2002. All content 2012 Cold Harbor Road Church of Christ . 2022 Lectures Southside Church of Christ 2022 Lectures The 42nd Southside Lectures: June 20-23, 2022 "The Gospel Is For All" Monday, June 20 9:30 AM Tommy Peeler, "The Glory and Majesty of God" 10:30 AM Wilson Adams, "Light the Gospel Fire!" 7:00 PM Tim Stevens, Congregational Singing 20th Annual South Florida Lectureship hosted by the Palm Beach Lakes church of Christ in 2015. 2020 Lectureship | Coleman avenue church of Christ St. Louis Area -Wide Lectureship Sept 21 23rd, 2017 Hosted by the St Peters church of Christ Thursday, September 21 st 2 pm Enriched by His Grace Eph 1:3 -18 Matt Stewart . Pasadena, TX 77505 Pastor Harper is the 5th child of 6 living children of Harvey and Inez Rodgers and was inspired to open a church following in her father's footsteps, hence the name: OLD FASHIONED GOSPEL TEMPLE MINISTRIES. In these studies, the examples of worthy men who lived and died by their faith in God and the hope of the coming Messiah are examined. In it, Ramsey understands the church as a reflection the death and resurrection of Christ, and then argues that the various expressions of Christianity today each express their own gifts in accordance with the Resurrection, whether they are Catholic . or CD of individual books in PDF, can be purchased by contacting: Contending For the Faith at 281-350-5516 or Spring Church of Christ Physical Address: 1327 Spring Cypress Road, Spring, TX 77373 Mailing Address: 25403 Lancewood Drive, Spring, TX 77373 281-353-2707 21st Annual South Florida Lectureship hosted by the Palm Beach Lakes church of Christ in 2016. The 2001 lectureship book for the Dumas Drive Church of Christ. For several years Jeff Asher, Gene Taylor, and David Padfield operated a separate website that featured expository sermon outlinesall saved in individual PDF files. ", 7:00 PM Tim Stevens,Congregational Singing, 7:30 PM Lawrence Kelley, "The Gospel Is For Those Who Are Nothing Like Jesus", 8:30 PM Shane Scott, "The Gospel Is For Those Who Doubt", 9:30 AM Shane Scott, "The Gospel Is For Those Who Don't Believe", 10:30 AM Lawrence Kelley, "The Gospel Is For Pharisees", 7:00 PM Tim Stevens,Congregational Singing, 7:30 PM Wilson Adams, "The Gospel At Home: Good News Marriage", 8:30 PM Tommy Peeler, "The Disaster and Destruction of Sin", 9:30 AM Wilson Adams, "The Gospel At Home: Raising the Next Generation", 10:30 AM Shane Scott, "The Gospel Is For Those Who Suffer", 7:30 PM Tommy Peeler, "The Crucifixion and Resurrection of Jesus", 8:30 PM Lawrence Kelley, "The Gospel Is For the Desperate", 9:30 AM Lawrence Kelley, "The Gospel Is For Those Struggling to Keep It Together", 10:30 AM Tommy Peeler, "The Conversion of the Eunuch", 7:30 PM Shane Scott, "The Gospel Is For Those Who Make a Defense", 8:30 PM Wilson Adams, "Pray BIG: Getting Out of Our Comfort Zone", Home | About Us | Online Sermons | Online Articles | Southside Lectures | Members | Contact Us Terry Wallace"The Power And The Privilege of Prophetic Preaching" Amos 7:12-1575th Annual National Lectureship - Church of Christ Most recently, it has been advanced by LaGard Smith, Mike Root, and John Mark Hicks with the help of Pepperdine and Lipscomb Universities. These outlines reflect the depth of their knowledge of the Word and an approach to preaching that fast being lost among Churches of Christ. Each of these men contributed eight outlines for the making of this book (69 pages). Download File. Christ And The Church, the 2002 Dumas Drive Lectureship book. 1:16)! The Christian Courier - Wayne Jackson. 77th Annual National Lectureship of the Churches of Christ. Take care to do the hard work of exegesis, showing how the gospel arises organically across the entire canon. Matthew 10:32-33Therefore whoever confesses Me before men, him I will also confess before My Father who is in heaven. The Christian Informer - by non-Institutional Brethren. Lectureship | Coleman avenue church of Christ Gospel Sermons That Save Souls, seven full sermon outlines that are suitable for Gospel Meetings or local evangelistic work. Preachers must also explain how the listener can do what God requires. Christ-centered preaching is missionalchallenging unbelief and cultivating belief in all types of listeners. In the nineteenth century, parlor lectures began to become popularthe act of inviting guest speakers for private lectures. Here, at the Vegas Drive Church of Christ, we work together as the local church, following the pattern set forth in the New Testament of the Bible. Each outline is thorough in its examination of text and themes (PDF file size: 556k). A decision we celebrate and rejoice in around here! church of Christ Gospel Meeting, Lectureship Programs & Events Welcome to the 77th Annual National Lectureship of the Church of Christ website. Quartzsite church of Christ | Quartzsite, Arizona Through this study, men will hopefully imbibe more of the divine nature and prepare themselves to meet their Maker and Redeemer at the gates of Eternity. Aaron Ellis. 2014 Washington Street Church of Christ - Warrensburg, MO 64093, Serving The Cause of Christ in West-Central Missouri. Thirteen full outlines in 66 pages (PDF file size: 249k). * Required information 2015 AL State Lectureship Audio Sermons "The Reason For The Need" - Bro. The Keller Center for Cultural Apologetics helps Christians show unbelievers the truth, goodness, and beauty of the gospel as the only hope that fulfills our deepest longings. How preachers motivate and empower their listeners to obedience determines whether their biblical exposition becomes a self-centered or Christ-centered sermon. Here, at the Vegas Drive Church of Christ, we work together as the local church, following the pattern set forth in the New Testament of the Bible. The Lectureship will be June 17, 2023 - June 22, 2023 at the Hyatt Regency Downtown Houston. The Gospel and the Catholic Church: Recapturing a Biblical Send a Message; Ask a Question By. Join Us . Walt Nilsson loves Jesus and helping people know and live in the grace of God. Free Sermon Outlines by Jeff Asher, Church of Christ We lean on the promises of Jesus, as He said in John 17: 3, This is eternal life: that they may know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom you have sent. (PDF file size: 1.4MB), The Gospel By Which We Are Saved. Pastor Harper is the 5th child of 6 living children of Harvey and Inez Rodgers and was inspired to open a church following in her father's footsteps, hence the name: CLICK TO PLANT SEED, OR GIVE YOUR BEST GIFT, STANDING IN THE GAP/INTERCESSORY PRAYER SERVICE. gospel meetings and events of churches of christ. These authors and their surrogates have advanced views of the worship and advocated changes altogether unknown to the New Testament. 2 Peter 3:9The Lord is not slack concerning His promise, as some count slackness, but is longsuffering toward us, not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance. October 22, 2012 3:1415). 184 views, 13 likes, 2 loves, 5 comments, 5 shares, Facebook Watch Videos from Tonto St Church of Christ: Nathan Elder (North Las Vegas, NV): "The Word: Quick, Powerful and Sharp"; Hebrews 4:12. Daily Devotionals can be found here . Sierra Leone students and staff "turn their world upside down" with the gospel Note that registration fees are non-refundable, but they are transferable. United: Becoming One In Christ. We can also see changes to such by noting that day services (in addition to those held at night) used to be normal years agosuch is quite the rarity today. LAS VEGAS| Old Fashion Gospel Temple Ministries More modern records of the influence that gospel meetings or revivals had will take our minds back to the eighteenth century when Jonathan Edwards preached his infamous sermon, Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God, or many of the other instances of revival preaching both here and abroad. Plain Talk - Back Issues from a Paper that is no longer published (Robert Turner), Spiritual Quarterly - Getwell Church of Christ - Great Pub - by Paid Subscription, Focus Press Publications - (modern issues in science & what God has to say about it), Truth In Love Archives - Pulaski, TN Church of Christ - Some Great Back Issues!\, Truth In Love Lectureship Books - All Lectureships From 1992 To Present. (File size: 1.1 MB), The Person And Work Of The Holy Spirit. 17th Annual South Florida Lectureship hosted by the Palm Beach Lakes church of Christ in 2012. Nothing more, nothing less, nothing else, Sunday: 9:30 a.m 10:30 a.mSunday: 6:00 p.m 7:00 p.m. Each of these men contributed eight outlines for the making of this book (99 pages). New TestamentAll Gospel Art. He is lead pastor of Cornerstone Presbyterian Church (PCA) in California, Maryland, where he has served for over 17 years. COME LET US REASON - 2021. . Even if the application has biblical precedent, it does no good to commend obedience through pure self-determination. March 2, 2023. JUNE 17-22, 2023. CALENDAR WILL BE UPDATED AS NECESSARY, "Reaching one, to teach many, to live for Jesus". Let's Reason Together (e-Tracts, Media Archives, Articles and Downloads), The Gospel of Christ - Norman, OK (Newsletter, Free Media and Archives), Banner of Truth Online - Walter Pigg, Murray, KY (Currently 2000-2013). Lectureships | What does God say we must do to be reconciled with Him? Challenge - Online Publication battles Atheism, Evolution and deals with Moral Issues. REGISTER NOW. 1:16; Gal. Acts 8:37Then Philip said, If you believe with all your heart, you may. And he answered and said,I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God.. He has given assurance of this to all by raising Him from the dead. Pastor Ethel is a Cervical cancer survivor. Certainly, it underscores the public pronouncement of heralding the good news of the gospel. There are two ways, Thomas Chalmers explains, to displace love of the world in a human heart: expose its worthlessness or replace love for the world with something more beautiful. Here are four elements that will help preachers to bring Gods Word to Gods people in gospel power each week. 2012 Oklahoma Lectureship - Jesus Is. The Lord has designed His plan of salvation with clear, straightforward instruction. Articles and Books - Centerville Road Church of Christ - Some Good Links Too! Old FashionedGospel Temple Ministries, Nevada(ClarkCounty) is made up of people who are simply believers in Christ who have chosen to come together to praise, worship, magnify and lift up the name of Jesus Christand you can be too! Our priority is to glorify God and extend His kingdom by living and proclaiming . Isaiah 53: The Messiah will be a Suffering Servant for our Sins. Lectureships Online Academy of Biblical Studies Under the oversight of the Elders of the Chipman Road church of Christ 201 NW Chipman Road - P.O. Old Paths Advocate - Back Issues From 1931-1972 CLICK HERE For OPA Blog. 26th Annual Lectureship (2015) "Out of Darkness, Into Light, Out of Atheism, Into Christianity" 2015-Lectureship. Apologetics Press - Professional Publication. the SafeUnsubscribeTM link, found at the bottom of every email. The Houston area congregations are excited to host the 2023 National Lectureship. Christians are taught that they are called to love others as themselves and to share their faith with the world. May we resolve to restore the power behind the gospel of Jesus Christ (Rom. 22nd Annual South Florida Lectureship hosted by the Palm Beach Lakes church of Christ in 2017. There are six outlines each on the four theme topics: Ephesians: The Church the Manifold Wisdom of God, Gods Holy Temple: The Work, Worship and Organization of the Church, What Is the Church of Christ?, and For Christ and the Church. All of Scripture builds to the climax of Gods revelation in the person and work of Jesus Christ (Luke 24:2527; 2 Tim. Each of these men contributed eight outlines for the making of this book (99 pages). To view the free downloads on your computer, you will need a PDF viewer on your computer. The good news of Jesus Christ is both the reason and power for change (Rom. April 23-26, 2023. Lectureships Questions Surrounding the Second Coming - 26th Annual South Florida Lectureship hosted by the Palm Beach Lakes church of Christ in 2022. Publishes "Discovery" for Kids. Lectures Presented by Bellview Church of Christ. The Gospel By Which We Are Saved, the 2001 Dumas Drive Lectureship book. Elders, preachers, and Bible teachers should give this subject careful consideration and make the appropriate application to the matter of watching for the souls of men. STANDING IN THE GAP LECTURESHIP. Christ and the . Spring Gospel Meeting with . Forthright Magazine - Online Publication (Can be sent to your email address). Our goal is to present the Word of God without theatrics orstage show effects. 9 Things You Should Know About Revivals in America, The Burning Question from Asbury Isnt About Asbury, Ordinary and Extraordinary: A Day at the Asbury Awakening, Tim Keller on the Decline and Renewal of the American Church. STANDING IN THE GAP/INTERCESSORY PRAYER 5:30 PM, WOMEN TO COOK FOR MEN (NO SUNDAY SCHOOL CLASS)9:30 AM, STANDING IN THE GAP/INTERCESSORY PRAYER 9:30 AM. Once you download and decompress this file, you will have several folders full of PDF sermons. Twenty-four full sermon outlines by Ed Dye, A. W. Goff and Elmer Moore. . The subject church discipline is important but too often misunderstood. The Gospel of Christ The Truth in Love The Truth Matters TRUTH.FM Wes Garland Ministries West Huntsville church of Christ World Video Bible . 48th Annual Lectureship. Another soul has come to Christ! Gospel Meeting | Series | Phillips Street Church of Christ Christ-centered preaching captures the hearts trust and love by exalting the risen Christ. Important questions concerning the nature of true worship and what is authorized as worship, and why, are answered. Below are links to free publications published by the Board of Publications for the Church of Christ. 2023 National Lectureship of the Churches of Christ, 1200 Louisiana Street, Houston, TX, 77002, US, The church at Philippi: Paul's Love & Joy (Philippians 1:3-11) Ruth, A Virtuous Woman (Ruth 3:11) Eve, Road to Sin (Genesis 3:1-7) Word of God Confirmed (Deuteronomy 18:21-22) Pure and Genuine Religion: Encouraging One Another (James 5:13-20) Pure and Genuine Religion: Be Steadfast (James 5:7-11) Lectureships - OABS Twenty-four full outlines by A.W. Downloads Church of Christ Luke 13:3,5 I tell you, no; but unless you repent you will all likewise perish. Evangelistic Approaches Part 5 - Lectureships Northside Church of Christ Church Of Christ Preaching - Written Lessons The Bible Banner - Back Issues Online (Non-Istitutional - Conservative Articles), The Gospel Guardian - Back Issues Online (Non-Institutional - Conservative Articles), Truth Magazine Archives - Back Issues From 1956 To Present - Solid Publication, Truth Magazine Articles - Great Collection of their best Articles Online, In Search of Truth - Some Good Articles, Audio and Online Bible Study, In Search of Truth Forums - Does have some interesting Forum Discussions. These sermons have been used by the author over the last 25 years and have proved effective in reaching souls steeped in the ways of the world and confused by the errors of denominationalism. Loisy suggests one cannot know Christ fully just by a reading of the gospel, but it is in Christ's work, and the work of the church that one knows him. Dashboard; Login; Register; Sermons. -. If you are a member of the church of Christ and wish to advertise a gospel meeting or another special event post it here! Bible Based Articles for the Edification of All Creation. Every church planter and gospel-believing preacher wants Jesus to be front and center each time he takes the pulpit. The Lectureship will be June 17, 2023 - June 22, 2023 at the Hyatt Regency Downtown Houston. The good news of Jesus Christ is both the reason and power for change ( Rom. What I Want My Children To Know, contains the title sermon and ten other sermon outlines directed toward families with children and young adults.These sermons, whether preached from the pulpit, studied as a class, or used for private encouragement, should be helpful to Christian families struggling with the challenges of our world (PDF file size: 468k). PowerPoint Sermons - Paulding church of Christ Southeast Institute of Biblical Studies | Southeast Institute of Copyright 2023 The Gospel Coalition, INC. All Rights Reserved. Alfred Firmin Loisy (1857-1959) - Location: Linder Road Church of Christ (1555 N Linder Road, Meridian, ID 83642) Meet Speakers Hotel Partner 2021 Lectureship Schedule THURSDAY: October 14 7:00 P.M. Congregational Singing 7:15 P.M. Proverbs 14:12 - John 4:23-24. A Financial Journey: Fulfilling Prophecy, Blessing Saints - Public Grid View List View. The National Lectureship of Churches of Christ will be held Saturday, May 23, 2020 through Thursday, May 28, 2020 in the beautiful and magical city of Orlando, Florida. Should Christian Parents Send Their Children to Public Schools? Toney Smith presented this 3rd Lesson of the 2012 Fall Gospel meeting at the Phillips St. Church of Christ. Our priority is to glorify God and extend His kingdom by living and proclaiming His truth in the world (John 1:1). DATES, EVENTS, AND TIMES ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE. Some well-written articles. How preachers motivate and empower their listeners to obedience determines whether their biblical exposition becomes a self-centered or Christ-centered sermon. He Who Promised Is Faithful - 25th Annual South Florida Lectureship hosted by the Palm Beach Lakes church of Christ in 2021. There are six outlines each on the four theme topics: Ephesians: The Church the Manifold Wisdom of God, God's Holy Temple: The Work, Worship and Organization of the Church, What Is the Church of Christ?, and For Christ and the Church (PDF file size: 376k). Christ-centered preaching applies God's Word by explaining not only what he requires of . Acts 8:37 Then Philip said, If you believe with all your heart, you may. And he answered and said, I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God.. A series of radio addresses directed at answering twelve objections raised by a Baptist Preacher to the Bible doctrine concerning baptism "for the remission of sins" as taught in Acts 2:38 and other New Testament texts (PDF file size: 476k). Administrator:.