There are a variety of entry points including an elevator on the western side though it is recommended to start at the main entrance on Alameda. Conoce Cerro Santa Lucia En 1872 se inicia la remodelación del Cerro Santa Lucía en el gobierno de Benjamín Vicuña Mackenna, quien pretendió erradicar las casas de molienda y las viviendas carentes de agua potable en medio de la ciudad. Su historia del Cerro Santa Lucía se puede dividir en al menos tres períodos: su época de CERRO NEGRO (de aridez desnuda), su época de CERRO TINTO (con ladrillos y muros) y, actualmente, su época de CERRO VERDE (un parque con vegetación). Cerro Santa Lucía is an urban park located in the heart of the city of Santiago de Chile. Ang Cerro Santa Lucia ngalan niining mga mosunod: Arhentina. See pictures and our review of Santa Lucía Hill (Cerro Santa Lucía). 2. It was just a rocky hill until 19th-century mayor Benjamín Vicuña Mackenna had it transformed into one of the city's most memorable green spaces. The nearest station to the entrance to Cerro Santa Lucia is Santa Lucía station, which is served by Line 1 (Red). Walkways and stone steps lead you on a mini-excursion, and if you happen to be there at noon on a weekday, you'll be treated to a round of cannon fire. 1,275 metros ibabaw sa dagat kahaboga ang nahimutangan sa Cerro Santa Lucía.. Ang yuta palibot sa Cerro Santa Lucía kabungtoran sa amihang-kasadpan, apan sa habagatang-sidlakan nga kini mao ang kabukiran. Take a break from the sun amid the charming greenery and appealing architecture of the Cerro Santa Lucía park. Nahimutang ni sa habagatang bahin sa nasod, 2,100 km sa habagatan-kasadpan sa Buenos Aires ang ulohan sa nasod. Fue en el cerro Huelén-como lo llamaban antes de la llegada de los españoles- donde Pedro de Valdivia fundó la capital de Chile, justo el día de Santa Lucía, un 13 de diciembre de 1540.. Qué ver en el Cerro Santa Lucía. La colline Santa Lucía de Santiago du Chili est une petite colline située dans le centre de Santiago du Chili au sommet de laquelle se situe le Castillo Hidalgo. Cerro Santa Lucia is right on the main road 'Alameda' and has a metro (subway) station right underneath it with the same name (Santa Lucia - Line 1). Aquí te dejamos los mejores memes del “Cerro Conservador”. Limitée au sud par l'avenue de l'Alameda del Libertador Bernardo O'Higgins (où se trouve la station de métro portant le nom de la colline), à l'ouest par les rues Santa Lucia, Merced et Victoria Subercaseaux. 1. Cerro Santa Lucía. Temas Relacionados memes Cerro de Paula Base Aérea Santa Lucía Secretaría de Comunicaciones y Transportes Santa Lucía Hill (Cerro Santa Lucía) is ranked #3 out of 19 things to do in Santiago. Cerro Santa Lucía is one of the most visited public parks by national and foreign tourists, being one of the most recognizable icons of the capital and the country. Reserva Cerro Santa Lucía, Santiago en Tripadvisor: Consulta 19.554 opiniones, artículos, y 12.268 fotos de Cerro Santa Lucía, clasificada en Tripadvisor en el N.°3 de 512 atracciones en Santiago. Bukid ang Cerro Santa Lucía sa Argentina, sa ibabaw sa utlanan sa Chile. Cerro Santa Lucia is located in the central region of Santiago and the best way to access it is via the metro. El Cerro Santa Lucía no es cualquier punto, sino el lugar donde en 1541 se fundo Santiago. Descending from the metro, you will be in a square that faces the entrance to Cerro Santa Lucia… Take a break from the chaos of the Centro with an afternoon stroll through this lovingly manicured park.