“It … Peter Heck provides commentary and clarity on the culture. This is the official Attaboy Productions Facebook page for all things Peter Heck. Some of them I can't (and wouldn't) repeat. Call me a Jeffersonian, a modernist, an arrogant American, if you will. As the epithets for the year 2020 are being written in earnest, I've noticed a lot of commentators attempting to find one word to best describe the last 365 days. One thing I know I have to get better at, even in an era of social media that makes it so difficult, is giving people the benefit of the doubt. President Biden has been in office less than 50 days, but he is receiving rave reviews from former Vice President Al Gore who compared his opening days to Democrat icon FDR. Not that these manipulated young people are to blame themselves. Apr 7th, 2021 9:41 am. No, I mean revelation in the, "2020 was an incredibly revealing year for those paying attention" kind of way. Evangelical Christianity, or Evangelicalism, is a worldwide, transdenominational movement within … Disrn’s Peter Heck reports an eye-opening and exasperating COVID update: A scientific study published by the respected Nature publication has confirmed “stay-at-home” orders issued by governments attempting to check COVID-19 were … drum-roll, please: ineffective. Facebook. It eschews the brilliance of John Locke's natural rights thesis and Thomas Hobbes' social contract theory while embracing the philosophically poisonous declarations of "warrior-poet" Audre Lorde who counsels. Some of them I can't (and wouldn't) repeat. 306 talking about this. That demands my respect, my esteem, and my honor. Last Updated Jan 13th, 2021 at 7:02 pm. 5. She quotes a concerned whistleblower at a private Los Angeles prep-school who described the current zeitgeist this way: "It teaches people who have so much to see themselves as victims. The church of Jesus Christ must promote biblical justice and a spirit of peace. So, like... what the Peter Heck!? But they’re on the same team! But to be fair, it's not an easy task. New from Peter Heck. He said Trump could have a “major role in the upcoming 2022 congressional elections, with a potential payoff that would greatly impact the future of President Biden’s term in office.” (Read more from “‘Odds Are Increasing’ For Trump To Become U.s. House Speaker” HERE ) A subscription grants you instant access to members-only opinion pieces, exclusive podcasts, and more! Feb 17th, 2021 6:50 pm. “Odds are increasing that Donald Trump could be the next speaker of the House,” wrote Peter Heck at DISRN.com. For me personally? 47. And this lady is beyond done with this nonsense. No, not in the "end of days" kind of revelation, though there have been plenty of prophecy experts convinced that pandemics, impeachments, helicopter crashes, and murder hornets are somewhere to be found in John's vision on Isle of Patmos. Last Updated Dec 30th, 2020 at 3:31 pm . The unexpected lockdown last spring brought my family closer than ever. He is married to Jenny, and is the father of three kids, Addie, Bristol, and Grayson. Comment on articles with the Disrn community, Access the members-only podcast with Adam Ford. Except one thing. Create New Account. Press alt + / to open this menu. ", Just like the insanely wealthy Harry and Meghan, Weiss recounts the bewilderment of one Los Angeles mom whose son's black friend told them he was, "inherently oppressed" even though, "this kid is a multimillionaire.". Sections of this page. Fresh off his starring role in the widely-discussed Jeep Super Bowl commercial, news has emerged that legendary rocker Bruce Springsteen was arrested for drunk driving back in November. Subscribe to the HECK PODCAST. Their lives matter because they bear the image of the Creator. If your hope has been in routine and your personal view of normalcy, that has been rocked to its core in a year of race riots, "essential" businesses, and mask mandates. Disrn’s Peter Heck reports: Saying that the next few months of the pandemic were going to be “bad news,” Microsoft billionaire Bill Gates joined Jake Tapper on CNN’s State of the Union Sunday morning. “Odds are increasing that Donald Trump could be the next speaker of the House,” wrote Peter Heck at DISRN.com. “Odds are increasing that Donald Trump could be the next speaker of the House,” wrote Peter Heck at DISRN.com. Feb 10th, 2021 2:07 pm. 1. But to be fair, it's not an easy task. These ideas are not conflicting, and it is not difficult for a Christian to pinpoint who has been fomenting confusion amongst the brethren on that point in recent days. https://disrn.com/opinion/envy-greed-deceit-make-up-triune-god-socialism They think they are suffering oppression at one of the poshest schools in the country. Sorry, but the list of things I wouldn't rather be doing than watching that was registering somewhere in the neighborhood of absolute zero. I've been able to engage in a far more intentional way in the spiritual discipleship of my own children than I would have under "normal" circumstances; My wife and I have had fuller and deeper conversations, spending more quality time together than we had the previous 13 years of marriage; We've been spared the grief of losing any close family members to COVID-19 or to any other cause; We've done more nightly "MadLibs," evening board games, and family MarioKart tournaments than I'd have ever guessed at this time last year. One thing I know I have to get better at, even in an era of social media that makes it so difficult, is giving people the benefit of the doubt. 21. Last Updated Feb 20th, 2021 at 8:06 pm. She tells the gathered peons that pre-Roe, women got abortions anyway and some were injured in the process. Posted By: AltaD, 1/27/2021 8:47:09 AM As the standoff between city government officials and the Chicago Teachers Union over reopening the Windy City's public school system has now reached the White House, the CTU released a video over the … “To be sure, black lives do matter. Feb 15th, 2021 11:55 am. Dec 31st, 2020 8:06 am. Yesterday at 2:50 PM . If your hope has been placed in a youthful sense of immortality, it was surely undermined with the gut-wrenching news of that California helicopter crash that took Kobe Bryant, his daughter, and so many other young, gifted lives so suddenly. Last Updated Feb 18th, 2021 at 6:21 pm . Log In. How is this even real? “Odds are increasing that Donald Trump could be the next speaker of the House,” wrote Peter Heck at DISRN.com. With a Disrn subscription you'll be able to: You must become a subscriber or login to view or post comments on this article. Sign up for Peter's MON/FRI UPDATE newsletter. or. So needless to say, my "one word to describe 2020" would be far different than someone like Temple professor and public activist Marc Lamont Hill: And for every person who would identify with my experiences in 2020, there is another who would identify with Hill's, and there would be millions of others somewhere in between. 12. Mar 17th, 2021 5:23 pm. It discusses abortion, specifically Liz Warren's answer in some yackathon with the mouth-breathing troglodytes who didn't go to Ivy League unis like she did. It purges Chaucer and Homer while developing fluency in the anti-intellectual incoherence of Ibram Kendi. 22. Common Sense Makes a Comeback. A satanist, an atheist, and a liberal Christian walk into a bar… Not really. Disrn. Brief, smart, faithful ... New from Peter Heck. Mar 10th, 2021 1:24 pm. While announcing the nomination of two female generals for appointment to 4-star Combatant Commander on Monday, President Joe Biden stumbled badly. It gauges morality on the shallow basis of how many pronouns are listed in a Twitter bio, while dismissing out of hand Columbus as a rapist, Winthrop as a bigot, and Washington as a slave owner. Having shared the stage with some of the country’s most recognizable names – from New York Times Best Selling author Glenn Beck to pediatric neurosurgeon Ben Carson to comedic genius Tim Hawkins – Peter’s powerful blend of humor and passion is entertaining and enlightening audiences across the United States. We adults have passively allowed them to be overrun by the insanity to such a degree that they truly believe their gravitational drift towards resentment, fear, and victimhood is something far more profound and noble than the weak-minded conformity it is. "Caring for myself is not self-indulgence. By Peter Heck disrn.com — Last Updated Aug 21st, 2020 at 9:57 amDespite openly supporting public protests that have occurred across her city for months, Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot has reportedly protected herself and her family by banning all protests on her block. “Odds are increasing that Donald Trump could be the next speaker of the House,” wrote Peter Heck at DISRN.com. And that is an act of political warfare.". Mar 11th, 2021 9:44 am. “Odds are increasing that Donald Trump could be the next speaker of the House,” wrote Peter Heck at DISRN.com. The text that shaped the whole of Western Civilization is known to a rapidly declining portion of those who are now commandeering the reins of societal power. 43. See more of Disrn on Facebook. As the epithets for the year 2020 are being written in earnest, I've noticed a lot of commentators attempting to find one word to best describe the last 365 days. (Peter Heck – Disrn) About two weeks ago, in a piece I wrote predicting the coming inner-LGBT acronym war between the LGB’s and the T’s, I wrote these words: Continue reading → How Not To Be A Heretic This Christmas. 695 members in the Evangelical community. 6 talking about this. This mindset disregards truth as subjective but mandates "latinx" and "womxn" as actual things. On a personal level, has there ever been a year that has revealed to us individually where our confidence and hope is truly placed? Three exceedingly, no, absurdly wealthy people sitting in splendor as they discuss how oppressed and mistreated they are? By Peter Heck disrn.com — Last Updated Aug 21st, 2020 at 9:57 amDespite openly supporting public protests that have occurred across her city for months, Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot has reportedly protected herself and her family by banning all protests on her block. It came from an Israeli philosopher named Yoram Hazony: It's tough to know, given his nationality, if Hazony grasps just how perfectly his indictment captures the essence of far too many young Americans today. With a Disrn subscription you'll be able to: You must become a subscriber or login to view or post comments on this article. Sign Up. Following the lead of Florida, Texas Gov. 39. What a gift. See more of Disrn on Facebook. He said Trump could have a “major role in the upcoming 2022 congressional elections, with a potential payoff that would greatly impact the future of President Biden’s term in office.” He pointed out that a GOP majority in the House following 2022 could elect Trump. Newtonian physics are renamed so as to "decenter whiteness," and that's just the beginning. He said Trump could have a “major role in the upcoming 2022 congressional elections, with a potential payoff that would greatly impact the future of President Biden’s term in office.” The magnificent contributions of Western Civilization are equally criminal these days, all assumed to be the ill-gotten gain of white, Anglo-Saxon, Protestant men exploiting others while taking the lion-share of undeserved accolades. Take the recent exposé of America's elite prep academies by journalist Bari Weiss. So it's a tall order to pick one word for all humanity. Christian journalist Peter Heck wrote a thought-provoking editorial this week published at Disrn.com. From Peter Heck: Jump to. In the latest survey, just 33% of Americans say they are satisfied with the current two-party system. Last Updated Mar 19th, 2021 at 11:31 am . Like the previous piece, it attempts to stand above the fray and criticize both sides of the argument for having the boldness to treat one another as threats. That's why with as much as it's dominated the headlines recently, I remained spectacularly incapable of locating even the slightest shred of interest in the most recent Harry and Meghan drama – particularly when I found out it was being arbitrated by Oprah Winfrey. If your hope has been placed in your checking or savings account, it was unquestionably tested by a year of global economic arrest, cratering stocks, skyrocketing unemployment, and uncertain investment futures. Peter Heck is a writer, speaker, and teacher from Indiana. Peter holds to the infallibility and inerrancy of Scripture in his teaching and writing, and has a passion for biblical literacy and for demonstrating the Bible’s applicability to all of life. It bludgeons capitalism and wealth creation even as it demands reparation and debt forgiveness. It's been an amazing year. Jun 12th, 2020 1:55 pm. Subscribe to the HECK PODCAST. Evangelical Christianity, or Evangelicalism, is a worldwide, transdenominational movement within … If your hope has been placed in some false feeling of health invincibility, it was undoubtedly shaken in a year of shelter-in-place pandemic panic. The author proclaims that both John MacArthur and Beth Moore have enriched the spiritual lives of countless people. Accessibility Help. Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau announced Tuesday a new government effort to tighten gun control laws, with his Public Safety Minister reminding citizens that "gun ownership in Canada…is a privilege and not a right." What the heck is this, U.K.? 10,061 talking about this. Call me a Jeffersonian, a modernist, an arrogant American, if you will. or. Last Updated Apr 7th, 2021 at 10:08 am. Last Updated Apr 7th, 2021 at 10:08 am . To paraphrase the geniuses at Monty Python, "supreme executive power derives from a mandate from the masses," not some farcical bequeathing of majesty predicated upon genetic pedigree. This guy not so much. If your hope has been placed in family and the comforts and security of home, that has surely been rattled by lockdowns, isolation, and social distancing. I just think the entire premise of an ordained bloodline to rule over people is a bad idea in the 21st century. Apr 7th, 2021 9:41 am. Comment on articles with the Disrn community, Access the members-only podcast with Adam Ford. Create New Account. God's providence, His dominion, His unfathomable love, His unmerited grace is and remains the same, always; the only constant in a world of pandemics, pain, politics, and power plays. DISRN.com ^ | FEBRUARY 15, 2021 | Peter Heck Posted on 02/15/2021 12:17:25 PM PST by E. Pluribus Unum. It's been an amazing year. They're loving it! The only thing that rivals the contempt young Americans have, generically speaking, for their foundations and heritage is their ignorance of it. We reside in a fallen world, but the blessings of liberty and prosperity that surround us too often numb our consciences to how fragile we are, how unpredictable life is, and how everything – literally everything – can change in a moment. Last Updated Mar 10th, 2021 at 7:30 pm . Peter Heck is one of the most engaging and energetic speakers in the country. Apparently, these are from several years ago — but like 8 years, not 80 years. Oh man. 22. On the one hand, biblical illiteracy is staggeringly high among young people. But any basic perusal of social media, visit to a college campus, or public engagement of Gen-Z or Millennial voices reveals his prescience. DISRN, by Peter Heck Original Article. New from Peter Heck: "I don't want to hide from those realities, I want to change them. But then, scrolling my Twitter feed, I came across an observation about the whole saga that caught my eye. Forgot account? He said Trump could have a “major role in the upcoming 2022 congressional elections, with a potential payoff that would greatly impact the future of President Biden’s term in office.” Not Now. A subscription grants you instant access to members-only opinion pieces, exclusive podcasts, and more! Last Updated Mar 14th, 2021 at 5:06 pm. by Peter Heck March 1, 2021 -Disrn A viral video surfaced Sunday that had conservatives rushing to decry the over-sexualization of young children, while progressives defensively argued that normalizing non-heterosexual identities was necessary for children to be respectful of others. Like the previous piece, it attempts to stand above the fray and criticize both sides of the argument for having the boldness to treat one another as threats. I admit to being one of those Americans painstakingly disinterested in anything having to do with the "royal family." “The IHME forecast shows over 200,000 additional deaths. During a press conference, Wheeler addressed the city's continued struggles to overcome the lawlessness that has persisted since summer. I just think the entire premise of an ordained bloodline to rule over people is a bad idea in the 21st century. He said Trump could have a “major role in the upcoming 2022 congressional elections, with a potential payoff that would greatly impact the future of President Biden’s term in office.” Mar 17th, 2021 5:51 pm. 5. If your hope has been placed in political power and the elected officials who wield it, that has definitely been exposed as unreliable and tenuous in a year as contentious and rancorous as this. Last Updated Feb 11th, 2021 at 7:39 pm . 695 members in the Evangelical community. But if I had to try, I'd go with "revelation.". This is the official Attaboy Productions Facebook page for all things Peter Heck. The vid Greg Abbott issued an executive order on Tuesday prohibiting any state agency or political entity in his state from creating any form of "vaccine passport." The second Disrn.com piece was Peter Heck’s Opinion: MacArthur vs. Moore: Whatever happened to grace? All I know is I'm showing this to my wife next time she tries to make me watch The Crown. “Sadly, the next four to six months could be the worst of the pandemic,” Gates said. For me personally? Dec 26th, 2020 10:59 am. 122. The second Disrn.com piece was Peter Heck’s Opinion: MacArthur vs. Moore: Whatever happened to grace? I admit to being one of those Americans painstakingly disinterested in anything having to do with the "royal family.". In responding to the ongoing left-wing violence in his city, Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler raised eyebrows Monday by suggesting "white supremacists" share blame with the "anarchists" populating the streets. It pretends to be "speaking truth to power," when it is itself the power, forbidding anyone to speak against it. He said Trump could have a “major role in the upcoming 2022 congressional elections, with a potential payoff that would greatly impact the … Every one of them. Get ready for a live 5:11 News video broadcast on Friday, April 2, … Ask them what they know of this book that anchored Sir William Blackstone's "Commentaries on the Law," that Shakespeare alone referenced 1,200 times in his plays, that provided the pretext for Dr. King's seminal "Letter from a Birmingham Jail," and you'll likely get some claptrap about it providing the basis for a "misogynistic, patriarchal system of perpetual abuse.". So, it makes me think – if 2020 was the year God revealed how feeble and futile all of humanity's idols are, perhaps 2021 should be the year when Christ's church presents in boldness how He is the only thing that isn't, yesterday, today, and for all eternity. “Odds are increasing that Donald Trump could be the next speaker of the House,” wrote Peter Heck at DISRN.com. If nothing else, we can say with certainty that this was a year where our idols were torched, our weaknesses exposed, our limitations and insecurities revealed. He said Trump could have a “major role in the upcoming 2022 congressional elections, with a potential payoff that would greatly impact the future of President Biden’s term in office.” He pointed out that a GOP majority in the House following 2022 could elect Trump. Sign up for Peter's MON/FRI UPDATE newsletter. A recent Gallup poll indicates that a higher percentage of Americans than ever before prefer the formation of a legitimate, national third party. Email or Phone: Password: Forgot account? Recent Post by Page. Chicago Teachers Union releases interpretive dance video as part of objection over returning to work. 24. Log In. He is due in court soon on charges of DWI, reckless driving, and consuming alcohol in a closed area. Not assuming the worst about others' motives, particularly those with whom you don't struggle to find disagreement, is far more difficult for many of us tha... disrn.com. A Swing And A Miss From Peter Heck Noble Pete, writing at the excellent DISRN website, penned this op-ed. (Peter Heck – Disrn) The last several months have provided a disquieting window into the soul of myriad churches and prominent Christian individuals in America, revealing the startling degree to which so many are motivated by the applause of men rather than the glory of God. The day Joe Biden announced that Mayor Pete Buttigieg was his choice to be the next Transportation Secretary, I braced for it.