Author's plot number or code if it differs from the reference for the species table. Spatial Coverage: Barrow, Alaska. ABoVE seeks a better understanding of the vulnerability and resilience of ecosystems and society to this changing environment. Documentation Revision Date: Point Barrow is an important geographical landmark, marking the limit between two marginal seas of the Arctic Ocean, the Chukchi Sea to the west and the Beaufort Sea to the east.[1]. The tundra at Barrow is considered coastal tundra located in the most northern region of North Slope and is characterized by various microtopographic features such as polygons, as well as many ponds and lakes. Download this stock image: . The IBP study area was active between 1970 and 1973, and focused on a study area near Barrow, Alaska at the northernmost point on the Alaskan Coastal Plain (71°18'N 156°40'W) in close proximity to both the Chukchi and Beaufort Seas. Mean thickness of the moss layer including live and dead moss (cm). highest (1), high (2), high but incomplete (3), moderate (4), moderate and incomplete (5), low (6). PhD thesis, The University of Texas at El Paso, El Paso, Texas, USA. Plot locations were obtained via GPS in the early 2000s and are reported for all years of data collection. The city's native name, Utqiaġvik, refers to a place for gathering wild roots. Forty-three (43) plots were assessed for estimated percent land cover by species and plot data including moisture, topographic position, slope, aspect, shape, and soil data. The Borough works with the tribes, cities, corporations, schools, and businesses to support a strong culture, encourage families and employees to choose a healthy lifestyle, and sustain a vibrant economy. Tweedie. 1980). A region of tundra > 200,000 km2 in area, the arctic slope of Alaska has continuous permafrost, snow cover for 7-9 mo each year, and low relief (Britton 1966). Study Area (All latitude and longitude given in decimal degrees). 3. 0732885). [5] All 200 residents were Inuit. The mean average temperature vary according to location, with temperatures of -12° C (10° F) in Point Barrow, Alaska located at (71.3 ° N) to -28° C (-18° F) at the Northern region of Greenland (71° N). Both the dataset author determinations and the current nomenclature according to the Panarctic Species List (PASL) are listed. McKendrick, J. D., V. Ott and G. A. Mitchell. Plot Environmental Data -- Vegetation plot observation and measurement data. The Barrow vegetation plots were originally described and mapped by Dr. Patrick J. Webber in 1972 as part of the International Biological Program (IBP). Monthly temperature, precipitation and hours of sunshine. Here’s another unique opportunity: To see the very northernmost point in the U.S. You can take a full-day tour to experience this rugged outpost. "[8], Northernmost point of the United States in Alaska, northernmost point on the North American mainland, "The Northernmost Points In The United States",,, The Papers of Henry W. Greist on Point Barrow,, Short description is different from Wikidata, Pages using infobox settlement with bad settlement type, Wikipedia articles with WorldCat-VIAF identifiers, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, This page was last edited on 15 March 2021, at 14:32. Syntaxon name according to the Braun-Blanquet School. These sites were resampled by Webber, Craig Tweedie, Robert Hollister, Sandra Villarreal and others in 1999, 2008, and 2010, and assessed for community change by Villarreal as part of the 'IPY Back to the Future: Resampling old research sites to assess changes in high latitude terrestrial ecosystem structure and function project' (NSF Award No. Table 1. Two of the major Landmarks in the tundra biome are in Alaska, The first is Million Dollar Bridge, it was built in the early 1900's, it's also called The Miles Glacier Bridge, and got its name from the cost to build it which was 1.4 million dollars. ANPP, BNPP, and TNPP values reported in ORNL data sets. State/territory: Alaska (study sites around Barrow), Spatial Resolution: Point resolution. (DAAC). Ordination and production of tundra vegetation from Niwot Ridge, Colorado, and Point Barrow, Alaska. Omissions? Positive longitudes are east of Prime Meridian, negative longitudes are west of the Prime Meridian. Original data from 1972 were classified and community descriptions were published as a report (Webber & Ebert 1973) and as a component of two IBP books (Brown et al. Nome’s precipitation levels hit 18.4 inches. Species Data -- Presence and cover. The Barrow IBP vegetation plot data have been extensively analyzed, updated, and published. The waters off Point Barrow are on the bowhead whale migration route and it is surmised that the site was chosen to make hunting easier. Latitude (decimal degrees). Also known as Barrow, Utqiaġvik is the northern most settlement in US Alaska. Region as indicated by author. These trends are probably caused by a combination of increases in spring and summer NPP [Keeling et al., 1996; Randerson et al., 1999], increasing rates of soil respiration during fall, winter and spring [Chapin et al., Springer-Verlag, New York, New York, U.S.A. Webber, P. J., P. C. Miller, F. S. Chapin III, and B. H. McCown. Arctic Vegetation Plots for IBP Tundra Biome, Barrow, Alaska, 1972-2010. 22. Aspect of relevé (degrees). Mission. Prefixes: Alaska (1), Russia (2), Canada (3). Contact for Data Center Access Information: Brown, J., K.R. Arctic tundra bioclimate zone. The mean average temperature vary according to location, with temperatures of -12° C (10° F) in Point Barrow, Alaska located at (71.3 ° N) to -28° C (-18° F) at the Northern region of Greenland (71° N). Plot data reported in *_Single_Plots_1972.csv are for 10 plots not relocated in 1999 for repeated measurements. The Tundra Biome’s intensive study site is situ- ated on the open tundra approximately 3 km. Annual precipitation levels can reach 20 inches. Table 3. square (S), rectangle (R), linear/band-forming (L), circular (O), irregular (I), more subplots combined (C), unknown (not-recorded) (N). An Arctic ecosystem: the coastal tundra at Barrow, Alaska. Over thousands of years, the remains of plants (and animals) that never fully decomposed have become part of the frozen soil in Alaska, Canada, northern Europe, and Russia. Webber, P. J. Barrow_Tundra_IBP_Species_Data_Repeat_Plots_1972.csv, Barrow_Tundra_IBP_Species_Data_Single_Plots_1972.csv, Barrow_Tundra_IBP_Species_Data_Repeat_Plots_1999.csv, Barrow_Tundra_IBP_Species_Data_Repeat_Plots_2008.csv, Barrow_Tundra_IBP_Species_Data_Repeat_Plots_2010.csv. In the early 1950s investigations by the U.S. Geological Survey (Brewer 1958) demonstrated the influence of lakes, ocean and buildings on near-surface permafrost temperature regimes and illustrated the characteristic zero curtain during the annual freeze-thaw cycles of 1951 and 1952. 2) Survey of vegetation species and quantification of species cover as described above. You’ll also get to see the site of the old village of Nuvuk, which was occupied 1,000 years before the arrival of the first Europeans and is now an important archaeological site. 3. Necessary for judgements on ‘edge effects’. Pages 37-112 in L. L. Tieszen, editor. Note that functional type percent covers for 2010 were calculated from species cover data by Sandra Villarreal (2012). For example, Nome city in Alaska occurs in a tundra biome. (1978) Effects of nitrogen and phosphorus fertilization on the carbohydrate reserve and seasonal nitrogen and phosphorus levels in Dupontia fisheri and Arctogrostis latifolia shoots and rhizomes near Barrow, Alaska. It was named by English explorer Frederick William Beechey in 1826 for Sir John Barrow, a statesman and geographer of the British Admiralty. The database contains vegetation plots from homogeneous plant communities with tables of cover or cover-abundance scores for all species and accompanying environmental site data. Point Barrow, a headland nine miles from town, is where the Chukchi and Beaufort seas meet. 1) is situated near Barrow, Alaska (71018'N, 156042'W). The tundra at Barrow is considered coastal tundra located in the most northern region of North Slope and is characterized by various microtopographic features such as polygons, as well as many ponds and lakes. 2012) and as part of a synthesis of the larger IPY Back to the Future project (Callaghan et al. The headland is an important archaeological site, yielding burials and artifacts associated with the Thule culture, including uluit and bola. See companion file Barrow_Tundra_Veg_Plots_Photographs.pdf. Positive latitudes are north of the equator, negative latitudes are south of the equator. Archaeological evidence indicates that Point Barrow was occupied by the ancestors of the Iñupiat for almost 1,000 years prior to the arrival of the first Europeans. The six-sided monument honors pioneer Wiley Post and comedian and homespun philosopher Will Rogers who died in 1935 when their plane went down 15 miles southwest of Barrow during a flight to Seberia. 1972. Murray. 7) Mesic Carex aquatilis-Poa arctica meadow (12 plots). These files contain species cover data for the vegetation plots. ABSTRACT: This data set contains three data files. *_Repeat_Plots_YYYY, report data for the 33 plots sampled on all 4 events on the respective year. It is derived from the Iñupiat word utqiq, also used for "potato". Scientists say the Arctic is warming twice as fast as the rest of the planet, and former North Slope Borough Mayor Edward Itta has called Utqiagvik “ground zero for climate-change science.” Climate data in this data set are from the weather station at Barrow, Alaska (71.30 N 156.78 W) at an elevation of 31 m. The study plots for biomass measurements in 1970-1971 were 6 m x 6 m in size. 2016b, Walker 2013). Large Scale Biosphere-Atmosphere Experiment (LBA-ECO), Oregon Transect Ecosystem Research Project (OTTER), Southern African Regional Science Initiative Project (SAFARI 2000), Boreal Ecosystem-Atmosphere Study (BOREAS), Vegetation-Ecosystem Modeling and Analysis Project (VEMAP), International Satellite Land Surface Climatology Project (ISLSCP II), Atmospheric Tracer Transport Model Intercomparison Project (TransCom), Arctic-Boreal Vulnerability Experiment (ABoVE), Carbon in Arctic Reservoirs Vulnerability Experiment (CARVE), Airborne Microwave Observatory of Subcanopy and Subsurface (AirMOSS), Atmospheric Carbon and Transport - America (ACT-America), Accelerated Canopy Chemistry Program (ACCP), Global Ecosystem Dynamics Investigation (GEDI),, The "Shooting Station" is located a few miles southwest of Point Barrow. Subjective assessment of taxonomic quality of the cryptogam data by the party that submitted the plot. Point Barrow or Nuvuk is a headland on the Arctic coast in the U.S. state of Alaska, 9 miles (14 km) northeast of Utqiaġvik (formerly Barrow). Here’s another unique opportunity: To see the very northernmost point in the U.S. You can take a full-day tour to experience this rugged outpost. 9) Wet Carex aquatilis-Eriophorum russeolum meadow (8 plots). 10) Wet Dupontia fisheri-Eriophorum angustifolium meadow (6 plots). The North Slope of Alaska (NSA) atmospheric observatory is providing data about cloud and radiative processes at high latitudes. The air distance from Anchorage, Alaska, to Barrow on Point Barrow Headland, Alaska, is 725 miles. In 1826 John Franklin tried to reach it from the east and was blocked by ice. Productivity of a coastal tundra was studied from 1970 to 1972 at Point Barrow, Alaska, USA. The Tundra Biome aquatic site (Fig. Species cover data are given as percentage. cycle increased by 40% at Point Barrow, AK, and by 20% at Mauna Loa, HI over the period 1960–1993 [Keeling et al., 1996]. As part of the International Biological Program’s (IBP) Tundra Biome project at Barrow, Alaska, the microclimatic regimes of that region are being investi- gated. natural vegetation (NAT) or anthropologically disturbed (DIS). Bollenbacher and J.S. 2012. Will change over time. McKendrick, J. D., V. Ott and G. A. Mitchell. Photos of Plot 1319 during repeated measurements. Has the relevé been sampled more than once? Turboveg record number sequentially assigned during data entry. Method used to collect vegetation-plot data. ISBN: 978-9935-431-29-5. There are still summer cabins constructed by locals and used for subsistence hunting and fishing in this area. For Iñui… The lack of trees is due to the lack of rain in the area. That equals 1,167 kilometersor 630 nautical miles. Point Barrow has been a jumping-off point for many Arctic expeditions, including the Wilkins-Detroit Arctic Expeditions and the April 15, 1928, Eielson-Wilkins flight across the Arctic Ocean to Spitsbergen. Shape of the relevé area. 2011). Ambio 40:705-716. (The northernmost point on the North American mainland, Murchison Promontory in Canada, is 40 miles (64 km) farther north.) Field estimate of texture at the top of the mineral horizon. [7] It did not report in 1900, but appeared again from 1910-1940. New York: Springer Verlag, Chap. Climate change in the Arctic and Boreal region is unfolding faster than anywhere else on Earth.
Tieszen, L.L. Occupation continued into the 1940s. These data and their corresponding resampling data from 1999, 2008, and 2010 for the 33 relocated sites (330 sub-plots) were assessed for change and published as part of a PhD dissertation (Villarreal 2013), site-specific papers (Lara et al. 2012.Multi-Decadal Changes in Tundra Environments and Ecosystems: The International Polar Year-Back to the Future Project (IPY-BTF). - point barrow ak biome -
Data set. Temporal Resolution: Each plot was sampled once in 1972, 1999, 2008, and 2010. Villarreal, S., R. D. Hollister, D. R. Johnson, M. J. Lara, P. J. Webber, and C. E. Tweedie. Mission. Alaska Arctic Vegetation Archive Workshop, Boulder, Colorado, October 14-16, 2013. Ecological investigations of the tundra biome in the Prudhoe Bay region, Alaska. Refer to reference to determine methods used. 1) Taking photographs of the general site. Mean height of herb layer including graminoids, forbs and dwarf shrubs (cm). 2018-12-31, Data Set Version: so named because between 1965 and 1972 it was a launch site for Nike-Cajun and Nike Apache sounding rockets. CAFF Proceedings Report #11. In 1999, 2008, and 2010, 33 of the same plots were resampled for these same measures as part of the IPY "Back to the Future: Resampling old research sites to assess changes in high latitude terrestrial ecosystem structure and function" project. Tentative Braun-Blanquet habitat as defined by classes. Webber also provided insight on the quality of these and other datasets collected using his plant community sampling method at the Alaska AVA Boulder Workshop (Webber 2014). The pH reported by author. 1980. ANPP, BNPP, and TNPP values reported in ORNL data sets. Spatial and temporal variation of the vegetation and its production, Barrow, Alaska. Site moisture. Temperature for the warmest months in the arctic tundra ranges from 3-12° C (37- 57° F). The rain forest biome is a very thick forest. It is the northernmost point of the United States. These data are available through the Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) Distributed Active 1973. Ecology 56(2): 401-409. The method consists of recording the composition of vegetation in plots each of which is a linear, contiguous arrangement of ten 1 x 1m quadrats placed in a visually homogeneous patch. The water around it is normally ice-free for two or three months a year, but this was not the experience of the early explorers. In sections of tundra that occur in proximity to the oceans or large bodies of water. The Alaska North Slope is the region of the U.S. state of Alaska located on the northern slope of the Brooks Range along the coast of two marginal seas of the Arctic Ocean, the Chukchi Sea being on the western side of Point Barrow, and the Beaufort Sea on the eastern. These areas of open water, called leads, are favorite places for sea mammals to congregate, as they provide areas to surface and breathe and to haul out and feed. past six decades near Barrow Alaska. Point Barrow. This data set provides vegetation cover and environmental plot data collected as part of the International Biological Program (IBP), U. S. Tundra Biome Program, in Barrow, Alaska in 1972. These data files were edited by Donald A. Walker, Amy L. Breen and Lisa A. Druckenmiller at the University of Alaska Fairbanks' Alaska Geobotany Center and obtained via the Arctic Geoecological Atlas (, which provides access to existing Arctic vegetation plot and map data in support of the ABoVE campaign. The term Point Barrow whales refers to gray whales that were trapped in the ice at Point Barrow in 1988, which attracted attention from the public worldwide. Keeling, S.C. Piper, A.F. Relevé number in the species table in the reference for species data. Run at Point Barrow in April 2019 Note files with either repeated or single measurements. Puffins belong to the Alcid family, a group of diving birds that swim underwater using their wings for propulsion and their feet for steering. There is also a companion file with plot photos documenting multiple sampling events. Arctic Vegetation Plots for IBP Tundra Biome, Barrow, Alaska, 1972-2010. For example, could be land management unit, national park, or mountain range. NPP Tundra: Point Barrow, Alaska, 1970-1972, R1 This data set contains three data files. 2013, Walker and Raynolds 2011). NSF Arctic Data Center. Everett, P.J. Webber, P. J. Each vegetation plot consists of a 1 x 10-m belt with a 1-m x 10-cm strip along the inside. Environmental characterization data for research plots. Datum is WGS84. Broad categories: gravel (GRV), sand (SND), silt (SLT), clay (CLY), loam (LOM), organic (if no mineral soil within the active layer) (ORG). Temporal Resolution: Each plot was sampled once in 1972, 1999, 2008, and 2010. Aspect is measured counterclockwise in degrees from 0 (due north) to 360 (again due north, coming full circle). Domain: Core ABoVE region. There is a nearby Global Atmosphere Watch atmospheric monitoring station. 1) is situated near Barrow, Alaska (71018'N, 156042'W). The traditional name was voted back in 2016 to support the preservation of the Inupiaq language. Dowden, Hutchinson & Ross, Stroudsburg, Pennsylvania, U.S.A. Dowden, Hutchinson & Ross, Stroudsburg, Pennsylvania, U.S.A. Callaghan. Webber, P. J. and D. C. Ebert. Nome’s precipitation levels hit 18.4 inches. The 10-cm strip is used for cover assessment and the 90-cm sub-plot for species presence. Point Barrow first appeared on the 1880 U.S. Census as the unincorporated Inuit village of "Kokmullit" (AKA Nuwuk). Rowing boat off Point Barrow, on the Arctic coast of Alaska, USA, circa 1965. On the flip side, the northerly U.S. city called Point Barrow, experiences annual precipitation levels of 4.3 inches. Current Taxonomy according to the Panarctic Species List (PASL) without authors names, PASL_TAXON_SCIENTIFIC_NAME_WITH_AUTHOR(S), Current Taxonomy according to the Panarctic Species List (PASL), 1972-206 - 1972-1325 (33 repeated measurement plots for years 1972, 1999, 2008, and 2010), ----------------------------------------------------------------, 1972-315 - 1972-1326 (10 single measurement plots, measured in 1972 only). flat elevated plain (includes plateaus and elevated river terraces) (EL_PLN); hill crest (CRST); shoulder (SHLD); backslope (BACK); footslope (includes toeslopes) (FOOT); flat low plain (LW_PLN); riparian zone (includes active floodplains, drainage channels, water tracks) (RIPZN); lake or pond (LAKE). Longitude (decimal degrees). Only 30% of sunlight is visible from the forest floor. The air distance from Anchorage, Alaska, to Barrow on PointBarrow Headland, Alaska, is 725 miles. The desert biome is a very dry area, with very little amounts of plants and animals. Column headings include the plot identifiers. Column name syntax is YYYY-plot number, where YYYY = 1972, 1999, 2008, or 2010. Content of species data files for the vegetation plots. MacLean, Jr., and D.F. Direct link to the plot archive record in the Arctic Geoecological Atlas: 1. John Simpson's native map dated 1855, records the name "Otkiawik," which was misprinted on the subsequent British Admiralty Chart as "Otkiovik." It is 33 km (20.5 mi) northeast of the Rogers-Post Site, the scene of the airplane crash on August 15, 1935 that killed aviator Wiley Post and his passenger, the entertainer Will Rogers. U.S. International Biological Program, Washington DC Tundra Biome Data Report 73-22. Georeference source. At Barrow the sun remains above the horizon from 10 May until 2 August, yet the summer climate The Tundra Biome aquatic site (Fig. There are ten data files in comma-separated format (.csv) with this data set. Taxa are listed in alphabetical order according to the accepted PASL name. Tieszen, L. L. (1978) Photosynthesis in the principal Barrow, Alaska, species: A summary of field and laboratory responses. If data were not collected using the relevé method, specify collection method and source. NPS Photo / R. Lasell. There are ten data files in comma-separated format (.csv) with this data set. vicinity of Barrow by Mather and Thornthwaite (1956), Weaver (1965), Kelley and Weaver (1969) and others. The name was first recorded, by colonizers, in 1853 as "Ot-ki-a-wing" by Commander Rochfort Maguire, Royal Navy. Even during the winter, some ice would be grounded in shallow waters near the shore, but farther out, long breaks would develop in the floating ice as winds and ocean currents push and pull at it. From the dense moss carpeted rainforests of southeast Alaska, to the wide-open expanses of the tundra on the North Slope these ecosystems and provide habitat for a variety of fish and wildlife species. As a convention, use 360 degrees for north. Taxa are listed in alphabetical order according to the accepted PASL name. A region of tundra > 200,000 km2 in area, the arctic slope of Alaska has continuous permafrost, snow cover for 7-9 mo each year, and low relief (Britton 1966). Main publication or data report from which the species data were taken. Mean height of the canopy within the stand (cm). Point Barrow. This data set provides vegetation cover and environmental plot data collected as part of the International Biological Program (IBP), U. S. Tundra Biome Program, in Barrow, Alaska in 1972. The nature and appropriateness, to the Arctic Vegetation Archive (AVA), of data sets gathered using the Webber plant community sampling method. Major cities in the tundra of Alaska include: -Nome -Point Hope -Barrow -Kaktovik Major landmarks in the tundra of Alaska include: -Wood Tikchik is the largest State Park -Mount McKinley -Soldier's Summit For United States, the code is US. It is the northernmost point of all the territory of the United States, at 71°23′20″N 156°28′45″W / 71.38889°N 156.47917°W , 1,122 nautical miles (1,291 mi; 2,078 km) south of the North Pole. 1980. (The northernmost point on the North American mainland, Murchison Promontoryin Canada, is 40 miles (64 km) farther north.) Tweedie, C. E.2013. It is the northernmost point of all the territory of the United States, at 71°23′20″N 156°28′45″W / 71.38889°N 156.47917°W / 71.38889; -156.47917 (Point Barrow)Coordinates: 71°23′20″N 156°28′45″W / 71.38889°N 156.47917°W / 71.38889; -156.47917 (Point Barrow), 1,122 nautical miles (1,291 mi; 2,078 km) south of the North Pole. Walker Scripps Institution of Oceanography, University of California, La Jolla, California 92093-0244, U.S.A. 3) Field observations of site factors including slope, aspect, and estimates of cover of bare soil, rocks, and the major plant growth forms. Included data files and companion file. The Vegetation Pattern and Succession. There is also a companion file with plot photos, often these photos document multiple sampling events. Lara M. J, S. Villarreal, D. R. Johnson, R. D. Hollister, P. J. Webbe and C. E. Tweedie. The coastal tundra at Barrow. Monthly: 1981-2010 normals History: 2007-2019 The North Slope Borough is committed to having healthy communities, economically, spiritually and culturally. The North Slope Borough is committed to having healthy communities, economically, spiritually and culturally. Companion file with plot photos, often for multiple sampling events. The tundra at Barrow is considered coastal tundra located in the most northern region of North Slope and is characterized by various microtopographic features such as polygons, as well as many ponds and lakes. 2018. Webber, P.J., S. Villarreal, and C.E. An Arctic ecosystem: the coastal tundra at Barrow, Alaska. Ground-based research and models suggest that release of this carbon as permafrost thaws is going to accelerate global … In 1849 William Pullen rounded it in two whale boats after sending two larger boats back west because of the ice. Each plot was a minimum of 10 m2. Reference from which the environmental data were taken. A climate graph showing rainfall, temperatures and normals. 2012, Villarreal et al. Will specify the source of the name in the previous field. Table 2. Relevé location as indicated by the author. T. V., C. E. Tweedie, J. Ackerman, C. Andrews, J. Bergstedt, et al. Tundra vegetation change near Barrow, Alaska (1972-2010). Monthly averages Barrow Longitude: -156.789, Latitude: 71.2906 Average weather Barrow, AK - 99723. Examples include: An updated classification and change analysis is provided in Villarreal et al. Plot numbers are the same each year. (2012) for individual sub-plots. [8] There are also burial mounds in the area, at the nearby Birnirk Site, associated with the earlier Birnirk culture, a pre-Thule culture first identified in 1912 by Vilhjalmur Stefansson while excavating in the area. Pages 186-218 in Brown, J. et al., editors. Project: Arctic-Boreal Vulnerability Experiment (ABoVE). Just west of the Alaska Airlines terminal at Ahkovak and Momegana Streets, is the Will Rogers and Wiley Post Monument. The AVA-AK is a regional database that is part of the larger Arctic Vegetation Archive (Walker 2016a, Walker et al. Annual precipitation levels can reach 20 inches. In addition to the numerous data synthesis and analysis papers resulting from this repeating sampling activity, Webber also provided insight on the quality of these and other datasets collected using his plant community sampling method at the Alaska AVA Boulder Workshop (Webber 2014).