On our side, I do not think either I or my wife want this to continue or hold anything against them.” Adding that he had “detached” himself from the rift with his brother and sister, PM Lee said: “I think the feud is on my siblings’ part. The list was created 20 years ago, and takes into consideration the size and health of a woman’s business, the arc of her career, as well as her societal and cultural influence. When Lee Kuan Yew, the principal architect and first prime minister of the wealthy island state, died in 2015, over a million Singaporean residents turned out to honour his memory and his accomplishments - not the least of was the creation of an effective and largely incorrupt government and civil service, which proved a huge magnet to foreign investors. In the first volume of his newly-released memoirs entitled Tall Order: The Goh Chok Tong Story, the Emeritus Senior Minister (ESM) revealed that some time in the 1980s, the ruling People’s Action Party (PAP) was looking for female candidates as there was a shortage of them. I do not admit guilt. However, the Great Depression in the late 1920s, and early ’30s hit the family hard, and their fortunes suffered. He then asked: Is it correct for me to say there is a sour relationship between your wife and siblings?” Mr Singh objected to this but the judge allowed it. In the book, ESM Goh related how he did think of inviting PM Lee's brother, Lee Hsien Yang, to join politics. "I urge the public to look at these and come to their own independent conclusions," she added. In a written judgment released on Friday (Nov 20), the highest disciplinary body for the legal profession found Mrs Lee guilty of misconduct unbefitting an advocate and solicitor, saying that she had “blindly followed the directions of her husband, a significant beneficiary under the very will whose execution she helped to rush through”. The videos were taken without Mr Li’s knowledge or permission, the police said in a statement. He followed in his parent’s footsteps and graduated from Trinity College, Cambridge University. "Paying the fine avoids giving the Singapore Government an easy excuse to attack me and my family," he added. by the disciplinary tribunal of grossly improper misconduct in her handling of the late Mr Lee’s last will, in findings released last week. After the initial greetings and pleasantries which are photographed, these spouses usually retreat when actual discussions commence. As we prepare for the National Day festivities, let’s take a moment to remember a lady who in many ways is responsible for the Singapore we know today. Explore genealogy for Chin Koon 李 born 1903 Semarang, Indonesia died 1997 Singapore including ancestors + children + 1 photos + more in the free family tree community. Li Shengwu announced his decision to pay the S$15,000 fine for being found to be in contempt of court, but added that he does not admit guilt. In her post, Dr Lee calls PM Lee her “dishonourable brother” who “has repeatedly alleged that my sister-in-law, Yang’s wife, prepared and somehow got our father to sign a will in December 2013.” She also accuses lawyer Kwa Kim Li of lying and having “breached her duties to her client, my father.”. As a young man with an interrupted education at Raffles College, and no steady job or profession, her parents did not look upon me as a desirable son-in-law. The younger Mr Lee also questioned, “Why is it such a big secret?”. Goh said, "I did approach Ho Ching and ask her if she would be interested in politics. [1] Lee Choo Neo was also the aunt of Lee Kuan Yew, Singapore's first Prime Minister; his father was her half-brother Lee Chin Koon. She graduated from NUS with first-class honours in Electrical Engineering and obtained her Masters of Science (Electrical Engineering) from Stanford University. He and another sibling have fallen out very publicly with their brother, current Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong, over the last will of Lee Kuan Yew made in 2013, probate for which was granted in 2015. Third, the Report lays out the possible plans and options for the Property, and the considerations for each of them, to serve as drawer plans for a future government. I decided to leave for England in September 1946 to read law, leaving her to return to Raffles College to try to win one of the two Queen’s Scholarships awarded yearly. The only other witnesses, PM Lee and Mr Xu, testified over the last three days. This, in turn, means that the government has to constantly offer high remuneration as an incentive to otherwise uninterested people. Lee-Chin married in 1974. They say their father's will stated the house should eventually be demolished after his death and they have accused Prime Minister Lee of wanting to preserve the house to build his own political capital. Contrary to what Loong has alleged, Pa knew full well the contents of his prior will when he signed his Dec 2013 will. He also said her culpability was "at least moderately high", while the harm caused by the misconduct was "at the lower end of the moderate range". Search Koon biographies: Full Name: ... Willie Lee Hedgepath Koon. Lee recalled his childhood in a wealthy family, and a time when he was allowed a "limitless account" at Robinsons and John Little, two high-end department stores in Raffles Place. Lee’s father worked as a dispenser after leaving school, and later became a purser with the Heap Eng Moh shipping line owned by tycoon Oei Tiong Ham. In a post, he wrote, “Although Temasek Holdings manages our state reserves and should be transparent, the PAP government has legislated senior management executives’ remuneration state secret”. I was about four years old. In it, Kwa appears to tell Lee – whom she addresses as “Uncle Harry” – that she will be preparing a codicil to reflect their discussed amendments to his will and would need his signature on it. After the announcement yesterday (July 9) that Temasek Holdings, Singapore’s state investment firm, reported a record net portfolio value for the last financial year, many, including Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong’s younger brother, have been asking about why its chief executive officer (CEO), Ho Ching’s salary remains shrouded in secrecy. 103 years. They were sitting on a picnic mat on the grass, enjoying a performance by the Singapore Chinese Orchestra (SCO). My wife and I have been together since 1947 for more than three quarters of our lives. Paying the fine avoids giving the Singapore government an easy excuse to attack me and my family”, Mr Li wrote. It sounds rather vague doesn't it? [1] discoveries. She first worked for Tan Kah Kee, a Chinese businessman and philanthropist, for nine years, before working for the Lees as Mr. Lee’s mother, Chua Jim Neo, took a fancy to her. In a Facebook post on Tuesday (Aug 11), a day before the fine is due, Mr Li wrote that he has decided to pay the fine "in order to buy some peace and quiet". Early life and education - Lee was born in the Indonesian town of Semarang to Lee Hoon Leong and Ko Liem Nio. She has served on the boards of publicly listed companies all over the world, including Hong Kong and New Zealand. Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong’s spokesperson has issued a letter to sociopolitical website The Online Citizen (TOC), demanding that it remove an article containing “false” and “libellous” allegations and publish an apology. Mr. Lee Kuan Yew had been engaged in politics over the years, with numerous political opponents who alleged that he is ruthless. They all came from the Shunde district in Guangdong province. Jennie C Koon. A: Wei Ling as an MP. Lee Kuan Yew on his own drafted an amendment to the Will (a codicil) and executed it 2 weeks later. http://theindependent.sg/the-secret-that-is-ho-chings-sala…/. In response to Shengwu’s most recent revelation that he has decided to remove Hongyi from his Facebook friends list, the Prime Minister’s son wrote on Facebook: “I don’t know whats going on between you and the government, but I’ve got nothing to do with it. 1931: Lee Hoon Leong 1871–1942: Ko Liem Nio 1883–1959: Lee Chin Koon 1903–1997: Chua Jim Neo 1907–1980: Lee Kuan Yew 1923–2015: Kwa Geok Choo 1920–2010: Dennis Lee Kim Yew 1925-2003: Gloria Lee (Woo) Sau Yin: Freddy Lee Thiam Yew With Ho Ching heading the fund for the past 16 years, since 2002, many push for some transparency. The cousins, who drew attention when they delivered eulogies at their grandfather’s funeral in 2015, were both in the west coast of the United States at one point as Shengwu was pursuing his PhD at Stanford University and Hongyi was working at Google in Silicon Valley. My father, Lee Chin Koon, was 20. I don’t understand what it’s about … I no longer own 38 Oxley, I have sold it to Lee Hsien Yang, and recused myself from the government’s handling of the matter. father. And on himself, as he was seen taking a selfie. Tom Koon Sheng family tree Senior Counsel Davinder Singh, one of the Prime Minister’s lawyers, asked about the relevance of such a question. The book came to the attention of National Neuroscience Institute chief Lee Wei Ling recently. Lee Chin Koon (b. Bio. Hsien Loong did not have it," he added. I disagree that my words were illegal. We collect and match historical records that Ancestry users have contributed to their family trees to create each person’s profile. She said she showed the alphabet to LKY only once and when she shuffled the letters, my brother - who was just a few years old - managed to put all the letters back in the right order. With three – what chance would you have? The article and Facebook post repeated several false allegations that were levelled against PM Lee by his sister, Dr Lee Wei Ling, said Ms Chang. Here is one email proving my father discussed his December 2013 will with Kwa Kim Li. Such rituals are no longer observed. It is believed the vehicle was not a private-hire car. I recall the ritual mourning when my maternal grandmother died some 75 years ago. But it’s one of those things that happen in life, and this too shall pass.”. Clockwise from left, Mr Lee's siblings Monica, Dennis, Freddy and Suan Yew, his mother Chua Jim Neo and father Lee Chin Koon. Ultimately, after sounding out George Yeo – who went on to become Foreign Minister – and then political neophyte Hsien Loong, Goh decided against it. Upon hearing the news, she said her heart felt heavy and that she hoped PM Lee Hsien Loong and Lee Hsien Yang would take care of their health and not be too grieved. She was also formerly the President of the Inter-Pacific Bar Association. Please add. Several photos circulated online showed him chilling on a picnic mat with his New Balance shoes off, together with his wife and a young child, who is believed to be his grandchild. Still, ESM Goh thought that Hsien Yang's experience in the private sector is one up when compared to PM Lee, who does not have any. I thought of Hsien Yang, but I did not recommend him because I think he would be outshone by his brother. So, he was helping me. Never did she expect the eldest son of the family to eventually become the Prime Minister of Singapore. Before long, Lee having gained Oei’s trust and confidence, was accorded power of attorney over the tycoon's assets in Singapore. Hsien Loong phoned our father to tell him about the baby’s condition, and added: ’He will not be able to do national service.’. The siblings of Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong are seeking the convening of a disciplinary tribunal to investigate the conduct of their cousin, Ms Kwa Kim Li, who prepared six wills for their late father Lee Kuan Yew. "Nobody would believe I am my own man, isn't it? I have decided to pay the fine, in order to buy some peace and quiet. They speak of a sad time in our family, of persisting despite everything, of keeping faith with the fundamentals. I was born in Singapore on 16 September 1923 in a large two-story bungalow at 92 Kampong Java Road. Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong’s wife, Ho Ching, shared a somewhat personal post on Facebook today, agreeing with the sentiment that being a grandmother is “one of the best blessings in the world”. It found that Mrs Lee, a senior lawyer of 37 years, had “misled” a frail and ailing Lee Kuan Yew into signing his last will. Singapore's Law Society yesterday set out its arguments on why senior lawyer Lee Suet Fern should be disbarred over her handling of founding prime minister Lee Kuan Yew's will, saying she had been involved in its preparation and execution despite knowing her husband stood to gain from it. - demolish it, or let the government decide whether to make it a heritage landmark. Goh said he spotted her in Mindef and thought that she had the necessary "intellect and attributes". 1931: Lee Hoon Leong 1871–1942: Ko Liem Nio 1883–1959: Lee Chin Koon 1903–1997: Chua Jim Neo 1907–1980: Lee Kuan Yew 1923–2015: Kwa Geok Choo 1920–2010: Dennis Lee Kim Yew 1925-2003: Gloria Lee (Woo) Sau Yin: Freddy Lee Thiam Yew MP is okay. Born in 1907, Chua Jim Neo is the eldest daughter of Chua Kim Teng and Leong Ah Soon. Her actions were of sufficient gravity that the matter will be referred to the Court of Three Judges, the highest disciplinary body to deal with lawyers' misconduct. Temasek announced its results yesterday. Photos of the vandalised DBS branch were posted late Thursday morning (Nov 14) on a Facebook group called the Concerned Citizens Band Together for a better Singapore. A Singaporean who filmed Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong’s son Li Yipeng as he gave him a ride in his car was. Lee Choo Neo (September 7, 1895 - September 7, 1947) was the first female doctor to practice in Singapore. My father had a violent temper, but that evening his rage went through the roof. “But in Cabinet, how could I succeed as a PM if the father was there, the elder son and the second son too? The Disciplinary Tribunal’s report on the case referred by AG against Hsien Yang’s wife, in my view, is a travesty. She had five children, a daughter and four boys, the eldest of whom was Lee Kuan … Ministry Of Communications And Information/Prime Minister's Office, Mr Vivian Balakrishnan speaking at the PAP rally at a field along Commonwealth Avenue on Sept 7, 2015.ST PHOTO: LIM SIN THAI. But I suppose thats (sic) how we communicate nowadays.”, The relationship between Singapore founding Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew’s grandsons Li Shengwu and Li Hongyi appears to be as fractured as ever. As evidence of Kwa’s alleged involvement, she also attached a photo of an e-mail supposedly sent by Kwa to the late Lee on 12 December 2013. I understand that political spouses have a certain role to play alongside their husbands or wives who are politicians. Is what is best for PAP always what is best for Singapore as a country? WIKITREE PROTECTS MOST SENSITIVE INFORMATION BUT ONLY TO THE EXTENT STATED IN THE TERMS OF SERVICE AND PRIVACY POLICY. Her attendance in court was her first public appearance since the start of the 38 Oxley Road saga. But she wasn’t just a wife — she was a pillar of strength, confidante and advisor to LKY. He passed away on 10 Jan 1960 in San Diego, San Diego, California, United States of America . The rich and modern metropolis of Singapore is frequently described as an "economic miracle". But because they were all younger than I was, I often played with the children of the Chinese fishermen and of the Malays living in a nearby kampong, a cluster of some 20 or 30 attap- or zinc-roofed wooden huts in a lane opposite my grandfather's house. Lee Kuan Yew suggested Wei Ling as PAP candidate: Goh Chok Tong. I grew up with my three brothers, one sister and seven cousins in the same house. On one side of the dispute stands the eldest son, Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong, 67, who believes the government must decide what should be done. He was a ship purser but was blind when Wee Kim Wee was six years old. It provided for equal shares for all the children, something he had agreed with our mother and all of us. At that time, we did not have so many women candidates. They were known as ma jie, amah or zi shu nu – women who took celibacy vows to better serve their masters. Kwa is a maternal cousin of the Lees, An image shared by Lee Wei Ling of a supposed e-mail sent by Lee & Lee lawyer Kwa Kim Li to the late Lee Kuan Yew on 12 December 2013. Former Prime Minister and current Emeritus Senior Minister Goh Chok Tong (Goh), has in his newly-released memoirs entitled Tall Order: The Goh Chok Tong Story, confirmed that this practice of inviting suitable candidates to join the firm. He was duly awarded the Grand Cordon of the Order of the Paulownia Flowers — the highest honour for foreign leaders conferred by the Japanese. From competitors, they gradually became lovers. She was still young.”. A police report has been made regarding videos taken of Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong's son, Mr Li Yipeng, who was offered a ride in a private car, said the police in a statement on Sunday (March 17). Goh continued that Lee Hsien Yang “would be different from the brother,” had he entered politics since he is not a yes man. Lee & Lee have always been lawyers for my father’s personal matters including all his wills, powers of attorney, and Advance Medical Directives including his affirmation in August 2014 of his AMD. CONTENT MAY BE COPYRIGHTED BY WIKITREE COMMUNITY MEMBERS. Emeritus Senior Minister (ESM) Goh Chok Tong has revealed that in the early 1980s, he approached Ho Ching to enter politics – but was told that the timing was wrong. The dispute revolves around what to do with their late father's house at. He was clear in his decision for the Will. Lee Kuan Yew was himself a lawyer, and the idea that he would have signed anything against his wishes is fantasy. No call to social action this year -- I'll be more selfish: it's the day before my birthday (it's also the day after Magnus' birthday). This was key to the arguments put forward by Mrs Lee’s lawyers in her defence at a disciplinary tribunal. Ever since the joint statement released by Dr Lee Wei Ling and Mr Lee Hsien Yang on June 14, there has been a constant stream of he-said she-said on Facebook, with the siblings embroiled in a war of words. To me, the aspiration to hold political office should be a calling. The Report lays out a range of options for the Property – from preservation on one end, to demolition and redevelopment on the other. She was just 15 when she wed Mr Lee Chin Koon in an arranged marriage. I have never denied writing what I wrote, to my friends in a private Facebook post. “I hope against hope that one day, matters can be repaired. One Singaporean, Philip Ang, did some calculations and comparisons. Family. He added that he did think of Lee Hsien Yang but did not approach him because he would have been outshone by his elder brother and partly because he did not want to be seen as just a figurehead if three Lee men are in Parliament: “He never mentioned Hsien Yang. I mean, that was how people would think, not knowing we are different individuals.". Lawyer Lee Suet Fern has been suspended from practice for 15 months after she was found guilty of misconduct over the handling of the last will of Singapore's founding prime minister Lee Kuan Yew. 11 outstanding Singaporean women past and present will be inducted to the Singapore Women's Hall of Fame (SWHF) Friday evening (March 27) at a gala dinner to mark International Women's Day which fell on Mar 8. Chua had to take on menial jobs to support the family, after her husband was incapacitated. In those days, colourful alphabet toys were not available, so my mother made her own by cutting out letters from The Straits Times' headlines. Entrepreneur of the Year, 1997. In our quiet moments, we would revisit our lives and times together. IMPORTANT PRIVACY NOTICE & DISCLAIMER: YOU HAVE A RESPONSIBILITY TO USE CAUTION WHEN DISTRIBUTING PRIVATE INFORMATION. She has also breached her duties to her client, my father,” said the 64-year-old in a Facebook post on Tuesday (30 April). ESM Goh: Hsien Yang has private sector’s experience while Hsien Loong has none. Is this the best use of public money? He believes news in Singapore is heavily controlled by the government and he’s said “…my immediate family has been increasingly worried about the lacks of checks on abuse of power”. Loong’s late wife Ming Yang died of a heart attack three weeks after delivering the baby. A 98-year-old lady, Mdm Ouyang Huan Yan, who was Mr. Lee’s former nanny, was oblivious to his demise until she was contacted by a reporter for an interview. Lee received the Business China Young Achiever Award in 2017. “She would have made a good minister, a different kind of minister.”, Ho, who is now chief executive of Singapore sovereign wealth fund Temasek Holdings, was in her late 20s at the time. In the videos, the man, who had offered and given Mr Li a ride, was heard asking the 36-year-old repeatedly to confirm his identity, his residential address and the security arrangements for him. Family tree of Lee Kuan Yew Lee Bok Boon 1846–1920: Seow Huan Neo 1850–c. Lee Chin Koon married Chua Jim Neo and one of their children is Lee Kuan Yew. Do you agree with ESM Goh that Ho Ching would have made a good minister? 12 October 1997 Singapore) was a storekeeper and depot manager for the Shell Oil Company, and father of Singapore's first prime minister, Lee Kuan Yew. Another graduate from Cambridge University, he obtained a double first in Engineering Science and has a Masters of Science in Management from Stanford University. Nobody would believe am my own man isn’t it? From late November 2013 all the way till Friday 13 December 2013, my father had had discussions and exchanged emails with KKL of Lee & Lee on what he wanted in his will. He also mentioned that Mr LKY had spoken to him of his trust in and admiration of Mrs Lee during a lunch he hosted for Mr LKY in 2008 in London. In a speech in 1996, then Senior Minister Lee Kuan Yew (LKY) urged young Singaporeans to go out into the world and seize opportunities. Photos captured by eyewitnesses, showing the head of Government and his wife playing with their grandchild on a picnic mat and behaving like typical grandparents, quickly went. These included discussions of his immediately prior will. The car was driven by a 31-year-old Singaporean man, added the police. These games nurtured a fighting spirit and the will to win. And it isn’t easy for the public to follow as most are unfamiliar names. We decided to provide some background information of the Lee family involved in the dispute, so you are better able follow the events. Sim held his phone in one hand while steering the car with the other hand to film Li. His passion for debate saw him beat 700 others to the “Best Speaker” award at the 2010 World Universities Debating Championships. She did not say no, but rather, not at [that] stage. Mr Lee Kuan Yew's mother among 11 women inducted to Singapore Women's Hall of Fame. For five nights the family would gather to sing her praises and wail and mourn at her departure, led by a practised professional mourner. The Report does not make any recommendations and there is no need to make a decision on the Property now. Moreover, civilized countries should not fine or jail their citizens for private comments on the court system. Michael Lee-Chin is best known as a business magnate, investor, and philanthropist. “Who will believe that he would have had any objection to his daughter-in-law helping to arrange for the witnessing of his will, which she did not draft, or that she acted in any way improperly? Below I reproduce a letter from my mother to me, dated Nov 25, 1982, and my reply, dated Dec 7, 1982. One of my mother's favourite stories of LKY was about the time she taught him his ABCs. MINISTERIAL COMMITTEE COMPLETES ITS WORK, LAYS OUT RANGE OF OPTIONS FOR 38 OXLEY ROAD FROM PRESERVATION TO DEMOLITION: The Ministerial Committee on 38 Oxley Road has completed its work and released its Report today. Ouyang was an 18-year-old when she left her home in Xixi village, Guangdong province in 1934 with her sisters and aunts. At home, he was ever the devoted son who cared deeply for his mother, Chua Jim Neo, even if he upset her once by cancelling her driving licence when he decided she had become too old to drive. But with economic pressures increasing amid a growing appetite for greater democracy, Lee Kuan Yew's complex legacy is coming under scrutiny. Here are 8 interesting facts about the woman that give us a glimpse into not only Mr Lee’s life, but as well as the Singapore of yesterday. My grief at her passing cannot be expressed in words. The tribunal ruled that she had failed to advance the interests of Mr Lee, who was her client in the preparation and execution of his final will dated December 2013, and that she failed to advise him to be independently advised. The various options in the Report are meant to help a future government make an informed and considered decision when the need arises. Mdm Chua, better known as Mrs Lee Chin Koon, wrote her definitive Mrs Lee's Cookbook in 1974 when she was 67 yrs old. He greatly admired her for standing up to her temperamental, more carefree husband in order to keep the family finances healthy and raise her children properly. But that was before she was married to PM Lee, after Lee's first wife Wong Ming Yang died shortly after giving birth to their first son, who was born with Albinism. Prior to his involvement in the political scene. This was what I believe led Pa to decide to revert to reinstate the provision to demolish the house, which had always been his unwavering wish, and also to grant me the right to live in the house as long as I wished. 12 October 1997 Singapore) was a storekeeper and depot manager for the Shell Oil Company, and father of Singapore's first prime minister, Lee Kuan Yew. If she did not win it, she would have to wait for me for three years. The article published on TOC’s website and Facebook page on 15 August last year is titled “PM Lee’s wife, Ho Ching weirdly shares article on cutting ties with family members”. Lee Chee Koon. He revealed that "in the early 1980s, he approached Ho Ching to enter politics – but was told that the timing was wrong." My brothers, my sister and I were very conscious of her sacrifices; we felt we could not let her down and did our best to be worthy of her and to live up to her expectations.”. Loong eventually persuaded Papa that since Oxley had been “gazetted”, it was futile to keep Papa’s direction to demolish Oxley in his will. We had committed ourselves to each other. She applied to have the subpoena set aside but Justice Audrey Lim dismissed the application on Thursday morning. Earlier, in February this year, a disciplinary tribunal had found her guilty of "grossly improper conduct", and yesterday, the Law Society asked a Court of Three Judges to uphold the finding. Because of the large number of wives and children Eduan has fathered, there is a lot of veiled competition among the children of the family; too much competition has created the 'official' fights. She also witnessed the wedding of Mr Lee Kuan Yew and Madam Kwa Geok Choo, his classmate from Cambridge University. Historical Person Search Search Search Results Results David Harvey Koon (1899 - 1977) Try FREE for 14 days Try FREE for 14 days How do we create a person’s profile? Papa had come to a view that the government would reverse course on the “gazetting” of 38 Oxley Road after his death benefitting Loong as a result. The Lee family dispute — where allegations were made against Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong by his own siblings, has been a messy affair. This involves three complaints relating to Kwa that were made by the siblings, and which were investigated by an Inquiry Committee in 2019. This begs the question - What attributes are they looking for? This was down to her “very strong compassion for the down and out” and her “very strong sense of justice”, said the 77-year-old, quoting the late Lee. “His time as PM coincided with the Asean members (then five of us) coming together to oppose Vietnam’s invasion of Cambodia and the Cambodian government that replaced the Khmer Rouge,” Lee wrote. [1] Her father, Lee Hoon Leong, was a merchant. Lee Suet Fern was not acting as a lawyer in the preparation of Lee Kuan Yew’s final will, and Mr Lee knew what he wanted, which was to revert to a previous will distributing equal shares of his estate to his children. A man of his status might have been revered by many, there are also many dissidents who want to bring him down. Screengrab of Lee Suet Fern in an interview for Morgan, Lewis & Bockius LLP. Parliament session a cover-up & whitewash? Today’s Chinese newspaper Zaobao, reported on a significant find of Lee Kuan Yew’s maternal ancestry in the depths of the forest of Bukit Brown. The truth is that my father had discussed the changes he wanted extensively with KKL before he signed his December 2013 will. I had been mischievous and had messed up an expensive jar of my father's 4711 pale-green scented brilliantine. The 4 tombs were identified as belonging to Chua Kim Teng and his two wives Seow Geok Luan and Leong Ah Soon, and Lee Kuan Yew’s maternal great grandfather Chua Eng Cheong. The duo applied for the order under section 96(1) of the Legal Profession Act, and had sought for the Law Society to be directed to apply to the Chief Justice for the appointment of a Disciplinary Tribunal for a formal investigation into Kwa’s conduct.