Most likely, we’ve answered your question in our overview of frequently asked questions. Make sure to check KLM TravelDoc shortly before departure for all measures that apply to your trip. Details can be found at the bottom of this page. We will process your request and send your travel voucher via e-mail within a couple of days. – as well as communal areas such as the galleys, carpets and lavatories. Anlegeverbot für Flüge und Schiffe aus Südafrika und diversen Ländern in Mittel- und Südamerika. Es gilt ein Lande- bzw. 25 talking about this. a negative COVID-19 NAAT (PCR) test result that was taken within 24 hours before boarding your flight to the Netherlands. Mai 2020 um 11:00 Uhr aktualisiert. According to the Law 14.034/2020, processing your refund may take up to 12 months maximum. You will find the latest information for your destination, here. Ausgehend vom Corona-Crash im März 2020 hatten sich die Papiere von HelloFresh bis zu ihrem Höhepunkt fast vervierfacht, bei Delivery Hero fehlte zum Dreifachen des Wertes nicht viel. Until further notice, you’re required to wear a face mask from the first boarding call until you have gone through the arrival gate at your destination to prevent the further spread of the virus. April 2021 verlängert. These restrictions are sometimes introduced at very short notice. These procedures are designed to the highest standards and include both your personal space - tray tables, seat armrests and headrests, seatbelt buckles etc. Bring enough spare face masks, paper handkerchiefs and hand sanitizer. Please bear in mind that waiting times at our Customer Contact Centre are long. Willkommen auf der offiziellen Facebook-Deutschland-Seite von KLM Royal Dutch Airlines! You can. The Dutch government advises not to travel abroad up and until 15 May 2021 unless absolutely necessary. Anyone that returns to the country from an unnecessary leisure travel abroad must stay at a quarantine hotel when they return to Norway, starting from 00.00 on 29 March. Nachdem der Konzern seit Beginn der Corona-Krise die Belegschaft von 141 000 Vollzeitstellen vor allem im Ausland um knapp 29 000 reduziert hat, sollen nun in Deutschland 10 000 Stellen wegfallen. The digital or hard-copy negative test result must be in English, German, French, Italian, Portuguese, Spanish or Dutch. Your NAAT test result should be in English, German, French, Italian, Portuguese, Spanish or Dutch. Данные о ситуации с covid-19 быстро меняются. KLM-Crews wollen wegen Corona-Mutationen eigenes WC In Südafrika, Irland und dem Vereinigten Königreich grassieren besonders ansteckende Corona-Varianten. KLM: Existing bookings can be rebooked free of charge for travel until 30 June 2021. Die Zahl der Flüge sank um zwei Drittel auf 390.000, die der Mitarbeiter um ein Fünftel auf 110.000 zum Jahresende. We would like to ask you to contact us only if your original travel plans were supposed to take place in the next 72 hours. Die vom internationalen Hub-Verkehr besonders abhängige KLM leidet unter der verzögerten Corona-Erholung. The COVID-19 pandemic in Curaçao is part of the ongoing global viral pandemic of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), which was documented for the first time in Curaçao on 13 March 2020. Ensure that you have the correct travel documents. Make sure your COVID-19 NAAT test document includes the following: View a full list of all exceptions on the website of the Dutch authorities> . ... ICh flew in from Tanzania yesterday, and it was one of the last flights from KLM to Europe. Name and contact information of the institute or laboratory that conducted the test. Nur für Transfer-Passagiere, die zum Testen nicht in die Schweiz einreisen dürfen People in the categories, such as business travelers and students are allowed to enter the Netherlands for a short period of time with certain conditions. In light of the Corona pandemic, many countries have imposed restrictions on entry. Ab 31. Entry regulations. You can change your booking anytime, but it would be especially helpful to us if you would do so before your original travel date. Passengers who are entering or transferring in the Netherlands, you need to show a negative COVID-19 test result. You can rebook your flight from 48 hours before your original scheduled departure time up until your original scheduled departure time. you are not travelling with a baby (0-1 years). There are strict entry rules to Norway now due to the corona situation. Option 1 Read more about the PCR tests and rapid tests on the website of the Dutch government . Die Atemwegserkrankung COVID-19, die durch das neuartige Coronavirus verursacht wird, breitet sich weltweit aus. Allerdings können Reisende von Lufthansa eine Ticketerstattung verlangen. The digital or hard-copy negative test result must be in English, German, French, Italian, Portuguese, Spanish or Dutch. You can, Do you have a transfer at Amsterdam Airport Schiphol? KLM announced they would be cutting back on the hiring of new staff and external consultants, as well as delaying new projects. Make sure to check the health requirements of the airports you’re travelling to and from, and transferring in, and follow the instructions at the airport. How to use a travel voucher However, we will try to process your refund as soon as possible after receiving your request. lll Jetzt günstige Istanbul-Flüge finden, vergleichen & online buchen Billige Flüge von Deutschland nach Istanbul Kostenlose Expertenberatung per ☎ oder täglich von 08 - 18 Uhr Volle Preistransparenz Keine versteckten Kosten Zahlreiche Flüge müssten abgesagt werden und Kurzarbeit sei unumgänglich, teilte das Unternehmen mit. Diese Seite dient lediglich als rot… You will not have to pay the change fee. a negative COVID-19 NAAT (PCR) test result that was taken within 72 hours before your arrival in the Netherlands. Refund and rebooking options differ depending on when the flight was booked and scheduled for departure. The Dutch health authorities as yet see no reason to erect a quarantine zone at Schiphol airport due to the outbreak of the new Coronavirus in China. As of 16th of March some of exemption categories were added again. At that time, it was no longer possible to change the reservation. Currently selected country: Germany, Currently selected language: Deutsch, Choose a new flight for my existing booking or cancel my flight, Request a cash refund or a refund in the form of a refundable travel voucher, Check the latest entry requirements of the destination you’re travelling to, Read more about COVID-19 tests before your departure, Check which destinations we currently fly to, Update or save your contact details so we can contact you if needed, Check the most frequently asked questions about the coronavirus (COVID-19), Send a text message via WhatsApp to +31206490787, ESTA-Reisegenehmigung für Reisen in die USA, Der Service für alleinreisende minderjährige Kinder, Besondere Betreuung & medizinische Dienste, Passagiere mit einer geistigen Behinderung, einer Entwicklungsstörung oder sensorischer Behinderung, Passagiere mit besonderen medizinischen Anforderungen, Ausgewählte Destinationen für Online-Meldungen von verspätetem Gepäck, Eingeschränkt erlaubte oder verbotene Gegenstände, Reisen mit zollfrei eingekauften Flüssigkeiten, Unser Flugzeug des Modells Boeing 777-300ER, Produkte und Serviceleistungen von und nach Asien, Aktuelle Fluginformationen per Telefon, E-Mail und SMS, Read more about travelling from and to The Netherlands on the website of the Dutch authorities, View a full list of all exceptions on the website of the Dutch authorities, View test locations in your country of residence or in another country, View global rapid and NAAT test locations on the website of the Dutch authorities, View global rapid and NAAT test locations on the website of SkyTeam, Check the website of the Dutch government to see the restrictions for travelling to and from the Netherlands, For information about other destinations, visit our KLM TravelDoc tool, rebook your flight to a later date via My Trip, cancel your flight and get your ticket refunded, Request a refund in the form of a travel voucher online, Request a full cash refund or a refund in form of a travel voucher. The German embassy has already contacted us and recommended that the trip be cancelled. If your negative COVID-19 PCR test result or negative rapid test result comes in too late, we’re offering the following rebook possibility. At some destinations, wearing masks is required in public areas, including the airport. Several countries, including the Netherlands, have issued an immediate travel ban for passengers travelling to or from certain countries. Обновлено 2 апреля 2021 года. a negative COVID-19 rapid test result that was taken within 24 hours before boarding your flight to the Netherlands. Das Robert-Koch-Institut meldet am Dienstag für ganz Sachsen eine Sieben-Tage-Inzidenz von 84. Usage of own car (airport parking or valet) is allowed or pick-up arrangements (e.g. Venice and Milan’s flight suspensions were previously announced last Monday. However, a fare difference might still apply. The case was a 68-year-old man who was on vacation from the Netherlands. These differ per country. Fill out the personal details required for your journey as much as possible online. *an Tagen mit KLM-Flügen (KL1952) bereits ab 05:00 Uhr geöffnet. It applies not only for travelers whose final destination is the Netherlands but also for travelers from Japan who are transferring in the Netherlands to other countries. Viselio; Standort marhaba Lounge ; Corona-Testraum für Transfer-Passagiere, neben Transit Hotel. If you are travelling from a high-risk country, you have 2 options. You will find the latest entry regulations for your destination here. You may change your travel dates without having to pay the change fee. KLM is further adjusting its flights to mainland China and Hong Kong in the wake of the coronavirus outbreak. The ten-day self-quarantine still applies upon arrival in the Netherlands. The same goes for Flying Blue reward tickets. You can view the COVID-19 NAAT or rapid test locations per country. The airline will resume daily service to eight extra destinations, which were suspended in compliance with Covid-19-related travel restrictions. Juni fertig sein. You may be requested to show the needed documents to airport staff or the designated (medical) authorities, such as the Royal Netherlands Marechaussee. If your original flight is scheduled further in the future, we would very much appreciate if you could contact us closer to this date. In an internal … Compare and book your KLM flights and view our special ticket deals and last minutes. Then you can rebook for free within the same travel class (Economy Class or Business Class). If you’re not able to depart on your original date, you can also change your return flight to keep the initial duration of your stay. Are you travelling from The Netherlands? You may change your travel dates without having to pay the change fee, as described in your ticket conditions. The Dutch carrier has been offering flights to … For more information about travelling to the Netherlands, check the website of the Dutch authorities . You may be requested to show the needed documents to airport staff or the designated (medical) authorities, such as the Royal Netherlands Marechaussee. Since the outbreak of the coronavirus, we’ve been closely monitoring the situation. Please note that a separate policy is in place for Brazil, as well as for KLM Package Deals , KLM Flight Bundle , and Flying Blue reward tickets . View test locations in your country of residence or in another country>, View global rapid and NAAT test locations on the website of the Dutch authorities> , View global rapid and NAAT test locations on the website of SkyTeam> . If none of the above-mentioned options suit your needs or if you’re encountering problems with our self-service tools, feel free to contact us. If you are travelling to the Netherlands, you need to show a negative COVID-19 test result if you’re departing from a high-risk country. While still at home, KLM strongly recommends all customers to: COVID-19 Testing before departing from Japan