The process is ongoing, see below. Search for jobs and companies. Candidates can apply for the below listed well-funded Germany PhD Positionsin the areas of neuroscience, ancient studies, biology, political science, history and other relevant disciplines. started a particular health department, for the mediation of nurses and caring jobs. PhD vacancies. Update: 12.03.2021. Research Stockholm University conducts independent basic research and impartial applied research of high calibre. Enter free text keywords and select criteria in the black boxes to perform a job search; Use the Filter By to filters job offers offered by refugee-welcoming organisations. Create user profile. A promovendus position may also include teaching and other departmental duties. In this post, we have listed all available Fully Funded Academic Jobs such as fully-funded PhD and Postdoc Positions at the Southern Denmark University (SDU). PhD student in Space Physics 2021-02-25 Vacancy . Institutionen för elektroteknik Last application date: 2021-04-15. Read more about each job by clicking the job title. Once the PhD project is initiated, you would be enrolled in the relevant PhD programme at the University of Southern Denmark (SDU). PhD. DTU develops technology for people. Become a researcher Blogs at the University Films on research Independent research in an international environment Research infrastructure Research on the coronavirus The Conversation news In 2014 an incredible Number of 85,000 people chose Germany to write their dissertations or join one of our growing number of doctoral research teams. It is certainly advisable to seek the approval of the Aliens’ Authority ("Ausländerbehörde") and/or the Job Centre, because many exceptions apply. Date published: 30 Mar 2021 . Search Jobs Search Projects. Tel:+86-(0)531-88364854. STI – Two PhDs student positions in Interfacial 5 th INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE on LIFELONG EDUCATION AND LEADERSHIP FOR ALL CONFERENCE PROCEEDING BOOK PhD Physiological responses to far-red light in fruiting tomato plants 26 March 2021 . PAUSD - PhD Association of SDU, Odense. See all openings and find information on how and when to apply. It is important here to observe possible restrictions. SB – PhD position on non-linear optics and quantum optics in wide bandgap material photonic crystals. SB – PhD position in Surface Reaction Dynamics. 15 PhD positions. The same also applies to spouses if they wish to work in Germany. Vacancies; Hiring process; Working at UiO; About UiO > Jobs at UiO > Vacancies Norwegian version of this page. The PhD programmes at the University of Southern Denmark are research training programmes at the highest international level. Vacancies at KTH Royal Institute of Technology. Kick-start your career on SDU Jobbank, the preferred career network for students and graduates. PhD student in Economic History - Demography in the Middle East (PA2021/858) Department of Economic History, Lund University School of Economics and Management. PAUSD is the PhD Association at University of Southern Denmark: a common voice for the 1000+ Ph.D. students at SDU. Department of Geography - Application deadline: Monday, April 19, 2021. The screening of applications is ongoing, see below. The funding programme is open to students from all around the world. Geophysical Institute - Application deadline: Sunday, April 18, 2021. Whatever position you have, you can take a lot of personal responsibility in a workplace that has a strong sense of fellowship. 30 March 2021. PhD candidate Integrative Model-based Cognitive Neuroscience. A PhD programme or PhD track at EUR might just be suited for you. Post a job . Sign up . PhD position in wind energy meteorology - Marie Skłodowska-Curie. Doing a PhD in Germany Germany’s reputation as an outstanding research destination continues to attract the world’s finest minds. STI. SB – PhD position on optical trapping in photonic crystal structures . Next page. Find your next job or project. Search. PhD scholarship in digital twin of the smart energy ecosystem Center for Energy Informatics at University of Southern Denmark invites applications for a 3-year PhD scholarship in collaboration with the Sino-Danish Center in Beijing, China. RESEARCHER PROFILE: First Stage Researcher (R1) / Recognised Researcher (R2) / Established Researcher (R3) / Leading Researcher (R4) APPLICATION DEADLINE: 31/07/2020. Please note that we cannot reply to questions regarding individual applications during this process. Home Research; PhD; PhD vacancies; Search. Stephen Cowley; IRS, Lillebaelt Hospital, Biochemistry and Immunology - Vejle; Person: VIP Update: 26.03.2021. Selected students will be offered a four-year contract, during which they complete courses and research projects. Update: 22.02.2021 . PhD Position with scholarships in SDU, Denmark - Business marketing, Entrepreneurship, Supply chain management, Social science Majors - PhD studies At KTH you will have the opportunity of bringing life to your ideas and, at the same time, contributing to tomorrow's society. Søg efter ekspertise, navn eller tilknytning. Overview PhD positions. View our current PhD vacancies … PhD VACANCIES. In 2004 the In 2004 the company even focused on doctors when they were in short supply. PhD position on genuine collaboration with industrial robots (sponsored by LEGO Systems A/S) SDU Robotics, part of the Maersk Mc-Kinney Moller Institute, University of Southern Denmark (SDU), invites applications for a PhD candidate in the area of agile human-robot interaction with multi-robot systems in industrial assembly tasks.The position will be vacant from 1. University of Southern Denmark (SDU): PhD, Postdoc, Faculty (40 Positions) Position: Professor and Head of Research in Forensic Psychiatry. create jobagent. Here you can get an idea of our current research and ongoing projects. 2-year Postdoctoral Position in Statistics for COVID-19 modelling at the Oslo Centre for Biostatistics and Epidemiology (OCBE) Department: Institute of Basic Medical Sciences. As part of the PhD study, an individual education programme within the relevant discipline of the candidate has to be completed. Jobs and vacancies at SLU. Humanities (3) Social and Behavioural Sciences (2) Economics and Business (1) Science (14) Results: 1 - 20 of 20. Please, follow the instructions closely when applying. TYPE OF … Would you like to pursue a career in research at Erasmus University Rotterdam in The Netherlands? Gefällt 338 Mal. See all 78 results. PhD: Bioorganic Chemistry, University of Southern Denmark (SDU) PhD Position in Bioorganic Chemistry, at the University of Southern Denmark (SDU) in the field of Biological sciences, Chemistry, Physics. Deadline:2020-Oct-25. Results: 1 - 20 of 20. ıt is international conference book. PhD student in extreme weather events, with a focus on heatwaves 2021-03-01. Email: Doctoral Programs. PhD students also have the option of meeting their living costs with a part-time job outside education or research. Create employer account. The prestigious programme will recognize international … Your doctorate will be granted after the successful completion of your thesis presentation. Two PhD positions - ROBOFOOD: New science and technology of edible robots and robotic food for human and animals 30 March 2021. Faculty of Health Sciences. Faculty of Health Sciences. Languages: English. SDU Center for Energy Informatics (CEI) is an interdisciplinary industry-oriented research and innovation center with an international outlook. PhD Vacancies. Work at NTNU. PhD Scholarship in Ultra-coherent Quantum Optomechanics : DTU Physics : 11 APR 21 : Previous page. Filters. Department of Earth Sciences Last application date: 2021-04-12. PhD programmes. Contact us. You will find deadlines and requirements for all types of PhD positions, fellowships and scholarships on the individual graduate school websites. Are you an employer? Deadline:2020-Oct-25. Jobs, student jobs, internships and projects, it’s all there. Post jobs and source for talent. Vacancies Academic positions. Two PhD positions in Silicon nanobiosensors for single molecule analysis 2021-02-26. There are in two separate Table. Home 〉 Programs 〉 Degree Programs 〉 Doctoral Programs This means that as a PhD student you will be at … PhD The Gut: a crucial regulator of brain health? SB – PhD position Statistical Mechanics of Intracellular condensates. Updated on 26 September 2019 Technology for people. Every year thousands of research students earn their PhD degree in Germany, making it a best destination for doctoral education and training. PhD candidate effector-driven breeding for resistance to Verticillium in potato 25 March 2021. Position: Postdoc in Translational Pharmacology. The graduate schools at Aarhus University offer both predefined PhD projects and the option of applying with one’s own PhD project description through an open call. Search... Filter on: Faculty. In Denmark there are two-types of PhD programme: the standard university-based research PhD and the industrial PhD.. On a three-year industrial programme, you will complete a project within a company’s field of interest.You will both be employed by the company and enrolled at a university. Find jobs and vacancies as well as doctoral fellowships. STI – PhD in SMA-powered Smart Grippers. Jobs; PhD positions; Suchen English. Faculty: Faculty of Medicine. Postdoctoral Research Fellow position in System Dynamics at the Department of Geography. Dorte Aalund Olsen. SDU Fully-Funded PhD Position in Health Informatics and Technology for International Students, Denmark The University of Southern Denmark is currently accepting applications for the Fully-Funded PhD Position in Denmark for the academic session 2020/2021. The center is part of the Faculty of Engineering (TEK), University of Southern Denmark, Position: PhD position on Digital Twins for robotic welding in ship building. The center focuses on development of innovative digital energy solutions that can facilitate the transition towards a sustainable energy system. Prospective PhD students can apply for a Promovendus position.