Sua companheira é a cientista política Wendy Brown (1955). People Projects Discussions Surnames Judith Butler (Cleveland, 24 febbraio 1956) è una filosofa post-strutturalista statunitense.Si occupa di filosofia politica, etica, teoria letteraria, femminismo e teoria queer.Dal 1993 insegna al dipartimento di retorica e letterature comparate all'Università di Berkeley, dove dirige il programma di teoria critica.Tiene lezioni all'European Graduate School. Fra 1993 er hun professor i retorikk og sammenlignende litteratur ved University of California, Berkeley. Judith Pamela Butler was born on February 24, 1956, in the US city of Cleveland. At the Berkeley Art Museum and Pacific Film Archive (BAMPFA), Berkeley Arts + Design will host Isaac Julien as he presents a screening of his film Frantz Fanon: Black Skin, White Mask (1996). Julien’s genre-breaking, ten-screen film installation […] Il traite philosophie politique, éthique, la théorie littéraire, féminisme et théorie queer. Judith Butler é uma filósofa estadunidense nascida numa família judia, em Ohio, em 24 de fevereiro de 1956. Butler is best known for her books "Gender Trouble: Feminism and the Subversion of Identity" (1990) and "Bodies That Matter: On the Discursive Limits of Sex" (1993). Judith Butler: on COVID-19, the politics of non-violence, necropolitics, and social inequality – and in conversation with Amia Srinivasan (via Verso blog). Note: We expect a capacity audience for this talk. Judith Butler: As a Jew, I was taught it was ethically imperative to speak up 24/02/2010 Part one Part two . Join the San Francisco Public Library and the McEvoy Foundation for the Arts for a conversation with artist Isaac Julien, as well as Celeste-Marie Bernier, Judith Butler on Julien's work exploring the legacy of Fredrick Douglass and the influence of key historical figures featured in his installation, "Lessons of the Hour: Frederick Douglas". Die umstrittene US-Philosophin gilt als Vorreiterin der Queer-Theorie, muss sich aber auch gegen Antisemitismus-Vorwürfe wehren. Judith Butler er en amerikansk filosof og litteraturteoretiker. Award-winning artist and filmmaker Isaac Julien returns to BAMPFA to present a screening of his film Frantz Fanon: Black Skin, White Mask, followed by a discussion with Judith Butler. Little is known about her background except that her father, a dentist, was of Russian-Jewish descent; while her mother, an advocate for fair housing, was of Hungarian-Jewish ancestry, who … Butler's parents were practising Reform Jews. Judith Butler was born on February 24, 1956, in Cleveland, Ohio, to a family of Hungarian-Jewish and Russian-Jewish descent. “When I was twelve, I was interviewed by a doctoral candidate in education and asked what I wanted to be when I grew up. Amerikanische Genderforscherin Judith Butler wird 65. Judith Butler: As a Jew, I was taught it was ethically imperative to speak up 24/02/2010 Part one Part two . Judith Butler, wenn man Ihre Bücher liest, hat man den Eindruck, man sei reaktionär, wenn man sich einfach als Frau fühlt und auch noch Kinder aufzieht. Genealogy for Moses Butler (1683 - 1764) family tree on Geni, with over 200 million profiles of ancestors and living relatives. Philosopher, professor and author Judith Butler arrived in Israel this month, en route to the West Bank, where she was to give a seminar at Bir Zeit University, visit the theater in Jenin, and meet privately with friends and students. 1980 yılının sonuna doğru ise farklı öğretim, araştırma merkezleri arasında, feminizmin "ön kabullenilmiş terimlerini" sorgulamak … Judith Butler (Cleveland, 24 février 1956) Il est philosophe postestructuraliste États-Unis. à partir de 1993 Il enseigne au département de la rhétorique et de littérature comparée à 'Université de Berkeley, où il dirige le programme dans la théorie critique. Thur, March 4, 12 – 1:30pm Pacific time McEvoy Foundation for the Arts and the San Francisco Public Library honor Women’s History Month with this conversation between Celeste-Marie Bernier, Judith Butler, and artist Isaac Julien about the legacy of the influential women in the life of Frederick Douglass (1818-95). The award mandate is to reward someone who reflects the late philosopher’s varied intellectual interests in the arts, culture and music, as well as his engagement with critical theory. The McEvoy Foundation for the Arts presents Celeste-Marie Bernier, Judith Butler and Isaac Julien in Conversation. I sin forskning har hun blant annet arbeidet med feministisk teori, seksualitetsproblematikk og europeisk filosofi på 1800- og 1900-tallet. Judith Butler is an American philosopher, gender theorist, and comparative literature professor. Judith Pamela Butler is an American philosopher and gender theorist whose work has influenced political philosophy, ethics, and the fields of third-wave feminist, queer theory, and literary theory.Their 1990 book Gender Trouble introduced the idea of performing or "doing" gender and criticized the gender binary.. Butler uses singular they pronouns. TRQ: Judith Butler, Born February 24, 1956. She is the Maxine Elliot professor in the Departments of Rhetoric and Comparative Literature at the University of California at Berkeley. Genealogy profile for Isaac Butler Isaac Butler (1693 - 1777) - Genealogy Genealogy for Isaac Butler (1693 - 1777) family tree on Geni, with over 200 million profiles of ancestors and living relatives. Judith Butler (b.1956) received a PhD in philosophy from Yale in 1984, with a thesis on Hegelian influences in France. Most of their maternal grandmother's family perished in the Holocaust. Genauso wenig, wie ich etwas gegen lange Haare habe – ich liebe lange Haare! Judith Pamela Butler (born February 24, 1956) is an American philosopher and gender theorist whose work has influenced political philosophy, ethics, and the fields of third-wave feminist, queer, and literary theory. Butler has actively supported lesbian and gay rights movements and has spoken out on many contemporary political issues. Judith Butler has recently been awarded the prestigious Theodor W. Adorno Prize by the city of Frankfurt. Ich habe nichts dagegen, wenn sich jemand als Frau fühlt! Filmmaker and artist Isaac Julien, creator of the immersive moving-image installation Lessons of the Hour — Frederick Douglass, explores Douglass’ legacy in a discussion with philosopher and educator Judith Butler and Douglass scholar Celeste-Marie Bernier. Butler’s collection of essays, Gender Trouble: Feminism and the Subversion of Identity, written in… Philosopher, professor and author Judith Butler arrived in Israel this month, en route to the West Bank, where she was to give a seminar at Bir Zeit University, visit the theater in Jenin, and meet privately with friends and students. Judith Butler "Because there is neither an 'essence' that gender expresses or externalizes nor an objective ideal to which gender aspires, and because gender is not a fact, the various acts of gender create the idea of gender, and without those acts, there would be no gender at all." Judith Butler Kaliforniya Üniversitesi, Berkeley'de Retorik ve Karşılaştırmalı Edebiyat bölümünde profesör olmanın yanı sıra felsefe profesörüdür. Seating is first come, first served. French theory. Philosopher and theorist Judith Butler, who has reshaped current feminist, cultural and queer theory through her work on performative gender and sex, was born in Cleveland, Ohio.