Free parking. Boutique-hotel style. Coordinates Bobo-Dioulasso is a city in Burkina Faso with a population of 903,887 (as of 2019); it is the second largest city in the country, after Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso's capital. Villa Rose in Bobo-Dioulasso has 3-star accommodations with free bikes and a garden. Definitely, will consider when I make it to Africa! Latin Name: Bobodiulassensis. African Proverbs – 300 Inspirational Proverbs and Quotes, How Safe is Zanzibar for Solo Female Traveller, Sacred Women Travel – Women’s Journey to Kenya. Usually it doesn’t find a place in book guides, but if you are at least a bit keen on architecture, you should take a walk to the Bobo’s railway station. I’ve been to East Africa but haven’t quite made it to West Africa. It is a charming place, with relaxed atmosphere, many cafés and restaurants, night clubs with all kinds of music. Der beamtete Kerl wollte von allen meinen Stempeln wissen, zu welchen Land sie gehörten und ob ich schon mal in Lybien war usw. So mußten wir auf die miserable Piste ausweichen, welche direkt neben der in den relativ dichten Busch geschlagenen neuen Straße verlief. Anfangs kümmerten wir uns nicht um die Absperrung, welche wir bald erreichten und rasten über den noch frischen Teer, daß er rechts und links nur so aufspritzte. Vicariate Apostolic of Bobo-Dioulasso. Wir verließen nach diesen Erkundungen Bobo Dioulasso in Richtung Banfora. Telephone: Also built in Sudano-Sahelian style and with a huge square in front, is in my opinion, the second most beautiful building in Bobo. Museum doesn’t offer only written descriptions, but also provides the audio and video presentations. It is great to read something about unusual and unpopular places. Sechs Stunden im Bus und nur ein Stopp von zehn Minuten… Und das zwei Mal in drei Tagen. I am not fact checking each guest post as I trust is accurately written by default specially posts by Katja whom I trust and respect her as a traveller and soon to be anthropologist. Nach Kurzem allerdings wurden wir von den Bauarbeitern entdeckt und kassierten mit Recht einen mächtigen Anpfiff. Free parking. Get Directions +226 66 48 41 48. Jonny, This is extremely wonderful, you are such an innovative explorer. 412 reviews. Die Straße war damals noch im Bau und wurde von Bobo Dioulasso sowie von Ouagadougou her geteert. Personally i think despite all West Africas reputation about security and with all that ebola a couple years back has been hugely tarnished in media. Materials used for building are solely natural: mud and wood. Free Wifi. Trip through some Villages in Burkina Faso "Trip through some Villages in Burkina Faso" Kiriku und die Zauberin german 01/8 The Mosque looks intriguing, I have not seen this kind of architecture before. A prominent example of Sudano-Sahelian architecture built during colonial times, is centrally located at Place Tiefo Amoro. Am nächsten Tag standen zunächst Sightseeing, dann verschiedene Erledigungen in Bobo Diolasso auf unserem Programm. Product/Service Overall the place looks like a great place to explore. Guided tour costs additional 2000 CFA (sometimes more) and is difficult to be avoided since local guides wait all around and don’t let you walk alone. Jumping on our scooter from the bus station you can already see that it has such a different atmopshere to Ouaga. Große Bäume, die entlang der Straßen Schatten spendeten, bestimmten das Bild der Stadt. Historical Details. Villa Bobo. The market is divided into many sectors, but sooner or later you will get lost. Beidseitig der Strasse überragten immer mehr große Bäume die Buschlandschaft, dazwischen … So interesting to read about places that you didn’t know you could add to your travel list or that they existed. Bear in mind that the hassle of “guides” is unavoidable, especially outside the market. Open Now. Safe travels. Er war nicht geteert und zudem herrschte, für die damaligen afrikanischen Verhältnisse, häufiger Verkehr. Burkina Faso sounds fascinating and exotic and off the beaten track. Bobo Dioulasso, die zweitgrößte Stadt Obervoltas, machte einen ruhigen und gemächlichen Eindruck, ganz anders als das quirlige Ouagadougou. What kind of live music has been your favourite? The mixture of all goods and services, fragrances, colours, music and people just makes the place very special and exciting. Hello Fatou, Thanks for stopping by and for your remarks. Today, Bobo Dioulasso still remains an important business place. Bei jedem entgegenkommendem LKW wurden unsere Fahrzeuge, von dichten undurchdringlichen roten Staubwolken eingehüllt und dadurch sogar oft zum Halt gezwungen. Guides will insist on taking you around the market and vendors will insist on selling you their goods. 312, Bobo-Dioulasso, Burkina Faso. Vendors, guides and other touts are everywhere, but mostly, they are not cheeky or aggressive. Get Directions +226 73 47 29 49. Bobo-Dioulasso liegt im Südwesten des Landes und besticht nicht nur durch seine schöne Altstadt. Am 19. Prefecture Apostolic of Bobo-Dioulasso. Just in case, to mention a few of the most popular: Les Bambous, Macoumba, Le Samanké, Le Bois d’Ébène. In front of the mosque, there are few local guides that can give you a tour inside the mosque. Thanks for sharing this as it’s a good start for people wanting to visit. I have always wanted to visit Burkina Faso especially its capital Ouagadougu. The easiest way to get there is to take a (shared) city taxi or, once you reach the city centre, to take a walk. Without a guide, one can’t enter the mosque! Binnen Kurzem waren wir wieder von einer größeren Schar neugieriger Landleute umringt, welche unser Treiben beobachteten. Show Prices. 531 likes. In general, my time in Burkina Faso has been really nice. Were there many other visitors, I wonder? Bobo Dioulasso, Burkina Faso, 01 BP 1056 BOBO Dioulasso 01. By Sanlé Sory. #2 Best Value of 45 places to stay in Bobo Dioulasso. If you only want to see and photograph it from the outside, it is possible, but if you want to have a look from inside and walk to the rooftop, you will have to pay the entrance fee (1000 CFA + guide gift) and a guide will take you inside. Mixture of Burkinabe people live there whic gives the neighbourhood a special spirit. Regierungskritische Zeitungen, die wöchentlich oder zweiwöchentlich erscheinen, sind unter anderem L’Événement , L’Indépendant , Bendré , San Finna und das satirische Wochenblatt Journal du Jeudi . Nightlife in Bobo Dioulasso is, such as in Burkina’s capital, very rich. Free Wifi. Plenty of horizontal sticks projecting from the building have two roles: they support the structure and are used as scaffold during the renovation, which is supposed to happen every year. Bobo-Dioulasso ist die zweitgrößte Stadt des westafrikanischen Staates Burkina Faso und sogleich der Name desselben Gebiets umfassenden Departements. Grand Marché is located in the heart of Bobo Dioulasso and it is a place from where you can continue nearly everywhere in the city. If you have only one day and one night to spend in Bobo Dioulasso, better plan your day in advance, so don’t hesitate to read how to spend 24 hours in Bobo-Dioulasso! Das Landschaftsbild ist hauptsächlich von einem bis zu 300 m hohen Plateau b… Der Norden von Burkina Faso ist Teil der immer wieder von Dürrekatastrophen heimgesuchten Sahelzone einem Randgebiet der Sahara. Bobo Dioulasso is a city in Burkina Faso.It is the second largest city in Burkina Faso. 300 000 Einwohner, bemerkt man den Übergang von der Trockensavanne zur Feuchtsavanne. Erected: 15 December1927. Always Open. All photos in this post by Katja Cof. Is West Africa safe? You might want to learn more about travel and backpacking in Burkina Faso and if traveling with kids to Burkina Faso, you will want to read how to explore Burkina Faso with kids. Bobo-Dioulasso, known as Bobo to everyone, is the second city of Burkina Faso with a population of about half a million people. Bis Bobo Diolasso (Bobo Dioulasso) war es nicht mehr allzu weit und wir freuten uns, mal wieder auf einer guten Teerstraße fahren zu können. Als wir dann die Pässe endlich in Händen hatten, waren die Banken schon zu und wir mußten bis 16 Uhr warten. The Grande Mosquee looks a bit scary to me. The metropolitan archbishop is Archbishop Paul Yembuado Ouédraogo, appointed in 2010. Bis Bobo Diolasso (Bobo Dioulasso) war es nicht mehr allzu weit und wir freuten uns, mal wieder auf einer guten Teerstraße fahren zu können. Interesting to hear the neighbourhood of the Grande Mosque referred to as Kibidoue, in 19 years that I have known Bobo, no one ever called it that. When visiting any of Bobo’s main tourist attractions, your visit will be accompanied by local guides. 500.000 Einwohner. What a fascinating place to visit, it looks amazing! Hinter diesem Ort, in Richtung der Elfenbeinküste, wurde der Weg katastrophal. Der Große Markt von Bobo-Dioulasso gehört zu den Hauptsehenswürdigkeiten der Stadt. When I realised I don’t know where am I, I continued walking in hope to get back to the city centre, when I saw a beautiful pure white mosque-style building. Schnell wurden deshalb bei Gegenverkehr die Fenster hochgekurbelt, trotzdem hatten wir abends dann alle einen rötlichen Teint. Bobo-Dioulasso With a population of more than half a million, Bobo-Dioulasso is the second largest city in Burkina Faso. An impressive mud mosque with wooden sticks and two tall minarets is most likely one of the biggest attractions in Burkina. Page Transparency See More. In the 19th century the Kong empire disbanded, Gwiriko was rent by revolts, and Bobo Dioulasso … The mosque was built in the late 19th century in typical Sudano -Sahelian style architecture. Village Artisanal de Bobo-Dioulasso- VAB, Bobo-Dioulasso. Everything you need to be ready to step out prepared. This was gare routière, the main railway station (Sitarail). Women are not asked to cover their hair when entering the mosque. Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube. Bobo Dioulasso used to be Burkina Faso’s economic capital until Ouaga replaced it. She traveled across Benin, Burkina Faso, Ghana, Togo, The Gambia, Uganda, Rwanda, Tanzania and Kenya mostly alone, did overland from Slovenia through Morocco, Western Sahara, Mauritania to Senegal as well as she did long term anthropological fieldwork in Northern Ghana. Bobo-Dioulasso has about 725,000 residents and an elevation of 423 metres. Da es durch diese Verzögerungen schon ziemlich spät geworden war, als wir Ouagadougou endlich verlassen konnten, suchten wir bald einen Lagerplatz. 1 Bobo-Dioulasso railway station. Aus dem geplanten Versenden unserer mittlerweile gesammelten Souvenirs per Post wurde jedoch nichts, da das in Burkina Faso extrem teuer war, wie wir auf dem örtlichen Postamt erfahren mußten. Copyright 2018 Safari Junkie™ | All Rights Reserved |, 24 Hours in Kruger National Park South Africa, Tiébélé Burkinabé Village With Painted Houses, 20 Instagram Accounts Capturing Everyday Africa, Backpacking and Travel Guide to Burkina Faso. A census taken in 2006 stated that 435,543 people lived in the city; 215,968 were … Many travellers use Bobo as their principal Burkina’s destination. Nach einer guten Strecke, das Gelände fiel gerade sanft zu einem weitläufigen Tal ab, änderte sich fast schlagartig das Landschaftsbild, alles wurde jetzt grün und saftig, mit intensiver Landwirtschaft. It offers everything: from stinky fish to fragrant spices and from car parts to underwear. 365 Kilometer ziemlich öder Strecke durch die Trocken- und später Feuchtsavanne liegen zwischen Ouagadougou und Bobo Dioulasso. Thank you for sharing. Hours 8:00 AM - 6:00 PM. Latin Name: Bobodiulassensis. As an avid expert living there for so many years I am sure you have more knowledge than someone who is travelling and writing about it. Also, as far as I know, Samanke bar has been closed. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Show Prices. I left the south-west of Burkina Faso for the country's second biggest city Bobo-Dioulasso. Die Stadt liegt im Südwesten und ist durch die Lage in diesem fruchtbaren Teil des Landes von großer wirtschaftlicher Bedeutung. In Bobo-Dioulasso erscheint seit 1998 L’Express du Faso, dessen Schwerpunkt die Berichterstattung aus Burkina Fasos Westen ist. Grabado durante el viaje para la celebración de la Semana Nacional de la Cultura de Burkina Faso." I don’t know too much about Africa so thanks for putting a lot of these places on the map for me. Great hotel set in beautiful garden. If you have only one day and one night to spend in Bobo Dioulasso, better plan your day in advance, so don’t hesitate to read how to spend 24 hours in Bobo-Dioulasso! Katja please this is really great and thanks for sharing your adventures to us all. I’ve never even heard of this place! It is worth entering the mosque and especially climb to the rooftop where you can see from closer the conic minarets. Hotel Villa Rose. Place de la Revolution is also not called by that name, but is referred to as place de la mairie centrale (town hall place) Die Fotos 22 Fotografien aus Burkina Faso; Weitere Informationen über Burkina Faso. She is deeply in love with everything related to Africa. It’s so cool that you’re experiencing what most North Americans would consider remote, dangerous, and exciting locales! Bobo Dioulasso Die Feuchtsavanne, endlich wieder alles grün! Bobo-Dioulasso is the second largest city in the country, after Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso's capital. Die Landesfläche beträgt 274 200 km². Health/Beauty. Country: Burkina Faso. Bobo Dioulasso Tourism: Tripadvisor has 650 reviews of Bobo Dioulasso Hotels, Attractions, and Restaurants making it your best Bobo Dioulasso resource. It is divided into many quarters of different artisans such as blacksmiths, weavers etc. Die République Démocratique du Burkina Faso (bis 1983 Obervolta) ist ein Binnenstaat in Westafrika und grenzt im Westen und Norden an Mali, im Nordosten des Landes liegt Niger, im Südosten Benin, im Süden Togo, Ghana und die Republik Elfenbeinküste. If you want to visit all the important sights in this city, the whole of the day you be busy. How to Apply for Ghana Visa in Ouagadougou? Auf der Botschaft von Ghana mußten wir zwei Stunden über den Termin warten bis wir unsere Pässe bekamen. It has much more to offer than Burkina’s capital. Countless labyrinths of this huge place can easily make you get lost. It’s so much greener and feels more relaxed. Bobo Dioulasso, city, southwestern Burkina Faso (formerly Upper Volta). please keep it up. If lucky, you will be even shown how the local millet beer (chopolo) is made. Things to Do in Bobo Dioulasso During the Day . Non-English speaking visitors will be a bit disappointed since all the descriptions are only in French. Facebook is showing information to help you better understand the purpose of a Page. Looks like a day well spent. Die Straße war damals noch im Bau und wurde von Bobo Dioulasso sowie von Ouagadougou her geteert. Abends suchten wir uns 2-3 Kilometer außerhalb der Stadt einen Lagerplatz. I'm shocked at how calm and peaceful this country is. View the profiles of people named Bobo Dioulasso. Facebook is showing information to help you better understand the purpose of a Page. Mailing Address: Archeveche, Lafiaso, B.P. Grande Mosquée lies in Kibidoué district, near to the Place de la Révolution.