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. It took the bold choice of not really showing much of the exorcism at all, you catch a glimpse right at the very beginning, starting things off where most films of this genre normally ends, but from. He can be reached at [emailprotected] and @pjgrisar on Twitter. Just when you think filmmakers had all but exhausted the demonic possession subgenre, giving us all that could possibly be wrung from it, along comes writer/director Jordan Galland and Avas Possessions. With her biological father falling miserably short in his parental duties, Duke filled that void for her. The well developed psychological, horror thriller avoids the by now over-used blatantly scary scenes and instead uses a more Hitchcock-directed approach. The film had its world premiere at the Dead by Dawn Horror Film Festival on April 26, 2015. Ava's Possessions (126) 5.6 1 h 28 min 2016 X-Ray R. A young woman recovers from a demonic possession. I dunno this should have been a pretty great dark/quirky cult movie, along the lines of Repo Man and After Hours and others like it. The best movie with Ava in the title since Avatar. In fact, I actually think I might be able to enjoy upcoming possession movies more now that Avas has opened the door to considering what happens to a person post-exorcism. As someone whos seen quite a few possession movies recently, Avas Possessions is wildly refreshing. It kind of floats around, without much highs and lows, between the main character trying to figure out what happened during her possesion and her efforts to control a possible demons return. Copyright 2023 The Forward Association, Inc. All rights reserved. The movie after all the Possession movies What Happens After Your Demon Has Been Exorcised? Fede Alvarezs Alien Movie Fills Out Cast With Four More Fresh Faces, Eli Roths Thanksgiving Cast Adds Milo Manheim, Scream Why Wes Cravens Classic Is Still the Perfect Scary Movie for Horror Newcomers, Nosferatu Aaron Taylor-Johnson Joins the Cast of Robert Eggers Remake, Hellboy: The Crooked Man Adeline Rudolph and Jefferson White Join the Reboot, Poltergeist Amazon Reportedly Looking to Revive the Franchise, Agent Elvis Trailer Elvis Gets Bloody in Netflixs Adult Animated Series on March 17th, From Season 2 Teaser Trailer Critically Acclaimed Series Returns to MGM+ in April. Louisa Krause stars in the titular lead role Ava, a woman who's in the process of recovery after being afflicted by demonic possession. 2016 R 1h 29m DVD Rent this movie. Sounds as fresh as it is with humor that isn't trying to be funny, but definitely is. It is mysterious alright. The relationship between the parents and the surrogate is very loving and there is a sense of understanding between them. A semicomic mystery imagining what happens after the credits roll on a demonic-possession fright flick, Jordan Gallands Avas Possessions realizes the obvious it aint easy to reenter polite society after spending weeks unleashing hell and then makes things worse. He can be reached at [emailprotected]. Furious, Ava begins screaming and the office door swings open, showing the shadow of Ava's demon. This comes as a blow to Max, who is a musician . This amateurish mess of a movie tries to be a horror/comedy but falls flat. ", "Review: In 'Ava's Possessions,' Fallout From a Lost Month of Demonic Activity",, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, This page was last edited on 26 January 2023, at 06:45. Throughout "Possession," we view Anna through Mark's eyes, always tinted in blue, her visage becoming more eldritch and terrifying with time. The story afterwards, fleshed out more and the comedy was gone. "[2] Bloody Disgusting shared a similar opinion and noted that while the film was flawed, it had good acting and was "still a unique film that deserves a watch to see that not every possession film has to be told the same way. David Jonsson, Archie Renaux, Spike Fearn and Aileen Wu have signed on, THR reports. Hes an all-business kind of guy whos deeply dedicated to helping his group members free themselves from their demons once and for all. AVA'S POSSESSIONS (2015) After an exorcism expels her demon, a young woman joins an odd support group to piece together the mystery of what happened during her possession. 2 May 2016. But grisly visions continue to plague her . Salems Lot: William Sadler Joins Adaptation of Stephen King Novel! Want to relax and get a horror fix but also have a few laughs? Having wrought havoc on the public during her demonic spree, she is ordered by the court to a "spiritual possessions anonymous" group to reorient herself. The cast was great, the cinematography was appropriately oddball (so many Dutch angles! While in the group, Ava comes to learn that despite her parents Bernard and Joanna (William Sadler and Deborah Rush), sister (Whitney Able), and sisters fianc (Zachary Booth) being there for her during the ordeal, they seem to be harbouring a secret from her that hides a sinister truth about the possession. Ava's Possessions - Wikipedia The only way for Ava to avoid jail time after all of her demonic misbehavior is to attend a Spirit Possessions Anonymous support group, where she and her fellow survivors talk about their feelings and learn skills to keep their uninvited spiritual guests away. Entertainment Weekly is a registered trademark of Meredith Corporation All Rights Reserved. Ava is recovering from demonic possession. Other reviews already mention the unnecesary subplots. The program is led by Tony (Wass Stevens), a gruff man that insists that Ava take the program seriously as to do otherwise would just raise the likelihood that the demon would return, as repossessions will frequently happen. Ava's Possessions is an American supernatural Horror Comedy film written and directed by Jordan Gallard. At the start of the film I was like WTF is going on is this a comedy. He throws her out of the program, as the tattoo makes it easy for the demon to return. Is it passed genetically though too?? With no memory of the past month, she is forced to attend a Spirit Possessions Anonymous support group. I won't bother to describe the plot of this disaster, but some of the dialog is pricelesssuch as 'I think my demon likes me, I'm the first girl he was ever inside.' and our what's the problem. ("We don't say the D-word.") Partway between the worlds, she can see the other world intruding into ours; or perhaps she had become nuts. As Ava struggles to reconnect with her friends, get her job back, and figure out where the huge blood stain in her apartment came from, she is plagued by nightmarish visions - the demon is trying to come back. A capable production communicates the narrative without adding appealing energy. I realise I'm supposed to suspend disbelief a bit more than usual due to the genre, but the alternate world, where possession is relatively common, wasn't as fleshed out as I thought it should be. You must credit the Forward, retain our pixel and preserve our canonical link in Google search. All the other actors are just okay. The prostitute is murdered before she can tell Ava anything. Please email us at [emailprotected], subject line republish, with any questions or to let us know what stories youre picking up. Beginning where most, if not all, exorcism-related horror movies end, "Ava's Possessions" travels the path less taken, chronicling its titular character's recovery from a brutal bout with a demon name Naphula. Incredible, modern film noir. A support group that helps her readjust herself after having a demon inside her fucking things up. The colors used to make day and night feel different are just a superb touch and adds to the story being a genuine fun ride. Customer reviews: Ava's Possessions Intriguing Culture Clashes Drive Mysterious Possessions Add in a plot about Avas strained relationship with her family, and its a lot of threads for Galland to juggle, which is why the ending feels a bit rushed and unsatisfying. The priest exorcised it out of her and now she goes to SPA. Customer reviews: Ava's Possessions By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. Writer/Artist/Gamer from the Great White North. Dont want to miss anything on the site? The film takes the notion that society believes that possession is a real thing, and as such comes up with situations (such as the stereotype of being that type of person who gets possessed) that are kind of fun to explore. The Netflix series, created by Simon Barry and (loosely) based on the Warrior Nun Areala comics by Ben Dunn, stars Alba Baptista as Ava, a 19 year-old who wakes up in the morgue after having an angelic halo planted in her back. On a related note, FX has a small screenAlienproject in the works at the moment, a plannedAlien television series from Noah Hawley. The story has some ok twists, but I was hoping they'd be a little better to really pull it all together. Just another solid pickup for a dollar. The problem is it tries to be so many things at once than its mostly none of them. And therein lies another major theme of Possessions: possessiveness. After being possessed for 28 days, Ava (Louisa Krause) is finally free of her demon. It was sexy to have a rule-breaking bad boy take control, she says; shes sure if she got him back she could keep him from being quite so homicidal. By the time the cake cutting begins, Eran is dead. FAQ it's got a total sleazy noir feel but full of yuppie cunts, a detective story for the modern age. Ava's Possessions. Ava Ending & Sequel Setup Explained: Does Camille Kill Ava? - ScreenRant But while trying to deconstruct a series of toxic relationships between Natalie, her parents, her beaus and Karim, her countrys clingy man in Israel, the series ends up painting her as an accidental and unfeeling femme fatale by fating the men in her life to tribulation and her to an ice queen veneer. I thought the exploding shipping container near the cemetery was a bit much. Ava's Possessions - Rotten Tomatoes Ava's life was hijacked by a demon, now it's time to get it back. Ava's Possessions (Film) - TV Tropes Were happy to make this story available to republish for free, unless it originated with JTA, Haaretz or another publication (as indicated on the article) and as long as you follow our guidelines. Possession horror/black comedy mash up set amongst the NYC hipster scene. Again, this part of the film is packed with clever concepts that are fun to consider. He put together a strong ensemble, his shots are all well-composed, there are some stellar lighting choices that give the film a really unique flare and the music he got from Sean Lennon is spot on. But in hindsight, Rosas superstitious, evil eye-evading practices, derived from her childhood in the ancient Tunisian Jewish community in Djerba, point to one of the series major themes: the sway tradition can still hold over a modernity in an Old New Land like Israel. I also dug the choice of colours used in the film. "[3] The New York Times was more critical, writing that "Though at times pleasingly quirky, the story is too slackly written and insipidly photographed to entertain."[4]. Movies Explained. AVA'S POSSESSION doesn't really take off like a movie should. Watch Ava's Possessions | Prime Video - The plot is usually so out there that its more of just a viewing pleasure, but this can touch on a lot of aspects of life that we deal with all the time, and put it into the context of the story. Its more comedy than horror, but it mixes enough to make it a decent watch. Louisa Krause Whitney Able Deborah Rush Lou Taylor Pucci William Sadler Zachary Booth Wass Stevens Annabelle Dexter-Jones Carol Kane John Ventimiglia Geneva Carr Dan Fogler Jemima Kirke Stella Schnabel Joel de la Fuente Tarik Lowe, Traction Media Off Hollywood Pictures Ravenous Films, 89mins The story for Ava's Possessions is done in a very flexible way; starting off as a pseudo-possession genre that further develops into detective noir, with, obviously a pack of affluent & pretentious white bowery dwelling hipsters (including john lennon's son and a kirke sister) got together to make a neon drenched, hyper stylized detective story about post demonic possession that never takes itself too seriously. Written and directed by Jordan Galland: Ava's Possessions is relatively unique as a mixture of possession horror and film noir, though it somewhat lacks the much needed energy and eagerness in pursuing its meandering narrative. He went into Sophie's cell and gave her a written confession of her betrayal for her to attest, but Sophie chose not to sign it. Ava's Possession doesn't rely on jumpscares, or even really anything to scare you other than the odd bit of strange makeup. 'Ava's Possessions': EW review | A semicomic mystery imagining what happens after the credits roll on a demonic-possession fright flick, Jordan Galland 's Ava's Possessions realizes the obvious it ain't easy to reenter. I know I certainly wouldn't mind seeing a Spirit Possessions Anonymous TV show. Awards The characters, particularly our protagonist, Ava, have enough depth and charm to make us care about each one as the story unfolds. not wacky enough to do justice to a tantalizingly-wacky concept. [1] Entertainment Weekly wrote a mostly favorable review, criticizing it for having too many plot threads in one movie but stating that "Krauses deadpan wit, coupled with the inspired scenes at Spirit Possessions Anoymous, make Avas Possessions a fun, fresh take on a genre staple. 2023 Oscars predictions: See who will win at the 95th Academy Awards. Ava's Possessions streaming: where to watch online? - JustWatch Krause isnt the only one on point in the film. Ex Machina Ending Explained: What Was Happening With Ava? - Collider Offers may be subject to change without notice. Production companies: Ravenous Films, Traction Media, Cast: Louisa Krause, Whitney Able, Deborah Rush, William Sadler, Carol Kane, Lou Taylor Pucci, Wass Stevens, Zachary Booth, Producers: Jordan Galland, Maren Olson, Carlos Velazquez, Douglas Weiser, Executive producers: Mike Landry, Mark L. Pederson, Aldey Sanchez, Gregory P. Schockro, Sign up for THR news straight to your inbox every day. Posters are sourced from TMDb and Posteritati, and appear for you and visitors to your profile and content, depending on settings. It really is still a bit of a guessing game that you play until the end, which offers not only a nice reveal but wraps the story together nicely as well. Honestly, one of the better horror comedies in a while, and I'll tell you why; the comedy fits the horror. She soon begins to sense that the demon is near and accidentally causes some boxes to fall, revealing some old files on former possessed people. I dont think that weve ever had a competent story (Exorcist 2, anyone?) She is then recaptured and is put in a car with Roger, who is to take her to the asylum. Simon mourns for his old mentor in his own way and accuses Ava of forcing his hands. That's shown with her name on the records in the office and a flashback to her telling Ava that she knows exactly what being possessed was like. Possession Ending Explained: We Are Makers Of Our Own Evil Its again not something you see every day in the genre. Ava was possessed by a demon. If nothing else, this film is quite unlike anything you've ever seen before. Pam Grier reflects on her most iconic roles, from Coffy to Jackie Brown. that explores the consequences of the events of a demonic possession in a grounded way. Ava is last seen approaching the helicopter that was supposed to pick Caleb up, but her conversation with the pilot is not heard. Ava (Louisa Krause) has a possession issue of which she is cured in the first scene. Tired of possession and exorcism movies? Having wrought havoc on the public during her demonic spree, she is ordered by the court to a "spiritual possessions anonymous" group to reorient herself. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. And the demon bursting inside after she finds her mother's file?? Theres still a serious tone to the film, but the variety of tones that make up the story definitely keeps things interesting. Click herefor all of our SXSW2015 coverage orbrowse the links belowto check outmy other reviews: Perri Nemiroff has been part of the Collider team since 2012. If you know of any, please let me know in the comments, because I would love to see them. Possession (1981) Ending Explained - Marvelous Videos Just another solid pickup for a dollar. About 20 minutes in I had to check that I wasn't watching a series pilot. Perri splits her time between Los Angeles and New York, but wherever the film and television coverage takes her, she goes! This is a film that I've notice on Netflix a number of times, but for some reason or another I kept on passing it by. Rating: R (Bloody. Visually weak as most of the setups are "people in a room talking". I wont give too much away, but just know that it is rooted in tradition, strange and alarmingly ableist, Orientalist and so far as I can tell given the search terms that seemed apt invented for the show or at least obscure and troubling. Learn more. This is the one. Erans brother, Shai (Roy Nik), a newly Orthodox Jew, insists on renouncing his and Natalies Levirate marriage, a necessary ceremony so they can each wed again. It's really a disappointment when the end of a decent and likely unique and new look at post-Exorcist horror has a tacked on ending in the tradition of most clichd horror B movies. It has a charming sense of humor and a wonderful visual eye, creating a sort of technicolor 60's sitcom palette at times. Her immediate response is "How long was I out?" As someone whos seen quite a few possession movies recently, The idea of AA for the post-possessed is another brilliant novelty in the film. He takes these very familiar big screen scenarios, puts his own smart spin on them and then he winds up with these especially appealing and thoughtful concepts that are a blast to consider well beyond the feature. Being possessed once increases chances of another possession tenfold, you see, and one must be trained to fight off that homesick evil spirit. Ridley Scott, who of course directed the original classic in 1979 and later returned for prequelsPrometheusandAlien: Covenant, will produce the movie via his Scott Free banner. Oops, I said the d-word. Bernard: I mean, it's a gateway drug, okay? Ooops. Jordan Gallands sharp satire Avas Possessions, on the other hand, follows the titular heroine through her demonic recuperation process, resulting in an irreverent, ingenious look at what it means to recover. Spirit Possessions Anonymous, where the d-word is a big no-no. Normally, a possession movie ends with the victim baths in sunlight or in some cases wanders into the dark. The idea of AA for the post-possessed is another brilliant novelty in the film. Gallands film plays more like a cable-ready mystery than a cult film in the making, offering just enough chuckles to stay afloat. 2015 When her family confirms this story, Ava's first question is whether anyone called in sick for her at her job. While Ava is trying to piece together her missing 28 days she discovers blood stains on her floor. Where precisely does it go off the rails? A priest (John Ventimiglia) successfully completes an exorcism on Ava (Louisa Krause), who is stunned to find that she has spent the last 28 days possessed by the demon Naphula. But that's all i am going to tell you. The phones screen shows the time as 1:10 PM. Props to cinematographer Adrian Correia for presenting the films bright colour palette. It's basically jail, or join a group a lot like AA but for possession victims: Spirit Possession Anonymous. and "Did anyone call in sick for me?" [Review] 'Ava's Possessions' Takes Post-Demonic Possession In a Fresh Alter Egos was a solid second feature, but its pretty evident that Galland is taking a major step forward with this one. Joking aside, the story Avas Possessions is seriously its strong point. A French family has been left heartbroken after their 19-month-old daughter died during their Miami . It does not include images; to avoid copyright violations, you must add them manually, following our guidelines. At one meeting Ava meets Hazel (Annabelle Dexter-Jones), a fellow ex-possessed person that wants her demon to return since she enjoyed its presence and felt that it was "special" for both of them. When Ava is in her apartment with Ben she gets a phone call. By the time the cake cutting begins, Eran is dead. Throw in a bunch of bad dialogue and some skinless sex scenes and you have an attempt at a movie. The rest of the series, directed with a brooding flair by Thomas Vincent (the hand behind the UK hit Bodyguard), is devoted to discovering who actually killed Eran. "Ava's Possessions" mixes crime mysteries and comedy with its horror themes, making it something that doesn't require you to be completely on edge. See our full guidelines for more information, and this guide for detail about canonical URLs. Scattershot possession horror comedy that works for the most part even if it has more story threads than it can handle in one movie. It's an interesting angle to take and director Jordan Galland makes considerable hay with the concept, even if some elements fall flat. It just ticks all the boxes and makes sure to play off some of the simple things those fans would know. Like open a new tab and stream this movie, watch it, then tell everyone you know. Young gal Ava (an excellent performance by Louisa Krause) is forced to join a Special Possessions support group in the wake of being possessed by a demon. Definitely worth a watch, any way you can find it. The MCUs tiniest heroes are kicking off its biggest phase yet, setting up the next several years of storytelling. Ava. Avas quest for the truth makes the film feel like more of a detective yarn than a straight-up horror flick, and Galland elevates the noirish tone with a heavy use of atmospheric neon. Ava is just your average twenty something who's just been exorcised. You sorta acted like a mega bitch when you were possessed, one friend tells her. She may even end up in jail for her crimes. B-. Ava's Possessions - Movies on Google Play Lending credibility are the performances by veterans William Sadler and Deborah Rush, who nail whats required in their roles and the story. It's a fun ride we have some really, aa for people who are possessed seems wild. Is too bad this isnt good because the concept is gold. It was more of a mystery than a horror film, but it was certainly a thriller. Fun performances and unique ideas carry it. She's now trying to figure out what went down when she was a demon. His death sends Ava on a self-destructive path, and she starts drinking again after years of sobriety. The project is described as an original standalone feature, and THR notes that Alvarez wrote the script with Rodo Sayagues (Evil Dead). The Day of the Triffids Amazon Studios Miniseries in the Works, Wreck Review Infectious Horror-Comedy Series from Hulu Isnt Quite What You Think, Children of the Corn Review Eleventh Entry Pleads a Strong Case to Let the Franchise Die, We Have a Ghost Review Gateway Horror Adventure Uses Ghostly Charms to Capture Family Bonds, Cocaine Bear Review A Raucously Entertaining and Gory Horror-Comedy, The Strays Review Netflixs Social Thriller Feels Like an Incomplete Experience, Six-String Samurai The Glorious Madness of a Dadpocalypse Epic You Maybe Havent Seen, Beyond Godzilla: Six OTHER Kaiju Movies You Need to Watch, Resident Evil 4 PREVIEW Impressions from Our Hands-Off Sneak Peek at the Upcoming Remake, 5 Deep Cut Horror Movies to Seek Out in March 2023. The story itself isnt without subjective flaws, mind you. Ava (Louisa Kraus) is recovering from a demonic possession, after committing a string of crimes while under possession she is forced to attend a spirits anonymous group to avoid doing jail time and with little memory of the incident she has to piece together the details leading up to the possession to find out who put the curse on her. Having no memory of the past month, she agrees to sign on with a support group for people like herself in hopes of undoing the damage done in her life (as well as having the charges against her dropped). No word yet on Alvarezs pitch for his own take on the material, but we expect more real soon. Its not the expected smooth landing after the pleasant 89 minute flight. By what name was Ava's Possessions (2015) officially released in India in English? With no memory of the past month, she must attend a Spirit Possessions Anonymous support group to figure out what happened. March 30, 2022. . Minus that flimsy ending, Gallands got every element of this film right on point. Louisa Krause stars as the titular Ava, a young woman that must learn how to put her life together after a demon is exorcised from her body. Alien television series from Noah Hawley. From Austin Butler and Cate Blanchett to a potential Best Supporting Actress toss-up, see who EW thinks will win at the 2023 Oscars. Two teams of two pursue this goal. BetweenAvas Possessions andAlter Egos, its pretty clear that Galland isa skilledworld builder. No matter how bad that story might be. All the exorcism/possession movies end, after the exorcism - whether it went right or wrong, there's not much we get after that. Isabela Merced(Rosaline) has also joined the cast, we learned earlier this week, and The Hollywood Reporter brings us more casting news. Her friends are pissed because while possessed, she acted like a mega b*tch and slut. She also kicked the crap out of a guy at an ATM and a security camera caught the whole thing. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. The 12 steps for possessed people is genius. Ava is recovering from demonic possession. Well, as grounded as things would get in this films universe. The acting and story are very well done. The story is not only a different take, but is also . I thought the idea was so unique, and I personally don't know of any other movies that show what happens to a person after the spirit they are possessed by is exorcised. Louisa Krause leads as the title character, Ava. Ava (Louisa Krause) plays her part extremely well, both as a demon and a regular woman. Funny and original demon possession film. 2023 The Hollywood Reporter, LLC. User Ratings They walk down the aisle to a chuppah wreathed in fog machine exhaust and pyrotechnics. She gets some leads and finds some clues and eventually comes full circle. Just search below. Vibrant, red blood splotches run down her mouth as she . Rent Ava's Possessions (2016) on DVD and Blu-ray - Netflix The concept, observing the aftermath of the protagonist's dance with a demon, lends itself to something clever and fun at the film's start, but the wit quickly dissolves into flavorless doldrums. Flaws and all, Avas Possessions is still something genre fans tired of the usual possession story willing to try something new will enjoy. With no memory of the past month, she is forced to attend a Spirit Possessions Anonymous support group. Though sometimes clever, it doesnt offer anything like the deep-geek inventiveness of, say, Simon Pegg and Edgar Wrights movies. Ava is recovering from demonic possession. Freaking excellent! How Marvel went big with Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania. That is the way to connect to the audience, and this movie does it well. Ava's Possessions 2015 R 1 h 29 m IMDb RATING 5.6 /10 3.3K YOUR RATING Rate Play trailer 1:56 2 Videos 15 Photos Comedy Horror Mystery A young woman recovers from a demonic possession.