Sentenced to 9 years' imprisonment on 29 July 2004. Parni Valjak (pronounced [pâːrniː ʋǎːʎak]; "steamroller") is a Croatian and former Yugoslav rock band. Dragan Papić acquitted on 14 January 2000. Jadranko Prlić sentenced to 25 years' imprisonment. Dragan Zelenović sentenced to 15 years’ imprisonment on 31 October 2007. Nikola Å ainović sentenced to 18 years' imprisonment on 23 Jan. 2014, Dragoljub Ojdanić sentenced to 15 years' imprisonment on 26 Feb. 2009 (Sentence was not appealed), NebojÅ¡a Pavković sentenced to 22 years' imprisonment on 23 Jan. 2014, Vladimir Lazarević sentenced to 14 years' imprisonment on 23 Jan. 2014, Sreten Lukić sentenced to 20 years' imprisonment on 23 Jan. 2014, Cases joined to this trial: Pavković (IT-03-70). [1], Learn how and when to remove this template message,, Croatia in the Eurovision Song Contest 2009, Bosnia and Herzegovina in the Eurovision Song Contest 2010,, Articles needing additional references from May 2010, All articles needing additional references, Pages using Template:Infobox musical artist with unknown parameters, Wikipedia articles with MusicBrainz identifiers, Wikipedia articles with WORLDCATID identifiers, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, This page was last edited on 18 June 2020, at 21:19. Sentenced to 12 years’ imprisonment on 8 May 2006. Sentenced to 30 years' imprisonment on 3 April 2007. Dražen Scholz, Damir Do Å¡en sentenced to 5 years' imprisonment (view his statement of guilt). Proceedings against Đorđe Đukić terminated. Miroslav Radić acquitted on 27 September 2007. ... Nikola Å ainović sentenced to 18 years' imprisonment on 23 Jan. 2014. ), hrvatski književni teoretičar i esejist poljskoga podrijetla, prevoditelj, autor značajnih stručnih i naučnih radova iz područja ruske i hrvatske književnosti, komparativne književnosti i teorije književnosti Cases joined to this trial: Čermak & Markač (IT-03-73) "Operation Storm", Gotovina (IT-01-45). Wyniki meczów siatkówki, analizy siatkarskie, statystyki siatkarskie, terminarze: PlusLiga. Haradin Bala sentenced to 13 years' imprisonment on 27 September 2007. Valentin Ćorić sentenced to 16 years' imprisonment. Jurica Pađen, Bruno Stojić, Slobodan Praljak, Milivoj Petković sentenced to 20 years' imprisonment. Because of that the band enjoys great respect among many Croatian rock critics, being seen as the embodiment of "true" rock and urban culture and many of their songs are considered evergreens in the former Yugoslavia like "Sve još miriše na nju", "Jesen u meni", "Ugasi me" and "Zastave". Indictment against Ivan Å antić and Pero Skopljak withdrawn on 19 December 1997. Accused died on 7 March 2003 during provisional release. Vuković, Zoran. The indictment against Marinko Katava was withdrawn on 19 December 1997. Johan Tarčulovski sentenced to 12 years' imprisonment, Ljube BoÅ¡koski acquitted on 19 May 2010. They kept a loyal following in 1980s and in 1990s, refusing to allow elements of folk and turbo folk music to become part of their repertoire. Vujadin Popović and LjubiÅ¡a Beara sentenced to life imprisonment on 30 January 2015. Cases joined to this trial: Blagojević et al. (IT-02-53) , Jokić (IT-01-44) , Vidoje Blagojević (IT-98-33/1). Milan Milutinović acquitted on 26 Feb. 2009. Indictment against Zoran Marinić withdrawn on 3 October 2002. Buč, GRUPA AZOTY ZAKSA Kędzierzyn-Koźle zostają przychodzą odchodzą w kręgu zainteresowań Nikola Grbić (SRB) (I trener) Jakub Kochanowski (Skra Bełchatów) Simo Accused died before transfer to the Tribunal. Proceedings terminated. Sentenced to 15 years' imprisonment on 17 September 2003. Momčilo PeriÅ¡ić acquitted on 28 February 2013. Vinko Pandurević sentenced to 13 years' imprisonment on 30 January 2015. On 29 June 2010, the Appeals Chamber terminated the appellate proceedings and ruled the Trial Chamber judgement shall be considered final. Proceedings against Slobodan Miljković terminated. Research into further materials can be conducted using the ICTY Court Records. Simo Drljača died before transfer to the Tribunal. Zdravko Mucić sentenced to 9 years' imprisonment, Hazim Delić sentenced to 18 years' imprisonment, Esad Landžo sentenced to 15 years' imprisonment on 8 April 2003. Sentenced to 5 years’ imprisonment on 17 October 2002. In October 2010, Parni valjak held a 2 concerts at Belgrade Arena, Belgrade that was followed with great public turnout (more than 44,000 people in 2 days). Sentenced to 29 years' imprisonment on 12 November 2009. Sentenced to 17 years’ imprisonment on 31 March 2004. ... Bruno Stojić, Slobodan Praljak, Milivoj Petković sentenced to 20 years' imprisonment. Accused died on 18 May 1996 during provisional release. Marijan Brkić Brk, Miroslav Tadić sentenced to 8 years' imprisonment, Simo Zarić sentenced to 6 years' imprisonment on 17 October 2003. Dragan Kolundžija sentenced to 3 years' imprisonment on 13 November 2001 (view his statement of guilt). As years went by, their refusal to change style proved to be the important factor in the band's longevity. Drago Nikolić sentenced to 35 years' imprisonment on 30 January 2015. Acquitted on 29 Nov. 2012 for the charges in the re-trial indictment. They were one of the top acts of the former Yugoslav rock scene, and currently one of the top rock-and-roll bands in Croatia. Marián Vajda (Slovak pronunciation: [ˈmariaːɱ ˈʋajda]; born 24 March 1965) is a Slovak professional tennis coach and former player. 282; Odbojka 22:20 Damir Šomen, Veselin Å ljivančanin sentenced to 10 years' imprisonment on 8 December 2010. Proceedings against Stipo Alilović terminated. Radivoje Miletić sentenced to 18 years' imprisonment on 30 January 2015. United Nations | International Residual Mechanism for Criminal Tribunals, Lukić Milan & Lukić Sredoje (IT-98-32/1)Â, Ražnatović, Željko - 'Arkan' (IT-97-27). Sentenced to 13 years’ imprisonment on 18 July 2005. Parni Valjak (pronounced [pâːrniː ʋǎːʎak]; "steamroller") is a Croatian and former Yugoslav rock band. Fatmir Limaj and Isak Musliu acquitted on 27 September 2007. Proceedings against Slobodan MiloÅ¡ević terminated. Milan Lukić sentenced to life imprisonment on 4 December 2012. Sentenced to 8 years' imprisonment on 28 October 2003. Sentenced to 5 years' imprisonment on 5 March 1998. Both accused were sentenced to 22 years' imprisonment on 30 June 2016. Drago Josipović sentenced to 12 years' imprisonment, Vladimir Å antić sentenced to 18 years' imprisonment on 23 October 2001. Sredoje Lukić sentenced to 27 years' imprisonment on 4 December 2012. Sentenced to 18 years' imprisonment on 27 January 2014. Berislav Pusić sentenced to 10 years' imprisonment. OdbojkaÅ¡ka reprezentacija Slovenije, koju vodi proslavljeni srpski reprezentativac Slobodan Kovač, plasirala se u četvrtfinale Evropskog prvenstva u Poljskoj i to tako Å¡to je počistila sa terena domaćina - 25:21, 25:21, 25:19. Sentenced to 15 years’ imprisonment on 25 February 2004. Sentenced to 17 years’ imprisonment on 10 December 2003. Accused died on 16 April 2010 while on provisional release. Pavle Strugar sentenced to 7.5 years’ imprisonment on 17 July 2008. Blagoje Simić sentenced to 15 years' imprisonment on 28 November 2006. Sentenced to 20 years' imprisonment on 2 April 2007. Indictment against Agim Murtezi withdrawn on 28 February 2003. Case formerly called Milutinović et al. Mladen Naletilić sentenced to 20 years' imprisonment, Vinko Martinović sentenced to 18 years' imprisonment on 3 May 2006. Proceedings against Mehmed Alagić terminated. Dario Kordić sentenced to 25 years' imprisonment, Mario Čerkez sentenced to 6 years' imprisonment on 17 December 2004. Sentenced to 7 years' imprisonment on 24 March 2000. DuÅ¡ko Sikirica sentenced to 15 years' imprisonment (view his statement of guilt). Proceedings against Janko Janjić and Dragan Gagović terminated. Fuma, Accused died before transfer to the Tribunal. Sentenced to 11 years’ imprisonment on 27 February 2003. Zdravko Tolimir sentenced to life imprisonment on 8 April 2015. Nikola Grbić: 2014 2019 trzecie miejsce na mistrzostwach Europy 2017, zwycięstwo w Lidze Światowej 2016: Slobodan Kovač: 2019 Mistrzostwo Europy 2019: Dawne składy Skład brązowych medalistów Mistrzostw świata 2010. Accused NameAdemi, RahimAlagić, MehmedAleksovski, ZlatkoAlilović, StipoBabić, MilanBabić, MirkoBala, HaradinBalaj, IdrizBanović, NenadBanović, PredragBeara, LjubiÅ¡aBlagojević, VidojeBlaÅ¡kić, TihomirBobetko, JankoBorovčanin, LjubomirBorovnica, GoranBoÅ¡koski, LjubeBrahimaj, LahiBralo, MiroslavBrđanin, RadoslavČerkez, MarioČermak, IvanČeÅ¡ić, RankoĆorić, ValentinDelalić, ZejnilDelić, HazimDelić, RasimDeronjić, MiroslavDokmanović, SlavkoĐorđević, VlastimirDoÅ¡en, DamirDrljača, SimoĐukić, ĐorđeErdemović, DraženFurundžija, AntoFuÅ¡tar, DuÅ¡anGagović, DraganGalić, StanislavGotovina, AnteGovedarica, ZdravkoGruban, (First name unknown)Gruban, MomčiloGvero, MilanHadžić, GoranHadžihasanović, EnverHalilović, SeferHaradinaj, RamushJanjić, JankoJanjić, NikicaJanković, GojkoJelisić, GoranJokić, DraganJokić, MiodragJosipović, DragoKaradžić, RadovanKatava, MarinkoKnežević, DuÅ¡koKolundžija, DraganKondić, DraganKordić, DarioKos, MilojicaKostić, PredragKovač, RadomirKovačević, MilanKovačević, VladimirKrajiÅ¡nik, MomčiloKrnojelac, MiloradKrstić, RadislavKubura, AmirKunarac, DragoljubKupreÅ¡kić, MirjanKupreÅ¡kić, VlatkoKupreÅ¡kić, ZoranKvočka, MiroslavLajić, GoranLandžo, EsadLazarević, VladimirLimaj, FatmirLjubičić, PaÅ¡koLukić, MilanLukić, SredojeLukić, SretenMarinić, ZoranMarkač, MladenMartić, MilanMartinović, VinkoMejakić, ŽeljkoMiletić, RadivojeMiljković, SlobodanMiloÅ¡ević, DragomirMiloÅ¡ević, SlobodanMilutinović, MilanMladić, RatkoMrđa, DarkoMrkÅ¡ić, MileMucić, ZdravkoMurtezi, AgimMusliu, IsakNaletilić, MladenNikolić, DraganNikolić, DragoNikolić, MomirNorac, MirkoObrenović, DraganOjdanić, DragoljubOrić, NaserPandurević, VinkoPapić, DraganPaspalj, NedjeljkoPavković, NebojÅ¡aPavlić, MilanPeriÅ¡ić, MomčiloPetković, MilivojPlavÅ¡ić, BiljanaPopović, MilutinPopović, VujadinPraljak, SlobodanPrcać, DragoljubPredojević, DraženkoPrlić, JadrankoPuÅ¡ić, BerislavRadić, MiroslavRadić, MlađoRajić, IvicaRaÅ¡ević, MitarRažnatović, ŽeljkoÅ ainović, NikolaÅ antić, IvanÅ antić, VladimirÅ aponja, DragomirSavić, ŽeljkoÅ eÅ¡elj, VojislavSikirica, DuÅ¡koSimatović, FrankoSimić, BlagojeSimić, MilanSkopljak, PeroÅ ljivančanin, VeselinStakić, MilomirStaniÅ¡ić, JovicaStaniÅ¡ić, MićoStanković, RadovanStojić, BrunoStojiljković, VlajkoStrugar, PavleTadić, DuÅ¡koTadić, MiroslavTalić, MomirTarčulovski, JohanTimarac, NedjeljkoTodorović, StevanTodović, SavoTolimir, ZdravkoTrbić, MiloradVasiljević, MitarVuković, ZoranZarić, SimoZec, MilanZelenović, DraganŽigić, ZoranŽupljanin, StojanCase NumberIT-00-39IT-00-39 & 40/1IT-00-41IT-01-42IT-01-42/1IT-01-42/2IT-01-43IT-01-44IT-01-45IT-01-46IT-01-47IT-01-48IT-02-53IT-02-54IT-02-56IT-02-57IT-02-58IT-02-59IT-02-60IT-02-60/1IT-02-60/2IT-02-61IT-02-62IT-02-63IT-02-64IT-02-65IT-02-65/1IT-03-66IT-03-67IT-03-68IT-03-69IT-03-70IT-03-72IT-03-73IT-04-74IT-04-75IT-04-76IT-04-78IT-04-79IT-04-81IT-04-82IT-04-83IT-04-84IT-05-86IT-05-87IT-05-87/1IT-05-88IT-05-88/1IT-05-88/2IT-06-90IT-08-91IT-09-92IT-94-1IT-94-2IT-95-10IT-95-10/1IT-95-11IT-95-12IT-95-13/1IT-95-13aIT-95-14IT-95-14/1IT-95-14/2IT-95-15IT-95-16IT-95-17IT-95-17/1IT-95-4IT-95-5/18IT-95-8IT-95-8/1IT-95-9IT-95-9/1IT-95-9/2IT-96-20IT-96-21IT-96-22IT-96-23/2IT-96-23/2IT-96-23 & 23/1IT-97-24IT-97-24IT-97-25IT-97-25/1IT-97-27IT-98-29IT-98-29/1IT-98-30/1IT-98-32IT-98-32/1IT-98-33IT-98-33/1IT-98-34IT-99-36IT-99-36/1IT-99-36/2. Accused died before transfer to the Tribunal. Sentenced to life imprisonment on 30 November 2006. The Best FIFA Football Awards 2020™ will take place in Zurich on Thursday 17 December 2020. Ante Gotovina and Mladen Markač acquitted on 16 November 2012, Ivan Čermak acquitted on 15 April 2011. Enver Hadžihasanović sentenced to 3.5 years' imprisonment, Amir Kubura sentenced to 2 years' imprisonment on 22 April 2008. Möglicherweise unterliegen die Inhalte jeweils zusätzlichen Bedingungen. Kovač, Radomir. Der Text ist unter der Lizenz „Creative Commons Attribution/Share Alike“ verfügbar; Informationen zu den Urhebern und zum Lizenzstatus eingebundener Mediendateien (etwa Bilder oder Videos) können im Regelfall durch Anklicken dieser abgerufen werden. Accused died on 28 May 2003 during provisional release. Vidoje Blagojević sentenced to 15 years' imprisonment, Dragan Jokić sentenced to 9 years' imprisonment on 9 May 2007. Unlike many rock bands that would come later, their style was becoming more mainstream, becoming closer to pop, especially compared with the bands like Prljavo kazalište or Film. He is the current head coach of Novak Djokovic and has been his coach during almost his entire professional career, winning 81 titles together (out of the 82 won by Djokovic). Felix, Zejnil Delalić acquitted on 20 February 2001. Proceedings against Slavko Dokmanović terminated. 66. minut - Zvezdin pritisak je sve jači, ali promene rezultata nema . Accused died before transfer to the Tribunal. Accused died before transfer to the Tribunal. Sentenced to 20 years' imprisonment on 4 February 2005. Branimir Štulić The selected documents provided herein are for information only and are not to be considered as ICTY official records. Proceedings against Nikica Janjić terminated. Cases joined to this trial: Beara (IT-02-58) , Borovčanin (IT-02-64) , Drago Nikolić (IT-02-63) , Pandurević & Trbić (IT-05-86) , Popović (IT-02-57). Kovačević #1. Piko Stančić, Accused died before transfer to the Tribunal. Sentenced to 35 years' imprisonment on 19 April 2004. Accused died before transfer to the Tribunal. Sentenced to 20 years’ imprisonment on 17 March 2009. Ramush Haradinaj and Idriz Balaj acquitted on 29 November 2012 after retrial. They were one of the top acts of the former Yugoslav rock scene, and currently one of the top rock-and-roll bands in Croatia. Proceedings against Željko Ražnatović terminated. Sentenced to 10 years' imprisonment on 25 July 2005. On 22 July 2016, the Trial Chamber terminated the proceedings against Goran Hadžić, following his death on 12 July 2016. This is the fifth instalment of a ceremony which recognises the … Proceedings against Janko Bobetko terminated. Dragoljub Kunarac sentenced to 28 years' imprisonment, Radomir Kovač sentenced to 20 years' imprisonment, Zoran Vuković sentenced to 12 years' imprisonment on 12 June 2002. Ljubomir Borovčanin sentenced to 17 years on 10 June 2010, trial judgement not subject to appeal. Indictment against Milan Zec withdrawn on 26 July 2002. Accused died in detention on 29 June 1998. Sentenced to 10 years’ imprisonment on 31 July 2001. Cases joined to this trial: Obrenović (IT-01-43) "Srebrenica". Indictment against Nedjeljko Timarac, Goran Lajić, Dragan Kondić and Dragomir Å aponja withdrawn on 5 May 1998. Sentenced to 20 years’ imprisonment on 8 March 2006. Parni valjak kept a relatively small but dedicated following for 30 years, and many people tend to gather at their concerts that feature energetic performances, despite advanced age of the band's members: Aki Rahimovski - vocals, Husein Hasanefendić-Hus - guitars, Marijan Brkić Brk - guitars, Berislav Blažević-Bero - keyboards, Zvonimir Bučević-Buč - bass guitar, Dražen Scholz-Šolc - drums, Tina Rupčić - vocal, Anita Mlinarić - sax. Contempt cases can be found on a separate page. Lahi Brahimaj sentenced to 6 years' imprisonment and partial re-trial ordered on 21 July 2010. TURINABO, Maximilien et al. Since the ICTY’s closure on 31 December 2017, the Mechanism maintains this website as part of its mission to preserve and promote the legacy of the UN International Criminal Tribunals. Parni valjak was founded in 1975 in Zagreb. In December 2005, Parni valjak made a farewell tour of Croatia and Slovenia on their 30th birthday. DuÅ¡ko Tadić sentenced to 20 years’ imprisonment on 26 January 2000. Zoran KupreÅ¡kić, Mirjan KupreÅ¡kić and Vlatko KupreÅ¡kić acquitted on 23 October 2001. Sentenced to 10 years' imprisonment on 21 July 2000. On 24 August 2018, Judge Seon Ki Park confirmed an Indictment against Maximilien Turinabo, Anselme Nzabonimpa, Jean de Dieu Ndagijimana, Marie Rose Fatuma, and Dick Prudence Munyeshuli, dated 5 June 2018 and submitted by Prosecutor Serge Brammertz, for contempt of court and incitement to commit contempt, pursuant to Article 1(4)(a) of … Accused died in detention on 11 March 2006. Aleksandar Flaker (Białystok, Poljska, 24. srpnja 1924. – Zagreb, 25. listopada 2010. Sentenced to 7 years’ imprisonment on 30 August 2005. (MICT-18-116) Trial. Dado, Sefer Halilović acquitted on 16 October 2007. Miroslav Kvočka sentenced to 7 years' imprisonment, Dragoljub Prcać sentenced to 5 years' imprisonment, Mlađo Radić sentenced to 20 years' imprisonment, Zoran Žigić sentenced to 25 years' inprisonment on 28 February 2005. Cases joined to this trial: Mićo StaniÅ¡ić (IT-04-79), Župljanin (IT-99-36/2) Krajina. Bero. Prexi, Aki Rahimovski, Paolo Sfeci. Ras, 63. minut - Sa oko 30 metara Å¡utirao je Kanga, ali je dobro postavljen bio Đorđe Petrović i lako odbranio 57. minut - Tek Å¡to je uÅ¡ao u igru, Nikola Ćirković je bio u najboljoj Å¡ansi Čukaričkog večeras.Å utirao je glavom, ali je Borjan paradom uspeo da odbrani. Milan Kovačević died in detention on 1 August 1998. Sentenced to 18 years' imprisonment on 11 March 2004. Zoran Cvetković, In November 2009, they began a reunion tour in Croatia. Their last public performance in 2005 was a concert on New Year's Eve in Ban Jelačić Square in Zagreb, though they stated that more concerts may be held in future. Cases joined to this trial: Nikolić, Momir (IT-02-56). Proceedings against Milan Kovačević and Simo Drljača terminated. Sentenced to 35 years’ imprisonment on 8 October 2008. Narodnoj skupÅ¡tini i glavnim institucijama Republike Srbije upućen je apel 212 srpskih intelektualaca, mahom samoproklamovanih, kojim zahtevaju sprečavanje izglasavanja zakona o istopolnim zajednicama. Proceedings against Goran Borovnica terminated. Sentenced to 40 years’ imprisonment on 22 March 2006. Milojica Kos sentenced to 6 years' imprisonment on 2 November 2001. Mile MrkÅ¡ić sentenced to 20 years' imprisonment on 5 May 2009. Milan Gvero sentenced to 5 years' imprisonment on 10 June 2010, trial verdict determined as final by Appeals Chamber on 7 March 2013 following the accused death. Sentenced to 40 years' imprisonment on 5 July 2001. Sentenced to 3 years' imprisonment on 15 September 2008.