The European Parliament (EP) elections – taking place this year on 23 May – normally act as a kind of referendum on each member state’s domestic policies. The team of commissioners includes more women than ever before and von der Leyen becomes the first woman to hold the post of Commission President. The European Parliament receives prominent anti-Communist dissidents and presidents of their countries Vaclav Havel (Czechoslovakia) and Lech Wałęsa (Poland) in a show of support for the European integration of Central and Eastern European countries. Decision and Act concerning the election of the representatives of the European Parliament by direct universal suffrage (20 September 1976), as amended by the Council Decisions of 25 June and 23 September 2002. The appointment of the President of the Commission was made subject to Parliament’s approval, thus increasing its powers of control over the executive. The EPP demanded that if Buttiglione were to go, then a PES commissioner must also be sacrificed for balance. Greece and Italy receive most of the migrants and struggle to cope with the influx, while disputes arise among EU countries on how to deal with the crisis. For the second enlargement, with the accession of Greece on 1 January 1981, 24 Greek Members were appointed to the European Parliament by the Greek Parliament, to be replaced in October 1981 by directly elected Members. (Terrorism in the EU: terror attacks, deaths and arrests), A memorial to the victims of the attack at the Maelbeek station, © European Union 2016 - European Parliament. A referendum in Spain overwhelmingly supports a new constitution setting the country on the path towards democracy. The allocation of seats to the 15 existing Member States was reduced by 91 (from 626 to 535). 10. The Maastricht Treaty, by introducing the codecision procedure in certain areas of legislation and extending the cooperation procedure to others, marked the beginning of Parliament’s metamorphosis into the role of co-legislator. Graphic designs . John Harper Publishing, London 2011 (englisch). Picture taken in February 2016 during a visit of MEPs inspecting how EU funds are spent. Margaret Thatcher becomes the first of the presidents in office of the European Council to appear in front of the European Parliament to give an account of the discussions among member state leaders. It adopts the first European Union common strategy, which concerns Russia, and designates Mr Javier Solana Madariaga as high representative for the CFSP and secretary-general of the Council. Parliament is the legislative body of the United Kingdom and is the primary law-making institution in Great Britain’s constitutional monarchy. A woman marches with her child through the border region between Greece and the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia. In the third elections for the European Parliament a total of 518 MEPs from 12 countries are elected. University Press, Innsbruck 2010. With … European Parliament . The Parliament's Facebook page reaches one million fans highlighting the role of social media in enabling dialogue between politicians and the public, Croatia becomes the 28th member of the EU and newly-elected Croatian MEPs take their seats in the European Parliament, The EU is awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in Oslo for the contribution of Europeans to peace and reconciliation, EP sides with critics of the controversial Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement (ACTA) who argue that some of its texts on Internet piracy may jeopardise citizens' liberties and rejects ACTA. With 142 Members, the new assembly met for the first time in Strasbourg on 19 March 1958 as the ‘European Parliamentary Assembly’, changing its name to the ‘European Parliament’ on 30 March 1962. The maximum number of MEPs (previously set at 700) was increased to 732. Over the years, the prize named after Soviet scientist and dissident Andrei Sakharov has established itself as one of the most prestigious awards for human rights defenders. The European Parliament organised a photo contest to celebrate the end of roaming. The Treaty of Lisbon (1.1.5) constituted another important extension of both the application of qualified-majority voting in the Council (using a new method as of 1 November 2014 — Article 16 of the TEU) and the application of the codecision procedure (now extended to some 45 new legislative domains). It is there that three of the first four International Sessions were held, … Eliminating roaming fees has been a major issue for the European Parliament. VoteWatch Europe is a small, independent not-for-profit organisation. The Bulgarian government replaces their candidate in the second Barroso commission, as MEPs raise concerns in a parliamentary hearing over an alleged conflict of interests for the initial nominee Rumiana Jeleva. One Parliament, 24 languages! Yet Europe today is realistic only if it espouses the canons of democracy. The European Parliament is part of the legislative, or law making, process in the EU. With the third enlargement, the number grew to 518 an… The Treaty of Nice further extended the scope of the codecision procedure. The Left Our group brings together left-wing MEPs in the European Parliament. Jean-Claude Juncker presents the new Commission to the Parliament. Find out more about all the EP presidents in our special section at the end of the page. This gives the impetus for the future Charter of fundamental rights of the EU. Building Parliament: 50 years of European Parliament history : 1958-2008 Luxembourg: Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, 2009 Olivier COSTA Our goal is to promote better insight into EU politics by making information on the decision-making process of the European Parliament and the Council of Ministers available in a user-friendly, searchable format. The European Parliamentary Week has been held since 2015. As the Treaty of Lisbon (which entered into force on 1 December 2009) had set a maximum number of 751 MEPs, to be temporarily raised to 754 until the next elections, 18 MEPs were added to the 736 elected in June 2009 during the 2009-2014 term, following the ratification by the Member States of an amending protocol adopted at the IGC of 23 June 2010. It is the first office outside the EU and reflects the importance of EU-US relations and the will to strengthen dialogue with the US Congress, Parliament exercises its newly gained power to approve or strike down international agreements and rejects an agreement on the transfer of data on EU banking transactions, carried out through the SWIFT payment network, to the US, citing privacy concerns. The Parliament is put on an equal decision-making footing with EU governments in all but a few legal areas. A directive that aims to protect the copyright of content creators such as musicians, performers and journalists and help them negotiate better remuneration deals for the use of their works online is adopted in Parliament. Reforming the asylum system and strengthening border security emerge as key elements of the EU response. (Asylum and migration in the EU: facts and figures), Refugees walking along railway tracks in Hungary soon after crossing the border, Greece's Hellenic Coast Guard approaches a boat containing 43 Syrian refugees in the Mediterranean sea. DEMOCRACY AND LEGITIMACY AT EU LEVEL The direct election of the European Parliament can either be considered as a purely technical issue, or a mere symbol, favourable only for federalists. First enlargment with the membership of the UK, Denmark and Ireland. The investigation opens the door to more effective supervision over the work of the Commission and leads to a more ambitious EU public health policy. Since the start of European integration, the history of the European Parliament has fallen between these two extremes. Slovenia and Croatia declare independence from Yugoslavia. Afghans braving rough seas to cross from Turkey to the island of Lesbos, Greece. Forty years after the adoption of the Act, onemightalso think that the direct … Institution, Vision und Wirklichkeit. The deal confirms once more the EU’s commitment to free trade that creates jobs and opportunities for businesses. The aim of this new treaty was to reform the institutional structure of the European Union so that it could withstand the challenges of future enlargement. Soon all committee meetings are available online both live and on demand after the end of the sitting, Parliament approves the services directive, which aims to develop the EU's single market in services. MEPs applauding the ratification of the EU-Ukraine Association agreement, carried out simultaneously on 16 September 2014 in the European and Ukrainian parliaments. European Parliament after the Lisbon Treaty. They have a certain degree of institutionalised influence which was expanded under the Treaty of Lisbon to include greater ability to scrutinise proposed European Union law. The Parliament, like the other institutions, was not designed in its current form when it first met on 10 September 1952. 8. He also launches a mobile app comparing the Commission's proposal with the latest texts from the Parliament and the Council. Refugees wait patiently at Passau station, Germany, before getting into the train that will take them to their host town. France, however, objected to this for many years. The European Parliament adopts a report on the organisation of direct European elections. Parliament exercises its newly gained power to approve or strike down international agreements - rejects Swift agreement, The European Parliament rejects EU-US Swift Agreement on data privacy (video), The Bulgarian government replaces their candidate in the second Barroso commission, EU leaders pose in front of a European flag after they sign the "Treaty of Lisbon" in Jeronimos monastery in Lisbon, European Elections 2009, Portuguese poster, European Parliament launches its Facebook page, Hillary Clinton visits the European Parliament (video), Hillary Clinton visits the European Parliament - video 2 (video), A Romanian youth holds EU and Romanian flags at a New Year celebration party in Piata Universitatii Square in Bucharest. During the 1960s, the Members of the European Parliament took up the baton, implementing increasing numbers of initiatives and resolutions in order to obtain satisfaction and transform the Assembly into an open forum for the will of the people in Europe. UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon speaks in Parliament’s plenary chamber on 4 October 2016 to hail Parliament’s ratification of the Paris agreement and its entry into force. The Dalai Lama is awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1989. The Treaty of Amsterdam extended the codecision procedure to most areas of legislation and reformed it, making Parliament a co-legislator on an equal footing with the Council. The Osmaniye refugee camp in southern Turkey has provided shelter to Syrians fleeing the civil war. Britain’s Winston Churchill is one of the most prominent European leaders calling for European integration. It can be safely argued that the lead candidate system proved successful in increasing voter participation in the European elections. The Treaty of Rome (1957) nevertheless provided for the possibility of its members being elected by universal direct vote. The recent European Parliament resolution that equates Nazi Germany with the Soviet Union is an example of a blatant lie about World War II. Islamic State claims responsibility for the attacks carried out by French and Belgian citizens. The eighth European elections take place in 28 EU countries. Presidents of the Common Assembly The plenary vote brings to an end the long process of careful examination by Parliament of the proposed team of commissioners to ensure that the EU’s executive body has the democratic legitimacy to act in the interests of all Europeans. The EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) takes effect, ensuring a high standard of protection of people’s personal data throughout the EU. This allows people on a short stay in another EU country to enjoy mobile phone calls and data services at the prices they pay at home. For the first time ever, the European Parliament has voted to sanction a member state. History. Welcome to the official Facebook page of the European Parliament Visitors Services! In 1941 during Greece’s occupation by Nazi Germany, Glezos was just 18-years-old when he and his friend Apostolos Santas, a 19-year-old law student, climbed onto the Acropolis in the middle of the night and tore down the flag bearing the swastika unnoticed. The European Parliament is an important forum for political debate and decision-making at the EU level. Auflage. The European Parliament was founded in 1958 as the European Parliamentary Assembly, and its members were chosen by the parliaments of the nations belonging to the three treaty organizations that were later merged to form what is now the EU. The European Parliament organised a photo contest to celebrate the end of roaming. The change since its foundation was highlighted by Professor David Farrell of the University of Manchester: "… An Iraqi woman is being comforted by volunteers on the beach of Lesbos, Greece, after a perilous sea crossing (8/12/2015). In a sense, the European Parliament is the representative body of all Europe. EP presidents have since been able to express the views of the House at the start of summits. History of the European Parliament (EP) The European Parliament was initially known as the Common Assembly of the European Coal and Steel Community (ECSC). Robert Schuman becomes the first president of the institution known as the European Parliamentary Assembly. The co-decision procedure became the standard procedure for passing Sep 20, 2012 - Milestones and other important events in the European Parliament's history. The Parliament calls in a resolution for the establishment of a Charter of the rights of the peoples of the European Community. On 14th October, the European Parliament in Brussels opened its new visitor’s centre called “Parlamentarium”. The Maastricht Treaty paves the way for the creation of the European Union and the euro. (Online shopping: stopping geo-blocking and country redirects), Consumers can access online stores in other EU countries, Towards the end of geoblocking in Europe (video), (End of roaming: the fight to abolish surcharges abroad), From 15 June 2017, wherever you are travelling to in the EU, you can call, send a text message and browse the internet at the same conditions you enjoy in your home country, The European Parliament organised a photo contest to celebrate the end of roaming. Migrants and refugees waiting at Catania port before being identified by Italian authorities and EU border agency Frontex. It further extends the application of codecision, The Convention on the future of Europe meets for the first time in the EP in Brussels. A Common assembly of "representatives of the people" is established under the treaty. For the 2014 elections, the total number of seats was again reduced to 751.The distribution of seats was then reviewed again in view of the withdrawal of the United Kingdom, which took effect on 1 February 2020 (1.3.3). The Socialists get more seats than anyone else (about 35%). Our goal is to promote better insight into EU politics by making information on the decision-making process of the European Parliament and the Council of Ministers available in a user-friendly, searchable format. Parliament launches its first website. European Parliament History Series, October 2015, European Parliamentary Research Service, Luxembourg. Speaking in plenary, Tspiras says Greece had been turned into an “austerity laboratory” but “the experiment was not a success: poverty has soared, and so has public debt"". His speech becomes known as the Strasbourg Proposal and marks an important stage in the conflict between China and Tibet. The European Parliament is the only directly-elected EU body. Did you know Fines Suicide bombers set off explosions at Brussels Airport and at a metro station in Brussels, killing a total of 32 people. It now gets the right to reject the Community budget and to grant discharge, ie approval, to the Commission for its management of the budget. Inaugurated in 1958 as the Common Assembly, the European Parliament originally consisted of representatives selected by the national parliaments of EU member countries. The Treaty of Rome establishes a European Economic Community with the aim of building a customs union among member states, and a European Atomic Energy Community to promote cooperation in the nuclear field. In January 1975, Parliament adopted a new draft convention, on the basis of which the Heads of State or Government, after settling a number of differences, reached agreement at their meeting of 12 and 13 July 1976. The British monarch highlights the role of European integration in bringing reconciliation and reinforcing political and economic change throughout Europe. Relations. More than five million Syrians are forced to flee the country over the following years, most of them heading for Turkey, Lebanon and Jordan, while hundreds of thousands seek refuge in Europe. French president François Mitterrand denounces nationalism and expresses his faith in the European project in a poignant speech before the European Parliament just months before his death. Large member states pay more than small ones. In the first years of the body, member states of the European Economic Community (what later became the EU) appointed its delegates to the Parliament. A delegation of MEPs took part in the climate conference in Paris in December 2015 that led to the conclusion of the global agreement. As of 1 February, the number of EU member states is 27 and the term of office of UK MEPs ends. MEPs give their consent to an economic partnership agreement between the EU and Japan that lifts almost all custom duties between the two sides and creates a trade zone covering a third of global GDP.