Chairman (Président du conseil de surveillance) MME Sirma Boshnakova. Agricultura & Alimentare; Chimice, Farmaceutice & Plastice; Constructii; Educatie, Instruire & Organizatii; Electrice, Electronice & Optice; Energie, Mediu 301 763 116 R.C.S. Protecting your privacy is a top priority for us. ALLIANZ PARTNERS SAS (Auto Ascii Transliterated Legal, Fr) Business Registry Name RA000189 Business Registry Identifier 301763116. Allianz Worldwide Partners SAS. AWP Assistance UK Ltd, trading as Allianz Assistance, Allianz Global Assistance or Allianz Partners (“we, “us” “our”), a subsidiary company of Allianz Partners SAS, is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority in the United Kingdom to provide insurance products and services. Mme Sirma BOSHNAKOVA. Predsjednik Uprave (Président du conseil de surveillance) Mme Laurence Maurice. 2020 –Heute 11 Monate. Effective April 2019, Sirma Boshnakova will become the new CEO of Allianz Partners. 28 80802 München. M Jacques Richier. Phone +49 (0)89 3800 – 0. AWP Assistance UK Ltd, trading as Allianz Assistance and Allianz Global Assistance (“we, “us” “our”), a subsidiary company of Allianz Partners SAS, is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority in the United Kingdom to provide insurance products and services.Protecting your privacy is a top priority for us. The group also develops banking activity. Printed matter, namely, catalogues, magazines, journals, prospectuses, advertising leaflets for use by others and books… Owned by: ALLIANZ WORLDWIDE PARTNERS SAS Serial Number: 79040516 The Company specializes in consumer specialty and travel insurance, event ticketing protection, tuition insurance, and assistance services. Allianz Partners -GTS Téléassistance Services S.A. SEPSAD Allianz France 1 cours Michelet – CS 30051 92076 Paris La Défense Cedex France +33 1 5885 1500 +33 1 44864242. ALLIANZ WORLDWIDE PARTNERS SAS: MONDIAL ASSISTANCE -472340: 31.03.92: ALLIANZ WORLDWIDE PARTNERS SAS: Příbuzné stránky. Head of CFO office/ Chief of staff. Rukovoditelji ALLIANZ PARTNERS SAS Preuzmite popis rukovoditelja i članova uprave. Allianz Partners SAS (formerly Allianz Worldwide Partners SAS) is the world’s leading B2B2C specialist and expert in the creation and delivery of unique solutions that combine service, insurance and technology to provide worldwide protection and care. ALLIANZ PARTNERS SAS is a legal entity registered with LEI implemented by Global Legal Entity Identifier Foundation (GLEIF). Allianz Worldwide Partners SAS Automotive Innovation Center Königinstr. Control the implementation of efficiency measures and harmonization of the operating model in the Finance organization worldwide. Allianz Partners SAS Partager le lien vers cette fiche entreprise. Get the latest business insights from Dun & Bradstreet. Protecting your privacy is a top priority for us. AWP Health & Life S.A – Irish, Qatar & Canada Branch (“we”, “us” “our”), a part of Allianz Partners SAS, is a French authorised insurance company providing insurance products and services on a cross-border basis. Search OpenCorporates for ALLIANZ PARTNERS SAS. AWP Assistance (India) Private Limited (formerly known as 'AGA Assistance (India) Private Limited'), ("we, "us" "our" "AGA" "Allianz Global Assistance"), a part of Allianz Partners SAS(formerly known as 'Allianz Worldwide Partners SAS'), is an Indian company providing various assistance products and services within India and on a cross-border basis. We specialise in assistance, international health & life, automotive and travel insurance. He was appointed CEO of the Allianz Partners Group in 2015, after eight years as CEO and President of Allianz Global Assistance (formerly Mondial Assistance). Allianz Partners SAS, Société par Actions Simplifiée under French law, with social capital of 100 817 514 Euros, having its registered office 7 rue Dora Maar, 93 400 Saint Ouen, FRANCE, registered at the Bobigny Commerce Register under number B 301 763 116. BOBIGNY Registry at the Commercial Court of BOBIGNY New advanced … ALLIANZ PARTNERS SAS, société par actions simplifiée est en activité depuis 46 ans. Subscribe to our channel our website us We care about your personal data. We care about your personal data. Bis heute, seit Jan. 2014. Allianz Worldwide Partners SAS formerly Allianz Global Assistance SAS Chairman from MANAGEMENT 712 at University of Rochester Chemikálie, farmaceutiká a plasty; Doprava a logistika; Elektrotechnika, elektronika a optika; Energia, životné prostredie; IT, internet, výskum a vývoj Free and open company data on France company ALLIANZ PARTNERS SAS (company number 301763116), 7 RUE DORA MAAR, SAINT-OUEN-SUR-SEINE, SEINE-SAINT-DENIS, 93400 Executives - ALLIANZ PARTNERS SAS Download the executives list. The World Tourism Organization has welcomed Allianz Partners into its global network of Affiliate Members. Free and open company data on France company ALLIANZ PARTNERS SAS (company number 301763116), 7 RUE DORA MAAR, SAINT-OUEN-SUR-SEINE, SEINE-SAINT-DENIS, 93400 HOW CAN WE HELP? Allianz Partners SAS. Allianz Partners SAS 3 Jahre 10 Monate Senior Compliance Governance Specialist Allianz Partners SAS Apr. Allianz Partners SAS provides insurance assistance services. In the U.S., Allianz Partners and Allianz Global Assistance, our consumer-facing specialty insurance and assistance services group, have been serving the marketplace for more than 25 years, and we employ more than 1,000 people. Sur l'année 2019 elle réalise un chiffre d'affaires de 21399000,00 EU. Five airlines created Star Alliance as the first global aviation alliance back in 1997. Revenues break down by activity as follows: Star Alliance has 26 member airlines, each with its own distinctive culture and style of service. Predsjednik Uprave (Président) M. Ivan DE LA SOTA DUNABEITIA. MONDIAL ASSISTANCE. With a presence in 75 countries, the company will help advance UNWTO’s mission to promote safe, responsible and accessible tourism, with a special focus on travel and mobility protection solutions. The Legal Entity Identifier (LEI) is 969500GNHCXXTP2EL222. Legal Entity Identifier for ALLIANZ PARTNERS SAS. Go to this page to check the LEI code and more legal information about ALLIANZ PARTNERS SAS. Filed: November 6, 2009 Insurance namely travel insurance, insurance brokerage, entered into in the context of short term and/or long term trips… Établie à SAINT-OUEN-SUR-SEINE (93400). Allianz Partners SAS. Chairman (Président) M Bernd Heinemann. Rémi Grenier joined the Allianz Group in 2006, and has since held several top management positions. Son effectif est compris entre 250 et 499 salariés. Allianz SE is one of the world's largest insurance companies. The information on the site covers all member airlines and the complete network, all schedules, lounges and - as of recently -also all CoVid-19-related measures and rules. Allianz Partners UK | 2,366 followers on LinkedIn | Allianz Assistance is a part of the Allianz Group. Personal Assistant (Interim) to Chief Operating Officer @Allianz Partners SAS Allianz Juni 2020 – Nov. 2020 6 Monate. Find company research, competitor information, contact details & financial data for ALLIANZ PARTNERS SAS of ST OUEN SUR SEINE, ILE-DE-FRANCE. This company is located in France. Since 1998 the Allianz Group has been drawing up its financial statements according to the International Accounting Standards (IAS). Send e-mail. Since 2002 the designation "International Financial Reporting Standards" (IFRS) applies to the overall framework of all standards approved by the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB). Director (Membre du conseil de surveillance) M Christof Mascher. More info: Allianz has a rich, international history of serving partners and customers that spans more than a century. The address is 7 RUE DORA MAAR, SAINT-OUEN-SUR-SEINE, 93400, France 2 Jahre und 11 Monate, Mai 2017 - März 2020. Head of Finance Transformation.