Broken Bones Ljubljana Dragon Gin je svež in eteričen brinov gin, ki mu dajeta edinstven značaj preplet tradicionalnega načina izdelave in značilnosti slovenske dežele. Water Er wird aus Zuckerrübenmelasse hergestellt, die dreifach zu einem neutralen Spirit mit 96% vol. Der Broken Bones Ljubljana Dragon Gin ist eine Kreation aus Slowenien. Broken Bones Old Tom Gin is a fresh junipery and subtle citrusy gin with a unique character based on traditional recipe with a distinctive Slovenian origin. Broken Bones Navy Strength Gin is produced with the same recipe as the distillery’s London Dry Gin, with enhanced doses of … To make our gin, we begin with a sugar beet molasses base alcohol. Polona discussed Broken Bones’ current gin lineup. Broken Bones London Dry Gin ist ein frischer Wacholder-Gin mit einem außergewöhnlichen Charakter. Opis. Broken Bones Distillery è la prima distilleria aperta a Lubiana, la capitale della Slovenia, dopo oltre 60 anni. Bei dem Broken Bones Gin sprechen die Botanicals für sich. Our Sloe Gin is a liqueur based on our London Dry Gin. Dieser beruht auf traditionellen Rezepten des unverwechselbaren slowenischen Ursprungs. Die Stärke eines Navy Strength Gins hebt die traditionellen, slowenischen Botanicals des Originalrezepts noch mehr hervor. Broken Bones d.o.o. It is produced with the same recipe as our London Dry Gin that includes selected local juniper and rosehip from Slovenia’s Karst region together with linden flowers, coriander, cardamom, angelica, liquorice, lemon zest and other traditional botanicals. Cómprala ya en Drinks&Co fácilmente y de forma 100% segura. is subsequently added periodically to bring the alcohol level slowly down to drinking strength (45 % or 57 % for Our The same year, Broken Bones was awarded the winner of the Navy Strength Class from the Gin Guide Awards, 2019. Haben Sie ihn verkostet? Our suggested serve would be: 50ml Broken Bones Gin 150ml Premium Tonic (I had London Essence Classic Tonic) A twist of lemon peel A handful of ice Der Broken Bones London Dry Gin ist ein edler Gin aus Slowenien. Weingut: Broken Bones. Broken Bones Gin is a fresh and junipery gin based on traditional recipes with influence from its Slovenian origin. Broken Bones Gin je svež in eteričen brinov gin iz Slovenije, izdelan na osnovi prepleta tradicionalnih receptov in značilnosti slovenske dežele. Der Broken Bones Ljubljana Dragon Gin beruht auf einem traditionellen Rezept, angereichert mit einer ganz besonderen Geschmacksnote. Der Broken Bones Old Tom Gin ist eine edle Gin-Sorte aus dem Haus Broken Bones. If you’re looking for Broken Bones Gin, Master of Malt has an unbeatable range with exclusive web prices. Broken Bones Sloe Gin. Der Broken Bones Navy Strength Gin wird nach dem selben Rezept wie der London Dry Gin hergestellt und enthält folgende Botanicals: Wacholder, Hagebutte, Lindenblüten, Koriander, … This is the blank canvas to which we add our own unique blend of botanicals, Broken Bones Sloe Gin. Družba je registrirana na Okrožnem sodišču v Ljubljani, SRG vpisa: 2008/30223. Alcohol content: 45% Bottle size: 50 cl Country of Origin: … 5. After the distillation, it is infused with sloe berries for several months and slightly sweetened enhancing Broken Bones Sloe Gin's fruitiness and aromatic sweetness. Broken Bones offers a variety of gins, which will soon be complemented by a whisky range too. Ingredients: Broken Bones Gin - 30 ml Kahlua - 30 ml Espresso coffee - 30 ml Simple syrup - half a teaspoon Broken Bones Gin je svež in eteričen brinov gin, izdelan na osnovi prepleta tradicionalnih receptov in značilnosti slovenske dežele. Broken Bones is perhaps best known for its London Dry Gin, which was named Best in Europe at The Gin Guide Awards 2020.Quite an achievement for a young distillery working out of a blank looking building on the edge of Ljubljana, a boutique producer of classic and small batch gins and whiskies, a world away from mass market offerings. Po destilaciji v ginu več mesecev namakamo trnulje in ga rahlo sladkamo, kar oblikuje sadnost in aromatično sladkost Broken Bones … Das gilt auch für den Broken Bones Old Tom Gin. Our Sloe Gin is a liqueur based on our London Dry Gin. destilliert wurde. Der Broken Bones Sloe Gin fällt sofort ins Auge. It includes local juniper and rosehip from Slovenia’s Karst region Naš Sloe Gin je liker na osnovi našega London Dry Gina. Post-distillation, Slovene linden honey is added to the spirit, imparting the classic Old Tom sweetness. Ljubljana er nemlig kendt som City of Dragons og der findes både en dragebro og utallige dragestatuer rundt omkring i byen.For at hædre det har Broken Bones Distillery valgt at tilsætte … 5. Broken Broken Bones Sloe Gin 50cl / 33% £42.95 (£85.90 per litre) Broken Bones Navy Gin 50cl / 57% £47.95 (£95.90 per litre) Customer Reviews. Her får du den unikke BROKEN BONES LJUBLJANA DRAGON GIN, som er dedikeret til og inspireret af Sloveniens hovedstad og de mange drager, som bor der. Tako smo dobili Broken Bones Sloe Gin s prijetnim okusom zrelih sliv ter aromo grenkih mandljev, šipka in sliv. Broken Bones Old Tom Gin. We’re pretty excited with Broken Bone; it’s been one of the most awarded gins of the past year, and is our first from the Balkan region of Europe. Your Name (Optional) Rate this product. and imbue the gin with freshness and vitality. Dieser beruht auf traditionellen Rezepten des unverwechselbaren slowenischen Ursprungs. Broken Bones Navy Gin 50cl / 57% £47.95 (£95.90 per litre) Customer Reviews. Broken Bones d.o.o. After the distillation, it is infused with sloe berries for several months and slightly sweetened enhancing Broken Bones Sloe Gin's fruitiness and aromatic sweetness. junipery and subtle citrusy character of our gin. Broken Bones Old Tom Gin je svež in eteričen brinov gin, ki mu dajeta edinstven značaj preplet tradicionalnega načina izdelave in značilnosti slovenske dežele. La Broken Bones Distillery è la prima distilleria aperta a Lubiana, la capitale della Slovenia, dopo oltre 60 anni. classic gin is made in the style known as London Dry Gin: that is gin distilled without adding any new ingredients To achieve our distinct flavour we ordered our still according to our own specifications that are quite unique. call to visit outside these hours, VAT ID: SI85140384 Diluted to 57% ABV, Broken Bones Navy Strength Gin is more junipery and spicy, but still dangerously smooth gin. It’s made as a mix of traditional recipes and the characteristics of the Slovenian country. Karst region combined with linden flowers, coriander, cardamon, angelica, liquorice, orris, lemon zest and other Sparen Sie bei Drinks&Co. Broken Bones London Dry Gin è il primo gin che hanno lanciato sul mercato (nel 2018) e ha immediatamente riscosso ampio successo di pubblico e si guadagnato numerosi premi internazionali. Your Name (Optional) Rate this product. Its botanical selection features the likes of local juniper, rosehips, linden flowers, and plenty more traditional ingredients. Naš klasični gin je izdelan po postopku London dry gin: vsa zelišča so dodana v postopku destilacije, brez kasnejših dodatkov. And the taste lingers on for a long time. Broken Bones London Dry Gin ist ein frischer Wacholder-Gin mit einem außergewöhnlichen Charakter. neben dem klassischen Wacholder werden Hagebutte, Lindenblüten, Koriander, Kardamom, Angelika, Lakritz, Iris, Zitronenschale für die … For a distinctive regional touch, small quantities of rosehip and linden flowers are Broken Bones Navy Strength Gin by Broken Bones is a fresh junipery and subtle citrusy gin with a unique character, based on a traditional recipe with a distinctive Slovenian origin. Broken Bones è una distilleria artigianale produttrice di Gin, nata in Slovenia, nella capitale Lubiana, dalla passione condivisa di vini e distillati di tre amici Boštjan Marušič, Borut Osojnik e Polona Preskar, tutti e tre provenienti da esperienze in diversi ma campi ma accomunati da una stessa passione. Broken Bones Navy Strength Gin è stato lanciato poco dopo la versione London Dry ed entrambi hanno conquistato pubblico e giudici internazionali. Ljubljana er nemlig kendt som City of Dragons og der findes både en dragebro og utallige dragestatuer rundt omkring i byen.For at hædre det har Broken Bones Distillery valgt at tilsætte … Broken Bones Navy Strength Gin ist ein frischer Wacholder- und subtiler Zitrus-Gin mit einzigartigem Charakter, der auf einem traditionellen Rezept mit einem unverwechselbaren slowenischen Ursprung basiert. La Broken Bones Distillery è la prima distilleria aperta a Lubiana, la capitale della Slovenia, dopo oltre 60 anni. Tržaška cesta 132, Ljubljana Mit dem Broken Bones Navy Strength Gin haben die Hersteller zwei Klassiker miteinander vereint und etwas ganz Neues kreiert. You can choose between standard glasses with our logo engraved orhand made crystal glasses by Rogaška that were specifically designed with our gin in mind. Our selection of Broken Bones gins is produced with the same recipe as our London Dry Gin, to sustain the core fresh Beskrivelse Broken Bones Sloe Gin. Consigue tu GIN BROKEN BONES LONDON DRY 0,5 Litros al mejor precio en TOPDRINKS. Broken Bones London Dry Gin is a fresh junipery gin with a unique character based on traditional recipes with a distinctive Slovenian origin. Die Macher dieses Gins haben bereits viel Erfahrung in der Gin-Herstellung. Your Review. For that extra kick, Broken Bones offers its Navy Strength Gin label. Vsebnost alkohola. They have also bee recognized as the Best Slovenia gin by the 2020 World Gin Awards. Add Your Review. Add Your Review. Contains Broken Bones London Dry Gin and Schweppes Indian Tonic. Broken Bones Sloe Gin. Slovene linden honey is added after the distillation to enhance aromatic sweetness. May Broken Bones Sloe Royal or other romantic cocktail make your St Valentine’s even nicer! Broken Bones Gin Tonic Set Darilni paket za vse ljubitelje vrhunskega gina – Broken Bones, gin ljubljanske destilarne, ki je v 2020 osvojila kar tri nagrade na vsakoletnih nagradah Gin Guide, vključno za najboljši gin v Evropi (za njihov londonski suhi gin, ki je vključen v darilni paket). Consigue tu GIN BROKEN BONES NAVY LJUBLJANA DRAGON 0,5 Litros al mejor precio en TOPDRINKS.En nuestra web descubrirás las mejores ofertas en BROKEN BONES … Broken Bones offers a variety of gins, which will soon be complemented by a whisky range too. Za osnovo uporabljamo recepturo našega London Dry Gina z večjimi količinami izbranih zelišč. Broken Bones, Ljubljana, Slovenia. Die Hersteller haben bereits viele einzigartige Gins auf den Markt gebracht, die mit ihrer hohen Qualität überzeugen. Broken Bones Navy Strength Gin je svež in eteričen brinov gin, ki mu dajeta edinstven značaj preplet tradicionalnega načina izdelave in značilnosti slovenske dežele. Družba je registrirana na Okrožnem sodišču v Ljubljani, SRG vpisa: 2008/30223. Der Broken Bones Navy Strength Gin wird nach dem selben Rezept wie der London Dry Gin hergestellt und enthält folgende Botanicals: Wacholder, Hagebutte, Lindenblüten, Koriander, … Alleine seiner milden Art wegen verdient der Broken Bones Navy-Strength Gin einen Platz in der Navy Strength Gin Bestenliste.Wer den Geschmack von Koriandersamen nicht mag, der wird kein Fan dieses Gins. It did originally start with their London Dry Gin, which went on to be awarded the Best Slovene London Dry Gin at the World Gin Awards in 2019. Broken Bones d.o.o. However, it maintains a stronger alcohol by volume by diluting it down to 57% ABV. Die tiefrote Farbe stammt von der namensgebenden Zutat, der Schlehenbeere. Naša posebnost je gin z dodatkom šipka in lipe, ki sta skrbno dodana tekočini pred destilacijo. This is a smooth gin, with a lovely rich mouthfeel and a great flavour. 45,00 vol. The Balkans are an under appreciated part of gin history Comprar BROKEN BONES siempre es un acierto para tus celebraciones, eventos o para disfrutar relajadamente. Bones Navy Strength Gin is a fresh junipery and subtle citrusy gin with a unique character, based on traditional I fondatori sono Borut e Boštjan che, avendo entrambi alle spalle una lunga tradizione di famiglia nel campo della distillazione, hanno deciso di realizzare il loro progetto per la produzione di whisky e gin dalla distintiva origine slovena. Ginger is added to develop the fiery character of our Broken Bones Ljubljana Dragon Gin. We carefully source our shop: every work day 12 noon - 5 pm Das gilt auch für den Broken Bones Old Tom Gin. Die Hersteller haben bereits viele einzigartige Gins auf den Markt gebracht, die mit ihrer hohen Qualität überzeugen. Der Broken Bones Old Tom Gin ist eine edle Gin-Sorte aus dem Haus Broken Bones. Der Broken Bones London Dry Gin beginnt mit einem einzigartigen Basisbrand. If you’re looking to branch out and try some gins from further afield, Broken Bones is a must-try. with enhanced doses of selected botanicals. Broken Bones London Dry Gin. we also had our stills made to our own specifications. Darunter vor allem die Noten von Zitrus und Wacholder. This neutral spirit is Broken Bones Navy-Strength Gin Packungen auf dem Bar Convent Berlin 2019 Ein exzellenter Navy-Strength Gin. call to visit outside these hours, VAT ID: SI85140384 Die Rezeptur ist sehr traditionell; Alle Zutaten sind sorgfältig ausgewählt und zum größten Teil ursprünglich aus der slowenischen Karst-Region. After the distillation, it is infused with sloe berries for several months and slightly sweetened enhancing Broken Bones Sloe Gin's fruitiness and aromatic sweetness. doch wer einen knackigen und zugleich modernen Navy Strength Gin probieren … Teilen Sie den anderen Uviners Ihre Meinung mit! matična številka:  8128260000 A set of everything you need to make a perfect gin and tonic. out the finest and most delicate flavours of the botanicals, they are gently steeped in the base spirit and removed Reviews (3) Reviews. 96% ABV and is completely flavourless. Die tiefrote Farbe stammt von der namensgebenden Zutat, der Schlehenbeere. Botanical slovenian gin Broken Bones Gin is a fresh and essential gi. Sloe Gins sind eher mit Likören als mit Gins vergleichbar und haben im Normalfall einen etwas geringeren Alkoholgehalt als normale Gins, … Her får du den unikke BROKEN BONES LJUBLJANA DRAGON GIN, som er dedikeret til og inspireret af Sloveniens hovedstad og de mange drager, som bor der. Broken Bones Sloe Gin je malce drugačen, del trnulj smo nabrali v Sloveniji, odločili pa smo se, da ohranimo višji odstotek alkohola – 31,5 odstotka – in dodamo zelo malo sladkorja. Receptura vključuje izbrane brinove in šipkove jagode s Krasa, lipove cvetove ter še druga tradicionalna zelišča. broken bones navy strength gin. Get our gin in a stylish hand made box with two glasses. creating a fresh and distinctive gin with a character all its own. neben dem klassischen Wacholder werden Hagebutte, Lindenblüten, Koriander, Kardamom, Angelika, Lakritz, Iris, Zitronenschale für die … We do not chill-filter our gin to guarantee a rich and robust texture. broken bones gin Broken Bones is a craft distillery that grew out of passion of three friends who share family tradition of producing wine and spirits. Dieser Gin besetzt die charakteristische, starke Wacholdernote, auf der das traditionelle Rezept basiert. Broken Bones je majhna destilarna, rezultat strasti treh prijateljev, ki si delijo družinsko tradicijo proizvodnje piva, vina in žganih pijač. Sloe Gins sind eher mit Likören als mit Gins vergleichbar und haben im Normalfall einen etwas geringeren Alkoholgehalt als normale Gins, … +386 1 330 77 22 A marvellous Old Tom gin here from the Broken Bones Distillery in Ljubljana, which is the capital of Slovenia. Broken Bones Ljubljana Dragon Gin is a fresh junipery and subtle citrusy gin with a unique character based on traditional recipe with a distinctive Slovenian origin. Excellent to drink alone, not only as a gin & tonic. Distilled and bottled in Slovenia, Broken Bones contains locally sourced juniper and rosehip, which bring soft floral and piney notes to create a smooth and well-balanced gin. recipe with a distinctive Slovenian origin. Broken Bones è una distilleria artigianale produttrice di Gin, nata in Slovenia, nella capitale Lubiana, dalla passione condivisa di vini e distillati di tre amici Boštjan Marušič, Borut Osojnik e Polona Preskar, tutti e tre provenienti da esperienze in diversi ma campi ma accomunati da una stessa passione. Navy Strength). Der Broken Bones London Dry Gin ist ein klassischer und frischer Wacholder-Gin mit einem einzigartigen Charakter. may appear when you add ice or tonic. Use the code ‘Valentin’ when ordering on and get St Valentine’s discount! En TOPDRINKS encontrarás los mejores precios en GINEBRA, como es el caso del GIN BROKEN BONES NAVY LJUBLJANA DRAGON 0,5 Litros.Comprar BROKEN BONES siempre es un acierto para tus celebraciones, eventos o para disfrutar relajadamente. Bei dem Broken Bones Gin sprechen die Botanicals für sich. Ginger is added to develop the fiery character of our Broken Bones Ljubljana Dragon Gin. and alcohol vapours rising from the boiling pot through the still and the flavours are extracted with minimum force Reviews (3) Reviews. Ta slovenski craft gin ima bogat in poln okus, zato je odličen tudi sam, ne le kot gin & tonik. gin Broken Bones London Dry 50cl, Gin. Der Broken Bones Sloe Gin fällt sofort ins Auge. Beskrivelse Broken Bones Ljubljana Dragon Gin. traditional botanicals, enhancing the fresh juniper and subtle citrus character of our gin. Broken Bones Sloe Gin, Slovenia: £ 42.50 Our Sloe Gin is produced with the same recipe as our London Dry Gin which includes selected local juniper and rose hip from Slovenia’s Karst region together with linden flowers, coriander, cardamom, angelica, liquorice, lemon zest and other traditional botanicals. Broken Bones Ljubljana Dragon Gin. Tako smo dobili Broken Bones Sloe Gin s prijetnim okusom zrelih sliv ter aromo grenkih mandljev, šipka in sliv. #brokenbonesgin #ginfromljubljana Distillery tours and other info: A pearlescent ‘louche’ They are custom made for Broken Bones to be a perfect glass to enjoy all our spirits - in cocktails or neat. Consigue tu GIN BROKEN BONES NAVY STRENGTH 0,5 Litros al mejor precio en TOPDRINKS.En nuestra web descubrirás las mejores ofertas en BROKEN BONES y por … Broken Bones London Dry Gin is a fresh junipery gin with a unique character based on traditional recipes with a distinctive Slovenian origin. Broken Bones The only gin and whisky distillery in Ljubljana, Slovenia. Tasting notes: The bitter almond / marzipan on the nose, combined with ripe plums and rosehip aroma, followed by rich taste of sloe berries with just minimal sugar added to balance the taste. Bei allen ihren Gins stehen neben dem außergewöhnlichen Geschmack und hoher Qualität regionale Zutaten ausgewählter Lieferanten im Vordergrund. Broken Bones Navy Strength Gin. broken bones gin Broken Bones is a craft distillery that grew out of passion of three friends who share family tradition of producing wine and spirits. after the distillation. Don Ramos, Wickford, USA, 23 May 2020 I purchased this from you in December 2018. Broken Bones London Dry Gin. En TOPDRINKS encontrarás los mejores precios en GINEBRA, como es el caso del GIN BROKEN BONES NAVY STRENGTH 0,5 Litros.Comprar BROKEN BONES siempre es un acierto para tus celebraciones, eventos o para disfrutar relajadamente. Hand made crystal glass from Slovenian premium glass works Rogaška. As this means some honey might precipitate out of the solution, shake bottle before use. Broken Bones Navy Strength Gin. Kontakt: Boštjan Marušič s.p., Kojsko 60, 5211 Kojsko. Beskrivelse Broken Bones Ljubljana Dragon Gin. Order today before 9pm for next-day delivery. To bring Si quieres comprar Broken Bones Navy Strength Estuche 50cl, en Drinks&Co encontrarás los mejores precios de Ginebras Broken Bon. Stay up to date with news and promotions by signing up for our weekly newsletter. Broken Bones Old Tom Gin. Opomba. Our Sloe Gin is produced with the same recipe as our London Dry Gin that includes selected local juniper and rosehip from Slovenia’s Karst region together with linden flowers, coriander, cardamom, angelica, liquorice, lemon zest and other traditional botanicals. shop: every work day 12 noon - 5 pm This gin is made using the exact same botanical profile as its London Dry Gin. Broken Bones looks forward to continued competition and competing in future gin awards. +386 1 330 77 22 Broken Bones Navy Strength 50cl (42,90€): Ein Gin der Destillerie Broken Bones. Broken Bones Sloe Gin je malce drugačen, del trnulj smo nabrali v Sloveniji, odločili pa smo se, da ohranimo višji odstotek alkohola – 31,5 odstotka – in dodamo zelo malo sladkorja. added before distillation. Slovene linden honey is added after the distillation to enhance aromatic sweetness. Broken Bones Gin is a fresh, juniper-led gin with a tonne of sweet citrus flavour. Stay up to date with news and promotions by signing up for our weekly newsletter. Produced with the same recipe as our London Dry Gin. This Slovenian craft gin has a rich and full flavor. Živilo vsebuje alkohol, zato za otroke do 18. leta ni primerno. 674 likes. Using this method only the finest essence of the botanicals infuses the water together with linden flowers, coriander, cardamom, angelica, liquorice, lemon zest and other traditional botanicals. Don Ramos, Wickford, USA, 23 May 2020 I purchased this from you in December 2018. distillate, which has an ABV over 70%, is rested for several weeks to allow the various flavours to settle in. botanicals from various suppliers, relying on local sources wherever possible and collecting some ourselves. To achieve the best possible results in the creation of our gin Die slowenische Herkunft nimmt starken Einfluss auf Herstellung und Geschmack des Gins. % Neto količina 0,5l. As we believe in natural processes our gin is not chill filtered which helps gin retain its aroma. It is produced with the same recipe as our London Dry Gin that includes selected local juniper and rosehip from Slovenia’s Karst region together with linden flowers, coriander, cardamom, angelica, liquorice, lemon zest and other traditional botanicals.