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This means that often there are no planets in the first house. You might find that long-distance journeys are an incredibly important part of your life, or you seek out experiences with college/higher education, and regale with writing, teaching, or speaking. November 2019 I use it for a reason (to imply subtlety of influence) instead of using "nature" in the affirmative because that is not the point I'm making. So how did the delightful double-Libra get chosen to play the most terrifyingly charming role in recent cinematic history? Aries stelliumTaurus stelliumGemini stelliumCancer stelliumLeo stelliumVirgo stelliumLibra stelliumScorpio stelliumSagittarius stelliumCapricorn stelliumAquarius stelliumPisces stellium. You helped to guide me through a confusing and difficult period in my All of my readings have been extremely accurate, thorough and personal. A stellium in astrology refers to a cluster of three or more planets in a single sign or house. Whatever axises you have (AC, DC, MC, IC) are also powerful and as such, carry weight in a person's chart. October 2021 DF's thread: "Venus in Virgo nature is not like that which is why I say he expresses his Virgo love (focused, singular, careful) through Neptunian ways: unconditionally, poetically, deeply, spiritually.". You may or may not struggle with any of the challenges above, but with a stellium in this house of self-expression, this list could be things you check in with yourself about from time to time and reflect on. If you have a stellium in the cardinal, fire sign of Aries, for example, its probably incredibly easy to initiate new endeavors with excitement and vigorit just might be a challenge finishing what you start. Another Leo stellium with Sun, Mercury, Venus and Jupiter in the 7th house. How do you feel about 1st house stellium people (in general)? I have an uncanny ability to remember in great detail events and dates, even down to what people were wearing! Knowflake. With all that fiery, Mars-charged. Neptune in the 1st in Capricorn. My 7th is empty so that tells you all you need to know! Because this is considered to be one of the most fortunate houses in a birth chart, you might find that youre constantly seeking to be entertained, or you entertain others often. Your foyer is the first impression visitors have of your home and the place where you say hello. If you can do this, you will be able to make the most of this powerful energy. #124 Graham Hancocks Ancient Apocalypse Why Is He So Obsessed? July 2021 They often have thick hair, a well-shaped face, and appear vital and robust. Plenty of energy and enthusiasm, but the Saturn helps to control this a little. Anyone out there with Leo on the IC/4H cusp? I don't know how to write a beautiful article and those fabulous words are too far away from my head, instead, my words sound very dull and plain in each composition. That's all made up and has zero bearing on how the 1st house operates. You're essentially saying the exact same thing we were saying about us feeling "Piscean". Stefanie is such an intentional leader and had notes planned to not forget any key items while still making sure personally, i agree with your theory that the 1st stellium actually makes the person *more* libra or *more* scorpio, or whatever the sign is. November 2018 They usually have a finely chiseled face with a high forehead. Why Your Star Sign Hasn't Changed, #040 The Houses: 4 & 10 | The MCIC Parental Axis, Interesting & full of precise information, I feel energised, positive & optimistic, Helped me to understand whats going on. June 2020 An example of data being processed may be a unique identifier stored in a cookie. Her passion, enthusiasm and lovely, warm personality make spending time with Steff such a pleasure. Aspects September 2012 It is important not to confuse the Houses with the Zodiac wheel, which focuses on the suns yearly rotating movement. She wrote a monthly column for the Atlanta Astrological Society and shares her insights in Daily Astro Inspirations. Money and resources are incredibly emphasized if you have three or more planets in this house, and the relationship you have with your own time, finances, and energy is strongly highlighted. While youre likely to be very independent, you may also find it difficult to connect with others on a deep level. I would have said Martian way if a) I hadn't already reiterated the point that I believe the planet ruling the house is more influential than the sign of the house and b) because this argument is against the idea that there is absolutely NO influence at all that the person I was responding to suggested. But seriously. EP128: A Chat About Family Synastry Whether You Have A Birth Time Or Not! My name is Carly. 5 yr. ago Sag sun/Asc, Aquarius moon. Just jumping on this trend because why not? August 2013 They feel their way through life, are open and honest about their feelings, and usually go with the flow. Its Fkin freezin and no Im not switching my heating on and yes I do have a hot water bottle on the go! This site uses cookies to help personalise content, tailor your experience and to keep you logged in if you register. when I was in school, Chinese-writing homework was always a big headache to me. August 2019 However, it might be more constructive or challenging if it involves the moon, Mars, and Saturn. The Capricorn stellium is a very powerful and influential position. In this house, its essential to define what your responsibility is versus what isnt with planets here, as an eighth house stellium can emphasize other peoples reliance on you. With this much concentrated planetary energy, First House matters such as the version of yourself you show to others and how you view the world will play a pivotal role in your life. In fact, you might even be prone to excessive behavior, as it relates to the sign or house your stellium is placed in, as theres an overwhelming amount of planetary energy tied to that sign. The 1st house is associated with self-expression, self-awareness, and identity. November 2016 Those with Scorpio on the 1st house cusp have a mysterious, quiet, and intense demeanor. June 2021 You are also likely to be quite independent and may find it difficult to compromise on anything. These planets are all about individuality and self-expression. With a fourth house stellium, your home, family, and heritage are typically an incredibly important part of your life and are the determining factor of many of your decisions in life. She has a knack for playing playing women who seem pretty basic and well adjusted but are actually pretty quirky, weird, or even insane; women who have a very difficult time relating to the emotions of others. This combination gives a strong focus on the material world. This is because First House Aquarius stelliums can sometimes be a little detached from their emotions. A stellium is defined merely as a group of 3 or more planets in a single particular sign of the zodiac or a single house of an astrological chart. Dont miss out! Definitely can come across as a little self-centered, but not selfish. What about empty houses? You feel better after all of that sweet pea? Any planet in the angular 1st house is strongly emphasized. If you have three or more planets in this house, you prioritize communication, learning, and your personal hobbies more than the other aspects of your life. February 2015 The 1st house is associated with self-expression, self-awareness, and identity. Read on to find out! I display things in an Arian manner but not with an Arian nature, do you identify with that? The session was very comprehensive and I really enjoyed my time with Steff thank you for such a super experience. Like and follow #likeandfollow #fyp #trendingaudio #astrology #crafting #stationarynerd #astrologer #steliumastrology #thestelliumastrologypodcast, The perfect hat for Aquarius season #aquarius #aquariusseason #housepanthersofinstagram #peopleperson #personalspace #outerspace #outerspaceart. 2002-2023 LoveToKnow Media. For example, if the stellium in your birth chart involves the sun, Venus, and Jupiter, it could be more beneficial. The nature of your relationship to this house is determined by the planets placed here, but overall, many decisions you make in life are most likely fueled by your desire to obtain or secure possessions. Those with Sagittarius on the 1st house cusp have a fun, friendly, and open demeanor. Moving on. When Mercury is in the 1st house, the person is driven to communicate and project their voice with enthusiasm and energy. December 2022 As one of the dark houses in astrology that deals with death, secrets, and finances, having a stellium of planets here can be a challenge. It left me feeling at peace with my uniqueness and made me fall in love with being me! I'm assuming you're a Leo ASC, what house is your Sun in? I ask this because I wonder whether you feel that the matters of that house preoccupy you or serve the purpose of your stellium. I found this list with the most famous and large astrological stellium ever, from 6 to 8 planets in one sign: In her films, Jennifer projects a dry, aloof, complete detachment from natural emotion with a sense of great ease. Above is an example natal chart where you can see an 11th House stellium that includes Jupiter, Sun, Venus, and Mercury. Behind the Scenes Content I'm not very familiar with Axl Rose's personal life, he's apparently very intelligent but he has an abusive history with women (including rape and domestic violence charges), his moon is in pisces, a clear contrast between hypersensitivity and extreme detachment. Some of the parts of life detailed in the 1st House include: With a 1st House stellium and the possibility of these areas playing a pivotal role in your life, some pitfalls to watch for with this planetary placement could be: Of course, these will be dependent upon the planets in your 1st House stellium and factors in the rest of your natal chart. If you have three or more planets placed in your first house of self, youre meant to prioritize developing your sense of autonomy and independence over most things. With multiple planets there, 1st House matters will be vital in your life. Do u know famous people with a strong 12th house? Which is something I believe and have not contradicted in DF's thread: *My nature is NOT Arian. These planets will should be considered 1st house planets. I acknowledge the influence but I think the planetary one is more profound. It's hard to tell if I have Aries traits in me caused by the stellium in the 1st house. I am unfortunately not as focused on myself as I should be (Chiron in the 7th opposite my 1st house stellium) although I am quite aware of myself and think about my identity a lot. Well, you're strongly polarized in your 10th (of career) and your Cancer Sun's ruler/dispositor is there also. Privacy Neruda was extremely self-indulgent, he loved food (he has many poems dedicated to this subject) and interior design (all his houses have a magical quality to them, I've visited two of them and he had great taste, very unique and full of stories). Above is an example birth chart showing a 1st House stellium that includes their Sun, Venus, Moon, and Mercury. Youre a Sagittarius, after all! September 2017 This chart was made using Solar Fire, my FAVORITE astrology software. I don't think I'd put a lot of trust in that web site. Theyre considered to be personal planets because theyre closest to earth, meaning that we tend to feel their impact more than outer planets (Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto). #instapets #pettrend #discover #fyp #explorepage #lanakane #lana #lanaandarcher #archerandlana. Interesting Do you attract them at all? The house your stellium falls in can also describe the areas of your life that tend to be incredibly significant. The cusp of the 1st house is the Rising Sign. Its hard to believe that the actor is now in his 50s with an impressive back-catalog spanning more than thirty, Cast as Standartenfhrer Hans Landaalso known as The Jew Huntermost astrology cookbooks would have us expecting Christoph Waltz to be a pleasant, peaceful person that struggles with conflict. The chart can show us our foibles and then, we can have hope . February 2012 The third house also rules over short-term travel, so youre constantly on the go. If you have a stellium in the eighth house, shared resources, boundaries, and the affairs of others are integral to your life. With a ninth house stellium, youre interested in travel, knowledge, and expanding your mindusually more so than others. I completely trust her to guide me through such times Be prepared for a lot of upheavals but also for some amazing opportunities. January 2017 March 2023 Other uncategorized cookies are those that are being analyzed and have not been classified into a category as yet. Are you ready to discover the cosmic secrets of your birth chart? How does it feel to have your NN conjunct your ASC? With a 1st house stellium, there's a tremendous emphasis on self-expression, self-identity, mobilizing talents, and projecting themselves into the world. But all comments are welcome either way. June 2018 So how could this band of planets sitting in your 1st House affect how the world sees you and how you see it in return? The 1st House is the House of self, so the stellium here represents a strong focus on the self. Its likely a real challenge to work against the energy of your stellium given its such a potent configuration. 23rd December 2022. I hope that helps your research a bit. Almost as though your identity serves the purpose of that house? November 2021 What sign is she? I have just done my second session with Stefanie and just like the first I was blown away! But have you gotten your Cosmic Energy Profile? I was wondering quite often about how a 1st house stellium functions as opposed to stelliums of other houses. Any 3 planets sitting together in your 1st House is called a 1st House stellium. January 2021 Youre likely to experience many new things and make some major changes in your life. from two other posts, each one with different houses for the stellium. 2nd House Capricorn Stellium EXTENT. They are often physically good looking with an oval face and good complexion. March 2017 Venus, Mercury, Neptune, Uranus (cusp), Saturn in 1st. While every individual has a birth chart, not everyone has whats commonly referred to as a stellium. Her Sun was in the 11th and her Moon in the 5th! March 2015 These individuals are lone wolves who break apart all the conventions and rules of others. It's useless that planet! Almost everyone does. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. They're usually athletic looking with a prominent chin, nose, and mouth. March 2019 With Saturn in the 1st house, the person's birth may have been difficult and assumed many responsibilities as a youngster. March 2016 Houses are ruled by planets, but it NOT the planet that supposedly rules the sign in that particular order. April 2018 Youre most likely (or will become!) I would take it a step further and say I project a lot of Fire energy, so people assume a lot that I am a Fire sign. My Chiron is in 6th. Horoscopes are the entry point for many people into the world of astrology. They project optimism, are always full of hope, and usually very lucky in attracting abundance. They tend to be physically sturdy with gentle round eyes, small ears, and often have a widow's peak hairline. Mercury in First House, for example, denotes a chatty person, but the moon in First House denotes somebody who wears their feelings on their sleeves. October 2020 *That's not to say that that makes one Arian*, necessarily, but that it projects the influences of planets in the 1st house in an Arian way: enthusiastically, energetically, apparently, and even impulsively. Since you have this need to respond so begrudgingly and bitterly and remark something that couldn't be further from the truth, I will be more than glad to save the mindless chatter that you are engaging in by replying based on pure facts. Marlon Brando Jr. (April 3, 1924 - July 1, 2004) was an American actor and film director with a career spanning 60 years, during which he won many accolades, including two Academy Awards for Best Actor, three BAFTA Awards for Best Foreign Actor and two Golden Globe Awards for Best Actor Motion Picture Drama. As the final (and most afflicted) house of the birth chart, having a stellium of planets here means that you likely have a personal relationship to suffering and might be someone others come to for counsel or insight around hardships.