The food, drinks and amenities were amazing and the over the water villa with Pool was to Die for. Besca è molto conosciuta per la sua bora che oltre a ricchi estese di erbe aromatiche offre una vita sana a tutti i suoi abitanti e ai visitatori. Out of stock. „Wow, Four Seasons Bora Bora is absolute paradise. The American presence on Bora Bora went uncontested for the entire course of the war. Bora Bora has a total land area of 30.55 km 2 (12 sq mi). Undoubtedly the most celebrated island in the South Pacific, Bora Bora is French Polynesia's leading lady. First, Bora to Spanish school books was developed. When explorer Jacob Roggeveen first landed on the island, he and his crew adopted the name Bora Bora, which has stood ever since.[3][4]. Das Atoll liegt rund 260 km nordwestlich von Tahiti bei 151° 44' West und 16° 29' Süd und hat eine Landfläche von insgesamt 38 km2. Bora Bora wird auch die „Romantische Insel“ genannt. How does barbecuing and creating stellar dishes all year round without leaving the kitchen sound? Bora proper has 94% mutual comprehensibility with the Miraña dialect. Most of the tourist destinations are sea-oriented; however, there are also tourist attractions on land, such as World War II cannons. Suggest as a translation of "in Bora Bora" Copy; DeepL Translator Linguee. During World War II, the United States chose Bora Bora as a South Pacific military supply base, and constructed an oil depot, an airstrip, a seaplane base, and defensive fortifications. About Bora Bora Turquoise lagoons, soft white sands, and deep tangerine sunsets set the scene for romance on the island so nice they named it twice. WTX 36" Clamp Edge Saw Guide - Circular Saw Guides . Some phonemes in the Tahitian language do not exist in the English, French, or Dutch languages: The sound represented by “p” is actually pronounced roughly midway between an English “p” and “b,” while “r” is pronounced roughly midway between an English “r” and “l.” So “Pora Pora” could also be heard by English, French, or Dutch speakers as Bola Bola or Bora Bora. Produce of the island is mostly limited to what can be obtained from the sea and from the plentiful coconut trees, which were historically of economic importance for the production of copra. The major settlement, Vaitape, is on the western side of the main island, opposite the main channel leading into the lagoon. Several resorts have been built on the motu surrounding the lagoon. $29.00. Language The official languages of Bora Bora include French and Tahitian. Eight of these guns remain in the area to this day. The languages spoken in Bora Bora are Tahitian and French. English is also spoken in popular tourist destinations and major resorts. Blog Press Information. Bora Bora has both a lagoon and a barrier reef, so many water activities are easily arranged. The staff from the moment we arrived at the InterContinental : Bora Bora Resort Thalasso Spa, was simply wonderful. Bora demonstrates contrastive vowel length. The dry season lasts from June to October, but there is some precipitation even during those months. However, after Lissachatina, Euglandina and various flatworms were introduced to the island, they had wiped out the populations of the endemic partulid species Partula lutea the late 1990s),[14] Samoana attenuata (a species once native to Bora Bora but later not found in surveys of the island[14]), and Mautodontha boraborensis (a critically endangered species as of 1996 but most likely extinct, as it was last seen in the 1880s[14]). Conscious decision against the mainstream . Bora Bora has a total land area of 30.55 km2 (12 sq mi). The Leeward Islands comprise the western part of the Society Islands of French Polynesia, which is an overseas collectivity of the French Republic in the Pacific Ocean. $51.00. Bitte wählen Sie eine Sprache. Bora is an indigenous language of South America spoken in the western region of Amazon rainforest. However, due to the high tourism population, many natives of Bora Bora have learned to speak English.[2]. Bora is an indigenous language of South America spoken in the western region of Amazon rainforest. The island was inhabited by Polynesian settlers around the 4th century[citation needed] The first European sighting was made by Jakob Roggeveen in 1722. The city has also become a popular spot for tourism. [5] The London Missionary Society arrived in 1820 and founded a Protestant church in 1890. Air Tahiti operates five or six flights daily between Tahiti and the Bora Bora Airport on Motu Mute (as well as occasional flights to and from other islands). There is no public transport on the island, so rental cars and bicycles are the recommended means of transport. Wir sprechen Ihre Sprache! Find out more BORA on Bavarian television . Bora-Bora, volcanic island, Îles Sous le Vent (Leeward Islands), in the Society Islands of French Polynesia. Diese Unterkunft bietet Währungsumtausch vor Ort. [5], "Jivaroan and Witotoan Language Families", "SAPhon – South American Phonological Inventories",, Articles with unsourced statements from June 2019, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, Fa:ai - spoken in the Sierra Futahy in the same region (poorly attested, only a few words), This page was last edited on 24 January 2021, at 22:35. Most tourists that visit the island are Americans, Japanese and Europeans. [citation needed], Historically, Bora Bora’s virgin forest habitats, on the slopes of Mount Otemanu, had a very diverse assortment of snail and slug species (gastropods) compared to other islands. And half of Bora Bora’s population are youngins. Open menu. A fabulous island used for depressed souls ... wake me up wake me up inside BORA WTX Saw Plate - Circular Saw Guide System - BORA Tool . The base was officially closed on 2 June 1946. And Bora Bora is a superlative romantic spot. Bora Bora (French: Bora-Bora; Tahitian: Pora Pora) is an island group in the Leeward Islands. Cheap flights to Bora Bora(BOB). Translate texts with the world's best machine translation technology, developed by the creators of Linguee. Katharina von Bora, Caterina de Bora o "die Lutherin" (29 de gener de 1499- 20 de desembre de 1552) va ser l'esposa de Martí Luter, fundador de la Reforma Protestant. Jetzt eBook herunterladen & mit Ihrem Tablet oder eBook Reader lesen. Jan. 2010 willkommen. Find out more New BORA Magazine. In addition, there are small, two-seater buggies for hire in Vaitape, and motorboats can be rented to explore the lagoon. Bora Bora was a kingdom until annexed by France as a colony in 1888. The main languages that are spoken by people in Bora Bora Island are French and Tahitian although most inhabitants that interact with visitors have good comprehension of the English language. EVERY STAFF ember was just wonderful and friendly. Bora Bora’s youngins – Another cool information among the Bora Bora facts, lies in the youngins. Capital City:Bora Bora does not have a capital city, however its administrative center is the settlement of Vaitape on the main island Beliebteste Ausstattungen 1 Pool Parkplatz WLAN inklusive Restaurant Nichtraucherzimmer Bar Gut für Paare - sie haben die Ausstattung mit 8,1 für einen Aufenthalt zu zweit bewertet. [citation needed]. Fou monja catòlica de l'Ordre del Cister convertida al Protestantisme. Dive … The island's economy is driven almost entirely by tourism. The World War II airstrip was never enlarged to accommodate large aircraft, but it was nonetheless French Polynesia's only international airport until 1960, when Faa'a International Airport opened next to Papeete, Tahiti.[8]. Miraña, a dialect of Bora, is spoken along the Caquetá-Japurá river which flows from Colombia to Brazil, and a few villages are there. Contemporary and elegant, Le Meridien Bora Bora is a luxury resort set on a magnificent islet surrounded by the most beautiful lagoon in the world, with stunning sights over Mount Otemanu. All vowels have long forms. Bora Bora ist ein Atoll, das zur Gruppe der Gesellschaftsinseln in Französisch-Polynesien, genauer zu den Îles sous le Vent, im Süd-Pazifik gehört. Early linguistic investigators thought that Bora was related to the Huitoto (Witoto) language, but there is very little similarity between the two. A few dive operators on the island offer manta-ray dives and shark-feeding dives. Linguee Apps . Bora Pharmaceuticals and our group of companies is a publicly-traded company on the Taiwan Stock Exchange (6472). Best Bora Bora Resorts on Tripadvisor: Find traveler reviews, candid photos, and prices for 11 resorts in Bora Bora, French Polynesia. Lush green mountains, crystal clear lagoons and romantic overwater bungalows are awaiting you in this idyllic part of the world. French is used mainly in schools and business, however the Tahitian language is still preferred by many local islanders. The majority of its speakers reside in Peru and Colombia. The guns were set up at strategic points around the island to protect it against potential military attack. Bora Bora is located on a dormant volcano island, set on one of the most beautiful and crystal-clear lagoons in the world, colored in a million shades of blue. Bora auf Steinlausigk im Amte Bitterfeld erscheint es aber nicht unzulässig, über mögliche Zusammenhänge zwischen den verschiedenen Linien der v. Bora im Raum nördlich und nordöstlich von [...] Leipzig nachzudenken. (Motu is a Tahitian word meaning “small islands.”) Hotel Bora Bora opened in 1961, and nine years later the first over-water bungalows on stilts over the lagoon was built. WTX 100" Clamp Edge Saw Guide - Circular Saw Guides . They are young people under the age of 20. Bora Bora was an independent kingdom until 1888, when the French annexed the island as a colony and forced its last queen, Teriimaevarua III, to abdicate. Vaitape is a large city on the west side of the island and is home to a large part of the island’s population. [1] Bora Bora gilt als einer der exklusivsten und luxuriösesten Urlaubsorte in der oberen Preisklasse und gehört zu den teuersten Reisezielen der Welt. THE FIRST COOKBOOK FOR THE BORA TEPAN STAINLESS STEEL GRILL. The relatively small island of Bora Bora is an activity giant, offering visitors the chance to experience a 4x4 safari, sunbathe and swim at white sandy beaches, dive in a natural underwater park among fish and corals, experience thrilling shark feedings, or circle the turquoise lagoon by boat. Translation of Bora bora in English. D'ella se'n sap poc però es considera que va tenir un paper important en la reforma protestant i en establir que els clergues es casessin. Bora Bora is a major international tourist destination, famous for its seaside (and even offshore) luxury resorts. James Cook sighted the island on 29 July 1769, with the help of a Tahitian navigator, Tupaia. It lies in the central South Pacific Ocean, about 165 miles (265 km) northwest of Tahiti. I know it sounds incredible, but that’s the truth. Bora Bora has a tropical monsoon climate. She is fed-up with his philanderer husband and disappears during a vacation in Bora Bora. Another dialect of Bora, Murnane, which has about a 50% comprehensibility with Bora and Miraña, is spoken along tributaries of the Caquetá River in central Colombia. The written form of Bora was developed by Wycliffe Bible Translators Wesley and Eva Thiesen with the help of the natives of the village of Brillo Nuevo on the Yaguasyacu river. Written by Rotten T. Plot Summary | Add Synopsis This was often abbreviated Pora Pora meaning simply "first born". We are Taiwan's largest CDMO with a 40-year history in the Pharmaceutical Industry. For other uses, see, Bora Bora and its lagoon seen from the International Space Station, List of resources about traditional arts and culture of Oceania, Administrative divisions of French Polynesia, "Populations légales de Polynésie française en 2017", "Coast Artillery Organizational History, 1917-1950 — Part I, Coast Artillery Regiments 1-196", "Complete Reconstruction Scheduled for Hotel Bora Bora", "Bora-Bora Motu Climate Normals 1961–1990", "Climate and average monthly weather in Bora Bora (Bora Bora), French Polynesia", "The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species", "Partula survival in 2017, a survey of the Society islands", Bora Bora from space (2598 × 3071, 9.5 MB),,Bora-Bora,French-Polynesia, tapa ["masi" (Fiji), "ngatu" (Tonga), "siapo" (Sāmoa), " ʻuha" (Rotuma)], Asian American and Pacific Islander Policy Research Consortium, Australian Institute of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies,, Wikipedia articles needing clarification from December 2019, Articles with unsourced statements from February 2019, Articles with unsourced statements from April 2018, Articles with unsourced statements from July 2011, Pages using Sister project links with hidden wikidata, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, This page was last edited on 27 March 2021, at 20:55. eBook Shop: Islands of the South Pacific: Tahiti, Moorea, Bora Bora, the Marquesas, the Cook Islands, Tonga & Beyond von Thomas Booth als Download. Add to Cart. With Tahiti and Moorea among the islands in the Society chain, the archipelago is the most visited. Carrying on the wind nomenclature from previous generations, the car was known as the Volkswagen Bora in much of the world. The greeting we received to the check in process was really relaxing and easy. We provide outsourced R&D, CDMO, and CMO services for global pharmaceutical companies around the world. In ancient times the island was called "Pora pora mai te pora", meaning "created by the gods" in the local Tahitian dialect. Should be : What languages are spoken in Bora Bora and Tahiti… Picture of Papa Matarau, a great orator in te Reo Tahiti… Official language is French, since they are islands of French Polynesia, a French territory. Mit ihnen vollendest Du jeden Look im Handumdrehen und bist für alle Anlässe vorbereitet. The Leeward Islands comprise the western part of the Society Islands of French Polynesia, which is an overseas collectivity of the French Republic in the Pacific Ocean. The base, known as "Operation Bobcat", comprised nine ships, 20,000 tons of equipment, and nearly 7,000 soldiers. … It is part of the Society Islands, one of five main archipelagos that make up French Polynesia. Find out more BORA extends main sponsorship for the cycling team BORA - hansgrohe until 2024. The enormous range of hotels and resorts on Bora Bora make it possible to do nothing but sunbathe and swim, but if you are looking for action, the water is the place to be. Translator. If we bear in mind the facts [...] about the family v. Bora from Steinlausigk in the district Bitterfeld notified by Fischer/v. The confusion was most likely due to the frequent intermarriage between the tribes and the Ocaina dialect of Witotoan which has many Bora words. Bora is a tonal language which, other than the Ticuna language, is a unique trait in the region. Bora Bora is one of the few places on earth that everyone hopes to witness in their lifetime—and once you see it, you are forever enamored. We supply drugs to over 17 countries, including the USA and the UK. In the center of the island are the remnants of an extinct volcano, rising to two peaks, Mount Pahia and Mount Otemanu; the highest point is at 727 metres (2,385 feet). [10], Snorkeling and scuba diving in and around Bora Bora’s lagoon are popular activities. Linguee. Add to Cart. Mingle with tropical fish as you flutter around Coral Gardens or Tupitipiti Point, or relax in a self-driving tour as you take in beautiful views of the once-volcanic Mount Otemanu. Katharina von Bora (German: [kataˈʁiːnaː fɔn ˈboːʁaː]; 29 January 1499 – 20 December 1552), after her wedding Katharina Luther, also referred to as "die Lutherin" ("the Lutheress"), was the wife of Martin Luther, German reformer and a seminal figure of the Protestant Reformation.Beyond what is found in the writings of Luther and some of his contemporaries, little is known about her. [15], The French frigate Floréal, stationed in Bora-Bora lagoon, Leaning palm trees with metal bands to stop coconut crabs, Sofitel Motu with Mount Otemanu in the background, North-east view of Bora Bora from Mt Pahia, Looking east toward Marara Beach Motu in Bora Bora, This article is about the island. [13] Most rainfall occurs during the summer months (November to April) and is accompanied by high humidity, although clear days are not unknown in mid-January. (The species of shark living in the island's lagoon are not considered dangerous to people. Zögere also nicht, diesen Vintage-Schatz Deiner Garderobe hinzuzufügen und die Show zu stehlen! [6][7], However, the island saw no combat. There are about 500 speakers of Bora also in Colombia in the Putumayo Department. Then the New Testament Bible was translated. Her beauty is unrivaled and her fame, unwavering. Several species of endemic or native species existed in great numbers until relatively recently. Translate Bora bora in English online and download now our free translator to use any time at no charge. Loukotka (1968) lists these dialects of Bora:[2], Bora contains 350 classifiers, the most discovered of any languages thus far.[3][4]. Währungsumtausch: Brauchen Sie die Landeswährung? Bora Bora (French: Bora-Bora; Tahitian: Pora Pora) is an island group in the Leeward Islands. [9] Today, over-water bungalows are a standard feature of most Bora Bora resorts. Welcome to Bora Bora A trip to Bora Bora and Tahiti is your ticket to discover a new and colorful world. At least eight 7-inch guns were operated by some members of the 13th Coast Artillery Regiment (later renamed the 276th Coast Artillery Battalion). The above listed native and endemic species were mostly restricted to virgin forest, and the only species that remain common (perhaps even extant) are several subulinids and tornatellinids among others, including Orobophana pacifica (a helicinid). Bleibe immer einen Schritt voraus mit unseren wunderschönen Vintage Blumenblusen. The bungalows range from relatively inexpensive basic accommodations to very luxurious expensive ones. The main island, located about 230 kilometres (143 miles) northwest of Papeete, is surrounded by a lagoon and a barrier reef. From arrival, every little detail was done with care - from the boat ride across the lagoon from the airport, and being met by staff and taken by golf buggy to our bungalow.