For British actor Regé-Jean Page, who sets hearts aflutter in Netflix’s new period drama Bridgerton as the dashing duke Simon Basset, the role of … Hierop wilde de acteur dan wél weer reageren. by Grayson Gilcrease It's hilarious, the more seriously a show tries to take itself and detach itself from that, the more that the love story generally tends to come forward.". De acteur werd namelijk meerdere malen intiem knuffelend gespot met de knappe Emily Brown. 1 day ago, by Haley Lyndes "Bridgerton" is the No. Needs to Solve This Especially Creepy Cliffhanger, If This Who Killed Sara? Zijn moeder was een Zimbabwaanse verpleegkundige en zijn vader een Engelse predikant. Romance is a wonderful thing and we need more of it in the world," he told the magazine. ☝️, Awesome, You’re All Set! Even though the eyes of the world are on you, it's that little bubble of honesty between those two characters," he told Oprah Magazine. 1 show on Netflix right now, and stars Phoebe Dynevor and Regé-Jean Page certainly bring the heat onscreen! By signing up, I agree to the Terms and Privacy Policy and to receive emails from POPSUGAR. Zo deden onlangs geruchten de ronde dat Regé-Jean en zijn tegenspeler Phoebe Dynevor in real life ook een koppel zouden zijn. Page graduated from Drama Centre in 2013, and during his last year at the University, Rege starred in Michael Longhurst's The History Boys. De gelukkige lady Emily is een freelance tekstschrijver van beroep en heeft volgens de roddelsite gewerkt met grote merken als Uber, Nike en Converse. But that doesn't necessarily mean he's single either. (Source:Daily Mail Online) The 31 year old UK born, and Zimbabwean raised actor has a real life girlfriend with whom he shares their £800,000 North London home. The Bridgerton star is rumored to be dating a woman named Emily Brown. Bridgerton’s Jaunty Duke Regé-Jean Page Real Life Partner, Emily Brown outside their North London home. Maarre, dit zorgde er wel voor dat fans van de Bridgerton flink wat gossip de wereld in brachten. Acteurs Regé-Jean Page (Simon) en Jonathan Bailey (Anthony) weten dat maar al te goed. Although he was born in London, he spent part of his childhood in Zimbabwe before returning to the U.K. for secondary school. Artist "You have this space to flirt and communicate in private. Regé-Jean Page at the Vanity Fair EE Rising Star BAFTAs pre-party in London on Jan. 22, 2020. Regé-Jean Page height: how tall is Regé-Jean Page? Please select the topics you're interested in: Would you like to turn on POPSUGAR desktop notifications to get breaking news ASAP? Page wasn’t exactly a household name before Bridgerton, but he certainly will be soon. View this post on Instagram. Regé-Jean Page. Enne, daarnaast is Emily ook nog parttime voetballer voor FFB Warriors, een club in Zuidwest-Londen. In an interview with Entertainment Weekly, Regé-Jean admitted to being quite a romantic at heart. Je bekijkt ze *HIER*. February 9, 2021 by Grayson Gilcrease. Regé-Jean Page NAACP Image Awards Backstage Interview March 27, 2021, 5:42 PM Regé-Jean Page on how he's going to celebrate his first Image … Net worth. De Duke of Hastings is – helaas – in het echte leven ook al bezet. Rege-Jean Page in New York City on Feb.17, 2021. He also embraces the inherent romance in one of our favorite classic period-drama tropes: held-gaze ballroom scenes between two characters — a type of scene he and costar Phoebe Dynevor, as Simon and Daphne, excel at. Regé-Jean deelt niet veel over zijn privéleven en houdt ook zijn relatie met Emily graag onder de radar. Regé-Jean is no longer available. 12K Shares Theory Is Actually True, It Could Change Everything, Ella Emhoff's Rumored Boyfriend, Sam Hine, Sounds Like Quite the Catch. All gifs were created by me but footage belong to the rightful owners. The 31-year-old also told Variety that his interest in the Duke of Hastings role was tied to its brevity. Wanneer moet je zonnecrème gebruiken in je huidverzorgingsroutine? Seun is a famous Nigerian singer and one of the sons of the late musician Fela Kuti. 1 day ago. A post shared by Regé-Jean Page (@regejean) Benieuwd naar de foto's van Regé-Jean en zijn lover Emily? Move over, boys, there's a new TV crush in town! Move over, boys, there's a new TV crush in town! Plak (CTRL+V) de gekopieerde URL in het tekstvak, Vind hier alles wat je nodig hebt om te klussen, Deze koppeling wordt geopend in een nieuw venster, Deze koppeling opent een externe site in een nieuw venster. 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After joining the National Youth Theatre, he graduated with a degree from Drama Centre London. Actor Regé-Jean Page, who plays the Duke of Hastings in Netflix hit Bridgerton, was seen wrapping his arms around his real life girlfriend Emily Brown outside their home in North London A source confirmed to Entertainment Tonight on Friday that the actor is dating copywriter and part-time soccer player Emily Brown. What else has Regé-Jean Page been in? It’s going to have a beginning, middle, end ― give us a year,” Page told Variety of how the role was presented to him. Page stands tall at a height of 5 feet and 11 inches and he weighs approximately 76kgs. Microsoft en partners kunnen een provisie ontvangen als je iets aanschaft via aanbevolen koppelingen in dit artikel. In real life, though, Regé-Jean is much less open about his personal feelings and relationships. What to Remember About The Falcon and the Winter Soldier's Latest Marvel Cameo, Regé-Jean admitted to being quite a romantic at heart, embracing writer and part-time athlete Emily Brown. The Duke of Hastings may have been a bit of a rake before he met Daphne Bridgerton, but Regé-Jean Page's relationship status is more mysterious than … If you're wondering about Regé-Jean Page's height, we can tell you he's around 5ft 11 inches tall, according to Popbuzz. Regé-Jean Page (31), dé knapste man uit Netflix’ nieuwste bingesensatie ‘Bridgerton’ (waar overigens een aantal hilarische fouten in zitten), is hartstikke bezet. 1. Who is Regé-Jean Page? Here they discuss what it was like working together. Regé-Jean is in 1990 geboren in Zimbabwe. Je begrijpt het goed, de Bridgerton-acteur heeft ook in het echte leven zijn duchess gevonden. 1 day ago, by Yerin Kim While his onscreen romance is making headlines, his offscreen personal life is staying firmly out of the spotlight. Vulkaanuitbarsting in zuidwesten IJsland, vliegverkeer stilgelegd. Aha! ', Verkoop aandelen levert oprichter Nikola $49 miljoen op, Mario-game verkocht voor recordbedrag van 660.000 dollar, Tijd besteden aan je uiterlijk kan je mentale gezondheid positief beïnvloeden, VVD-top: Mark Rutte heeft onze volledige steun, Olcay over tijdelijke breuk met Ruud: 'Hij schreef over zijn liefdesverdriet', Bouwmarkt en woonboulevard dit paasweekend op afspraak in trek, Spaanse 'rookie' Martin pakt pole voor tweede race in MotoGP, Misdaadserie 'Miss Scarlet and the Duke' krijgt tweede seizoen, Regé-Jean Page reageert op vertrek uit Bridgerton, Hollands glorie voert boventoon met schatrijke Britse topvrouw als goede tweede, Mario-game verplettert opnieuw veilingrecord: 660.000 dollar, Na besluit Segers lijkt een nieuw kabinet-Rutte erg ver weg, VAR-beslissing maakt VVV-drama tegen tien man Groningen compleet, Twintig aanhoudingen bij actie Extinction Rebellion in Eindhoven, Deze Bond-girl heeft een rol in 'Black Widow', Na bitcoin nu ook cryptomunt ethereum naar recordhoogte, De Amstel Gold Race, gereden met een e-bike, Sony kondigt op 14 april nieuwe Xperia-smartphone aan, Segers sluit kabinetsdeelname ChristenUnie met Rutte uit, ’Hofhouding adoreerde Harry, is nu doodsbang voor prins’. Simon agrees to help Daphne restore her reputation and pretend to be in love with her. Netflix star Regé-Jean Page, who had us burning for him in the hit period piece Bridgerton, will be gracing our screens once again as host of Saturday Night Live on Feb. 20 So, who is Regé-Jean Page, the man who plays Simon Basset — and more importantly, where has he been all our lives? Ik denk dat die vonken meer dan genoeg zijn”, reageerde Regé-Jean. Shonda Rhimes. Watch Regé-Jean Page's Best Moments From Bridgerton We're Going to Need a Moment Alone With This Video of the Duke From Bridgerton. Please like or reblog if you intend to use the gifs below or have found it useful. Duke Simon Basset heeft … By clicking the source link, you’ll find #388 gifs of english zimbabwean actor REGÉ JEAN PAGE in Bridgerton in small sizes. Zó ziet de vriendin van Bridgertons Regé-Jean Page eruit Roos Hooijer. — Regé-Jean Page (@regejean) April 2, 2021. 1 day ago, by Andrea Cheng 1 day ago, by Victoria Messina Defensieminister Bijleveld gaat CDA-bestuur adviseren, Wasbeer trekt veel bekijks vanuit hoge boom, Kwalificatieduels MotoGP: Stand na de Grand Prix van Doha, Lil Wayne koopt luxe villa naast Kylie Jenner voor 15 miljoen dollar, Zien: The Serpent op Netlflix met Nederlands randje, De gênantste sportblunders - 'Waar is die man mee bezig?! Page’s net worth is estimated to be $1.5 million. Volgens The Daily Mail is het koppel al een tijd samen, aangezien de twee afgelopen februari samen een huis kochten in Londen. Netflix’s Bridgerton has got it all: scandal, romance, bougie balls, and of course, a jaw-dropping male lead. Regé-Jean Page, Actor: Bridgerton. As time goes by, however, they … Get the daily inside scoop right in your inbox. Regé-Jean Page Height, Weight, Distinct Features. 49.6k Followers, 5 Following, 370 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from Regé-Jean Page ( Great, Click the ‘Allow’ Button Above “Alle vonken die oversloegen kwamen van het prachtige script dat we kregen. Regé-Jean Page, the heartthrob of Bridgerton, is reportedly taken. , Bridgerton's Regé-Jean Page Prefers to Keep His Real Love Life Pretty Private, Ellen Pompeo and Eric Dane Share a Sweet Selfie After Mark's Surprise Return to Grey's Anatomy, Season 2 of Who Killed Sara? 9.3K likes. 17-2-2021. Regé-Jean Page, Los Angeles, CA, United States. Rege-Jean Page with his on-screen father at the sets of Roots (Photo: Rege-Jean Page's Twitter) "Most things at their core are love stories anyway, whether they realize it or not. Height. Regé-Jean Page stands tall at a height of 5 feet 10 inches (177.8 cm) and weighs under 76 kg (167.551 lbs). Page is a British-Zimbabwean actor. In Bridgerton, Regé-Jean Page plays Simon Basset, the 10th Duke of Hastings, who makes a pact with inexperienced noblewoman Daphne Bridgerton.