Found at the NCIS section, at MTAC, or at author's livejournal. 2.9K 198 89 TV Shows » NCIS 4 Up by forcverandalways Songfic to Up by Olly Murs and Demi Lovato K+, English, Romance & Angst, words: 791, favs: 4, follows: 3, 10/13/2019 , Jenny Shepard, Leroy Jethro Gibbs This is a Tony Dinozzo/NCIS fanfic about a girl who is kidnapped at age 12 and is missing for years before the team finds her, chained up and barely alive, in the home of a seemingly likeable marine. Tony and Gibbs are the best examples for her. Conference Call by Moonbeam -- Crossover with Stargate SG1 (season 9). Ellie wasn't sure exactly where she was driving too but she wanted to be far away from Jake and Taylor. NCIS had just finished putting its team in harm's way in the previous episode, and sad to say things weren't any better for Ellie Bishop in the follow-up. He hated these video-conference meetings with the upper echelon brass, they always made him feel like he was on trial or something. ellick ncis nicktorres elliebishop gibbs bishop slibbs torres mcgee ncisfanfiction jacksloane leroyjethrogibbs ellie nick tiva eleanorbishop timothymcgee jimmypalmer nicholastorres sloane 91 Stories Sort by: Hot | Bishop questions her previous work at the NSA when she's sent to Gitmo to collect evidence for a Navy chaplain murder case. This is the story of her life, her love, and her recovery. So with that she packs up, after resi... timothymcgee; erinlindsay; ncis Add to library 149 Discussion 111. Fanfiction for NCIS ... Login; Search; Top Tens; Browse; Members; Home 1.4K 52 10. 1 The Washington DC by bowleye380 The book after Murder in New York, City. Whilst Bishop had suspicions Jake was cheating, actually seeing him kiss Taylor, alongside her answering Jake's phone when she was in New Orleans confirmed her concerns. Title: Yin Yang Author: jane_x80 Rating: G Word Count: ~5700 words Characters: Anthony DiNozzo, Jethro Gibbs, Ellie Bishop, Tim McGee, Abby Sciuto, Ducky Mallard, Jimmy Palmer, Leon Vance, Tobias Fornell Genre: Character Study Summary: Ellie Bishop wants to learn to be a better field agent and a better partner from her teammates. When valuable items from The White House, my team finds a ring circular device that is connected with the crime. Bishop & Torres Fanfic: if they fi... by Lilly. ... Ellie bishop a NCIS agent or should I say ex NCIS Agent is still getting over the fact the her ex husband Jake was cheating on her. NCIS: New Orleans (1) Include Characters Ellie Bishop (1309) Nick Torres (1303) Timothy McGee (213) Jethro Gibbs (206) Kasie Hines (120) Jacqueline "Jack" Sloane (103) Jimmy Palmer (80) Anthony DiNozzo (55) Ziva David (46) Jake Malloy (45) Include Relationships Ellie Bishop/Nick Torres (1362) Ellie Bishop & Nick Torres (327) Witnesses say, the thieves went through the device and weren't seen after. NCIS (2330) NCIS: Los Angeles (17) NCIS: New Orleans (14) Stargate SG-1 (13) Criminal Minds (US TV) (12) Supernatural (8) Hawaii Five-0 (2010) (7) Original Work (4) Teen Wolf (TV) (4) Marvel Cinematic Universe (4) Include Characters Ellie Bishop (2332) Nick Torres (1549) Timothy McGee (970) Jethro Gibbs (954) Anthony DiNozzo (638) Abby Sciuto (427)