Der Hump Day ist natürlich nicht der Feiertag des Kamels. What does hump-day mean? And if you want to make your soulmate smile, send a dirty hump day picture – maybe the day will become a little more interesting and exciting after that. But we're going to go out on a limb and say it's probably Hump Day. Nice Funny Hump Day Memes. Or he is very glad the week is fallen in two. Somewhere in time, people thought it would be clever to begin calling Wednesday “hump day.” And according to Wikipedia, the terminology is only used in North America. Hump Day kann mit „Buckeltag“ übersetzt werden. Leaving the slang in the streets we take a look at the rich history of Wednesday, starting with the roots of from which it received its name – from the gods of Woden and Mercury . Kind regards Ludelamar . We love Hump Day memes that combine Hump Day with adorableness—which means this one is a total winner. This title "Happy Hump day", preceeds a message in wich the man asks if he can search any eletronic components for us. What does hump day mean? You can be a loser and be laughed at by a problem or be a winner and laugh at a problem. In America, some people refer to Wednesday as hump day. Hope that helps Aber das trifft diese schöne englische Wortschöpfung noch viel weniger. Definitions by the largest Idiom Dictionary. What does hump day expression mean? hump day phrase. The term was not originally intended to carry a second, more risque meaning. Wednesday, the middle of the week, implying that you have to get "over the hump" before you can anticipate the weekend. Life is a choice. The Spanish language does not use such a greeting at all, and to translate the meaning of it would have made the text too long. Because Wednesday is in the middle of the work week, people often see it as a “hump” that they must get over in order to get closer to the end of week. ExpatCat Senior Member. Hump Day Meme Dirty yet Funny This Hump Day meme is confused! Happy Hump Day! Do something different, fun, quirky and wild as you will never get this day back so make the most of it! Happy Hump Day everyone. Hump day - Idioms by The Free Dictionary ... Engineering tries to hire locally and uses barbecues, ice cream runs, an office gym and lots of space to keep staff happy. So, stop working for a minute and check these hilarious pictures out! Cool Happy Hump Day Meme. See more ideas about hump day humor, hump day, wednesday humor. Definition of hump day in the Idioms Dictionary. Wednesday is the middle of the week as is the 'Hump' on a camel's back -hence the saying :Happy Hump Day". The Funniest Hump Day Images and Quotes. Mar 5, 2020 - Explore Teresa Calloway's board "Happy hump day", followed by 337 people on Pinterest. So I think that in the middle of the week he just hasn't enough to do. The definition of hump day is the middle day of the work or school week, typically Wednesday. Also known by the slang term, ‘Hump Day’ meaning by the end of the day you have successfully made it over the hump and are on the down slide to the weekend. Translating that greeting into Spanish caused many headaches. The reason? Read below to see how it’s actually used in a sentence. Happy Hump Day! Part of the text said ‘Happy Hump Day’. It means happy wednesday. Figures. I find it amusing that people always wish one another a happy hump day with a positive connotation.