The Connecting Europe Facility: Five years supporting European Infrastructure, European Investment Project Portal (EIPP), 2019 CEF Transport Blending Facility call. The Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) is a funding programme that supports trans-European networks and infrastructures in the sectors of transport, telecommunications and energy. Europe needs a new growth strategy that transforms the Union into a modern, resource-efficient and competitive economy. The European Commission has unveiled the Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) budget proposal for the period 2021-2027. 30 . Under the Connecting Europe Facility, a total of €5.85 billion has been allocated to Trans-European energy infrastructures for the period of 2014-2020. In preparation for the launch of the new Connecting Europe Facility (# CEF2digital) project in 2021, a number of workshops are currently underway to provide stakeholders with the opportunity to learn more and to contribute to its growth. The CEF programme aims to make Europe's economy greener by promoting cleaner transport modes, high speed broadband connections and facilitating the use of renewable energy. 21 November 2019. The European Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency (CINEA) was … The European Commission’s Directorate General for Content Networks and Technologies is launching a public consultation to gather the views of stakeholders on the priority areas for EU digital infrastructure investments and the best ways to address existing connectivity needs with Connecting Europe Facility support. OVERVIEW . These instruments create significant leverage in their use of EU budget and act as a catalyst to attract further funding from the private sector and other public sector actors. We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. Consultation results | It is run by the Innovation and Networks Executive Agency. 2021 EUROPEAN YEAR OF RAIL. It provides for a date of application as of 1 January 2021 and is presented for a Union of 27 Member States, in line with the notification by the United Kingdom of its intention to withdraw from the European Union and Euratom based on Article 50 of the Treaty on European Union received by the European Council on 29 March 2017. Connecting Europe Facility 2021-2027: Financing key EU infrastructure networks [EU Legislation in Progress] ... the Commission proposed an EU recovery fund and the adjusted Multiannual Financial Framework on 27 May 2020, also modifying the amounts to be allocated to the 2021-2027 CEF programme. DISCOVER MORE IN OUR MEDIA SECTION. This site is managed by the Directorate-General for Communications Networks, Content and Technology, Connecting Europe Facility 2021-2027 - Commission launches public consultation on CEF2 Digital, Follow the European Commission on social media, Summary Report on the targeted consultation on Connecting Europe Facility - Digital 2021-2027. Today, the Council's Permanent Representatives Committee confirmed the common understanding reached by the Romanian presidency and the European Parliament on a proposal to launch the second edition of the … This represents a 47% increase compared to 2014-2020 [1], showing the EU's commitment to a well … The brochure Investing in European Networks. On the consultation page, you can find further details and participate in the survey. Actions across sectors may enable costs or results to be optimised through the pooling of financial, technical or human resources, thus enhancing the effectiveness of EU funding. De Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) is een financieringsinstrument van de Europese Unie (EU) voor meer groei, banen en concurrentievermogen. In addition to grants, the CEF offers financial support to projects through innovative financial instruments such as guarantees and project bonds. The European Commission’s Directorate General for Content Networks and Technologies is organising a public consultation to gather the views of stakeholders on the priority areas for EU digital infrastructure investments and the best ways to address existing connectivity … BRIS, Cybersecurity, eArchiving, eHealth, eProcurement, European Digital Media Observatory, European Platform for Digital Skills and Jobs, Public Open Data, Automated Translation, Blockchain, eDelivery, European Platform for Digital Skills and Jobs, Europeana, Safer Internet and eID & eSignature, 2019-2 CEF Telecom callCybersecurity, eHealth, eProcurement, European e-Justice, European Platform for Digital Skills and Jobs, Public Open Data, 2019-1 CEF TelecomAutomated Translation, eID & eSignature, eDelivery, eInvoicing, Europeana, EU Student eCard, European Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency (CINEA), Investing in European Networks. The Connecting Europe Facility is a European Union fund for pan-European infrastructure investment in transport, energy and digital projects which aim at a greater connectivity between European Union member states. Since January 2014, INEA is your gateway to funding under the CEF. Europe's had a torrid time since the start of the pandemic. Release date Adobe Connect Application 2021.3.27 for Windows and Macintosh is available from April 1st, 2021. Mit dem Schwerpunktprogramm wird in der EU eine bessere Vernetzung im Binnenmarkt und eine gewisse Vereinheitlichung der Verkehrssysteme angestrebt. The public consultation will close on 11 September 2019. This summary report presents preliminary trends that emerge from them, focusing on the quantitative aspects of the consultation input.The Commission is now carrying out a deeper analysis of the replies received. The Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) is the EU funding instrument for strategic investment in transport, energy and digital infrastructure. The Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) is a key EU funding instrument to promote growth, jobs and competitiveness through targeted infrastructure investment at European level. Register your project in the European Investment Project Portal (EIPP) and boost its visibility to a large network of international investors! Given the importance of the CEF Digital funding programme to the success of the Digital Single Market, the European Commission is seeking inputs from industry, academic institutions and the public sector, in order to orientate and align its investment priorities. Alongside a study and meetings with stakeholders, the results of this consultation will feed into the concrete funding proposals that the Commission will make. During the period 2014-2019, CEF Transport has awarded EUR 23.3 billion in grants to co-finance projects of common interest, out of which EUR 11.3 billion was transf… It operates through grants, financial guarantees and project bonds. As part of the next long-term EU budget 2021-2027, the European Commission is today proposing to renew the 'Connecting Europe Facility', with €42.3 billion to support investments in the European infrastructure networks for transport (€30.6 billion), energy (€8.7 billion) and digital (€3 billion). It supports the development of high performing, sustainable and efficiently interconnected trans-European networks in the fields of transport, energy and digital services. The first Call for proposals to support synergy actions between the transport and energy sectors was launched in 2016. The Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) is a funding programme that supports trans-European networks and infrastructures in the sectors of transport, telecommunications and energy. CEF 2.0 will continue to fund key projects in the areas of transport, digital and energy. We connect Europe. The proposal to amend Regulation 1316/2013 of the Connecting Europe Facility, which will be … 28-29 Exemptions. 109 talking about this. 27 Safety nets. An EU-wide, very high capacity, secure and resilient digital … The Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) supports trans-European networks and infrastructures in the sectors of transport, telecommunications and energy. Connecting Europe facility 2021–2027 Basic information Basic information ; 2018/0228(COD) COD ... 3.20.11 Trans-European transport networks 3.30.20 Trans-European communications networks 3.60.06 Trans-European energy networks Legislative priorities Multiannual Financial Framework 2021-2027. Connecting Europe Facility 2021-2027 . The EU wants to make sure its flagship programme Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) will continue to fund key projects in the areas of transport, digital and energy beyond 2020. The objective of the consultation was to gather the views of stakeholders on the priority areas for EU digital infrastructure investments and the best ways to address existing connectivity needs with Connecting Europe Facility support. 25/03/21 Web ITS Forum “Digitalisation of road transport in Europe: the great progress under the Connecting Europe Facility” 17/03/21 NETLIPSE virtual Network Meeting on 17 March; 15/12/20 CEDR Webinar: Research Call 2020; 27/11/20 Beyond a Tunnel Vision; 07/10/20 35th CEDR Governing Board MEPs voted in favour of increasing the CEF transport budget to 33.51 billion euros (in constant prices) for 2021–2027. The Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) funding programme will enter its second generation in 2021, for the seven-year period of 2021-2027. ... these factors are proposed for the first time for 2021-2027. o The European territorial cooperation goal, funding is allocated to regions ... transfer of €11 billion from the CF to the directly-managed Connecting Europe Facility (CEF). The consultation is open until 11 September 2019. The Connecting Europe Facility provides this community of reusable building blocks. The CEF is an important source of funding through grants for transport infrastructure and services, especially in the European countries most affected by the Cohesion Funds. The EU supports the development of high-performing, sustainable and interconnected trans-European networks in the areas of transport, energy and digital infrastructure. Funds allocated under the Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) form part of the European Green Deal plan. DISCOVER MORE IN OUR MEDIA SECTION. De EU stimuleert hiermee gerichte investeringen die de ontwikkeling van adequate trans-Europese transportnetwerken ondersteunen. The CEF benefits people across all Member States, as it makes travel easier and more sustainable, it enhances Europe’s energy security while enabling wider use of renewables, and it facilitates cross-border interaction between public administrations, businesses and citizens. 31-33. CEF Digital supports the completion of the Digital Single Market by connecting Europe … It will run from 2021 to 2027, with a significant overall budget of €33.71 billion (in current prices). The results will feed into the Commission's proposals and discussions on the implementation of the programme, to begin in 2021. CEF investments fill the missing links in Europe's energy, transport and digital backbone. Transeuropäische Netze (englisch Trans-European Networks, kurz TEN) sind ein Beitrag der Europäischen Union zur Umsetzung und Entwicklung des Binnenmarktes und zur Verbesserung des wirtschaftlichen und sozialen Zusammenhaltes der Union. Deze netwerken zijn onderling verbonden, duurzaam en efficiënt. 2021 EUROPEAN YEAR OF RAIL. Financing key EU infrastructure networks . Versions. Facilitating the delivery of digital public services across Europe, one Building Block at a time. This update is backwards compatible with all Adobe Connect 10.x and 11.x accounts. "Connecting Europe Facility" The CEF shall enable projects of common interest to be prepared and implemented within the framework of the transeuropean networks policy in the sectors of transport, telecommunications and energy. The public consultation will aid the European Commission to prepare the implementation roadmap for the CEF2 Digital investment programme and inform the preparation of the first multi annual work programme starting in 2021. Digitalization has potential to contribute in a significant way to objectives of common European interest including a smarter and sustainable mobility. European Parliament adopts final agreement on the Connecting Europe Facility for 2021-2027 Press Releases. On 25 March the European Parliament adopted its final agreement with the European Council for the Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) for the 2021-2027 period negotiated by Rapporteurs Marinescu, Telička and Virkkunen. European Commission - Public consultation on CEF. Connecting Europe- ‘Digital Crossings in Europe: Gender, Diaspora and Belonging’ project aims to investigate the relation between migration and digital technologies; How does the ‘connected migrant’ contributes to new forms of European integration and cosmopolitan citizenship? One of the key priorities of CEF is enabling and strengthening the synergies between the three sectors. The Connecting Europe Facility: Five years supporting European Infrastructure was published in July 2019 and presents the achievements of the programme since it started in 2014. An EU-wide, very high capacity, secure and resilient digital connectivity infrastructure is the basis for a fully functional Digital Single Market, accessible to all EU citizens, as well as for the deployment of the next generation of digital services. Are you a project promoter based in the EU, and want to reach potential investors worldwide? European Union (EU) member states have approved the EU Commission’s proposal to invest $1.147bn (€998m) in energy infrastructure projects. The programming of trans-European transport infrastructure is undergoing a new phase of revision following the mid-term review. It confirmed a CEF Transport budget of 30.6 billion Euros, promising to continue support of improved interoperability and border crossing projects. Some of the increased funds have come from the defence budget. If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are happy with it. Additional adjustments. 26 March 2019. In the transport sector, CEF is dedicated to the implementation of the TEN-T and aims at supporting investments in cross-border connections, missing links as well as promoting sustainability and digitalisation. For a continent whose prosperity relies on political cooperation, seamless supply … It supports the development of high performing, sustainable and efficiently interconnected trans-European networks in the fields of transport, energy and digital services. Overall, 434 MEPs voted in favour, 134 against and 37 abstained. Ferner soll die Infrastruktur von Energie und Telekommunikation verbessert und das Satellit… The Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) is a funding programme that supports trans-European networks and infrastructures in the sectors of transport, telecommunications and energy. It set up the Connecting Europe Facility Vote. INEA implements most of the CEF programme budget, in total €28.7 billion out of €30.4 billion (€23.7 billion for Transport, €4.6 billion for Energy, and €0.5 billion for Telecom). CEF will enter its second generation in 2021, for the seven-year period of 2021-2027 with a budget of €3 billion. The Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) is a key EU funding instrument to promote growth, jobs and competitiveness through targeted infrastructure investment at European level. Today, negotiators from the Council and the European Parliament reached a provisional agreement on the second edition of the EU's flagship programme the Connecting Europe Facility (CEF). We also seek insights on how best to design the programme to maximise the business case for investment in digital infrastructure. Access to page content (press 'Enter') {{envProperty.value}} Legislative train schedule help help The European Parliament's legislative train schedule monitors the progress of legislative files identified in the 10 priorities of the European Commission. We connect Europe. CEF will enter its second generation in 2021, for the seven-year period of 2021-2027 with a budget of €3 billion. CEF will enter its second generation in 2021, for the seven-year period of 2021-2027 with a budget of €3 billion.