LibraryThing is a cataloging and social networking site for booklovers. --This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title. Martin's way to build worlds and characters...I was quite into the Fantasy genre when I was younger (it's actually rare that I sit down and get myself lost in a book now) but I wouldn't say that this one is a typical example for this sector. Save on selected Bestselling Children's books. But I finally did. Of course had to download part II right after finishing part I. I was able to read this in three sittings and I usually need way longer for such a long book, so yeah. Can't wait to read the next volume. These promotions will be applied to this item: Some promotions may be combined; others are not eligible to be combined with other offers. Does this book contain quality or formatting issues? Start by marking “Das Erbe von Winterfell (Das Lied von Eis und Feuer, #2)” as Want to Read: Error rating book. Die Anzahl der Bücher beläuft sich aktuell auf fünf im Original und zehn im Deutschen. LibraryThing is a cataloging and social networking site for booklovers. It was quite good. Apart from that it was really good. Ich kann diesen Band uneingeschränkt weiterempfehlen. George Raymond Richard "R.R." All in all: It did not take long for me being addicted and in love with some characters and I can only recommend the series to anyone who loves fantasy!!! 28:43 It is a story about kings and former kings or their heirs, fait. Buy Das Lied von Eis und Feuer/Das Erbe von Winterfell by George R. R. Martin from Amazon’s Fiction Books Store. Die letzten Tage des Sommers sind gekommen.. Eddard Stark, der Lord von Winterfell, lebt mit seiner Familie im kalten Norden des Königreichs Westeros, und er weiß, dass der nächste Winter Jahrzehnte dauern wird. Ich habe mich direkt in die Stark Familie und ihre tragische Geschichte verliebt und Richard Madden als Robb Stark ist einfach ein Traum. It's the only character that manages happy every time Jeoffrey has her beaten. It was such a quick and yet extremely complex read. LibraryThing is a cataloging and social networking site for booklovers. To calculate the overall star rating and percentage breakdown by star, we don’t use a simple average. Wenn du „Das Erbe von Winterfell“ schon gelesen hast, ist hier deine Meinung gefragt. I love the world building which is just GLORIOUS and compelling and rich, and the plot is really exciting because there's always so much happening. Martin was born September 20, 1948, in Bayonne, New Jersey. Eddard Stark ist mit seinen beiden Töchtern Sansa und Arya nach wie vor in Königsmund im Süden Westeros als Hand König Roberts. Buy Das Lied von Eis und Feuer/Das Erbe von Winterfell by George R. R. Martin from Amazon’s Fiction Books Store. Better don't start to love anyone because, chances are, Martin is going to kill them. I love Daenerys' babies. Ich habe mich nun jahrelang geweigert die Serie Game of Thrones zu gucken, da ich einfach alles für mich nicht ansprechend fand. Goodreads helps you keep track of books you want to read. Das Buch Das Erbe von Winterfell von George R.R. This part was rather fast paced, interesting, and definitely laid the path for what is to come. Get ready for some out-of-this-world reading and some insane near-realities with the science fiction and fantasy books that are catching the... To see what your friends thought of this book, Das Erbe von Winterfell (Das Lied von Eis und Feuer, #2), Here is part 2 of the German translation of, This was an amazing sequel to the first book of the "Game of Thrones" series and I loved it. [DRAGONS! Uau! It is a story about kings and former kings or their heirs, faithful servants, mercenaries and betrayers and other humanoid creatures not yet understood. This is the second tome of the German translation for "A Game of Thrones", and I enjoyed it much more than the first part. Blanvalet Taschenbuch Verlag; Neuveröffentlichung edition (7 September 2010), so this is a good opportunity to learn old-style language and expressions. Previous page. Just a long story with tons of characters with nothing interesting happening. Ich wollte bevor ich die Serie anschaue, die mir von allen Seiten wärmstens empfohlen wurde, vorher in Buchform kennenlernen! [And we get to see more of what fans would call George R. R. Martin's speciality: death of characters we started to love. Das Erbe Von Winterfell Pdf Download -- &nb Download one of our FREE Kindle apps to start reading Kindle books on all your devices. Objednávejte knihu Das Lied von Eis und Feuer - Das Erbe von Winterfell v internetovém knihkupectví While I did enjoy the book, there were times I skimmed the various battle scenes and troop maneuvers. Das Lied von Eis und Feuer 02: Das Erbe von Winterfell | Martin, George R.R., Ingwersen, Jörn | ISBN: 9783442267811 | Kostenloser Versand für alle Bücher mit Versand und Verkauf duch Amazon. Do you believe that this item violates a copyright? The story continues right where it left of in book one and the different plots are starting to connect and fall into places. I can't wait to read more. Die Herren von Winterfell (Das Lied von Eis und Feuer, Band 1), Der Thron der Sieben Königreiche (Das Lied von Eis und Feuer, Band 3), Sturm der Schwerter (Das Lied von Eis und Feuer, Band 5), Die Saat des goldenen Löwen (Das Lied von Eis und Feuer, Band 4), Die Königin der Drachen (Das Lied von Eis und Feuer, Band 6), Zeit der Krähen (Das Lied von Eis und Feuer, Band 7). One great part of this Series: expect the unexpected - you really don't see certain major happenings coming which makes it even more fun to read and sometimes left me hanging with a big questionmark (and I am only at the second book). Don't waste your time and rather read some other book. The next one is 1215 pages. But it is the intrigue that transforms the first part of The Song of Ice and Fire from another high fantasy book that runs after Tolkien to an amazing work of art by itself (I hate those typical comments on the back cover: "this is the best thing since Tolkien" or " the book that overshadowed Harry Potter"). To get the free app, enter your mobile phone number. Please try your request again later. Does this book contain inappropriate content? Sometimes it was boring or was just taking very long to finish. The scenes were much more engrossing, especially given that after having read the first half, I was familiar with the characters. The second book is, in my opinion, much more darker as the first one (in which you basically get to know the main characters and their roles) as the story starts to develope into power struggles, fights, betrayal and war. What a waste of time :-( I haven't watched any of parts from Game of Thrones and now I know why. All about Das Lied von Eis und Feuer Das Erbe von Winterfell by George R. R. Martin. I really felt like I was there, felling everything with the characters... ugh I can't wait to read the third book! Der erste Band zur Serien-Sensation GAME OF THRONES! Das Lied von Eis und Feuer, Teil 1: Die Herren von Winterfell [Band 1]lit.F Das Lied von Eis und Feuer, Teil 1: Das Erbe von Winterfell [Band 2]lit.F Das Lied von Eis und Feuer, Teil 1: Eisenthron [umfasst die Einzelbände Die Herren von Winterfell und Das Erbe von Winterfell]lit.F I'm learning German, so this is a good opportunity to learn old-style language and expressions. Man wird so behutsam an die vielen Familienmitglieder ,Häuser, Königreiche herangeführt! When you think it can't get any better, it does. Reviewed in the United Kingdom on 10 June 2015. $27.95. We’d love your help. So many twists and turns! Bereits das Werk "Der Herr der Ringe" habe ich als Jugendlicher vor einigen Jahrzehnten verschlungen. I haven't learnt anything new and it hasn't moved me in any way. Das Erbe von Winterfell (Das Lied von Eis und Feuer, Band 2) eBook: Martin, George R.R., Ingwersen, Jörn: Kindle Store The second book is, in my opinion, much more darker as the first one (in which you basically get to know the main characters and their roles) as the story starts to develope into power struggles, fights, betrayal and war. "Eine spannende und vielschichtige Saga." After viewing product detail pages, look here to find an easy way to navigate back to pages you are interested in. The book is worth reading anyway because the writing is engaging. Time to celebrate! Told from a lot of point of views, each chapter is narrated by a different character, in a different place, with very different information. Das Erbe von Winterfell (A Song of Ice and Fire (1-in-2) #2) Your recently viewed items and featured recommendations, Select the department you want to search in. Das Erbe von Winterfell by George R. The Battle for the Iron Throne A novel by: Das Lied von Eis und Feuer Das buch ist wirklich sehr gut geschrieben und ein Buch wo man sich wirklich anstrengen muss um mitzukommen. Uni put me in a reading slump last month so I didn't enjoy this as much as I should have. Das Erbe von Winterfell / Das Lied von Eis und Feuer Bd. Der erste Band eines epischen Werkes - fesselnd von der ersten bis zur letzten Seite. One great part of this Series: expect the unexpected - you r. This was an amazing sequel to the first book of the "Game of Thrones" series and I loved it. У контексті He has two sisters, Darleen Martin Lapinski and Janet Martin Patten. YAY! Buy Das Lied von Eis und Feuer/Das Erbe von Winterfell by George R. R. Martin from Amazon’s Fiction Books Store. Von der ersten bis letzten Seite spannend! Not as good as the first half of A Game of Thrones but still a great book! Eddard Stark, der Lord von Winterfell, ist dem Ruf seines Königs und alten Freundes Robert Baratheon gefolgt und hat seine kalte Heimat im hohen Norden verlassen, um bei Hof in Königsmund als Hand – als Roberts Berater und Stellvertreter – zu dienen. Like normally from George r r Martin the book is amazingly packed with intricate stories and characters and is an incredible read. As has been said, this is a story with a bit of everything you can see in epic fantasy: magic, mystery, adventure and romance. Der zweite Band schließt sich nahtlos an den ersten an, wobei die Aufteilung des Originals in zwei Teile wohl letztlich … Martin ist im Deutschen der zweite Band aus der Fantasy-Saga Das Lied von Eis und Feuer.Im Englischen bilden der erste Roman Die Herren von Winterfell und Das Erbe von Winterfell ein Buch, das unter dem Titel A Game of Thrones 1996 erschienen ist. MoreImbaThanYou 47,457 views. Random House Audio: 9783837119336: Das Lied von Eis und Feuer, Band 2: Das Erbe von Winterfell: 3×Data CD: 43 + 37 + 26 It also analyses reviews to verify trustworthiness. Dazu muss ich sagen, dass ich tatsächlich zunächst die Verfilmung "Game of thrones" gesehen habe und nun die Bücher zu lesen. I also began to realize that this is not a series where you can root for any characters as he puts all characters on the chopping block (some literally). Customers who viewed this item also viewed. Als Sonderedition erschien bei Fantasy Productions (FanPro) eine limitierte Auflage in einem Band ( … My favourite characters are definitely Tyrion, Daenerys and Jon Snow. Find all the books, read about the author, and more. Just a moment while we sign you in to your Goodreads account. 2 Language: german ISBN: 9783442267811 Publisher: Blanvalet Translated by: Jörn Ingwersen, Sigrun Zühlke Year: 2011 Book: Paperback March 14th 2011 Meine beste Freundin hat mich nun gezwungen die erste Staffel zu schauen und auf einmal konnte ich gar nicht mehr aufhören. 5 sterne!!! Instead, our system considers things like how recent a review is and if the reviewer bought the item on Amazon. von Winterfell» та «Das Erbe von Winterfell». Als der engste Vertraute seines Königs und alten Freundes Robert Baratheon stirbt, soll Eddard an dessen Stellen treten. Gerne kannst du auch eine ausführlichere Rezension schreiben. By the end of this part, while you are trying to predict what will happen now (you can't help not to), you peer into the preview of the next part offered in this edition and you feel like running to the bookshop to read it immediately. And poor, poor Khal Drogo. That is all i can say. Das Lied von Eis und Feuer 02. I am usually able to find something positive in every book but this book is an exception. Why is good reads recommending a non-English book for me? Martin. © 1996-2021,, Inc. or its affiliates, Fantasy, Horror & Science Fiction in German. The story continues right where it left of in book one and the different plots are starting to connect and fall into places. The way he changes point of view with every chapter can be jarring, as you are yanked out of one head and thrust into another. Free shipping. Nejnižší ceny 450 výdejních míst 99% spokojených zákazníků I like the books but would rather that they not be so long. Ich war beim ersten Teil schon süchtig und der zweite steht dem in nichts nach! Sehr gutes Buch, gefällt mir sehr und kann es nur empfehlen! How wrong I was! Buy Das Lied von Eis und Feuer/Das Erbe von Winterfell by Martin, George R R from Amazon's Fiction Books Store. Was soll man zu dieser genialen Buchreihe sagen? As has been said, this is a story with a bit of everything you can see in epic fantasy: magic, mystery, adventure and romance. Актуальність статті зумовлена досить фрагментарним дослідженням ґендерного аспекту мови у світлі стилістики. DAS ERBE VON WINTERFELL [ By George R. R. Martin 2 - DAS LIED VON EIS UND FEUER 02. Für die Zeit, die er am Königshof zubringen muss, überträgt Eddard die Herrschaft über Winterfell an seine… For details, please see the Terms & Conditions associated with these promotions. Achtung rechtzeitig den nächsten Teil besorgen! Das Erbe von Winterfell [ Game of Thrones book 2 ] (German Edition) by George R. R. Martin Paperback $29.34. Die Bücher wechseln in den einzelnen Kapiteln immer zwischen den Hauptcharakteren , was es übersichtlich macht ! I've now a more clear idea which characters I like and which I don't....and the only one I know really truly loath is Sansa. I'm generally much more likely to sympathize with books as it's always up to the reader to let the written word create a distinctive but at the very same time also personally biased scenery filled with the most different protagonists in his/her head... and to be honest it's the same for me with this book as well, it's way more intense than anything t. Starting the "A Game of Thrones"- book series written by George R.R. But it is the intrigue that transforms the first part of The Song of Ice and Fire from another high fantasy book that runs after Tolkien to an amazing work of art by itself (I hate those typical comments on the back cover: "this is the best thing since Tolkien" or " the book that overshadowed Harry Potter"). Download Das Erbe von Winterfell (Das Lied von Eis und Feuer, Band 2) Library Binding Tea & Scones (Updated Edition): The Ultimate Collection of Recipes for Teatime Add Comment Band 2) , Das Erbe von Winterfell (Das Lied von Eis und Feuer Edit Despite a few minor quirks here and there a thoroughly entertaining read. The writing style and world-building was amazing of course but it was a slow reading. I will leave final comments until the series ends, which, based on the pacing of the other entries in this series, could be many years. Ships from and sold by TheWorldShop. [But I still love Cersei. I'm going to take a break from this series for a couple of months and start again during the summer break. Dresdner Neuesten Nachrichten Very interesting. Uau! Very captivating. It took forever and always for me to finish this book. Das Erbe von Winterfell ( A Game of Thrones Teil 2, 1998), ISBN 3-442-24730-6. And I thought Kings and Queens stuff weren't my thing. Das Erbe von Winterfell (Jörn Ingwersen translation) (tracks 2–74) Die Herren von Winterfell (Jörn Ingwersen translation) (tracks 2–74) Kampen om tronen (tracks 2–74) partial recording of: A Game of Thrones (tracks 2–74) Release Group. See 1 question about Das Erbe von Winterfell…, 45 of the Most Anticipated Sci-Fi and Fantasy Novels of 2021. Includes Bluey, Peter Rabbit, Spot, Peppa Pig, Roald Dahl and more. Verfall bedroht die Sieben Königreiche. Die Herren von Winterfell (Das Lied von Eis und Feuer, Band 1) eBook: Martin, George R.R., Ingwersen, Jörn: Kindle Store Spannend von der ersten bis letzten Seite! Und es ist wie so häufig: Die meiner Meinung nach bereits spannende Verfilmung wird von den Büchern von George Martin noch übertroffen: Martin hat eine komplexe Welt voller sich ständig weiter entwickelnder Beziehungsgeflechte geschaffen, die er meisterlich verwoben hat - ein Meisterwerk, absolut lesenswert! Page 1 of 1 Start over Page 1 of 1 . Umfragen [Hörbuch] Let's Read Das Lied von Eis und Feuer: Das Erbe von Winterfell #7 - Daenerys - Duration: 28:43. Loved this. Der zweite Band schließt sich nahtlos an den ersten an, wobei die Aufteilung des Originals in zwei Teile wohl letztlich der Gewinnmaximierung des Verlags geschuldet ist. There are no discussion topics on this book yet. All about Das Lied von Eis und Feuer Das Erbe von Winterfell by George R. R. Martin. Everyday low prices on a huge range of new releases and classic fiction. Das Erbe von Winterfell ist der deutsche Titel der zweiten Hälfte, des ersten Bandes der Romanreihe "Das Lied von Eis und Feuer" von George R. R. Martin. Doch als dieser seinen Verletzungen eines Jagdunfalls erliegt, wendet sich sein Blatt und er findet sich im Königin Cersei's Schlangennest des Hochverrats bezichtigt. Starting on why I didn't give this 5 stars: Part II of The Game of Thrones was definitely more interesting than the first part. Everyday low prices on a huge range of. Das Lied von Eis und Feuer Teil 1 Das Erbe von Winterfell [Band 2] translation in German - English Reverso dictionary, see also 'Lid',leid',LED',Liedgut', examples, definition, conjugation She really deserves what she got and I hope she ends with her head in a spike next to her fathers. She's one hell of a woman and would do anything. Das Lied von Eis und Feuer 02: Das Erbe von Winterfell Das Erbe Von Winterfell ist der zweite Teil des englischen Originalbandes A Game Of Thrones. Das Lied von Eis und Feuer 02: Das Erbe von Winterfell Das Erbe Von Winterfell ist der zweite Teil des englischen Originalbandes A Game Of Thrones. “Honra o aço com acções, não com palavras.”, “O coração mente e a cabeça usa truques connosco, mas os olhos vêem a verdade.”. by Blanvalet. Starting the "A Game of Thrones"- book series written by George R.R. I couldn't be more satisfied with George R.R. Everyday low prices on a huge range of. I'm not a big fan of season 8 (to put it mildly) so going back to the roots is pretty refreshing. Das Lied von Eis und Feuer hat aus meiner Sicht mindestens die Qualität des Werkes von Tolkien. DAS ERBE VON WINTERFELL [ By George R. R. Martin. You don't need to own a Kindle device to enjoy Kindle books. Again, a very enjoyable read. I really start to love this book series. Damit kein Entzug entsteht , habe ich mir die weiteren Teile gleich schenken lassen ! Everyday low prices on a huge range of. I also care deeply about some of the characters (especially Jon and Sansa) and I constantly fear for them. His father was Raymond Collins Martin, a longshoreman, and his mother was Margaret Brady Martin. It is one of those times when I'm a bit sad that I was spoiled by the TV series. Ive been reading the books and watching the miniseries. Die Zukunft des Reiches hängt von den Herren von Winterfell ab. Das Erbe von Winterfell (Das Lied von Eis und Feuer, Band 2). Something went wrong. Publications with this numbering: * A Song of Ice and Fire from Harper Voyager * Das Lied von Eis und Feuer from Blanvalet * As Crónicas de Gelo e Fogo from Saída de Emergência * Buz ve Ateşin Şark ... Das Erbe von Winterfell. I saw the tv show first and sometimes ruins the pleasure of discovering the plots, characters intentions or mysteries. Refresh and try again. Alle Bände von »Das Lied von Eis und Feuer«: Band 1: Die Herren von Winterfell Band 2: Das Erbe von Winterfell Band 3: Der Thron der Sieben Königreiche Band 4: Die Saat des goldenen Löwen Band 5: Sturm der Schwerter Das Lied von Eis und Feuer, Teil 1: Eisenthron [umfasst die Einzelbände Die Herren von Winterfell und Das Erbe von Winterfell] A Song of Ice and Fire, Book 1: A Game of Thrones [George R. R. Martin]lit.F Let us know what’s wrong with this preview of, Published In stock. Nimm an den zahlreichen Umfragen teil, veröffentliche deine Meinung im Kommentarfeld dieser Seite, diskutiere mit anderen im Forum und vergiss nicht, oben dem Buch Sterne zu geben. I enjoyed the first book and this one as well, although I have some reservations. Die englischsprachige Originalfassung trägt den Namen "A Game of Thrones" und wurde vom Blanvalet Verlag für den deutschsprachigen Raum in zwei Taschenbuchausgaben aufgeteilt: Welcome back. Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube. Doch was schon beim Besuch seines Freundes auf Winterfell zu erkennen war, wird am Königshof noch viel deutlicher: Robert Baratheon ist nicht me… by George R.R. All about Das Lied von Eis und Feuer Das Erbe von Winterfell by George R. R. Martin.