lower in subjects with major depression than in normal controls or subjects
that it is very difficult to draw any valid conclusions on 5-HT turnover in
These findings suggest
blockade rather than 5-HT1A agonism. II. self-rated depression and plasma levels of total L-TRP (42). related to 5-HT mechanisms (52). The number
and the hypothalamic pituitaryadrenal (HPA) axis are reviewed. Electroconvulsive therapy, on the other hand,
Long-term treatment with tricyclic
pathophysiology of depression and the action of antidepressant drugs (see Molecular
The marketing of a myth The serotonin reuptake inhibiting (SSRI) group of drugs came on stream in the late 1980s, nearly two decades after first being mooted. [Article in German] Authors K P Lesch 1 , H Beckmann. further study. whereas enhanced cortisol responses might be from increased sensitivity of 5-HT1C/2
three distinct ways. to exacerbate major depression in untreated patients should be clarified. reported increased 5-HIAA levels in the hippocampus or amygdala of (depressed)
behaviors in major depression or suicide, whereas there is no specific evidence
specifically than the racemic mixture; D-fenfluramineinduced
NE -- poor attention and memory, decreased concentration, reduced socialization, and altered states of arousal; and 2. found in female control subjects (42). Privacy, Help to decrease L-tyrosine availability to the brain and the
increased activity of this pathway may contribute to the lower plasma L-TRP
Delgado et al. for the Actions of Psychotropic Drugs, Electrophysiology
(52). National Library of Medicine by a combination of decreased availability of 5-HT, increased inactivation or
differences in buspirone-induced cortisol or prolactin responses between major
Cell Biology, and Maturation of the Serotonergic System: Neurotrophic Implications
Prevention and treatment information (HHS). Increased activity of the HPA-axis has been consistently reported in severe
significantly decreased various indices of catecholaminergic turnover (26, 46,
decreased concentration, ruminative thinking, and a sense of worthlessness (16,
No significant
This hypothesis
J Clin Psychiatry. depletion. The possibility that peripheral abnormalities in 5-HT metabolism occur
have yielded conflicting results: some found decreased levels or no changes
This could be the goal of a national or international collaboration. receptors are probably down-regulated in major depression, the above findings
A further observation is that the time course of this 5-HT2
evidence for an abnormality of the 5-HT system are reviewed. Administration of L-TRP reliably increases prolactin
receptors and on AVP by activation of 5-HT2 receptors (5,
responses (53). 1992 Oct;53 Suppl:36-45. studies on platelet 5-HT uptake lack specificity and sensitivity for clinical
controls or minor depressed subjects (38, 54). and turnover in the brain of rodents (8). on tricyclic antidepressants. probes as well as postmortem studies. Some, but not all (e.g., citalopram)
and antipsychotic agents reducing 5-HT2 binding), use of
It is possible that differences in the intrinsic activity as
may also increase the level of MR messenger ribonucleic acid (mRNA), thus increasing
is now compelling evidence that glucocorticoids may accelerate 5-HT synthesis
the above studies may be due to drug effects (treatment with antidepressants
In humans, glucocorticoids may also augment central 5-HT turnover; some
Electrophysiological Changes in the 5-HT System Induced by Antidepressive Treatments. This chapter discusses new findings on the role of 5-HT in the pathogenesis
The Serotonin Hypothesis of Depression. cortex between drug-free depressed suicide victims and controls (12). For example, McGill University researchers found that lowering serotonin levels didn’t make most people depressed. the measurement of HPA-axis hormone, prolactin, growth hormone, and other responses
We will give particular focus to the cytokine hypothesis of depression and explore the functional consequences of cytokine-induced alterations of SERT activity on processes relevant for depression, as well as attempting to integrate the major prevailing theories of depression. nonviolent suicides compared to violent suicides and controls has been reported
Significantly lower fasting plasma L-TRP levels are
unpublished). SWS stage 3 in normal controls and depressed subjects, but the latter group
results suggest that (a) plasma L-TRP availability may influence
secretion in rodents (18). subjects, but not in males, there is a significant negative correlation between
They did not have hoped for lucrative antihypertensive or antiobesity profiles. inducing excessive corticosteroid secretion. of prolactin responses following acute, intravenous challenge with clomipramine. The serotonin transporter and serotonin signalling in depression … 1991 May;52 Suppl:52-7. In depression, L-TRPinduced xanthurenic acid excretion
that chronic treatment with fluvoxamine decreased platelet 5-HT content and
can induce depressive symptomatology under some circumstances. Classically, several pieces of evidence are cited to support the serotonin theory (see Maes & Meltzer, 1995, for review). However,
or a significant decline in 5-HT2 binding in membrane homogenates
to down-regulation of glucocorticoid receptors (GR) or mineralocorticoid receptors
than does 3[H]imipramine, while exhibiting a higher affinity
in depression is that lowered plasma L-TRP availability
The serotonin hypothesis is based on the depletion of serotonin in the brain causing depression. L-TRP availability also reduce cerebrospinal fluid (CSF)
Part I. 5-HT receptor antagonist, was absent in major depressed patients maintained
as yet for 5-HT1C receptor supersensitivity in depression,
of postsynaptic 5-HT receptors that may mediate the serotonergic influence on
that disorders in the functional relationships between both systems and gender
This hypothesis is corroborated by attenuated ipsapirone-induced HPA-axis hormone responses; lower hippocampal 5-HT1 receptor binding in postmortem brain; blunted prolactin responses to L-TRP, fenfluramine, or clomipramine; and sensitization or up-regulation of 5-HT1A postsynaptic receptors by chronic antidepressive treatment with tricyclic antidepressants and electroconvulsive therapy. The prolactin response is blocked by pindolol, suggesting it
Electroconvulsive therapy may or may not (61) enhance the prolactin responses
differences in paroxetine binding sites of several brain areas could be detected
platelet uptake mechanisms (64). associated with CNS control of the HPA-axis. GENDER DIFFERENCES IN PERIPHERAL AND
to 5-HT1A receptors in the expression of 5-HT1A-mediated
Our findings tend to support the tryptophan-serotonin deficiency hypothesis of major depression, as the deficiency of the serotonin precursor tryptophan in depressive patients (t: −3.931; df = 116; p < 0.001) suggests dysfunction of serotonin neurotransmission. In addition,
Other results
of postsynaptic 5-HT receptors, although no long-term effects on basal firing
and not a continued effect of antidepressant treatment or a manifestation of
(55) reported that the effects of 5-HT
He makes the mistake of assuming that antidepressants reverse a functional abnormality in the brain that causes depression. Increased CRH secretion may stimulate HPA-axis activity and increased glucocorticoid levels may be involved in further down-regulation of GR or MR, defective 5-HT1A postsynaptic receptor signaling pathways and maybe up-regulation of 5-HT2 receptors. There is now evidence
April 2015; Molecular Neurobiology 53(5) DOI: 10.1007/s12035-015-9152-z. treatments represents a true correction of an underlying serotonergic deficit
The 5-HT1A
reserve pool of peripheral 5-HT (64). values and post-DST cortisol values (44); in rats, administration of a cortisol
autoreceptor (probably the 5-HT1B in rodents or the 5-HT1D
His theory was based on finding low levels of metabolites of serotonin in the cerebrospinal fluid of depressed patients. depressed subjects (42). The serotonin (5-HT) hypothesis of major depression has been formulated in three distinct ways. Chronic treatment with desipramine or amitryptiline
infusion than did female subjects. Treatment with fluoxetine and imipramine
and 5-HT2 postsynaptic receptors appear to be of particular
Blockade of 5-HT2 receptors is normally
5-HT2 receptor binding or disorders in 5-HT2related
more reduced in female than in male patients (42). Preclinical data suggest that female
in depressed patients is also supported by the increased 5-HT2
density of 5-HT1 receptors in the hippocampus and amygdala
This finding is consistent with hyperresponsivity of
or pathophysiology of major depression and the mechanism of action of antidepressant
Article PubMed PubMed Central Google Scholar 16. Cooperation among
a larger prolactin response to 5-HT1A receptor agonists
Secretion of these hormones is, in part, regulated by 5-HT
responses, in fact, may result from disorders in L-TRP disposition
There are several reports suggesting that there are gender differences
There is converging evidence from various studies that major depression
Further studies are needed of postmortem indices of 5-HT function, such as brain 5-HT and 5-HIAA concentrations; 5-HT1A, 5-HT1C, and 5-HT2 receptor binding; and second messenger systems in depressed patients who died of natural as well as suicide causes. Abstract. Indeed,
after administration of dexamethasone in a group of psychiatric patients (71). More SPECT or PET scan studies with ligands that are relatively specific for 5-HT2/5-HT1C or 5-HT1A sites and the 5-HT transporter in depressed patients prior to and after remission are needed. Mikuni et al. in major depression. Remitted depressed patients maintained with tricyclic antidepressants,
The serotonin (5-HT) hypothesis of major depression has been formulated in
The clomipramine probe assesses central 5-HT activity through the assay
Curzon's group (14) found
Paroxetine is a superior ligand for labeling
function in depression appear to be of limited value. There are now several reports of increased 5-HT2 receptor-binding
In addition it appears that the generation of hypotheses receives further input from fundamental advances at the level of molecular pharmacology and biology. Finally, the importance of studying interactions
The amine hypothesis, that the pathop hysi ology of depression involves impairment of catecholamines, has been expanded to include th e role of serotonin, or 5-hydroxytryptophan (5-HT). inputs, and their responses to the acute administration of 5-HT agents are mediated
Paroxetine is a potent and selective inhibitor
of Serotonin Receptor Subtypes and Signal Tranduction Pathways. in major depression is related to escape of ACTH/cortisol secretion from negative-feedback
to fenfluramine. among 5-HT and other neurotransmitter systems in depression is stressed. from the prefrontal cortex of suicide victims (11). and the response of antidepressant drugs are discussed. receptor up-regulation in depression. 65% to 75% have reported significantly lower Vmax
New evidence that
Many antidepressant drugs acutely increase synaptic levels of the monoamine neurotransmitter, serotonin, but they may also enhance the levels of norepinephrine and serotonin. In recently remitted depressed
lower in the amygdala (12). plasma L-TRP levels (75). Inserra A, Mastronardi CA, Rogers G, Licinio J, Wong ML. Seckl and Fink
Increased baseline cortisol
Celada et al. (67) found that the
L-TRP loading than depressed males (39). It has been shown that both ACTH and corticosterone administration may
expression of GR or MR. Several dozen studies of platelet 5-HT uptake
Additionally, the effects of glucocorticoids at 5-HT1A and 5-HT2/5-HT1C receptor sites need further exploration through neuroendocrine or imaging studies. Role of serotonin in therapy of depression and related disorders. receptor signal transduction or of the 5-HT1A receptor itself
The delay centred on finding an indication. receptors on 5-HT2-mediated functions. Platelet 5-HT is considered to represent a
responses than male major depressed subjects (38). The serotonin hypothesis of depression has postulated that a reduction in serotonin leads to increased predisposition to depression. Increased 5-HT2 binding (Bmax)
Chronic treatment with some monoamine
and long-term treatment with various antidepressants on pre- and postsynaptic
correlates of lowered L-TRP availability in depression (43). Clipboard, Search History, and several other advanced features are temporarily unavailable. electroconvulsive therapy may increase 5-HT2-related behavior
The blunted prolactin responses
binding in the hippocampus (37, 74). Effects of Serotonin on HypothalamusPituitaryAdrenal Axis Function. L) and/or enteric coated tablets (52). The idea that low serotonin causes depression has been repeated like a mantra by public health authorities (see movie below for a nice example). The Role of Serotonin in Clinical Disorders, for related discussion
a blunted prolactin response in depression. They must control for gender, age, drug treatment, substance use or abuse, seasonality in 5-HT function, comorbidity with, for example, anxiety, personality, or impulse control disorders, and glucocorticoid elevation. One hypothesis to explain lower plasma L-TRP concentrations
Current theoretical and experimental developments in serotonin research extend from the differentiated description of central cytoarchitectonic structures over the identification and characterization of multiple receptor subtypes by pharmacological and molecular biological methods to the elucidation of neurobiochemical and physiological mechanisms of interneuronal communication and postreceptor signal transduction. Administration of monoamine oxidases and SSRIs
as well as 5-HT2/5-HT1C receptors. and receptor sensitivity alterations make it difficult to interpret the results. A good correlation exists between
increase DA turnover, a combination of serotonergic and dopaminergic effects
(d) Finally, antidepressant drugs
to high concentrations of glucocorticoids. the cortisol responses to ipsapirone and buspirone in major depression requires
2010 Sep 7;5(9):e12596. Philos Trans R Soc Lond B Biol Sci 368:20120535 . augmentation of 5-HT2 receptor responsivity. (MR) in the hippocampus, which, in turn, may be induced by sustained exposure
1992 Oct;53 Suppl:3-7. Serotonin -- poor impulse control, low sex drive, decreased appetite, and irritability (Figure 3). subjects. L-TRP plasma levels in normal controls and minor and major
with the 1 mg dexamethasone suppression test (DST) (45). and 5-HT2 receptors may stimulate cortisol and prolactin
ratio in depression is related to decreased concentrations of plasma L-TRP
and background). patients receiving selective 5-HT reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), acute L-TRP
A new and original method to assess central 5-HT2 function
1990 Nov;58(11):427-38. doi: 10.1055/s-2007-1001206. inverse relationship between plasma L-TRP or L-TRP/CAA
It may be argued that the above effects of antidepressives on
At its simplest, the hypothesis proposes that diminished activity of serotonin pathways plays a causal role in the pathophysiology of depression. receptor-blocking properties of some antidepressive drugs (35). (65) found that depletion of 5-HT in hippocampal structures may attenuate the
of postsynaptic elements in response to deficiencies in the presynaptic neurons
SSRIs produce adaptive changes that manifest themselves by a decreased responsiveness
There are only a few studies using single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) or positron emission tomography (PET) with serotonergic markers in depression (e.g., 125I-ketanserin). Major depression is characterized by an increased number, affinity, or responsivity of central postsynaptic 5-HT2 receptors. medication withdrawal. A third hypothesis, now of historical interest only, attributed increased vulnerability
rate or autoreceptor-induced inhibition of 5-HT turnover are observed. may lead to 5-HT synthesis in central catecholaminergic neurons and may increase
There is as yet no evidence from studies with direct-acting 5-HT agonists for
stimulates HPA-axis hormones and prolactin secretion in normal humans, and that
anergy, sleep disorders, cognitive disturbances, and depressed mood are psychopathological
that is, not via 5-HT (73). Serotonin is likely an important part of regulating energetically expensive states like depression (i.e. or down-regulation following agonist stimulation or to the 5-HT2
agonists (38, 54). 5-HTP-induced activation of both HPA-axis and prolactin secretion are probably
actions (26, 27). plasma concentrations, the differences in prolactin responses between depressed
illnesses (e.g., schizophrenia, alcoholism) and personality (e.g., borderline
to indicate that major depression is characterized by a down-regulation or hyporesponsivity
fluvoxamine, clomipramine, tranylcypromine, and tricyclics with lithium (9). levels of 5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid (5-HIAA) in humans. of major depression exhibited a significant enhancing effect of L-5-HTP
following ingestion of large oral doses of L-TRP or intravenous
Plasma L-TRP levels
who died from natural causes (1, 2). There is strong evidence suggesting that 5-HT1A, 5-HT1C,
Our laboratory found no significant
is supported by experimental data showing that chronic exposure to glucocorticoids
platelet aggregation (55). sensitization to 5-HT occurs probably in the hippocampus, suprachiasmatic nucleus,
at least in part by 5-HT mechanisms (54). 1987 review were also unable to find significant differences in CSF 5-HIAA between
Function, Serotonin
differences in 5-HT function may be involved in the pathophysiology of major
receptors in the brain, and reciprocal relationships between dysfunctions in
suppression dose of dexamethasone results in significantly augmented liver pyrrolase
In conclusion, the clomipramine-challenge findings are in
and some sources were left out entirely (see Serotonin
was challenged, because administration of very high doses of 5-HTP in rodents
that males demonstrated smaller prolactin responses to L-TRP
secretion in man (52). those receptors has important implications for the interpretation of neuroendocrine
This evidence comes from higher 5-HT2 receptor binding in platelets of major depressed subjects and in the prefrontal cortex of depressed suicide victims; lower 5-HT2 antagonist-induced SWS; increased HPA-axis responses to L-TRP and (L)-5-HTP; and antidepressivetreatmentinduced decrements in 5-HT2 binding and 5-HT2-related behavioral or hormonal responses. What’s more, SSRIs rapidly increase the amount of serotonin in the brain, but patients don’t feel better for weeks. There are several
Several papers published after their
and cognitive changes observed may be due to a deficiency in central presynaptic
Lawrence H. Price 1,2, Dennis S. Charney 1,2, Pedro L. Delgado 1,2 & George R. Heninger 1,2 Psychopharmacology volume 100, pages 3 – 12 (1990)Cite this article. between normal controls and suicide victims in whom a diagnosis of depression
may attenuate the hippocampal negative-feedback control over the HPA axis, thus
Future research on serotonergic activity in depression might focus on the following issues. Clinical studies of 5-HT metabolism in major depression that provide
releasing hormone (CRH) hypersecretion; (b) potentiating effects of increased
Because SSRIs enhance central presynaptic 5-HT activity (see the
5-HT2 receptor up-regulation in patients with major depression
content of plasma and platelets. uptake mechanism, provide measures of the availability of L-TRP
Serotonin is ejected from the "raphe nucleaus" in the brain stem to many regions of the brain including those that secrete noradrenaline. The "catecholamine hypothesis of affective disorders" proposes that some, if not all, depressions are associated with an absolute or relative decrease in catecholamines, particularly norepinephrine, available at central adrenergic receptor sites. may indicate that upregulation of postsynaptic 5-HT2 receptors
challenge studies with serotonergic agents (52). of postsynaptic 5-HT1A receptors. section below on neuroendocrine probes and antidepressive treatments), the findings
(15, 28). in metabolites of the nicotinamide pathway, which may exert pharmacological
Originally it was perceived that low serotonin… reports that plasma L-TRP availability is significantly
of 5-HT1 binding sites was significantly lower in hippocampus,
that corresponds to the 5-HT uptake site and one low-affinity site that is unrelated
the efficacy of the negative feedback on hypothalamic CRH mRNA (4). The relationships between HPA-axis hyperactivity and peripheral and central 5-HT turnover in major depression await further elucidation. was significantly and negatively related to plasma L-TRP
and antisocial) disorders associated with suicide. or 5-HT postsynaptic receptor abnormalities. 5-HT elements, which may result from lower plasma L-TRP
suicide victims (10). (7) reported
receptor antagonists. following L-TRP depletion. prolactin responses in major depression (58). by activation of 5-HT1A and 5-HT2/5-HT1C
is 5-HT1A-mediated. NEURON FUNCTION. The use of 5-HTP as a 5-HT probe
secretory capacity in anterior pituitary, because prolactin responses to thyrotropin-releasing
that 5-HT receptors appear to be estrogen sensitive. Receptors: Signal Transduction Pathways, Anatomy,
The reason for the discrepancy between
5-HT2 receptors are probably due to rapid desensitization
violence-impulsivity rather than to depression per se (17). studies with 5-HT agonists and antagonists have provided evidence for important
be explained by the fact that liver pyrrolase activity is greater in women and
It is likely that
has provided some evidence that blunted prolactin responses to challenge with
also explain the impaired D,L-fenfluramine
is not the limiting factor in the severity of depression in untreated major