Choose a Social Media Icon. Die Rede ist von Icons, genauer gesagt von Icon Fonts (Bilderschriften), mithilfe derer keine Texte, sondern Icons geschrieben werden können. Social Media Icons vs. Social Media Feeds. Finding an icon you need isn’t hard at all. Social Icons Widget & Block helps you to add quickly icons with links to your profiles from different social networks. Therefore, using Social Media Icons Plugin for WordPress is the best way to add many likely icons at any place on your site. Select the Social icons block to reveal its options. Loggen Sie sich im Adminbereich bei Wordpress ein und wechseln Sie in den Reiter "Plugins". The Social Icons block allows you to add social media icons to any page or post and direct people to your social media profiles. And WordPress doesn’t include a native feature to include icons in the menu either. Um das Plugin auch an Ihre Seite anzupassen, können Sie es platzieren, wo Sie möchten. Suchen Sie dort nach "Ultimate Social Media Icons" und aktivieren Sie es, indem Sie auf "Aktivieren" daneben klicken. But that doesn’t mean you can’t do it. Here is how you can easily add social media icons to your WordPress site. Click on the plus button to reveal the available social media platforms. Social Icons. Insert Social Icons in WordPress. It is a simple block of social follow icons you can insert anywhere on your post or page and add your social profile URLs.. 12 Best Social Links Widget WordPress Plugins 2020 1. Icons sind nicht nur als Social-Media-Links, sondern auch als Menü-Icons sehr beliebt. Even though some themes like Divi include some options to add social media icons to the menu, most themes don’t come with this feature. All it takes is installing a simple plugin and making your own menu to highlight each platform’s icon. 5. In this post, we listed the 7 best WordPress Social Media Icons Plugin, you only need to consider carefully and choose the best one for yoursefl. Also, the size of the icons and padding is adjustable as per your need. WordPress introduced a Social Icons widget in version 5.4. Since social media widgets refer to social media content, the next question is… “Which content is better to display on your site: social media icons or social media feeds?” Social media icons are simple buttons you add to your WordPress. However, the name “Social Icons” may confuse you. As we said earlier, Social Icons Widget supports more than 80 social media platforms and for some of them, the icon … Type in or paste your links; After you insert the address, the corresponding social icon will appear.This, however, applies to the biggest, most widely used social networks. Social Icons is a spectacular social media icons widget WordPress plugin.As the name itself, the plugin is a collection of simple yet beautiful social icons for your site.You can select from more than 100 icons to display on your site. The plugin includes several icon sets, which gives you the possibility to use the widget for more than just linking to your social media profiles. Alert Buttons Outline Buttons Split Buttons Animated Buttons Fading Buttons Button on Image Social Media Buttons Read More Read Less Loading Buttons Download Buttons Pill Buttons Notification Button Icon Buttons Next/prev Buttons More Button in Nav Block Buttons Text Buttons Round Buttons Scroll To Top Button Forms If you do not see the platform you need in the menu, type the name of the platform in the search box. Although you will encounter some coding, we assure you that adding social media icons to WordPress isn’t complicated at all. Select the icon from the menu to add it to the block. Wir erklären Ihnen, was für Vorteile Ihnen Icon … You can use generic icons … A menu with some social media platforms will appear. As previously mentioned, WordPress doesn’t have a built-in menu for social sharing or the most intuitive method of adding these buttons. 4. Get started by clicking the + Inserter icon at the bottom-left corner of the screen and select the Social Icons Block from the blocks list Once you add the block it will look… 1. So, in this post, we’ll show you three methods to easily add social media icons to your WordPress menu. 3. How to Add Social Media Icons to WordPress. A quick Google search will provide you with a vast number of choices.