During this year, 1388 babies were named Josephine, which was 0.4257% of the baby girls born in the USA that year. "My girl Josephine", song by Fats Domino "Not Tonight, Josephine", song by Slade Josephine Preston Peabody - American writer As a child, I was always the only Josie that I knew and loved it. Popular Baby Names in Monroe, MI, in 2020. Josephine St. Pierre Ruffin - American journalist What year had the most people named Josephine born? But you do get idiots who spell Jo as 'Joe', even though they can see you are female. I love my name. Josephina is a name that's been used primarily by parents who are considering baby names for girls. I'm having a hard time with a middle name though. Josephine gained the most popularity as a baby name in 1899, when it's usage went up by 109.65%. Popularity of the Baby Name Josephine. Josephine has been used in the United States ever since 1880, with over 313438 girls given the name in the past 200 years. Try the Name Josephine is combinations of, two occurrences of E, one occurrence of H, one occurrence of I, one occurrence of J, one occurrence of N, one occurrence of O, one occurrence of P and one occurrence of S has a lots of significance in Astrology. "Josephine", song by Cubic Zirconia The baby name Josephine feels traditional and elegant, sparky and spirited. *The name doesn't seem to be associated with any particular social class or group. Josephine Baker - American dancer, singer, and actress There are advantages and disadvantages... 3. English form of the French Joséphine, a feminine form of Joseph, which is derived from the Hebrew Yōsēf (God will add, God will increase). Why care about state specific baby name charts? Thanks to Lola for suggesting our Baby Name of the Day. Princess Josephine Sophia Ivalo Mathilda of Denmark, Countess of Monpezat (b. The first name Josephine has been assigned to: 0.05% to boys. My name is Josephine, and I reckon the name is overdue for a revival. Log in. The name Josephine is a girl's name of French origin meaning "Jehovah increases". 2002's Tropical Storm Josephine - short-lived storm that remained in the open sea. My grandma spells her name the Italian spelling which is Giuseppina. "Oh Josephine", song by the Black Crowes She's still young, but so far we haven't had many try to shorten it, mainly, I think, because we don't, and others take our lead. I also love that it's pretty standard to spell - hard to go wrong. A name that will flow off your tongue. OF THE BABY NAME JOSEPHINE Lucy is the eponymous heroine of Jamaica Kincaid’s 1990 novella, Lucy, about a young Caribbean woman who travels to the United States to become an au pair for the children of a wealthy white family. So perhaps there's a chance that the name was invented by Napoleon? My name is Josephine and I hate being called "Jo" or "Josie." Posts that Mention the Name Josephine. It hit its stride in the popularity polls, claiming the top spot, just before and after 1900. Josephine Clara Goldmark - American reformer We also call her "Josie". View similar names, compare popularity for boys and girls, find origins and meanings. "Dis-Moi Josephine", song by Josephine Baker I have always been called Josie for short. It could be that a name that is very popular on the national overall charts is less (or even more) popular where you live. We use cookies to ensure you the best experience on our website. Josephine ▼ as a girls' name is pronounced JOH-sa-feen. "Hello Josephine", song by Van Morrison Disadvantages: Mystery writers Josephine Bell and Josephine Tey. She loves it. "Josephine", song by Reamonn German Girls Names: Most Popular Names for Girls in Germany 2014, Australian Girls Names: Most Popular Names for Girls in Australia (New South Wales) for 2012, French Girls Names: Most Popular Girls Names in France, German Girls Names: Most Popular Names for Girls in Germany, Australian Girls Names: Most Popular Names for Girls in Australia (Queensland). "Hello, Josephine", song by Fats Domino namecandy - Celebrity baby names, ask the Name Lady, & more. Jo,Joey, Josie, Fina, Nina, Jody, JoJo, Poppy, Sadie, Sophie, Sophia. Josephine Potter (aka "Joey"), character on the TV show "Dawson's Creek", "Come Josephine in My Flying Machine", song published in 1910 Long Names for Girls: Elizabella and Anastasia, 15 Boyish Nicknames for Traditional Girl Choices, Thisbe and Thora: Girl Names starting with TH, Minerva | Names of the BNABBT obscure tournament, Rerun: Predictions for 2009 | Appellation Mountain, Baby Name of the Day: Nerine | Appellation Mountain, Sunday Summary: 6/19/11 | Appellation Mountain, Sunday Summary: 4/10/11 | Appellation Mountain, Baby Name of the Day: Antoinette « Appellation Mountain, Name of the Day: Minerva « Appellation Mountain. My first daughter has my middle name and my second has my MIL's middle name. From A World of Baby Names by Teresa Norman. See the popularity of the girl's name Josephine over time, plus its meaning, origin, common sibling names, and more in BabyCenter's Baby Names tool. Nineteenth century reformer Josephine Shaw Lowell. We named our daughter "Josephine" because it is a strong female name. Josephine is a very beautiful name. People regularly comment on how pretty it is. She was named after my brother, Joseph. Girl Baby Names - Josephine - Josephine and its popularity over 100 years. Along with fellow French names Juliette and Emmeline, other names to substitute for Josephine in the US Top 1000 include Amelie, Cecilia, Clementine, Eloise, Lorelei, Matilda, Phoebe, and Rosalie. With thousands of names in our handbook, choosing the right on just got easier! "My Girl Josephine", song by Super Cat More Inspiration: 180+ Sweet Old Lady Names Rooted In Tradition, 100+ Middle Names As Sweet As Your Baby Girl, If You Like Sophia, You’ll Love …, Joyful J Names For Baby Girls, Perfect 3-Syllable Girl Names, Très Jolie! It is a feminine form of Joseph. Post was not sent - check your email addresses! Josephine de Beauharnais, empress and wife of Napoleon Bonaparte Mount Josephine. This first name is on trend: Female. napoleon famous empress josephine ' s real name was marie josephe. Alternate spellings include Y… 3. When our son , Oliver was born, we had a joke that Oliver and his Round Head dethroned the "Little Empress" (an allusion to both historical characters:Oliver Cromwell and Josephine Bonaparte). Josephine, Tony Curtis' female alter ego in "Some Like It Hot" it is of hebrew origin, and the meaning of josephine is "the lord is exalted". Jozy. Feminine of … Josephine is a stylish and valiant name. "Josephine", song by Chris Rea 2. It ranked #3 with 7 … 1996's Tropical Storm Josephine - formed in the Gulf of Mexico, made landfall in Florida and moved over the eastern states, causing $130 million in damage. More info about the name "Josephine" Josephine originates in Hebrew language and means "God raises". Josephine is currently topping the baby name charts in Minnesota at position #48 - and is the least popular in Alabama at position #580. Never threatened land. No, not "Joey," even though it's pronounced the same. The name Josephine is of Hebrew origin, and is used in more than one countries and different languages of the world, especially English speaking countries, French speaking countries, German speaking countries among others. As a feminine given name it has been used on a regular basis since the 19th century. Germans names (girls) Josephine. "Yes Tonight Josephine", song by Johnny Ray From A World of Baby Names by Teresa Norman. I go by "Joie." The Baby Name Guesser can answer all these questions about the name Josephine. © 2021 Wild Sky Media All rights reserved. Visit Appellation Mountain's profile on Pinterest. Popular names in France that match Josephine in style … The first thing you should know if you are considering Josephine for your baby's name is that in most countries all over the world the name Josephine is a girl name. *You won't be one of a crowd with the same name. 1990's Hurricane Josephine - wandered around Atlantic, performing a full loop at one point. Learn the meaning of Josephine, origin, popularity and more name info. It became a popular name in the year 1880 with a rank of #50 nationwide and was registered 544 times as a baby girl’s name. Josephine Foster - American folk singer In Moon sign based Vedic Astrology, person with name Josephine are loved by many people. 2008's Tropical Storm Josephine - storm that remained in the open sea. A few days ago, a writer with the Monroe News (of Monroe County, Michigan) tallied up all the baby names mentioned in the paper’s 2020 birth announcements. "Josephine", song by Tori Amos 1. In 2017, Josephine was the 107th most popular girls' baby name in the USA. Historical note: Josephine Bonaparte was actually christened 'Marie Josephe Rose', and was always known as Rose until she met Napoleon, who picked up her middle name and adapted it to 'Josephine'. Josephine was the name of Napolean Bonaparte's wife, Empress Joséphine du Beauharnais, who was born Marie-Josephe-Rose. I was named after my grandma, Josephine. Other language variants include the Irish version Seosaimhín, the Spanish version Josefina or Josephina, and the Greek version Iosiphina (Greek: Ιωσηφίνα). Looking for the perfect name? The name first appeared in the year 1880 and given to 544 newborn babies. Josephine Name Meaning With her incredible meaning of “God will increase,” … Josephine - Name Meaning, Origin & Popularity. feminine form of Joseph Diminutive forms of this name include Fifi, Jo, Josie, Joetta and Jojo. Explore the meaning, origin, variations, and popularity of the name Josephine. Is JOSEPHINE name fit for baby name ? The name Josephine is one of the feminine versions of the biblical name Joseph and shares its meaning of ‘God will give more’. "Goodnight Sweet Josephine", song by the Yardbirds. February 3, 2021 January 29, 2021. "Josephine", song by Magnolia Electric Co. Advantages: Some spelling variations of the name Josephine might be more popular than others. Plus discover thousands of other boy and girl baby names. Fifi, Giuseppina, Jo, Jody, Joey, Josefina, Josephina, Josette, Josie, Posy. 2. JOSEPHINE Names in Other Languages In American Baby Names the meaning of the name Josephine is: May Jehovah add/give increase. I love that it's not an unusual name, but hasn't (yet) had a revival. 1984's Hurricane Josephine -stayed far away from U.S. coast, but was so large that tropical storm-force winds were felt at Cape Hatteras, North Carolina. Because even if Josephine is an old name there are still some ways to make it creative. feminine form of Joseph Decidely upward trends in the number of babies given the name Josephine occurred roughly during the years 1896-1900, 1906-1916, 1999-2005, and 2009-2016, whereas unequivocal downward movement occurred about 1941-1945, 1949-1959, and 1961-1965. Josephine, Texas, United States Meaning: Jehovah increases Add “ine” to the Hebrew name Joseph (“God will increase”) and you’ve got the French female version, Josephine. The name Josephine has been used for five tropical cyclones in the Atlantic Ocean. French empress Josephine de Beauharnais was wife to Napoleon Bonaparte. I don't want to just give her a filler name, I like middle names to be after someone. The name Josephine has french routes, so my mom decided to spell "Joey" as J-O-I-E because the word "joie" in french means joy. Josephine became a popular girl’s name in the state of Nevada in the year 1912. Name:josephine, Meaning: god raises up,is going to increase god,the lord increases,josephine how to a girl's name is pronounced jn-sa-fairies. although I didn't like it as a child, I've come round to it, mainly because other people say they like it. That's a lot of babies named Josephine! If you continue using this site, we will assume that you're happy with it. Originally a diminutive form of the French name Joséphe, Joséphine became the standard form in the 19th century, replacing Joséphe, which eventually became a very rare name. I'd be interested to hear from anyone who knows of the name being in use before the 1790s, when Napoleon met Josephine. I have always loved the name Josephine. Origin of the name Josephine: English form of the French Joséphine, a feminine form of Joseph, which is derived from the Hebrew Yōsēf (God will add, God will increase). This is my daughter's name. Why I posting this? The country where the first name Josephine is the most common is: United State of America. Do you need a Middle Name to go along with the baby name, Josephine?Try the baby middle name generator.You can use our middle name generator to find middle names that match the first name, Josephine. The highest recorded use of the first name Josephine was in 1918 with a total of 8,682 babies. 99.95% to girls. This first name has 9 … Name MatchMaker to find the perfect baby name for you! Some famous bearers of this name include: Josephine Bakhita, and Josephine Barry. It's my little sister's middle name. Josephine is the feminine form of Joseph, a name ultimately derived from the Hebrew Yosef, meaning “Jehovah increases.” In French it has an accent over the first E, which was omitted in the English, German, and Dutch translations of the name. Looking for the perfect name? From our database of first names in the United States over 100 years. What are her siblings named? 1. It is of Hebrew origin, and the meaning of Josephine is "Jehovah increases". Josephine is a name that's been used primarily by parents who are considering baby names for girls. *The name has not been really popular for a century, so, unlike many names, it does not date you, because it is not associated with a particular decade, era, or fashion. female, joseph, with the diminutive-suffix -ine. I shorten my name to Jo but it means alot of people I have assume I have a more common name such as Joanna people also commonly put aan e on the end of Jo which is very annoying. 2011), daughter of Mary, Crown Princess of Denmark, Countess of Monpezat and Frederik, Crown Prince of Denmark, Count of Monpezat, Josephine March (aka "Jo"), the tomboyish heroine of Louisa May Alcott's Little Women A simple name, Josephine possesses great character. Pronunciation of Josephine JO-sə-feen JOE zeh feen zhoe zey feen Meaning of Josephine God will add, god will increase, god raises. In any year, the least number of babies named Josephine was 423 in 1985. Spelling of Josephine J-O-S-E-P-H-I-N-E, is a 9-letter female given name. You might also be interested in: Similar names that begin with 'J': PART OF WILD SKY MEDIA | Family & Parenting. Josephine falls into the name categories classic, easy nickname. Sorry, your blog cannot share posts by email. My name is Josephine and I have never really liked it, the only other people I have ever come across with the same name are all over 60. Know a Josephine? According to some researches that is related to meaning of JOSEPHINE, Origin of JOSEPHINE and Gender of JOSEPHINE,JOSEPHINE is fit name.You can give to your baby with complacency. "Josephine", song by The Wallflowers The name Josephina means God Will Increase and is of English origin. Suffragette and civil rights activist Josephine Ruffin. 4. French Girl Names For Your Belle Fille, * It will always be associated with Napoleon Bonaparte's wife, the Empress Josephine, which is pretty glamorous. To find out more about Josephine, Baby Name Guesser uses up-to-date data from across the Internet on how the name Josephine … *Also, Jo in Little Women Josephine Siao - Hong Kong actress What does Josephine mean? See the popularity of the boy's name Josephine over time, plus its meaning, origin, common sibling names, and more in BabyCenter's Baby Names tool. The name Josephine means God Will Increase and is of French origin. And I have always received compliments on my name. We are expecting our third daughter and will be naming her Josephine (nn Josie). *People will always shorten it to Jo, which is fine.