Shorten and replace long URL to short link. All we need to do is redirect our victim to the ngrok IP Address. The shorter link is easier to handle and remember, but it can also hide the identity of the site that the link directed to. There are a lot of sites that offer the same service. To give the link a genuine look, simply go to a URL shortener website and shorten the link … The tool will start a PHP server for you and Ngrok will generate a link for you that can be accessed from outside the Network. How it works? It started “NGrok” and gave us a link to send it to the victim in the phishing email which we’re going to write it. Also Read: What Is Ngrok And How To Install Ngrok In Linux And Android Termux ? Advance Method To Hack Mobile Or Pc Front (Selfie) Camera With A Link. Use it to affiliate … N.B: Don’t forget to turn on your WiFi, otherwise Ngrok will not generate any link. Now you can share the ngrok link with the target, as you can see below is identical to Instagram’s login page. Now let’s start with Social Engineering ToolKit by running “setoolkit”: From the … To make the URL seem authentic, one could just shorten the link using services such as or So don’t post your links in multiple groups or pages in single day. The tool generates a malicious HTTPS page using Serveo or Ngrok … Track your links. 1) The one generated from the Ngrok server and 2) the one shortened All you have to do now is to send any one of the links to the target and wait for them to log in. Free custom URL Shortener and branded URLs with advanced links tracking and Link Management Platform & API. So when we open the link … See This Image :- Any actions and or activities related to the material contained within this Website are … Once ngrok has finished downloading extract the Zip archive and then cd into it for example “cd ngrok” cd ngrok Install your authtoken (auth code below is a example copy auth token from account.Copy the authentication code from your account in ngrok… Thank you for reading, happy hacking. Login attempt with ngrok link You can also use any link or URL shortener to make the link … You can use link shortens such as if you want to shorten the ngrok URL. It takes a long link and it turns it into a relatively short link. Step 7: Finally you copy the https link and then you paste in, where you paste the link and click on the shorten link button then you copy the link which has been shortened … For this guide, we shall just leave the URL as it is. If you are uncertain of the reliability of a shorten link, you can take steps to check the link… How To Bypass And Post Blocked URL On Social Media ? Now we have the victim’s user id and password.