The team manages to rescue Susan and uses Adrian's wife to convince him to stop his reign of terror. After serving valiantly alongside Young Justice, she now lives the life of a normal girl... who happens to be an Olympic gold medalist. save. Source. Of course, Oliver hasn't been quite as vigilant about vetting members of Team Arrow in recent seasons as he was back in the beginning. Rene coined their situation as "the black ops for the SCPD". All 11 Red Arrows display pilots are fast jet pilots from front line Royal Air Force squadrons. Connor Hawke is the son of Oliver Queen. The fight is quickly broken up by Felicity, with both men soon apologizing to each other for attacking one another. send you an email once approved. Thea. He graduated from Ohio Northern University Raabe College of Pharmacy in … Back at the temple, Oliver handed Dinah a collar Curtis had made for her, so she could not only control her powers, but it would also allow her to bypass the technology inhibiting her powers. However they soon discovered an explosive near them, Felicity used her tablet and discovered that there were hundreds planted all over the island and linked to a single trigger. When Oliver returned from Lian Yu, he began his activities as a vigilante on his own. When Oliver's trial was moved up a week earlier, he (secretly) contacted Christopher Chance to help exonerate the latter of being Green Arrow. Least favorite team arrow member. She agrees to join the team with Quentin giving his blessing to her becoming the new Black Canary. Diggle escaped followed by both Oliver and Laurel. Prometheus reveals the cover-up and it threatens Oliver with impeachment. 's Ark and Genesis, Year Five: The New Recruits/Enter Prometheus, Year Six: Team Arrow Divided/The Dragon's reign, Year Seven: Working with the SCPD/Rise of the Ninth Circle. Dinah Drake was the original Black Canary of the Golden Age, and mother of Dinah Laurel Lance, the modern Black Canary. Following the destruction of the Glades, their secondary objective of catching unruly criminals became their primary focus. The Core Members of The Team beyond Green Arrow are Black Canary, Speedy, John Diggle and Felicity Smoak. After escaping the destruction of Earth-2, Oliver awakens in a room where he is confronted by Mar Novu who tells him he was warned not to interfere with the events of the Earth and that its destruction was the consequence. During Oliver's second confrontation with Diaz, he used a device that Felicity made on his wrist to copy all of Diaz's files, that contains a list of every individual under his payroll and gave it to Samanda; destroying the crime lord's corruption and control over Star City. After the exit of most of his old team, except for Felicity and Curtis, Oliver attempted to act on his own, refusing the help of others. After Oliver's release, he became a deputized superhero by the Star City Police Department. Action Comics #456 - Jaws of the Killer Shark! T. Thea Queen. In order to tie together the final incarnation of the team, Oliver created a code called the "Mark of Four" to act as a means of contact and to demonstrate the four pillars of heroism; courage, compassion, selflessness and loyalty.[8]. Change team settings. Felicity suggested that Oliver utilize them as security for the AmerTek free clinic, which he eventually agreed to, instructing them not to interfere. [12] However before being able to settle down, Star City gets attacked by the present day Deathstroke gang. Oliver is forced to put an arrest warrant for the Green Arrow, while John, Rene, and Curtis battle Vigilante when he targets Oliver and they manage to defeat them. Adrian then revealed he had William on the boat and placed him in a headlock, threatening Oliver to kill him or he would kill William. Oliver discovers that Cayden has a criminal cabal, but he is unwilling to allow Dinah, Rene, and Curtis back into the team, due to his ego and wounded pride, as he only allows John and Felicity to update his former teammates of their situation; regarding his run-in with Cayden's criminal cabal. Once a patient in a mental hospital, Galahad wanders Star City forest after the destruction of a major part of the city as a knight assisting Green Arrow. Oliver chooses to reveal his secret identity to John, who inevitably joins up when he realizes that Oliver needs someone to remind him of what he is fighting for. These individuals can have many roles, including: Manager or supervisor: Responsible for overseeing all activities within a team. Vote. There, Oliver told him about his fate, that Oliver died in the upcoming Crisis. Members Arrowette. Categories: Characters. The Red Arrows consists up of more than 100 team members, including pilots, engineers and support staff. 1 vote. You must be logged in to vote. Ra's al Ghul, leader of the League of Assassins, who is also adamant to punish the one responsible for Sara's death, loses his patience with Oliver, giving him and his team an ultimatum; that they are to identify Sara's killer within 48 hours or the League will kill 50 people per day until the person responsible for her murder reveals himself/herself. Team Arrow Terrific is the 3rd smartest man alive. Arrowette is one of the few superheroes to retire and have it stick. Adrian pulled a gun out and shot himself in the head, detonating the explosives on Lian Yu. Terrific embodies his Golden Age predecessor's slogan of "Fair Play", and is currently the leader of his own team, the Terrifics. They no longer rely on \"… When Oliver found out that his former friend and former mentor Slade Wilson is alive, he was horrified, trying various methods to take him down until he finally managed to neutralize his powers. Base of operations John also states that Oliver being Green Arrow allows him to be the best version of himself, and despite a tearful attempt to convince him otherwise by Felicity, John sadly leaves the team in order to become the best version of himself, which he feels he can't do with Oliver around. Adrian gave the dwarf material to Oliver and had worked out that Oliver is from a different Earth. Team Members. In an interview with Comicbook during Comic-Con, showrunner Marc Guggenheim stated that there will be no new members of Team Arrow for awhile, no matter how many of the current members survive the explosions on Lian Yu that ended the fifth season. 's rampage through Star City, while attempting to execute Operation Genesis, Darhk was finally killed by Green Arrow. no comments yet. Oliver rejoined Team Arrow while working with the Monitor to save the multiverse from the Crisis. However, despite the team's initial successes, their personal lives began to suffer when Felicity was paralyzed from the waist down in an attack by Darhk. She is one of the few superheroes with HIV and was a member of the Teen Titans. Later that night, Oliver went to interrogate Malcolm, but he was attacked by the Dark Archer and knocked him out, but upon taking his mask off, he was shocked to see that the Dark Archer was Tommy Merlyn. The first seven members of the Team GB athletics squad for the Tokyo 2020 Olympics have been confirmed. Jimmy Crew is a former state department liaison for Sino-American trade relations and has diplomatic status. Oliver won this fight. [9] Refusing to reveal his identity, he brought them to a building to train, by working together to ring a bell, to no avail. Reporter for the Star Gazette and ally to Green Arrow. He went to confront Malcolm but instead found Mar Novu who told him to focus on his mission. Go to the team name and select More options > Manage team. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Log in or sign up to leave a comment Log In Sign Up. After a successful mission to destroy Ricardo Diaz's vertigo production facility, John tells Oliver that while he has become a better man since becoming a hero, his split focus between being a father, mayor, and hero has caused him to become a bad leader. If you’re still not sure, you can take a leadership quiz to determine your preferred style and learn other ways to improve your skills. The team manages to take him down and imprison him. Here, you have a team comprised of Arrow- family members, and that sense of family is incredibly potent. To protect Star City from crime and corruption (succeeded)To prevent the dark future the Canaries witnessed in 2040 (succeeded)To save the multiverse from the crisis (succeeded) Oliver then said goodbye to Moira Queen, something he was unable to do on Earth-1. He vows that he would no longer kill his enemies, wishing to honor his late best friend, Tommy Merlyn. A 15-member Indian judo team was forced to withdraw from the ongoing Asia-Oceania Olympic qualifiers in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan after two judokas tested positive for COVID-19 … Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Oliver and Diggle went to Chase and Laurel and told them what Tommy's plan was, Oliver worked out that Tommy would be at the same place Thea Queen died. Manage channels. Adrian then escaped from the monastery, Oliver told John to get the rest of the team to the plane and off the island. Oliver Queen - Green Arrow Green Arrow is the unofficial leader of the Team Arrow. Team Arrow (Earth-Prime) W. Alena Whitlock. The new Team Arrow fell apart after Oliver kicked Rene off the team for a second time for insubordination during the rescue mission for Quentin, effectively breaking Oliver's trust twice, while Dinah and Curtis, affronted by having their privacy invaded by the team's surveillance, also left. After defeating Sean Sonus and Oliver revealing his identity. Oliver is briefly distracted when he finds Laurel alive and well in his lair, but Felicity's research soon reveals that this Laurel is actually Laurel's counterpart from Earth-Two, forcing Oliver to defeat and capture her. But with Star City in a chaotic state after so many of these attacks focused on the city's elected government, Oliver decided to seek a role that would allow him to make a difference in the streets and in politics by running for and winning the position of Star City's mayor. Due to the violent and often sensitive nature of their mission, there have been several moments of tension and infighting. Vigilantes. The Starling City police captain in the Arrow Television series universe, who is a prominent ally of the Arrow, and father to Laurel and Sara Lance. Once they have finished their three-year tour with the team they will return to their Royal Air Force duties. Soon after Darhk's death, Diggle, Thea, and Quentin left Team Arrow to evaluate their lives as they feared the lengths they had been forced to resort to during this conflict, leaving Oliver and Felicity on the team as Oliver officially assumed the role of mayor after the loss of all other candidates. However, Helena was more interested in revenge and left, correctly assuming that Oliver wouldn't allow her to do things her way if she stayed. He found him at the docks attempting to escape on a boat, which Oliver jumped onto and engaged Adrian in another fight. Terrific. 2. Oliver attended a party at Verdant in which he sneaked out of, even knocking out Diggle, to talk to Tommy about being the Dark Archer. Once Thea is saved - Oliver remains true to his word and leaves his team. When Oliver is left for dead and drugged by Cyrus Gold, a member of Sebastian Blood's Church of Blood, Felicity makes the decision to involve Central City Police Department CSI intern Barry Allen in order to save Oliver's life. When Oliver is let go by Adrian, he decides to stop being the Green Arrow and disband the team. Nyssa split off from the group and Slade knocked Oliver out, handing him over to Black Siren whom Adrian had broken out of prison earlier. She took on the identity of Manhunter to correct the wrongs the judicial system could or would not. Oliver and Slade managed to fight them off with Evelyn being captured. Team Arrow is a Vigilante Team Created, Founded and Lead by Green Arrow. This can provide you with insight into how you prefer to lead. Despite the sincerity of his apology, they all refuse, as they are unable to be part of a team that cannot trust them or treats them as equals. Both teams began fighting each other with Dinah Drake and Black Siren splitting off to fight each other. However, after discovering that Dinah tried to kill Laurel in cold blood; Oliver, John, and Felicity become distrustful of their former teammates once again; this time they have a good reason not to trust them. The 2040 versions of William Clayton, Mia Queen, and Connor Hawke from 2040 joined Team Arrow after the Monitor brought them to the present year of 2019. [13], Year Seven, with Earth-2 Laurel and Ben Turner. Information Oliver escaped his chains and was saved by Diggle who worked out where he was. The team finds Dinah Drake who gained the ability of sonic screaming due to the particle accelerator explosion. Oliver Queen and his wife, son, and both former and current wards. John knocks out and abducts Barry from the train station and brings him to the Arrowcave at Felicity's behest. Oliver confronted Tommy, who captured Oliver with the help of Rene Ramirez and Dinah Drake. is a Work OS that powers teams to run processes, projects and workflows in one digital workspace Rene anticipated that judge C. McGarvey may be under Diaz's payroll (which later turns out to be true) with the help of John, they knock him out and Christopher takes his place, acquitting Oliver of all charges of being a vigilante. Curtis "Mister Terrific" Holt, Rene Ramirez, Felicity Smoak, Dinah Drake and John Diggle were all present and accounted for during the fight, along with the new Green Arrow, who fought alongside John Diggle himself to bring down Diaz. The current base is called "The Bunker" and is underneath Oliver's former mayoral campaign office. Mr. There, Oliver worked out Tommy planned to use the Dwarf Material to destroy the Glades through the Undertaking, the same way his Earth-1 counterpart's father did on Earth-1. However, after a prison riot saw Damien Darhk escape custody and kill Laurel Lance, Felicity returned to the team to put Darhk down once and for all. Aim(s) Oliver attempted to get the dwarf material, but found the scientists there killed. kept in the Colony, who was subsequently murdered by fellow captive, Fist Point. They regrouped with Oliver and the others and attempted to leave the monastery but were intercepted by Adrian, Black Siren, and what remained of Talia's cult. Christopher Chance, AKA The Human Target, is a bodyguard who specializes in assuming the identity and taking the place of his employers when they are targeted by those that would harm them. Being the best pizza delivery company in the world requires exceptional team members working together. They no longer rely on "The List" to direct them to criminal elements, and instead try to make a difference in the city in the aftermath of the destruction caused by the earthquake machine. He met and reconciled with his son, Connor Hawke, with whom he b… She used it and the others were able to break free of the chains holding them. He has been recently placed in the DCU. © 2021 GAMESPOT, A RED VENTURES COMPANY. The team's intervention allows Laurel to escape, but Rene is inadvertently injured by Oliver in the process (although it is very likely that Oliver didn't intentionally mean to put him in critical condition). After publicly defeating the sociopath Chimera, the rest of the team also became deputized superheroes and Felicity became their deputized mission control. After his return home, he used his new-found skills and his wealth to became the costumed vigilante known as Green Arrow. But they manage to get out. But the team manages to change his mind and with the help of Helix, they expose Adrian being Prometheus, but he manages to get away. John Diggle (formerly)Oliver Queen (deceased) Malcolm Merlyn (formerly; deceased)Barry Allen (alternate reality; formerly) Adrian worked out that the scientists were killed by the Dark Archer. During his trial, Christopher drops down from the roof of the skylight into the courtroom while in the Green Arrow suit to cast reasonable doubt about Oliver's secret identity. Felicity is the only founding member not to be on Team Arrow in. Laurel joined Team Arrow after Earth-2 was destroyed. Oliver confronted Tommy on the roof, in which Oliver defeated Tommy, and he convinced him to stop his plan and give himself up. As part of our crew, your job responsibilities will include: Operating all equipment. The ACU attacks him but he manages to escape. Team Arrow was restored when the multiverse was restored, and the team disbanded and everyone went their separate ways after Oliver Queen died and Star City was finally safe and free from crime. Oliver Queen's staff. Oliver and Quentin also affirm their friendship and trust in each other. 2 days 23 hours left. Roy, Felicity, Diggle, and Oliver as part of the team. However, Team Arrow's victory against Diaz is not without a price; as Quentin was killed by Diaz while saving Earth-2 Laurel, much to the team's devastation, before he died, Oliver told Quentin that he had learned how to be a good father to William from having Quentin as a good example (role model) Quentin thanked Oliver for everything. Oliver politely declines and so Ra's and the league, pose as the Arrow and start killing people in Starling City with the Arrow's tools to frame him in a perverted attempt to make the offer more convincing. Oliver and Felicity returned however due to the attacks on the city made by the "Ghosts." Malcolm willingly took Thea's place on the landmine and urged the others to flee, they did and Digger caught up to Malcolm. Vigilante teams. Jeffrey Morgan of Digital Spy called Felicity's introduction to "Team Arrow" "a smart move", appreciating the integration of her lighter personality with the more stoic duo of Oliver and Diggle, as well as praising the performances of both Rickards and David Ramsey. Nearly 60 years after the Avro Arrow was scrapped amid controversy, members of the public got a first look at images of one of the test models recently found in the depths of Lake Ontario. Team Arrow appears in 227 issues. The team tracks him down to an abandoned building where Evelyn reveals her allegiance with Prometheus and takes off with him. He is currently a soldier for hire. Katherine Spencer is a lawyer and former district attorney. Fan site dedicated to our Amazing Captain. Before he and Diggle could leave though, Laurel went to them and told them that they were being attacked when fiery light began going through the building, “incinerating” it. He is a master impersonator, athlete, weapons expert, detective and martial artist. After Oliver found out from Thea, Roy put someone in the hospital, Oliver offered to train Roy, so he can control his new powers and abilities, later Roy finds out that Oliver is The Arrow, after this, Roy officially becomes a member of the team, Roy is now aware of the identities of Oliver's partners. After she fulfills her promise to take him to his father's factory and helps John save his life following the revelation that he was the vigilante, Felicity joins the team in order to find her boss and Oliver's step-father, Walter. During the confrontation, Rene fires at Thea and Quentin, nearly hitting Felicity, who puts herself between them and Rene. All Stephen all the time!! John was eventually injured stopping a bomb threat by Laurel and her new ally, hacker Cayden James, prompting Oliver to step back into the role of Green Arrow until his friend was ready. They fight against crime/corruption, doling out justice and at times punishment when regular law enforcers and the court system cannot perform it on the perpetrators, later fighting to stop Malcolm Merlyn/Dark Archer and his Undertaking. This version has also made her debut in the comics. Be the first to share what you think! As well as investigating Darhk, Oliver also found himself rescuing other superheroes, such as retrieving Ray Palmer from Darhk's custody after learning that Palmer's suit had acquired the ability to shrink to microscopic size, resurrecting Sara Lance with the aid of John Constantine, or working with Barry to save Carter Hall and Kendra Saunders from psychotic immortal Vandal Savage. Every current member … After H.I.V.E. Naomi Singh was tech supporter for Green Arrow. The Canaries head to what would become the Deathstroke gang hideout in the future and confront who they believe to be JJ, but it turns out the current Deathstroke is actually Grant Wilson. Oliver faces Ra's in battle and loses, but he still manages to survive in the fight and because he had survived Ra's' blade - Ra's wants him to become his successor. Felicity, Thea, Curtis, and Samantha managed to make it to the plane. After the final battle with the Ninth Circle and the death of his half-sister, Emiko Adachi, Oliver decided to disband the team altogether and moved on with his life with Felicity who was pregnant. Comic Vine users. Meanwhile, Oliver, Nyssa, and Slade arrived at the monastery where Adrian had the rest of the team. A detective with the Star City police force during the pre-Crisis universe. Felicity contacted Oliver again to reveal Adrian had sabotaged the plane, Oliver told her to have Slade guide them to an A.R.G.U.S. Year One: Becoming the Hood/The Undertaking, Year Two: Becoming the Arrow/Deathstroke's revenge, Year Three: Death of the Canary/Fighting the League of Assassins, Year Four: Becoming Green Arrow/H.I.V.E. After Oliver thanks Rene for everything he did for him, he also apologizes for his past unjust actions against the latter (that resulted in Rene refusing to return to the team) Rene (genuinely) accepts all of his apologies and the two reconcile, Oliver also reconciles with his other teammates as well, such as John, Dinah and Curtis as they all return to Team Arrow to help Oliver in his fight against Diaz, Felicity also returns to the team as well. The team generally followed Oliver's wishes and targeted those on \"The List\". report. Since Oliver Queen's resurrection and his resumption of the mantle of Green Arrow, a "family" has managed to grow around him, with elements from both his past and his present. At its foundation, the Team had five members. Barry does so, only for Oliver to wake up and become infuriated with Felicity's actions. Talia overheard this and went to stop them from escaping, but was stopped by the arrival of her sister, Nyssa. "Regardless of what the size of the team is, post-season 5, we are not looking right now to add additional people to it." supply ship on the other side of the island. He is an Ex-CIA member and weapons expert, originally an enemy but eventually became a close ally to the Green Arrow Family. Oliver later discovered that Rene was a witness in Samanda Watson's case against him when Samanda blackmailed Rene with the threat of never seeing his daughter again. Oliver deduced that it was Malcolm Merlyn, but both Adrian and Laurel told him that he was already ruled out, which Oliver thought was wrong. In the Channels tab, select Auto-favorite for any channels you want to make sure show up in everyone's channel list. After Roy took the blame for being the Arrow and faked his death to exonerate Oliver, Ra's attacked Thea and mortally wounded her, in order to finally force Oliver to accept his offer to become his successor. He asked why Malcolm was just standing out in the open and Malcolm replied "Let me show you", stepping off the landmine causing a huge explosion that presumably killed Malcolm, Digger, and Talia's men, much to Thea's dismay. Sara Lance and Roy Harper were also deputized superheroes in Star City. She is also one of the main characters on the TV series, Arrow, where she acts as a computer expert for Oliver Queen. Barry wakes up to find John standing over an unconscious Oliver in full Arrow garb, and Felicity asks for his help in saving him. Quentin Lance got a call from the DA, who passed along the information that one member of Team Arrow had spilled the beans to Watson. Team Arrow storming the International Domain Name Directory Vault. Least favorite one. In 2040, while battling JJ and the Deathstroke gang, the Canaries find themselves mysteriously transported through time back to 2019 where they meet Oliver Queen and the present day Team Arrow. Felicity contacted Oliver, revealing that the explosives were linked to Adrian's heartbeat, if he dies, the explosives planted all over the island will detonate. Oliver tells Captain Pike that Prometheus tricked Green Arrow into killing Billy, that Green Arrow regrets the accidental murder, and asks that the ACU help Team Arrow stop Liza Warner, Cupid, and China White. Oliver Queen initially worked on his one-man war against the people on "the List" alone, though this changes after he saved John Diggle from a bullet laced with curare. As soon as Oliver learned the news, he put Rene, Curtis Holt and Dinah Drake under surveillance to figure out which new team member had betrayed them. [4], After the massive corruption of Star City's police, politicians, and even public servants at the hands of Ricardo Diaz, Oliver had become limited in allies and resources and was forced to make a deal with the FBI. John Diggle later rejoined the team after Oliver Queen broke him out of prison. He completed a 3-year Infectious Diseases Pharmacotherapy Fellowship at the University of Illinois at Chicago in June 2017. However, after both John Diggle and Oliver were shot by Floyd Lawton and Moira Queen respectively, Oliver expanded his inner circle to include John and Felicity. He later tortures him with the help of Evelyn. Diggle. The daughter of Shado and half-sister of Green Arrow, and the new Red Arrow. Sort by. After this confrontation, Team Arrow's friendship and alliance with the Outsiders ended on bad terms; due to the fact that their former teammates (except for Rene) crossed several moral lines, when Dinah later offers temporary assistance to Oliver to rescue Roy Harper from Ricardo Diaz, he states that he doesn't trust her and he would rather go out in the field shorthanded than with someone he does not trust. The plan almost backfired, when Laurel Lance (who had acquired information regarding Christopher Chance; from Cayden James who was spying on Team Arrow from a heated bug that Laurel had planted in the Arrowcave months ago) was put on the stand to testify against Oliver, mainly due to being threatened by Diaz to do so, however, much to Oliver and Team Arrow's surprise, she states to the entire court that Tommy is Green Arrow, not Oliver. Team Arrow is down a key member. Felicity later left the team so Oliver can have more time focusing on taking down Diaz. A superb samurai, she uses her deadly sword, The Soultaker, to fight evil around the world. [7] Curtis Holt was their deputized mission control when in town since retiring as Mr. Oliver told Malcolm to get Felicity, Thea, Curtis, and Samantha to the plane Adrian used to get them to the island. Tommy Merlyn. It was founded by Oliver Queen to help in his crusade to save his city. Echo Kellum , who plays Curtis Holt, aka Mr. But upon finding several members of his team, Oliver was ambushed by Talia and Evelyn with Digger revealing Adrian had recruited him before Oliver's arrival on the island. Michael Holt aka Mr. John returns after Oliver apologizes to him, just in time to help try and prevent The Undertaking. Leader(s) The first one was called "The Foundry" and was located in the basement of the old Queen Consolidated steel factory formerly run by the late Robert Queen, in which Oliver would create Verdant, a nightclub owned by Oliver and then run by his sister, Thea Queen. This edit will also create new pages on Comic Vine for: Until you earn 1000 points all your submissions need to be vetted by other Terrific, appeared in his final episode Monday night as a series regular. They operate from bases often called the Arrowcave. Now knowing the truth about the future, Diggle and Rene have a lot of difficulty in accepting the fate of their children in the future. Eventually, many of these disagreements were either resolved or pushed aside for the sake of the mission. Strengthen your communication skills . However, they also occasionally focused on other criminals. It was unknown where she was when Team Arrow joined the Legends, Team Flash and Supergirl to fight the Dominators. Team » However, Samantha died of her injuries and Thea was left in a coma that she had not recovered from after several months, and Laurel Lance was also revealed to have survived the attack. She is currently a member of the Suicide Squad. After a short conversation about their father, the sisters engaged each other in combat, with Slade arriving mid-battle to kill Talia's men present for the fight. He met and reconciled with his son, Connor Hawke, with whom he began to work; he adopted the former prostitute Mia Dearden, who became the new Speedy; he watched his former ward Roy Harper become "Red Arrow" and join the JLA; he finally proposed t… For a time, the team's goal was to eliminate the upsurge in extreme terrorist threats, such as Slade Wilson/Deathstroke, Isabel Rochev/Ravager, and their Mirakuru army, Ra's al Ghul and the League of Assassins or Damien Darhk and H.I.V.E.